Oscar Chapa
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Proceedings of SPIE | 2008
Salvador Cuevas; Stephen S. Eikenberry; Beatriz Sánchez; Oscar Chapa; Carlos Espejo; R. Flores-Meza; Gerardo Lara; Luis Carlos Álvarez; C. Keiman
FRIDA (inFRared Imager and Dissector for the Adaptive optics system of the Gran Telescopio Canarias) has been designed as a diffraction limited instrument that will offer broad and narrow band imaging and integral field spectroscopy (IFS) capabilities with low, intermediate and high spectral resolutions to operate in the wavelength range 0.9 - 2.5 μm. The integral field unit is based on a monolithic image slicer based on the University of Florida FISICA. Both, the imaging mode and IFS observing modes will use the same Rockwell 2K×2K detector. FRIDA will be based at a Nasmyth focus of GTC, behind the GTCAO system. The FRIDA optical design, stray light analysis, tolerance analysis and manufacturing feasibility are described in this contribution.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2014
Jra Lopez; Joaquín Campos Acosta; Leonardo Alvarez; Vicente Bringas; N. Cardiel; D. M. Clark; Alejandro Corrales; Salvador Cuevas; Oscar Chapa; J. J. Díaz Garcia; S. S. Eikenberry; C. Eliche; Carlos Espejo; R. Flores; José María de Fuentes; J. Gallego; J. Garcés; Francisco Garzon; P. L. Hammersley; C. Keiman; Gerardo Lara; P. López; Diana Lucero; Heidy Moreno; S. Pascual; Jesús Patrón; A. Prieto; Aurelio Rodríguez; Boris A. Rodríguez; Beatriz Sánchez
FRIDA is a diffraction limited imager and integral field spectrometer that is being built for the Gran Telescopio Canarias. FRIDA has been designed and is being built as a collaborative project between institutions from México, Spain and the USA. In imaging mode FRIDA will provide scales of 0.010, 0.020 and 0.040 arcsec/pixel and in IFS mode spectral resolutions R ~ 1000, 4,500 and 30,000. FRIDA is starting systems integration and is scheduled to complete fully integrated system tests at the laboratory by the end of 2015 and be delivered to GTC shortly after. In this contribution we present a summary of its design, fabrication, current status and potential scientific applications.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2012
Beatriz Sánchez; M. Aguiar-González; Roberto Barreto; S. Becerril; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; A. Bongiovanni; J. Cepa; Santiago Correa; Oscar Chapa; A. Ederoclite; Carlos Espejo; Alejandro Farah; Ana Fragoso; Patricia Fernández; R. Flores; F. Javier Fuentes; Fernando Gago; Fernando Garfias; José V. Gigante; J. Jesús González; Victor Gonzalez-Escalera; Belén Hernández; Elvio Hernández; Alberto Herrera; Guillermo Herrera; Enrique Joven; Rosalia Langarica; Gerardo Lara; José Carlos López; Roberto López
OSIRIS (Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy) was the optical Day One instrument for the 10.4m Spanish telescope GTC. It is installed at the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (La Palma, Spain). This instrument has been operational since March-2009 and covers from 360 to 1000 nm. OSIRIS observing modes include direct imaging with tunable and conventional filters, long slit and low resolution spectroscopy. OSIRIS wide field of view and high efficiency provide a powerful tool for the scientific exploitation of GTC. OSIRIS was developed by a Consortium formed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the Instituto de Astronomía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IA-UNAM). The latter was in charge of the optical design, the manufacture of the camera and collaboration in the assembly, integration and verification process. The IAC was responsible for the remaining design of the instrument and it was the project leader. The present paper considers the development of the instrument from its design to its present situation in which is in used by the scientific community.
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation | 2003
Luis Salas; Leonel Gutiérrez; Mario Tapia; Irene Cruz-Gonzales; Elfego Ruiz Schneider; Esteban Luna-Aguilar; Jorge Valdez; R. Costero; Erika Sohn; Francisco Lazo; Joaquin Bohigas; Benjamín García; J. Murillo; Fernando Garfias; Oscar Chapa; Salvador Zazueta; Víctor Manuel Alvarado García; Francisco Cobos; Fernando Quiros; Arturo Iriarte; Carlos Tejada
We present the dual IR camera CID for the 2.12 m telescope of the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional de Mexico, IA-UNAM. The system consists of two separate cameras/spectrographs that operate in different regions of the IR spectrum. In the near IR, CID comprises a direct imaging camera with wide band filters, a CVF, and a low resolution spectrograph employing an InSb 256 x 256 detector. In the mid IR, CID uses a BIB 128 x 128 detector for direct imaging in 10 and 20 microns. Optics and mechanics of CID were developed at IR-Labs (Tucson). The electronics was developed by R. Leach (S. Diego). General design, construction of auxiliary optics (oscillating secondary mirror), necessary modifications and optimization of the electronics, and acquisition software were carried out at OAN/ UNAM. The compact design of the instruments allow them to share a single dewar and the cryogenics system.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2016
Alan M. Watson; Salvador Cuevas Cardona; Luis C. Alvarez Nuñez; Fernando Ángeles; Rosa L. Becerra-Godínez; Oscar Chapa; Alejandro Farah; Jorge Fuentes-Fernández; Liliana Figueroa; Rosaliá Langarica Lebre; Fernando Quiróz; Carlos G. Román-Zúñiga; Jaime Ruíz-Diáz-Soto; Carlos Tejada; Silvio J. Tinoco
COATLI will provide 0.3 arcsec FWHM images from 550 to 900 nm over a large fraction of the sky. It consists of a robotic 50-cm telescope with a diffraction-limited fast-guiding imager. Since the telescope is small, fast guiding will provide diffraction-limited image quality over a field of at least 1 arcmin and with coverage of a large fraction of the sky, even in relatively poor seeing. The COATLI telescope will be installed at the at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional in Sierra San Pedro Mártir, México, during 2016 and the diffraction-limited imager will follow in 2017.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2016
Salvador Cuevas; Rosalia Langarica; Alan M. Watson; Jorge Fuentes-Fernández; Fernando Ángeles; Alejandro Farah; Liliana Figueroa; Rosa L. Becerra-Godínez; Oscar Chapa; Carlos G. Román-Zúñiga; Fernando Quiróz; Carlos Tejada; Luis C. Álvarez-Núñez; Jaime Ruz; Silvio J. Tinoco
COATLI is a new instrument and telescope that will provide 0.3 arcsec FWHM images from 550 to 920 nm over a large fraction of the sky. It consists of a robotic 50-cm telescope with a diffraction-limited imager. The imager has a steering mirror for fast guiding, a blue channel using a EMCCD from 400 to 550 nm to measure image motion, a red channel using a standard CCD from 550 to 920 nm, and an active optics system based on a deformable mirror to compensate static aberrations in the red channel. Since the telescope is small, fast guiding will provide diffraction-limited image quality in the red channel over a large fraction of the sky, even in relatively poor seeing. COATLI will be installed at the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional in Baja California, Mexico, in September 2016 and will operate initially with a simple interim imager. The definitive COATLI instrument will be installed in 2017. In this paper, we present some of the details of the optical design of the instrument.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2006
Salvador Cuevas; Beatriz Sánchez; Vicente Bringas; Carlos Espejo; R. Flores; Oscar Chapa; Gerardo Lara; Armando Chavoya; Gustavo Anguiano; Sadot Arciniega; Ariel Dorantes; José Luis Gonzalez; Juan Manuel Montoya; Rafael Toral; Hugo Hernández; Roberto Nava; Nicholas Devaney; Javier Castro; Lluis Cavaller; Alejandro Farah; Javier Godoy; Francisco Cobos; Carlos Tejada; Fernando Garfias
In March 2004, the Commissioning Instrument (CI) for the GTC was accepted in the site of The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) located in La Palma Island, Spain. During the GTC integration phase, the CI will be a diagnostic tool for performance verification. The CI features four operation modes-imaging, pupil imaging, Curvature Wave-front sensing (WFS), and high resolution Shack-Hartmann WFS. The imaging mode permits to qualify the GTC image quality. The Pupil Mode permits estimate the GTC stray light. The segments figure, alignment and cophasing verifications are made with both WFS modes. In this work we describe the Commissioning Instrument and show some tests results obtained during the site acceptance process at the GTC site.
Fifth Symposium Optics in Industry | 2006
Salvador Cuevas; Beatriz Sánchez; Vicente Bringas; Carlos Espejo; R. Flores; Oscar Chapa; Gerardo Lara; Armando Chavoya; Gustavo Anguiano; Sadot Arciniega; Ariel Dorantes; José Luis Gonzalez; Juan Manuel Montoya; Rafael Toral; Hugo Hernández; Roberto Nava; Nicolas Devaney; Javier Castro; Luis Cavaller; Alejandro Farah; Javier Godoy; Francisco Cobos; Carlos Tejada; Fernando Garfias
In March 2004 was accepted in the site of Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) in La Palma Island, Spain, the Commissioning Instrument (CI) for the GTC. During the GTC integration phase, the CI will be a diagnostic tool for performance verification. The CI features four operation modes-imaging, pupil imaging, Curvature Wave-front sensing (WFS), and high resolution Shack-Hartmann WFS. This instrument was built by the Instituto de Astronomia UNAM in Mexico City and the Centro de Ingenieria y Desarrollo Industrial (CIDESI) in Queretaro, Qro under a GRANTECAN contract after an international public bid. Some optical components were built by Centro de Investigaciones en Optica (CIO) in Leon Gto and the biggest mechanical parts were manufactured by Vatech in Morelia Mich. In this paper we made a general description of the CI and we relate how this instrument, build under international standards, was entirely made in Mexico.
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation | 2003
Salvador Cuevas; Carlos Espejo; Beatriz Sánchez; R. Flores-Meza; Gerardo Lara; Alejandro Farah Simon; Javier Godoy; Oscar Chapa; Carlos Tejada; Francisco Cobos; Fernando Garfias; Vicente Bringas; Armando Chavoya; Gustavo Anguiano; Sadot Arciniega; Ariel Dorantes; José Luis Gonzalez; Juan Manuel Montoya; Rafael Toral; Hugo Hernández; Roberto Nava; Nicholas Devaney; Javier Castro; Luis Cavaller
During the GTC integration phase, the Commissioning Instrument (CI) will be a diagnostic tool for performance verification. The CI features four operation modes-imaging, pupil imaging, Curvature WFS, and high resolution Shack-Hartmann WFS. After the GTC Commissioning we also plan to install a Pyramid WFS. This instrument can therefore serve as a test bench for comparing co-phasing methods for ELTs on a real segmented telescope. In this paper we made a general instrument overview.
Optical Engineering | 2017
Beatriz Sánchez; C. Keiman; Jorge Fuentes-Fernández; Salvador Cuevas; Carlos Espejo; Oscar Chapa; R. Flores-Meza; Luis Carlos Álvarez; Gerardo Lara; Leonardo Garcés
Abstract. We present the design concept and validation of a cryogenic lens mount for a noncemented doublet for the near-infrared diffraction limited instrument FRIDA. The design uses an autocentering mount that maintains the relative alignment of the lenses, acting against any displacement that may be induced by external forces by automatically returning the lenses to their nominal positions. Autocentering techniques have been used for instruments at room temperature with relatively relaxed image quality requirements. We present in detail its application to a mount for a cryogenic instrument working at the diffraction limit. The design has been tested on the collimator of FRIDA, a noncemented doublet of CaF2 and S-FTM16. We describe the alignment requirements of the system, and we show the calculations that ensure that the lenses will suffer both appropriate stresses and temperature differences. We present the experimental validation of a prototype, demonstrating that the design delivers an excellent performance without inducing unnecessary stresses on the optical components, provided that the lenses are previously aligned with very high precision.