Onur Doğan
Dokuz Eylül University
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Featured researches published by Onur Doğan.
Procedia. Economics and finance | 2015
Yılmaz Gökşen; Onur Doğan; Bilge Özkarabacak
Abstract Data envelopment analysis (DEA), which has developed to measure the effectiveness of economic decision-making units (DMU) that referred to as decision making units and similar in terms of their products or services, is an efficiency measurement technique without parameters. This technique ensures to define how existing sources can be used effectively to create the outputs of DMU. The interest in the measurement of the performance and efficiency in non-profit public organisations such as universities has increasing day by day. Recently, in many studies DEA method has been using to evaluate performance of universities. The DEA methodology enables to get global technical efficiency scores, local pure technical efficiency scores and finally scale scores of units. And by using DEA it is possible to obtain an overall performance measure through the comparison of a group of decision units. This paper involves Data Envelopment Analysis in order to determine the performance levels departments in Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey). We discuss about the technical scores and scale scores of departments and try to reveal main cause of inefficiency. And also in this study, input and output goals of departments will be fixed for a better efficiency.
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology | 2018
Nevzat Devebakan; Onur Doğan; Vedat Ceylan; Ercan Akin; Samet Kose
ABSTRACT Objective: Although most burnout research has focused on environmental job-related correlates, it is possible that personality factors also play an important role in the development of burnout. The aim of present study is to examine the relationship between personality and burnout in healthcare workers by using Cloninger’s psychobiological model and Maslach’s three-dimensional burnout model in a healthcare worker sample in Turkey. Methods: Our samples consisted of 66 male, 14 female and totally 80 healthcare organization workers. Sociodemographic form for all the participants was completed during the interviews. The Maslach Burnout Inventory and Turkish TCI were completed by the participants. Multiple hierarchical regression analyses that determine best predictor of independent variables were performed to examine the association between the independent and dependent variables. Results: The hierarchical regression analysis has indicated that Self-Directedness was a significant predictor of depersonalization (β = −.347, R2 = .233, F = 1.878, p = .013) and Self-Transcendence and Self-Directedness were significant predictors of Personal Accomplishment (β = −.317, R2 = .176, F = 1.319, p = .029; β = −.328, R2 = .176, F = 1.319, p = .022; respectively), and Empathy and Self-Forgetfulness subscales were significant predictors of Personal Accomplishment (β = −.426, R2 = .106, F = 1.323, p = .013; β = −.400, R2 = .106, F = 1.323, p = .030; respectively). Conclusions: Our findings have shown that Self-Directedness, Empathy subscale of Cooperativeness and Self-Transcendence with its Self-Forgetfulness subscale were significant predictors of personal accomplishment dimension of burnout. Our results suggested a strong association between temperament and character dimensions of personality and burnout in healthcare workers.
Ege Academic Review | 2016
Yılmaz Gökşen; Muhammet Damar; Onur Doğan
Iklim degisikligi ve kuresel isinma gunumuzde insanoglunun yuzlestigi en onemli cevre sorunlarindan biridir. Dunyamiz, kuresel isinma ve iklim degisikliginin olumsuz etkileri ile her gecen gun daha siddetli yuzlesmektedir. Dogal kaynaklarimiz bu sekilde tuketilirse, gezegenimizin orta ve uzun vadede ihtiyaca cevap veremeyecegi tahmin edilmektedir. Bu nedenle, tedbir almak, is yapis sekillerimizi degistirmek, dogaya olumsuz etkimizi minimize etmek, onemli bir unsur haline gelmektedir. Bilisim teknolojileri, bu zorlu sorunun cozumundeki anahtar unsur olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bilgi ve iletisim teknolojileri, kuresel isinma, iklim degisikligi, sanayi atiklari gibi cevresel tehditler icin en onemli mucadele araci olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Turkiye’de kamu kurumlari, enerji tuketimi, teknolojik urunlerin satin alinmasi, kullanimi, sureclerin iyilestirilmesi adina onemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Calisma, kamu bilgi islem birimlerinin bilgi islem sureclerini, yesil bilisim yaklasimiyla ele alarak, politika onerileri ortaya koymayi amaclamistir. Calismada, ornek bir kamu bilgi islem biriminin sahip oldugu bilgi sistemleri ve teknoloji ile altyapisinin bir envanteri cikarilacaktir. Bu envanterin hakim elemanlarinin muhtemel cevresel etkileri, sistematik bir sekilde degerlendirilecektir. Kamu calisanlarinin yesil bilgi islem algisi, kurum ici yesil bilisim politikasi, iletisim teknoloji araclarinin satin alinmasi, geri donusumu, laboratuvarlarinin tasarimi, enerji tuketimi, projelerin sanallastirilmasi, sunucu odalarinin durumu, yesil universite ve kurumlar konusunda yapilabilecekler, literatur cercevesinde Turkiye’den ve Dunya’dan ornekler ile ortaya konulacaktir. Calismanin yesil bilisim konusunda bireysel ve orgutsel farkindaligin artirmasi, yesil bilisim gibi onemli bir konunun yukarida vurgulanan konular temelinde ele almasi acisindan onemli oldugu dunusulmektedir.
Procedia. Economics and finance | 2015
Serhat Serbest; Yılmaz Gökşen; Onur Doğan; Anil Tokdemir
Abstract Fast development and change in Information Technologies requires organizations use “Help Desk Systems” (FAQS). These systems make people learn the information about the systems overall structure after entering the system and with the help of this structure they can be told the process of the frequently asked questions step by step. The purpose of this study is to shorten the orientation time of the FAQS installed along with the increasing amount of countries that the Schneider Electric information technology department serves and to switch to a live system without reducing service quality and with minimal job loss. The aims of this project are as follows: • To set up a web-based system which doesn’t require installation, • To make the Help Desk personnel utilize the pdf documents related to the works carried out in each factory of the company prepared by the department experts. • To increase the satisfaction of the user they have served by responding to problems in the shortest time and • To decrease the work load of the location experts in the factory in question. Also, it enables experts who can enter the system in a different page and create categories with processes like adding, deleting and searching for documents, viewing current work orders. A program aiming to present values such as selecting files, category ratios, how often experts upload documents to department managers has been developed and presented to the company.
Ege Academic Review | 2009
Yılmaz Gökşen; Onur Doğan; Kaan Yaralioglu
Teknolojinin ve bilimin son yuzyildaki hizli gelisimi ile kendini her platformda daha da belirgin bir bicimde hissettiren rekabet kavrami, siyasi arenada da daha belirgin bir bicimde bas gostermistir. Rekabet olgusuyla birlikte daha onceleri sezgisel hareketlerde bulunan karar mekanizmalari bilimsel perspektiften bagimsiz hareket edemez hale gelmistir. Bilim insanlari farkli karar verme teknikleri ureterek ve gunden gune mevcut karar tekniklerini gelistirerek piyasadaki bu ihtiyaca cevap vermeye calismaktadirlar.Oyun Teorisi ise bu karar verme tekniklerinden en goze carpani ve etkilesimli karar verme tekniklerinin en onde gelenlerindendir. Literatur incelendiginde oldukca genis bir calisma sahasi olan oyun teorisinin, siyasi arenadaki karar problemlerini cozme konusunda fazlaca calisilmadigi gorulmustur. Bu calisma bu boslugu doldurmak, bundan sonraki calismalara onayak olmak ve genel olarak secimlerinde siyasi partilerin karar vericilerine ve secmenlere fikir katki saglamak amaci tasimaktadir. Calismada secmenler icin onem tasiyan nitelikler belirlenmis, parti stratejileri incelenmis, hangi stratejinin secmen uzerinde ne kadar etkili oldugu arastirilmis ve oyun matrisine yerlestirilerek cozume ulastirilmaya calisilmis ve bu cozumlerin yorumlari yapilmistir
Computers in Human Behavior | 2017
Onur Doğan
International Journal of Consumer Studies | 2017
Füsun Kökalan Çımrın; Onur Doğan
Scientific Bulletin – Economic Sciences | 2011
Yılmaz Gökşen; Mete Eminagaoglu; Onur Doğan
European Journal of Business and Economics | 2015
Onur Doğan; Hakan Aşan; Ejder Ayç
Mathematical & Computational Applications | 2012
Yılmaz Gökşen; Onur Doğan; Mete Eminagaoglu