
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2007

Desempenho, variáveis fisiológicas e comportamento de bezerros mantidos em diferentes instalações: época chuvosa

Daniel de Noronha Figueiredo Vieira da Cunha; Oriel Fajardo de Campos; José Carlos Pereira; Maria de Fátima Ávila Pires; R. S. Lizieire; Janaina Azevedo Martuscello

The objective of this trial was to evaluate performance, thermal comfort and behavior of crossbred Holstein x Zebu dairy calves kept in different housing systems during the rainy season (December to April). Twenty-four calves were raised from birth to 70 days of age in one of the following housing systems: hutches; shadecloth; or no shelter. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate measurements were taken twice a day (8:00 AM and 3:00 PM) when calves were 1, 4 and 9 weeks old. Respiratory rate was measured counting the number of respiratory movements per minute and rectal temperatures were taken with clinical thermometers. Behavior evaluation was done by visual observation of the animals every 10 min for a period of 24 h. There were no differences among the housing systems on body weight, average daily weight gain, starter intake and feed efficiency. Calves raised with no shelter showed increased rectal temperatures at the afternoon. It can be concluded that use of hutches might not be necessary considering that calves spent most of their time outside. Calves raised with no shelter had higher rectal temperatures and respiratory rates and were unable to maintain these variables under physiological conditions. Calves performance was satisfactory in all three housing systems evaluated.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008

Eficiência bioeconômica de estratégias de alimentação em sistemas de produção de leite: 1. Produção por animal e por área

Francisco Palma Rennó; José Carlos Vila Nova Alves Pereira; Carlos Antônio Moreira Leite; Marcelo Teixeira Rodrigues; Oriel Fajardo de Campos; Dilermando Miranda da Fonseca; Luciana Navajas Rennó

This work was carried out to apply a simulation model for the bioeconomic evaluation of feeding strategies for dairy herds and evaluate the physical productivity and the bioeconomic efficiency of feeding systems for dairy cows using feeding forage based strategies for cows with five levels of milk yield. An computational platform developed with the programs CNCPS v5.0 and electronic spreadsheets of Microsoft Excell® was used, in way to simulate the production and demands of nutrients of a complete lactation for cows of different milk yield levels. Economic analyses in seven strategies of feeding were carried out. The income over feed costs (RMCA) showed interaction among the feeding strategy with the milk yield levels. The strategies based on corn silage during the dry season and pastures during rain season resulted in higher RMCA for all milk yield levels, although the other feeding strategies present closed results, depending on the milk yield level. In the evaluated strategies, as higher was the milk yield per cow, greater was the productivity (PROD/ha) and the RMCA per area (RMCA/ha). As higher was the carrying capacity of forages or the stoking rate, which determined area was submitted, considering determined feeding strategy and milk production level, higher was PROD/ha and the RMCA/ha. For RMCA per cow, forages of greater energy density result in decreased feeding costs and increase in the income per animal. The RMCA/ha was strongly influenced by the support capacity of the forages, in all milk yield levels.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2001

Conteúdo corporal e exigências líquidas de energia e proteína de novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir em ganho compensatório

Maria Izabel Vieira de Almeida; Carlos Augusto de Alencar Fontes; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Oriel Fajardo de Campos

Thirty-three 39 crossbreed Holstein-Gyr steers were used in a research aiming to evaluate the effects of feed restriction prior to the confinement on the changes in body composition and in the net requirements of energy for maintenance and weight gain, and protein for weight gain. Thirty animals were submitted to a high grazing pressure, while the remaining nine steers had unrestricted access to forage (continuous gain group), after what, six animals from the first group and three from the second group were slaughtered, and the remaining animals were confined. From 24 animals of the compensatory growth group, 12 were fed ad libitum (compensatory growth group) and 12 were fed 15% above the maintenance level (maintenance group), while six animals from continuous gain group were fed the same ad libitum diet. The diet was constituted by corn silage and 26% of concentrate. The net energy requirement for maintenance was determined by regression of the heat production, in function of the metabolizable energy intake (ME), adjusting for heat production at zero level. Regression equations of the log of the body contents of fat, protein and energy in function of the log of the empty-body weight (EBW) were fitted. The average maintenance net energy requirements for the animals in the compensatory growth group was 47,50 kcal/kg0.75/day. The total fat and energy content in body-weight-gain increased as body live weight increased. The net requirements of energy and protein for 1 kg of EBW gain were 3.13 Mcal/day and 189.4 g/day, respectively, for a 300 kg live weight steer.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2007

Avaliação do ganho compensatório em novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir: consumo e desempenho

Carlos Augusto de Alencar Fontes; Rodrigo Furtado Guimarães; Maria Izabel Vieira de Almeida; Oriel Fajardo de Campos; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Nivaldo de Faria Sant'Ana

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of feed restriction during a grazing period of 104 days (phase I) on intake, feed conversion, and digesta load as well as body weight (BW) change and weights of carcass and non-carcass components during a feedlot period (phase II) in crossbred steers. Thirty nine crossbred Holstein-Gyr steers averaging 19.3±5.1 months of age and 202.0±49.1 kg of BW at the beginning of the study were used. Animals were assigned to one of the following three treatments: 1 - control - ad libitum grazing in phase I and ad libitum concentrate in phase II (nine animals); 2 - compensatory growth - restricted grazing in phase I and ad libitum concentrate in phase II (15 animals); or 3 - maintenance - restricted grazing in phase I and protein and energy supplementation 15% above maintenance in phase II (15 animals). At 1, 28, and 112 days of feedlot, three animals from treatments 1, 2 and 3 were slaughtered. In addition, three animals from treatments 2 and 3 were also slaughtered at 56 and 84 days of feedlot. Animals from the compensatory growth treatment gained more BW than those from the control during the first 28 days of feedlot because of the greater weight gain of non-carcass components. However, carcass weight gain did not differ between both treatments. Gut fill as percentage of BW decreased in all three treatments when animals were fed concentrate in phase 2 but no significant differences were observed across treatments. Animals on control and compensatory growth treatments had improved feed conversion during the first 28 days of feedlot, which was associated to greater intake either expressed per unit of metabolic size or as percentage of BW.

Ciencia Rural | 2002

Fornecimento de volumoso para bezerros pré-ruminantes

R. S. Lizieire; Daniel de Noronha Figueiredo Vieira da Cunha; Janaina Azevedo Martuscello; Oriel Fajardo de Campos

This experiment aimed to evaluate the growth of Holstein Zebu crossbred calves, from birth to 90 days of age, early weaned, with or without available roughage from the second week of age on. The trial was carried out at the Itaguai Experimental Station, from PESAGRO-RJ, from January up to April, 2000. Twenty-seven calves were used, randomly assigned to blocks according to sex and birth weight, in the following experimental treatments: (1) only starter; (2) starter plus Cynodon nhenfluensis paddocks grazed from the 15th day of age on; and, (3) starter plus Medicago sativa hay. Calves were separated from their dams twenty-four hours after birth and kept to individual pens. All animals received colostrum up to the 3rd day of age and, from there on, four litters of whole milk/animal/day, up to the 56th day of age, and commercial starter (18%CP) up to a maximum of 2.0kg/animal/day from the second week of age on. Animals from treatments 1 and 3 were kept on their pens up to 70 days of age, those from treatment 3 received, in separated feeders, chopped alfalfa hay (18%CP, particle size of 5cm), ad libitum, from the 8th day on. Animals in treatment 2 had access to paddocks from 8:00 to 14: 00h. Milk, starter and hay intakes, as well as diarrhoea and nasal flow incidences were measured daily up to 70 days of age. Body weight and barrel and heart girth were taken weekly. There were no difference (P>0.05) between calves fed roughage (treatments 2 and 3) for starter intake; however, animals allowed to graze showed lower (P 0.05) for treatments 1 and 3. There were no differences (P>0.05) among treatments for average daily weight gain, as well as diarrhea, nasal flow incidences and barrel and heart girth. It was concluded that roughage may be supplied to calves from day 56th of age on, without impairing their development, when starter is offered since the second week of age.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008

Eficiência bioeconômica de vacas de diferentes níveis de produção de leite por lactação e estratégias de alimentação

Francisco Palma Rennó; José Carlos Vila Nova Alves Pereira; Carlos Antônio Moreira Leite; Marcelo Teixeira Rodrigues; Oriel Fajardo de Campos; Dilermando Miranda da Fonseca; Luciana Navajas Rennó

This work was carried out to evaluate the bioeconomic efficiency of cows of different levels of milk yield per lactation, under different feeding strategies. The bioeconomic evaluations was carried out in cows of five milk yield levels and seven feeding strategies The simulation model was developed with the programs CNCPS v5.0 and electronic spreadsheets of Microsoft Excell®, in way to simulate the production and demands of nutrients of a complete lactation for cows of different milk yield levels. The bioeconomic efficiency (EBE) were evaluated in cows of five milk yield levels, in seven feeding strategies. The EBE was defined similarly to the biological efficiency, considering the amount of feeds utilized and the milk production obtained, multiplied by the respective economical values. Also, with the purpose of evaluating EBE of the cows of each production level, were evaluated the medium physical product (PFme) and the marginal physical product (PFma) for each production level and feeding strategy. In the evaluation of PFma, regression equations of milk yield per cow in function of concentrate level utilization and total feeding costs were estimate. The largest biological efficiency of cows of greater milk yield per lactation not result, necessarily, in larger bioeconomic efficiency. The efficiency of the use of concentrate, when evaluated in crescent milk yield per cows, follows the law of the decreasing returns and influences the bioeconomic efficiency as higher is the milk production level per cow.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2010

Selection of models of lactation curves to use in milk production simulation systems

Daniel de Noronha Figueiredo Vieira da Cunha; José Carlos Pereira; Fabyano Fonseca e Silva; Oriel Fajardo de Campos; José Luis Braga; Janaina Azevedo Martuscello

The objective of this study was to select models of lactation curves with a better adjustment to the observed data in models of milk production simulation systems. A data base on 6,459 recordings of daily milk production was used. These data were obtained from monthly and fortnightly controls of milk between 2004 and 2007, from 472 lactations of animals from ten different milking cow herd farms. Based on rolling averages of milk production (MP-L/day) per cow, the ten herd farms were divided into low (L 20). Data were also divided according to the lactation numbers in first, second, third or greater. Eight lactation curve models commonly used in literature were compared. The models were individually adjusted for each lactation. The goodness of fit used for comparison of those models was the coefficient of determination, mean square error, mean square prediction error and the Bayesian information criterion. The values for the goodness of fit obtained in each model were compared by using 95% probability confidence interval. Wilmink (1987) model showed a better adjustment for cows of the first lactation numbers, whereas the Wood (1967) model showed a better adjustment for cows of the third or greater lactations numbers for the low milk production groups. Wood model showed a better adjustment for all the lactation numbers for the medium milk production group. Dijkstra (1997) model showed a better adjustment for all lactation numbers for the high milk production group. Despite of being more recent, the model by Pollott (2000), mechanist based and with a higher number of parameters, showed a good convergence for the used data.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2010

Simulation of Holstein and Jersey profitability by varying milk price payment system

Daniel de Noronha Figueiredo Vieira da Cunha; José Carlos Pereira; Oriel Fajardo de Campos; Sebastião Teixeira Gomes; José Luis Braga; Janaina Azevedo Martuscello

The objective of the study was to compare through simulation Holstein and Jersey breed herds, considering the farm size, zootechnical and economic indexes and profitability of the activity, by using different systems of bonus payment for milk price based in percentage of fat and protein in the milk. The comparisons were made, initially, disregarding the bonus payment for milk price based on the increase in the fat and protein percentage in milk. After that, the profitability of the activity was compared considering bonus payment for milk price of the Jersey breed herd, for each unit increment in fat and protein percentage in milk above those obtained with the Holstein breed herd. Finally, the profitability of the activity was compared by using the bonus payment for milk price based on quality of that used by company A systems. When there was no bonus payment for milk price based in the percentage of fat and protein in the milk, the profit obtained with the Holstein breed was higher because of the lower production costs. In order to make the activity more profitable with the Jersey breed, a bonus payment of 5% for milk price would be needed for each percentage unit of fat above the percentage of that obtained with the Holstein breed, or a bonus payment of 10% in the milk price for each percentage unit of protein above the percentage obtained with the Holstein breed. By using the bonus payment system proposed by Gimenes and Ponchio, the annual profit with the Jersey breed was higher than the profit obtained with the Holstein breed. However, with the application of the bonus payment system used by company A, the Holstein breed became more profitable than the Jersey breed.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005

Colostro fermentado, associado ao óleo de soja e promotor de crescimento, em substituição ao leite, na alimentação de bezerros mestiços leiteiros

Antonio Bento Mancio; Rafael Henrique de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes; Álvaro Luiz Marinho Castro; Oriel Fajardo de Campos; Paulo Roberto Cecon; Alonso Thiago Silvestre da Silva

The objective of this trial was to study the effects of replacing milk with whole milk or fermented colostrum, supplemented or not with soy oil and with or without growth promoter (Zeranol) on performance of 40 F1 Holstein x Gir calves averaging 36 kg. Weight gain, thoracic circumference, withers height and milk or fermented colostrums intake, and concentrated ration intake were the variables investigated from age 15 to 60 days. No significant difference on feed intake was observed when whole milk and Zeranol were fed. Feed intake of animals fed fermented colostrum with Zeranol increased by 44.23% than those without Zeranol and by 132% than those fed whole milk with Zeranol. No effects of feeding soy oil with Zeranol on gain weight was detected. Calves fed milk and Zeranol had greater withers height (85.70 cm). Supplementation of the liquid diet with soy oil and with Zeranol did not change thoracic circumference (average of 88.19 cm). Calves fed both liquid diet showed constant and similar growth rate. Fermented colostrum-based diet can promote the same weight gain as whole milk-based diet.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 1999

Seleção de isolados de Lactobacillus acidophilus usados como probiótico em bezerros

Antônio Hamilton Chaves; José Fernando Coelho da Silva; Adão José Rezende Pinheiro; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Oriel Fajardo de Campos

The objective of this work was to select strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus to be used as a probiotic in calves.Strainsof Lactobacillus acidophilus (12) were isolated from calves feces and selected according to their acidifying capacities, resistance to hydrochloridric acid, lysozyme, phenol, biliary salt, antibiotics used in the calves productions, capacities of growing in ruminal liquid, and their capacities to inhibit a strain of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in vitro. The isolates were classed as slower in lactic acid production. In test of resistance to hydrochloridria acid (pH 2.0 and 3.0), lysozyme, phenol and biliary salt, tested antibiotics and ruminal liquid, the isolates LT 158A and LT 516 behaved in accordance with the means of the other isolates. In the inhibition test with Escherichia coli, the isolates LT 158A and LT 516 were very efficient, producing an 18-mm halo of diameter. The isolates LT 158A and LT 516 showed the best performance to be used as probiotics for calves.

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