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Featured researches published by Ömer Çoban.

Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2008

Effect of some parental and environmental factors on some reproductive traits of Japanese quails

Ömer Çoban; Ekrem Laçin; Nilufer Sabuncuoglu

Abstract The present study was undertaken to determine the influence of parental and environmental factors (body weight, laying period, egg weight and light) on some reproductive characteristics of the Japanese quail. Data pertaining to 2413 eggs obtained from 40 male and 40 female Japanese quails were studied using a logistic regression model. Hatchability was determined to decrease with parent body weights falling below the population mean. Fertility and hatchability were determined to decrease with the ageing of breeder pairs. The relationship between egg weight and fertility was demonstrated to be insignificant, yet the best hatchability was determined in eggs weighing 11-12 grams (P<0.01). Both fertility and hatchability were determined to decrease with increasing light intensity (P<0.01).

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2016

Growth conditions effects on the H2 and CO2 gas sensing properties of Indium Tin Oxide

S. Isik; Ömer Çoban; C. Shafai; S. Tüzemen; Emre Gür

Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) thin films are transparent conducting wide bandgap oxide. In this study investigated optical, structural and morphological properties of sputtered ITO thin films using X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDX) and optical absorption techniques. These measurements revealed that the oxygen gas percentage present in the ITO film deposited by RF magnetron sputter deposition showed systematic variation of its band gap, crystal orientation, growth rate, figure of merit (FOM) and dominant XRD peaks. All the thin films deposited at room temperature (RT). Once characterization of the films carried out, H2 and CO2 resistive gas sensors fabricated by depositing the ITO film on top of aluminium interdigitated contacts/electrode (IDE), that fabricated following lithography and etching processes. These devices showed reasonable sensitivity for pure H2 and CO2 at elevated temperature. A correlation found between the thin film properties of the ITO and its sensing capability for H2 and CO2, which these gases are important in many fields such as automotive, energy, biological and health-related applications.

Canadian Journal of Animal Science | 2007

Relationship between udder and teat conformation and milk yield performance in dairy cows pre- and post-milking

Nilufer Sabuncuoglu; Ömer Çoban

The objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between udder floor area (UFA) and milk production traits in dairy cows, pre- and post-milking, as well as to examine the usefulness of a simple method of measuring UFA. The absolute reduction (AR, cm2) and relative reduction (RR, %) in UFA post-milking relative to pre-milking was calculated. Absolute reduction was influenced by breed and lactation stage, but not by parity of the cows (P < 0.05). There was no effect of breed and stage of lactation on the RR of UFA. Moderate correlations were observed between absolute reduction of UFA and daily milk yield (r2 = 0.422), lactation milk yield (r2 = 0.426), and absolute fat yield (r2 = 0.515) (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05). Moderate and weak correlations were found between RR of UFA and daily milk yield (r2 = 0.335) (P < 0.01), AR of the udder area and the 305-d lactation milk yield (r2 = 0.326) (P < 0.10). It was concluded that measuring UFA using the method described may be useful for the selection of ...

Journal of Applied Animal Research | 2005

Albinism in an Anatolian Buffalo Calf

Ömer Çoban; Ahmet Yildiz

Abstract Coban, O. and Yildiz, A. 2004. Albinism in an anatolian buffalo calf. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 27: 61–62. Complete albinism occured in an Anatolian buffalo female calf. She was completely albinotic at birth with white hair and no pigment anywhere. The eyes had no pigment and irises appeared pink. She exhibited photophobia and blepharospasm in light and outdoors.

Macedonian veterinary review | 2018

Influence of Breed and Parity on Teat and Milking Characteristics in Dairy Cattle

Murat Genç; Ömer Çoban; Ugur Ozenturk; Omer Eltas

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine some morphological traits of the udder teat and their influence on the milk flow rate in three dairy cattle breeds (Brown Swiss, Holstein and Simmental). The average milking time and milk yield was 8.79±0.16 minutes and 9.40±0.28 kg, respectively. There was a finding that the breed of the dairy cows had no effect on the total milking time, with the Holstein cows having the highest milk yield (P<0.01). The average milk flow rate was 1.09±0.04 kg/minute and the Holstein cows had the highest milk flow rate (P<0.05). The cow parity didn’t affect the milk flow rate and the milk yield. The average teat length, average teat diameter and average teat volume varied among the cattle breeds and were highest in the Brown Swiss, and lowest in the Simmental cows. In conclusion, the milk flow rate varies among cattle breeds, and it was observed that dairy cows with high milk yields have higher milk flow rates.

Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi | 2017

Farklı Işık Kaynaklarının (Monokrom Işık ve Floresan) Broylerlerde Besi Performansı Üzerine Etkisi

Murat Genç; Ekrem Laçin; Nilüfer Sabuncuoğlu; Ömer Çoban

Bu calisma, farkli isik kaynaklarinin (monokrom ve floresan) broylerlerde besi performansi parametreleri uzerine etkilerini incelemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Toplam 216 adet gunluk yasta civciv (Ross-308) ilk 7 gun ana makinesinde barindirildiktan sonra uc farkli aydinlatma programinin uygulandigi kumeslere yerlestirilmistir. Birinci deneme grubuna (SBKAL) soguk beyaz renkli (5500 Kelvin) LED isik kaynagi ile 14 saat aydinlatma yapilmis, ayrica sabah ve aksam olmak uzere gunde 2’ser kez 20 dakika kirmizi (1500 Kelvin) ve 40 dakika amber rengi (2500 Kelvin) LED isik verilmistir. Ikinci kumeste (SBL) soguk beyaz LED (5500 Kelvin), ucuncude ise (BFL) beyaz floresan (4000 Kelvin) isik kaynaklari ile sabit aydinlatma programi (16A:8K) uygulanmistir. Deneme gruplarina ait haftalik periyotlarla, canli agirlik, canli agirlik artisi ve yem tuketimi degerleri karsilastirilmistir. Aydinlatma parametreleri bakimindan deneme gruplari arasinda farkliligin istatistiksel olarak onemli olmadigi belirlenmistir (SBKAL: 2389.39 g, SBL: 2338.22 g ve BFL: 2436.32 g), (P>0.05). Denemenin 1, 2 ve 4. haftasinda canli agirlik bakimindan gruplar arasinda farklilik tespit edilememistir (P>0.05). Ancak 3. haftada SBKAL ve 5. haftada BFL grubunda en hizli buyumenin gerceklestigi gorulmustur (P 0.05). Sonuc olarak broylerlerde degisik renklerde LED ve floresan aydinlatmanin karsilastirilmasinda, buyume performans parametrelerine gore farklilik belirlenememistir ancak enerji verimliligi goz onune alindiginda, LED aydinlatmanin kanatli uretimi icin uygun ve ekonomik bir isik kaynagi olabilecegi dusunulmektedir.

Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi | 2016

Sürekli ve Sabit Işıklandırma Programlarının Broylerlerde Organ Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisi

Ekrem Laçin; Ömer Çoban; Nilüfer Sabuncuoğlu

Bu calisma, broylerlerde organ gelisimi uzerine cinsiyet ve aydinlatma programlarinin etkilerini incelemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Toplam 312 adet gunluk yasta civciv (Ross-308) ilk 7 gun ana makinesinde barindirildiktan sonra iki farkli aydinlatma programinin [(23A: 1K) ve (16A: 8K)] uygulandigi iki kumese yerlestirilmistir. Denemenin 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35. ve 42. gunlerinde alt gruplari temsilen (cinsiyet ve aydinlatma gruplari) hayvanlarin canli agirliklari belirlendikten sonra kesilerek, bazi ic organ olcumler tespit edilmistir. Kuluckadan cikistan deneme sonuna kadar, organlarin buyume oranlarinin belirlenmesinde nonlinear regresyon modellerinden birisi olan Gompertz modeli kullanilmistir. Cinsiyet faktorunun ince barsak uzunlugu disinda diger organ agirliklari uzerine etkili olmadigi saptanmistir (P>0.05). Aydinlatma programlarinin kalp, karaciger, ince barsak agirligi ve ince barsak uzunlugu uzerine etkisinin onemli oldugu tespit edilmistir (P<0.05). Gompertz metodu ile hesaplanan, belirleme katsayisi (R2) degerleri kalp, karaciger, mide ve ince barsak agirliklari ile uzunlugu icin 0.860-0.960 arasinda oldukca yuksek bulunmustur. Deneme gruplari arasinda organlara ait buyume oranlari mide icin benzer bulunurken, diger organlarda ise sabit (16A:8K) aydinlatma programinda surekli (23A:1K) aydinlatma programina gore daha yuksek belirlenmistir. Surekli ve sabit aydinlatma programlari karsilastirildiginda sabit aydinlatma programinin broilerlerde daha yuksek organ gelisimine neden oldugu tespit edilmistir.

Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi | 2011

Kangal Köpeği Yavrularında Vücut Ağırlığı Değişimlerinin Tanımlanmasında Doğrusal Olmayan Büyüme Modellerinin Kullanılması

Ömer Çoban; Ahmet Yildiz; Nilüfer Sabuncuoğlu; Ekrem Laçin; Fatih Yildirim

Bu calismada Kangal kopegi yavrularinda cesitli dogrusal olmayan buyume egrileri kullanilarak zamana bagli olarak dogumdan sutten kesime kadar olan donemde canli agirlik degisimlerini belirlemek amaclanmistir. Bu amacla Gompertz, Logistik, Brody ve VonBertalanffy modelleri kullanilmistir. Uygulanan modellerden hangisinin daha uygun oldugunu saptamak icin belirleme katsayilari (R2) ile her modele iliskin canli agirlik ortalamalarinin gozlenen ve tahminlenen degerleri arasindaki sapmalarinin kareleri toplamindan (SKT) yararlanilmistir. Sapma kareler toplami degerleri Gompertz, Lojistik, Brody ve von Bertalanffy modellerinde erkek kopekler icin sirasiyla; 0.219, 0.254, 4.516 ve 0.172 olarak, disi kopeklerde ise yine ayni sirayla; 0.277, 0.179, 4.774 ve 0.236 olarak bulunmustur. Kangal kopeklerinin sutten kesim agirligini belirlemede en uygun modellerin sirasi ile von Bertalanffy, Lojistik ve Gompertz oldugu ve yavrularin sutten kesim agirliklarinin belirlenmesinde bu uc modelin de kullaniminin uygun olacagi sonucuna varilmistir.

Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances | 2009

A Study on Relationships Between Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and Some UdderTraits in Dairy Cows

Ömer Çoban; Nilufer Sabuncuoglu; Naci Tüzemen

Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2011

Effect of pre-slaughter environment on some physiological parameters and meat quality in New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

Nilufer Sabuncuoglu; Ömer Çoban; Ekrem Laçin; Ziya Gökalp Ceylan; Dervis Ozdemir; Asuman Ozkan


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