
Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2007


Rodrigo Bays; Leopoldo Baudet; A. A. Henning; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho

Seed coating is being used to incorporate pesticides, biological hormones, micronutrients and polymers that provide better performance for seeds, seedlings and plants in advanced stages of the crop. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soybean seed cv. BRS 153 coating on seed quality and seedling performance. Coating was made with three doses of micronutrients: 1; 2 and 4 mL/kg seeds; one fungicide: Derosal Plus® (Carbendazim + Thiram) and a polymer (Laborsan Red Solid Pam Bril® + color agent). Evaluations were made in the laboratory, greenhouse and in the field and consisted of standard germination, first count of germination, accelerated ageing, seedling length, emergence and germination speed index in the greenhouse and field emergence; The results allowed the following conclusions: a) coating soybean seeds with micronutrients, fungicide and polymer provide better uniformity (adherence, distribution and coloration) to the seeds. b) soybean seed coating does not affect its quality and performance up to 2mL micronutrient per kg of seed, if a limit of 6mL final liquid mixture per kg is observed; and c) micronutrient dosage of 4mL/kg seed is phytotoxic when seeds are coated.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2004

Armazenamento em sistema a frio de sementes de soja tratadas com fungicida

Paulo César Cardoso; Leopoldo Baudet; Silmar Teichert Peske; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho

The objective of this study was to evaluate physiological quality and health of soybean seeds, treated or not with fungicide Dipheconazol in the dosage of 0,05g i.a./kg- of seeds, in an open storage with cooling system. The seeds stored in the upper portion of two piles of 1.200 bags each, in the 23rd ballast (penultimate), in several positions in relation to the central duct of aeration of the cooling system, were evaluated for standard germination, vigor (accelerated ageing, field emergence and tetrazolium) and health (blotter test) during a period of eight months. Soybean seeds with initial moisture content of 14%, store in the upper part of the piles with cooling aeration system, reduced its physiological quality after two months of storage. The seeds treated with fungicide showed better performance in the initial periods of storage, but not after four months. The seed moisture content variation over the storage period was significant, starting with 14% ending with 10%. After 30 days, even so, the seeds still showed 13,8% moisture content, being probable the cause of reduction of the physiological quality. The reduction of 0,6 percentage points per month of storage was not sufficient to delay deterioration effects on seeds.

Ciencia Rural | 2005

Tamanho ótimo de parcela e número de repetições em soja (Glycine max (L.) Merril)

Thomas Newton Martin; Luiz Marcelo Costa Dutra; Adilson Jauer; Lindolfo Storck; Lucio Zabot; Daniel Uhry; Antônio Luis Santi; Cassiano Stefanelo; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho

With the objective of verifying if different cultivars of soybean modify the estimates of the optimum plot size and of the numbers of replications, an experiment was conduced in the agriculturist year of 2000/01 in area pertaining to the Department of Crop Science in Santa Maria University Campus. Two cultivars of soybean were used (BRS 137 and Fepagro-RS10), conducted in a randomized block design with three replications. The size of plot was evaluated through the method of maximum modified bending. The test of parallelism of SEBER (1976), was used to verify the heterogeneousness of reply among tested cultivars. The number of replications was estimated through the described methodology for HATHEWAY (1961). It can be concluded that to cultivars studied the number of replications that confers an adequate accuracy is equal to seven and the optimum plot size is 3.96m2.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2006

Qualidade de sementes de couve brócolis beneficiadas em mesa densimétrica

Gizele Ingrid Gadotti; Carla Lima Corrêa; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho; Francisco Amaral Villela

The results of developed research demonstrate the efficiency of the densimetric table in the improvement of the quality of seed lots of diverse species, evidencing superior physiological and sanitary quality of the seeds in the upper positions in relation to the lower positions of the discharge zone. Considering the few reports on the improvement of vegetable seeds, especially borecole broccolis and, moreover the desuniformity of maturation of this species, that is reflected in the specific weight of the seeds, is important to study the influence of the use of the densimetric table on the performance of borecole broccolis seeds. The present study was carried out to verify the physiological and sanitary quality of borecole broccolis seeds, benefited by the densimetric table. The seeds had initially been cleaned in an air machine and sieved and then benefited on the densimetric table. The terminal axle of discharge of the 1.00m wide densimetric table was divided into four parts. The treatments consisted of the fractions obtained in the feed deposit and the high, intermediate high, intermediate decrease and low parts of the discharge zone of the densimetric table. The borecole broccolis seeds unloaded in the high part of the discharge zone of the densimetric table presented significantly superior physiological quality to the seeds unloaded in the lower part, and the intermediate fraction decrease, and the removal of the fraction directed for the part low is recommended to improve the physiological and sanitary attributes of the lot.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2011


Marcos Paulo Ludwig; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho; Leopoldo Baudet; Luiz Marcelo Costa Dutra; Suemar Alexandre Gonçalves Avelar; Renato Lopes Crizel

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soybean seed coating treatment with amino acid, polymer, fungicide and insecticide on physiological and health quality. The treatments were: 1) control; 2) fungicide (Fludioxonil + Metalaxil); 3) amino acid (PT-4-0®); 4) polymer (Polyseed CF®+ Colorseed®); 5) fungicide + amino acid; 6) fungicide + insecticide (Thiametoxam); 7) fungicide + polymer; 8) fungicide + insecticide + polymer; and 9) fungicide + amino acid + insecticide. Germination, vigor and seed health were evaluated. The seeds were stored for six months and evaluations done every 60 days. The application of amino acid alone positively affected seed germination but when combined with fungicide and polymer there was no improvement in seed performance. Germination was negatively affected by using fungicides but the combination of fungicide and polymer had no effect. Fungicide application reduced fungus incidence, except for Cercospora sp. The use of polymer did not affect fungus control by the fungicide, indicating that this combination can be used.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2011

Efeito do tratamento químico sobre a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de arroz com diferentes graus de umidade

Clarissa Santos da Silva; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho; Paulo Dejalma Zimmer; Roberto de Moura Bonini Filho

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of chemical treatments during storage on the health and physiological quality of rice seeds with different moisture contents. Two rice seeds lots were used, cv EL PASO 144, with different moisture and health levels. To formulate the fungicide, 10 mL (1%), 20 mL (2%) and 30 mL (3%) of water were mixed with the fungicide Carboxin/Thiram (300 mL/ 100 Kg of seeds). The same water percentages, without addition of the fungicide, and also a control, constituted the seven treatments. The seeds were stored in hermetically-sealed recipients for eight months and were subsequently evaluated for moisture content, standard germination, vigor and health. Biochemical evaluation of the seeds was made by using electrophoresis of enzymatic systems to determine the activity of the enzymes: acid phosphatasis, alcohol dehydrogenasis, glutamate oxalacetate transaminase, esterase and α-amylase. The statistical design was of completely randomized blocks with three replications. The beneficial effect of the fungicide on physiological quality was evident immediately after the seed treatment. The results showed that the germination and vigor of treated seeds decreased after 60 days storage. The fungicide used in the seed treatment was efficient in reducing fungal incidence on the rice seeds. The high moisture associated with the fungicide applied accelerated the deterioration of seeds stored hermetically. It was not possible to identify the effect of the fungicide on the expression of enzymes in viable seeds.

Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2007

Produção de sementes de cebola em sistemas convencional e de transição agroecológica

Adriana Paula D'Agostini Contreiras Rodrigues; Clause Fátima de Brum Piana; Silmar Teichert Peske; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho; Francisco Amaral Villela

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um estudo nos sistemas de producao de semente de cebola convencional e agroecologico. Foram acompanhadas tres propriedades nos municipios de Candiota e Hulha Negra, RS, de producao agroecologicas e duas convencionais, sendo marcadas aleatoriamente seis unidades de amostragem, cada uma delas com dois metros sobre a linha de producao, em cada uma das propriedades. As variaveis estudadas foram peso de bulbo, diâmetro bulbo quantidade de bulbos por area, quantidade de hastes por bulbo, quantidade de flores por umbela, quantidade de sementes por flor, teor de agua da semente, rendimento de sementes, germinacao, primeira contagem, peso de 1000 sementes, envelhecimento acelerado, indice e velocidade de germinacao e sanidade de sementes, bem como o levantamento dos custos de producao. A producao de semente de cebola atraves do sistema de producao agroecologico e economicamente viavel e ecologicamente sustentavel. A producao de semente de cebola em sistema convencional situa-se em media de 30% do seu potencial. O potencial de producao e qualidade fisiologica da semente de cebola agroecologica e convencional sao similares. A variavel numero de flores por umbela pode ser considerada o componente principal da producao de semente de cebola.

Ciencia Rural | 1995

Germinação e vigor de sementes de goiaba (Psidium guajava L.) submetidas a métodos para superação da dormência

Marisa Sandra Wienke Tavares; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho; Elio Kersten

This work was conducted to study the germination test and the germination speed rate of guava seeds (Psidium guajava L.). Guava seeds were coilected from ripe fruits of a commercial orchard in Pelotas, RS. The experiment was carried out at the Seed Analysis Laboratory/ Plant Science Department - FAEM/UFPel. The seed treatments used were: a) refrigerated stratification around 5°C during 0, 10, 20, and 30 days; b) concentrated sulfuric acid scarification through 15 minutes immersion and medium washed sand seeds attrition during 15 minutes. The experimental design was a completely randomized with 4 replications of 50 seeds. After each seed treatment, seeds were placed in the paper and sand substratos: germinator chamber at constant 25°C and at room temperature. The germination occurred between 8 and 11 days in the germinator chamber. The substrate showed significativo effect only for germination and sand showed higher germination average values. Sands was the best scarification treatment for both situations. The stratification treatment decreased the germination and increased the germination speed rate of guava seeds.

Ciencia Rural | 2003

Comportamento da cultivar BR-IPAGRO 44-guapo brilhante de feijoeiro em quatro populaçções de plantas na safrinha em Santa Maria-RS

Adilson Jauer; Luiz Marcelo Costa Dutra; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho; Antônio Luis Santi; Lucio Zabot; Daniel Uhry; Rafael Bonadiman; Bellé; Alessandro Dala'Col Lúcio

The common bean cultivar Guapo Brilhante, type II, was grown during the latter season of 2001 in Santa Maria-RS, Brazil, in four plant populations (200, 300, 400, and 500 thousand plants ha-1). The experiment design was randomized blocks with four replications. The grain yield, yield components and some morphological traits were evaluated. The highest estimated yield was 2684kg ha-1 with 337 thousand plants ha-1, demonstrating that, with proper cultural practices, in the latter season, it is possible to produce almost three times more than the best production average of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil in the 90 decade. The increase in plant population increases the first pod height, first pod base height, and the number of internodes. With 400 thousand plants ha-1 the first pod height and the first pod base height are enough to mechanic harvesting, but with potential losses.

Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo | 2010


Marcos Paulo Ludwig; Luis Osmar Braga Schuch; Orlando Antônio Lucca Filho; Suemar Alexandre Gonçalves Avelar; Fabio Mielezrski; Sandro de Oliveira; Renato Lopes Crizel

Estrategias que busquem aumentar a produtividade de palha pelas culturas devem ser implementadas na regiao dos Cerrados, no sentido de consolidar o plantio direto. Objetivou-se avaliar a influencia das epocas de aplicacao e do parcelamento da fertilizacao nitrogenada suplementar a adubacao de semeadura no milho sobre a produtividade de palha de aveia preta, especies espontâneas e a influencia desse parcelamento nos diversos componentes da cultura. Os tratamentos constaram da aplicacao de 70kg/ha de nitrogenio, como dose suplementar a adubacao de semeadura do milho, em epocas distintas: na semeadura da aveia-preta; oito dias antes da semeadura do milho; em cobertura, quando as plantas tinham quatro a cinco folhas; em cobertura, quando as plantas tinham sete a oito folhas. Na semeadura, aplicaram-se 42kg/ha de N em todas as parcelas. A adubacao nitrogenada aplicada na semeadura da aveia nao resultou em aumento da produtividade de palha, na entressafra. Houve aumento da produtividade de palha pelo milho quando se aplicou o nitrogenio suplementar a semeadura, assim como a aplicacao mais proxima da semeadura proporcionou aumento da produtividade em relacao a aplicacao do fertilizante na semeadura da aveia.

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