
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2006

Extrato de Passiflora edulis na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas abertas em ratos: estudo morfológico e histológico

Inaldo de Castro Garros; Antonio Carlos Ligocki Campos; Elizabeth Milla Tâmbara; Sérgio Bernardo Tenório; Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Miguel Ângelo Agulham; Allan Cezar Faria Araújo; Paola Maria Brolin Santis-Isolan; Rohnelt Machado de Oliveira; Elaine Cristina de Moraes Arruda

INTRODUCTION: In Brazilian countryside, cataplasm made from Passiflora edulis leaves has been used by the population as a healing agent for infections and skin inflammations in an empiric basis. PURPOSE: the aim of this work was to evaluate the healing process of open wounds in rats, in which Passiflora edulis hydro-alcoholic extract was applied. METHODS: Sixty male, adult Wistar rats were divided into two groups: Passiflora group and Control group. Rats of the first group were treated with Passiflora edulis extract, and those of the second group received distilled water. The daily application of the extract or distilled water was carried out on a 2 cm diameter standardized circular wound on the dorsal region of each animal. Wound assessment was performed macroscopically and microscopically on the 7th, 14th, and 21st postoperative days. Microscopic analysis included hematoxylin-eosine and Masson Trichromium stains, evaluating inflammatory response, fibroplasia and collagen deposition. The wound retraction was evaluated by digital planimetry. RESULTS: No significant difference in the rate of wound healing was detected comparing both groups. However, a significant increase in the number of fibroblastic cells was seen on the 7th PO day, and significantly greater collagen deposition was observed on the 14th day PO day in rats from the Passiflora group (p=0,012). CONCLUSIONS: The application of the Passiflora edulis extract does not accelerate the healing process of open wounds in rats, but is associated with increased number of fibroblastic cells on 7th P.O. day and greater collagen deposition on the 14th PO day.

Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery | 2013

Ligadura da veia porta associada à bipartição do fígado para hepatectomia em dois estágios (ALPPS): experiência brasileira

Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Eduardo de Souza Martins Fernandes; Cássio Virgílio Cavalcante de Oliveira; Cristiano Xavier Lima; Fábio Luiz Waechter; Jose Maria Assunção Moraes-Junior; Marcelo Moura Linhares; Rinaldo Danese Pinto; Paulo Herman; Marcel Autran Cesar Machado

RACIONAL: Insuficiencia hepatica pos-operatoria devido a remanescente hepatico pequeno tem sido complicacao temida em pacientes que sao submetidos a resseccao hepatica extensa. A ligadura da veia porta associada a biparticao do figado para hepatectomia em dois estagios (ALPPS) foi desenvolvida recentemente com a finalidade de induzir rapida e significante regeneracao do figado para pacientes em que o tumor e previamente considerado irressecavel. OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiencia brasileira com o ALPPS. METODO: Foram analisados 39 pacientes submetidos ao procedimento ALPPS em nove hospitais. Ele foi realizado em duas etapas. A primeira operacao consistiu em ligadura do ramo direito da veia porta e biparticao hepatica. Na segunda, os ramos direito da arteria hepatica, via biliar e veia hepatica foram ligados e o lobo hepatico direito estendido foi removido. Foram 22 pacientes do sexo masculino (56,4%) e 17 do feminino (43,6%). A media de idade foi 57,3 anos (variando de 20 a 83 anos). RESULTADOS: A indicacao mais comum foi metastase hepatica em 32 pacientes (82,0%), seguida por colangiocarcinoma em tres pacientes (7,7%). Dois morreram neste intervalo e nao foram submetidos a segunda operacao. O intervalo medio da primeira para a segunda operacao foi de 14,1 dias (variando de 5-30 dias). O volume do segmento lateral esquerdo apresentou aumento de 83% (variando de 47-211,9%). Morbidade significante foi observada em 23 pacientes (59,0%). A mortalidade foi de 12,8% (cinco pacientes). CONCLUSAO: O procedimento ALPPS permite resseccao hepatica em pacientes com lesoes consideradas previamente irressecaveis por induzir rapida hipertrofia do figado evitando a insuficiencia hepatica na maioria dos pacientes. Porem ainda apresenta elevada morbidade e mortalidade.

Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery | 2012

Ligadura da veia porta associada à transecção para hepatectomia em dois estágios (ALPPS): uma nova abordagem nas ressecções hepáticas

Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Jose Maria Assunção Moraes-Junior; Nádia Caroline Lima e Lima; Anmara Moura Moraes

BACKGROUND Postoperative liver failure consequent to insufficiency of remnant liver is a feared complication in patients who underwent extensive liver resections. The associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) is a new approach for patient which tumor is previously considered unresectable. AIM To present ALPPS as an innovative surgical technique of two-staged hepatectomy for the treatment of patients with marginally resectable or initially nonresectable primary and metastatic liver tumors. TECHNIQUE The procedure is performed in two steps. The first consists on ligation of the right portal vein branch. Subsequently, total or nearly total parenchyma dissection along the falciform ligament is performed, including the middle hepatic vein. A plastic bag is used to cover the right extended lobe, and the abdomen is drained and closed. The second one is performed after a computer tomography, six to 12 days interval. After laparotomy, the plastic bag is removed. The right artery, right bile duct and the right hepatic vein are divided. The extended right lobe is removed. Drain is placed at the resection surface, and the abdomen is closed. CONCLUSION The associating of liver partition and portal vein ligation can enable curative resection of liver metastasis in patients with lesions previously considered unresectable.BACKGROUND: Postoperative liver failure consequent to insufficiency of remnant liver is a feared complication in patients who underwent extensive liver resections. The associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) is a new approach for patient which tumor is previously considered unresectable. AIM: To present ALPPS as an innovative surgical technique of two-staged hepatectomy for the treatment of patients with marginally resectable or initially nonresectable primary and metastatic liver tumors. TECHNIQUE: The procedure is performed in two steps. The first consists on ligation of the right portal vein branch. Subsequently, total or nearly total parenchyma dissection along the falciform ligament is performed, including the middle hepatic vein. A plastic bag is used to cover the right extended lobe, and the abdomen is drained and closed. The second one is performed after a computer tomography, six to 12 days interval. After laparotomy, the plastic bag is removed. The right artery, right bile duct and the right hepatic vein are divided. The extended right lobe is removed. Drain is placed at the resection surface, and the abdomen is closed. CONCLUSION: The associating of liver partition and portal vein ligation can enable curative resection of liver metastasis in patients with lesions previously considered unresectable.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2012

Procalcitonin as a prognostic biomarker of severe sepsis and septic shock

José Raimundo Araujo de Azevedo; Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Nicolau Gregori Czeczko; Felipe Tuon; Paulo Afonso Nunes Nassif; Gleim Dias de Souza

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendencia da concentracao plasmatica e do clearance de procalcitonina (PCT-c) como biomarcadores de prognostico de pacientes com sepse grave e choque septico, comparado a um outro marcador precoce de prognostico representado pelo numero de criterios de SIRS no momento do diagnostico da sepse. METODOS: Estudo de coorte prospectivo observacional onde foram incluidos pacientes com sepse grave e choque septico. A concentracao serica de procalcitonina foi determinada no momento do diagnostico da sepse e apos 24 e 48 horas. Foram coletados dados demograficos, escore APACHE IV, escore SOFA na chegada, numero de criterios de SIRS no momento do diagnostico, sitio da infeccao e resultados microbiologicos. RESULTADOS: Vinte e oito pacientes foram incluidos, 19 clinicos e nove cirurgicos. Em 13 (46,4%) a fonte da sepse foi pulmonar, em sete abdominal (25,0%), em cinco urinaria (17,9%) e de partes moles em tres casos (10,7%). Quinze pacientes tinham sepse grave e 13 choque septico. A mortalidade global foi cinco pacientes (17,9%), tres deles com choque septico. Vinte e oito determinacoes de PCT foram realizadas no momento do diagnostico da sepse, 27 apos 24 horas e 26 apos 48 horas. A concentracao inicial nao se mostrou expressivamente diferente entre os grupos sobreviventes e nao sobreviventes, mas as diferencas entre os dois grupos apos 24 e 48 horas alcancaram significância estatistica expressiva. Nao se observou diferenca em relacao ao numero de criterios de SIRS. O clearance de procalcitonina de 24 horas mostrou-se expressivamente mais elevado no grupo de sobreviventes (-3,0 versus -300,0, p=0,028). Embora o clearance de procalcitonina de 48 horas tenha mostrado resultado mais elevado no grupo de sobreviventes comparado aos nao sobreviventes, a diferenca nao alcancou significância estatistica. CONCLUSAO: Concentracoes persistentemente elevadas de procalcitonina no plasma, assim como, reducao do PCT-c 24 horas, associaram-se a elevacao expressiva da mortalidade de pacientes com sepse grave e choque septico.

Journal of Critical Care | 2015

Prognostic evaluation of severe sepsis and septic shock: Procalcitonin clearance vs Δ Sequential Organ Failure Assessment

José Raimundo A. de Azevedo; Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Rafael Alexandre Beraldi; Carmen Marcondes Ribas; Osvaldo Malafaia

PURPOSE The purpose of the study is to compare the clearance of procalcitonin (PCT-c) in the first 24 and 48 hours of treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock with another early prognostic marker represented by the 48-hour Δ Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA). MATERIALS AND METHODS Prospective, observational cohort study conducted in a general intensive care unit including patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. The PCT-c was determined at the diagnosis of sepsis and after 24 and 48 hours. The SOFA score was determined at the time of intensive care unit admission and after 48 hours. RESULTS One hundred thirty adult patients with severe sepsis and septic shock were studied over an 18-month period. The 24- and 48-hour PTC-c scores were significantly higher in survivors (P < .0001). In nonsurvivors, the initial SOFA was significantly higher, and the 48-hour Δ SOFA was significantly smaller (P = .01). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.68 for Δ SOFA and 0.76 for 24- and 48-hour PCT-c. CONCLUSIONS The 48-hour Δ SOFA score and the clearance of 24- and 48-hour PCT are useful markers of prognosis in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. A decrease in PCT-c in the first 24 hours of treatment should prompt the reassessment of the appropriateness and adequacy of treatment.

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2006

Acao do extrato de Jatropha gossypiifolia L. (piao roxo) na cicatrizacao de anastomose colonica: estudo experimental em ratos

Santiago Cirilo Nogueira Servin; Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Jorge Eduardo Fouto Matias; Miguel Ângelo Agulham; Fábio Augusto de Carvalho; Ricardo Lemos; Emerson Wander Silva Soares; Paulo Roberto Soltoski; Alexandre Coutinho Teixeira de Freitas

INTRODUCTION: Phytotherapy has been drawing interest from the scientific community regarding its potential wound healing properties. There are few studies available that present a correct scientific methodology and, therefore, phytotherapy remains an open field for further research. PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of Jatropha gossypiifolia L. (bellyache bush) on the healing of colonic anastomosis in rats. METHODS: Forty Wistar rats were subjected to a complete section of the colon, that was soon sutured with eight separate stitches using monofilament polipropilene 6-0. Randomly, the animals were divided into control group (CG), with 20 rats, which were injected with 0.9% sodium chloride solution intraperitoneally (1mL/kg) and Jatropha group (JG), also with 20 rats, which were injected with Jatropha gossypiifolia L. alcoholic extract intraperitoneally (1mL/kg). Each of the groups was subdivided into two subgroups of ten rats, according to the sacrifice date, third and seventh days (CG3/ CG7 and JG3/ JG7). After sacrifice, the segment of the colon containing 1cm proximal and distal to the site of anastomosis was removed and subjected to the pressure test with air insuflation. This segment was then opened and a 1.0 x 0.5cm part was removed and placed under 10% formaldehyde for histological analysis with hematoxylin-eosin and Massons trichrome stainings. RESULTS: The evaluation of the pressure rupture test demonstrated statistical significance regarding the sacrifice date. On the third day, the average pressure of the CG (25,4mmHg) and the JG (76,4mHg) revealed p = 0.013, and on the seventh day, the average pressure of the CG (187,3 mmHg.) and the JG (135,1 mmHg.) revealed p = 0.014. When assessing the microscopic variables among the groups of the 3rd day, only the variables edema and polymorphonuclear cells did not show statistical differences. On the 7th day, all of the variables assessed demonstrated significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding mechanical resistance, there was a difference in resistance between the JG3 and the CG3, and a shift of resistance when comparing the JG7 and CG7, which suggests a weakening of the Jatropha effect at a later stage of healing. The histological evaluation revealed an improvement of the acute inflammatory process in the JG3 when compared to the CG3, which was even more intense during the chronic stage, when the two groups are compared on the seventh day. The histological study of the inflammatory process, in general, showed a favorable effect to the Jatropha group compared to the control group.INTRODUCTION Phytotherapy has been drawing interest from the scientific community regarding its potential wound healing properties. There are few studies available that present a correct scientific methodology and, therefore, phytotherapy remains an open field for further research. PURPOSE To evaluate the effects of Jatropha gossypiifolia L. (bellyache bush) on the healing of colonic anastomosis in rats. METHODS Forty Wistar rats were subjected to a complete section of the colon, that was soon sutured with eight separate stitches using monofilament polypropylene 6-0. Randomly, the animals were divided into control group (CG), with 20 rats, which were injected with 0.9% sodium chloride solution intraperitoneally (1 mL/kg) and Jatropha group (JG), also with 20 rats, which were injected with Jatropha gossypiifolia L. alcoholic extract intraperitoneally (1 mL/kg). Each of the groups was subdivided into two subgroups of ten rats, according to the sacrifice date, third and seventh days (CG3/ CG7 and JG3/ JG7). After sacrifice, the segment of the colon containing 1cm proximal and distal to the site of anastomosis was removed and subjected to the pressure test with air insulation. This segment was then opened and a 1.0 x 0.5 cm part was removed and placed under 10% formaldehyde for histological analysis with hematoxylin-eosin and Massons trichrome stainings. RESULTS The evaluation of the pressure rupture test demonstrated statistical significance regarding the sacrifice date. On the third day, the average pressure of the CG (25.4 mmHg) and the JG (76.4 mmHg) revealed p = 0.013, and on the seventh day, the average pressure of the CG (187,3 mmHg.) and the JG (135.1 mmHg.) revealed p = 0.014. When assessing the microscopic variables among the groups of the 3rd day, only the variables edema and polymorphonuclear cells did not show statistical differences. On the 7th day, all of the variables assessed demonstrated significant differences. CONCLUSIONS Regarding mechanical resistance, there was a difference in resistance between the JG3 and the CG3, and a shift of resistance when comparing the JG7 and CG7, which suggests a weakening of the Jatropha effect at a later stage of healing. The histological evaluation revealed an improvement of the acute inflammatory process in the JG3 when compared to the CG3, which was even more intense during the chronic stage, when the two groups are compared on the seventh day. The histological study of the inflammatory process, in general, showed a favorable effect to the Jatropha group compared to the control group.

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2006

Efeito do extrato de Passiflora edulis na cicatrização da parede abdominal de ratos: estudo morfológico e tensiométrico

Cálide Soares Gomes; Antonio Carlos Ligocki Campos; Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Paulo Roberto Leitão de Vasconcelos; Ana Tereza Ramos Moreira; Sérgio Bernardo Tenório; Elizabeth Milla Tâmbara; Kenji Sakata; Hugo Moraes Júnior; André Luiz S. Ferrer

INTRODUCTION The Brazilian popular habit of using plants to treat several health conditions is ancient. Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) is widely used to treat, usually in an empiric basis, a variety of medical conditions. Anti-inflammatory activity of Passiflora edulis extract, similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), has been described. PURPOSE To evaluate the effect of Passiflora edulis hydroalcoholic extract on the healing of midline abdominal incisions in rats by morphological and tensiometric methods. METHODS Forty male Wistar rats were randomly allocated into two groups to either receive Passiflora edulis extract (study group, P) or saline (control group, C) intraperitoneally, in a single isovolumetric dose, after a standardized ventral midline laparotomy had been performed. The twenty rats of the control group as well as those twenty of the study group were divided into subgroups according to the time of sacrifice, either the 3rd PO day (P3, C3) or the 7th PO day (P7, C7). On day three and on day seven after surgery, the rats were sacrificed and the wound area was excised by a standardized protocol. The healing process of the specimens was evaluated macroscopically and histologically. The tensile strength was evaluated by a constant speed computerized tensiometer to determine the breaking strength and the deformation of the healing incision. RESULTS The macroscopic examination did not show significant differences between study and control groups. Histologically, the C3 vs. P3 comparison showed the following differences: for the variables acute inflammation (p=0.045 in favor of C3), collagenization and capillary neoformation: p=0.001 e 0.001, respectively in favor of P3. Similarly, the C7 vs. P7 comparison showed the following differences for the variables acute inflammation (p=0.002 in favor of C7), chronic inflammation and capillary neoformation: p= 0.006 e 0.001, respectively in favor of P7. Tensiometrically, maximal breaking strength (C(máx)) on day seven of the study group was higher when compared to control group, (6.91 +/- 1.36 vs. 5.05 +/- 1.63, p=0.013). Maximal deformation strength (D(máx)) on day seven of the study group was higher when compared to control group (36.49 +/- 4.61 vs. 26.19 +/-5.74, p=0.001). CONCLUSION Passiflora edulis extract enhances the healing of midline abdominal incisions in rats, especially the histological and tensiometric aspects.

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2006

Effect of watery extract of Orbignya phalerata (babassu) in the gastric healing in rats: morfologic and tensiometric study

Clelma Pires Batista; Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Jorge Eduardo Fouto Matias; Ana Tereza Ramos Moreira; Daniel Colman; João Henrique Felício de Lima; Matheus Martin Macri; Rêmulo José Rauen Jr.; Lydia Masako Ferreira; Alexandre Coutinho Teixeira de Freitas

ABSTRACT Introduction : The large use of plants in the prevention and treatment of different diseases is a milenar practice. In Brazil due to it’s rich flora there is a huge material for research and use in popular medicine. The babassu ( Orbignya phalerata ) is a native tree from North of the Brazil and has a high concentration at the State of Maranhao. The powder of it’s mesocarp is known as amid, and has been used as meal and medication due to the known activity against antiflammatory reaction, pain, pyrexia and immunomodulation. Purpose: To analyze the effect of mesocarp of Orbignya phalerata (babassu) in gastric wound healing in rats under morphologic and tensiometric aspects. Method: Forty Wistar rats, male, adults were submitted to a longitudinal incision of 1 cm in the gastric body and sutured with separated stitches of polypropilene 6.0. After this common procedure the animals were allocated in the aleatory way in two groups Orbignya (GO) and Control (GC) with 20 animals each one. In the GO was used intraperitoneal doses of 50mg/kh of

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2006

Efeito do extrato de Passiflora edulis (maracujá) na cicatrização de bexiga em ratos: estudo morfológico

Antonio Gonçalves Filho; Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Antonio Carlos Ligocki Campos; Renato Tâmbara Filho; Luiz Carlos de Almeida Rocha; Arnulf Thiede; Sandra Maria Corrêa Lunedo; Raimundo Eri de Araújo Barbosa; Joel Antonio Bernhardt; Paulo Roberto Leitão de Vasconcelos

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Passiflora edulis leaves in the healing of urinary bladder in rats from histological aspects. METHODS: Forty Wistar male rats were submitted to a longitudinal incision of the bladder followed by a stetching in only one level. After this common procedure, animals were divided at random two groups: Passiflora and Control. In the Passiflora group the only dosage used was administered by intraperitonial injection of hydoalcoholic extract of Passiflora edulis leaves while in the Control group distilled water was injected. Each subgroup was then divided in two subgroups according to the death of these animals: Control, three and seven days, Passiflora, three and seven days. After the death of these animals, an inventory of the abdominal cavity was performed and the bladder was removed. A comparative analysis was done between the two groups with microscopic evaluation of the healing. There was less acute inflammation (p=0.008), greater colagenous formation (p=0.001) and greater capillary neo-formation (p=0.000) in the third day Passiflora subgroup when compared to the Control subgroup of the third day. RESULTS: There was less acute inflammation (p=0.001), greater fibroblastic proliferation (p=0.011) and greater colagenous formation (p=0.001) in the Passiflora subgroup of seventh day when compared with the Control seventh day subgroup. CONCLUSION: The use of Passiflora edulis leaves extract resulted in less acute inflammation, greater fibroblastic proliferation, colagenous formation and capillary neo-formation on rats bladder wound healing.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2005

Prevalência ultra-sonográfica de litíase biliar em pacientes ambulatoriais

Orlando Jorge Martins Torres; Érica Sampaio Barbosa; Patrícia Brandão Pantoja; Maria Carlete Silva Diniz; José Ribamar Sousa da Silva; Nicolau Gregori Czeczko

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to determine the sonographic prevalence of gallstone disease in out-patients. METHODS: From July 2001 to March 2002, five hundred patients who underwent an ultra-sonografic exam for non-biliary disease were evaluated. There were 250 male and 250 female with age range from 19 to 72 years old. RESULTS: The prevalence of cholelitiasis or patients who had been underwent to cholecystectomy due to cholelithiasis was 18.4%. Gallstones prevalence increased with age (sixty years old or over), female sex, more than four pregnancies and body mass index (BMI) over 30. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of gallstones increased in patients with risk factors.

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