
Arthritis Care and Research | 2012

Early rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America: low socioeconomic status related to high disease activity at baseline.

Loreto Massardo; Bernardo A. Pons-Estel; Daniel Wojdyla; Mario H. Cardiel; Claudio Galarza-Maldonado; Mónica P. Sacnun; Enrique R. Soriano; Ieda Maria Magalhães Laurindo; Eduardo M. Acevedo-Vásquez; Carlo V. Caballero-Uribe; Oslando Padilla; Zoila M. Guibert‐Toledano; Licia Maria Henrique da Mota; Rubén Montúfar; Leticia Lino-Pérez; José Francisco Díaz-Coto; Angel F. Achurra‐Castillo; Jaime Hernández; María H Esteva-Spinetti; Luis Alberto Ramírez; Carlos Pineda; Daniel E. Furst

To determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on disease activity in a Latin American (LA) early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) multinational inception cohort at baseline.

Hypertension | 2009

Association of Remote Hypertension in Pregnancy With Coronary Artery Disease. A Case-Control Study

Gloria Valdés; Felipe Quezada; Eugenio Marchant; Astrid von Schultzendorff; Sergio Moran; Oslando Padilla; Alejandro Martínez

Because hypertensive pregnancies have been associated with increased cardiovascular disease, we aimed to identify whether angiographically characterized coronary artery disease differed in women with previous normotensive pregnancies or hypertensive pregnancies (HPs). The study group included 217 parous women, aged 60.9±9.2 (SD) years, who required coronary angiography between January 2006 and December 2007, 36.8±9.9 and 28.8±10.5 years after their first and last pregnancy, respectively; 146 had normotensive pregnancies and 71 had ≥1 HP, according to a questionnaire including reproductive history and cardiovascular risks. Body mass index, smoking, and frequency of diabetes were similar in both groups. Chronic hypertension (93% versus 78%; P=0.007), hyperlipidemia (82% versus 69%; P=0.049), and premature familial cardiovascular disease (42% versus 20%; P=0.001) prevailed in HPs. Participants with HPs were younger (58.9±8.3 versus 61.9±9.6 years; P=0.025) than participants with normotensive pregnancies. Although 49% of all participants had hemodynamically significant coronary artery disease (≥70% stenosis), no differences were observed between groups in the number of stenotic arteries; however, their number increased by 28% and 22% over a 10-year period in HPs and normotensive pregnancies, respectively (P=0.034). Multivariate analysis showed that HPs had a nonsignificant risk of having coronary artery disease (odds ratio: 1.21; 95% CI: 0.64 to 2.28), and being a current smoker (odds ratio: 4.13; 95% CI: 1.85 to 9.25), a diabetic (odds ratio: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.85 to 9.25), or having a family history of premature cardiovascular disease (odds ratio: 2.34; 95% CI: 1.17 to 2.39) significantly increased the risk of coronary artery disease. This study demonstrates that women with HPs have earlier coronary disease, probably related to intermediate cardiovascular risks that have a gestational expression.

Medical Teacher | 2009

Psychometric analyses and internal consistency of the PHEEM questionnaire to measure the clinical learning environment in the clerkship of a Medical School in Chile

Arnoldo Riquelme; Cristian A Herrera; Carolina Aranis; Jorge Oporto; Oslando Padilla

Background and aims: The Spanish version of the Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure (PHEEM) was evaluated in this study to determine its psychometric properties, validity and internal consistency to measure the clinical learning environment in the hospital setting of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Medical Schools Internship. Methods: The 40-item PHEEM questionnaire was translated from English to Spanish and retranslated to English. Content validity was tested by a focus group and minor differences in meaning were adjusted. The PHEEM was administered to clerks in years 6 and 7. Construct validity was carried out using exploratory factor analysis followed by a Varimax rotation. Internal consistency was measured using Cronbachs α. Results: A total of 125 out of 220 students responded to the PHEEM. The overall response rate was 56.8% and compliances with each item ranged from 99.2% to 100%. Analyses indicate that five factors instrument accounting for 58% of the variance and internal consistency of the 40-item questionnaire is 0.955 (Cronbachs α). The 40-item questionnaire had a mean score of 98.21 ± 21.2 (maximum score of 160). Conclusions: The Spanish version of PHEEM is a multidimensional, valid and highly reliable instrument measuring the educational environment among undergraduate medical students working in hospital-based clerkships.

Liver International | 2011

Overexpression of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in visceral adipose tissue and portal hypercortisolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Roberto Candia; Arnoldo Riquelme; Rene Baudrand; Cristian A. Carvajal; Mauricio Morales; Nancy Solís; Margarita Pizarro; Alex Escalona; Gonzalo Carrasco; Camilo Boza; Gustavo Pérez; Oslando Padilla; Jaime Cerda; Carlos E. Fardella; Marco Arrese

The enzyme 11β‐hydroxysteroid‐dehydrogenase type 1 (11β‐HSD1) catalyses the reactivation of intracellular cortisol. We explored the potential role of 11β‐HSD1 overexpression in visceral adipose tissue (VAT) in non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) assessing sequential changes of enzyme expression, in hepatic and adipose tissue, and the occurrence of portal hypercortisolism in obese mice. 11β‐HSD1 expression was also assessed in tissues from obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery.

Infectious Agents and Cancer | 2011

Human papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr virus infections in breast cancer from chile

Francisco Aguayo; Noureen Khan; Chihaya Koriyama; Carolina González; Sandra Ampuero; Oslando Padilla; Luisa M. Solis; Yoshito Eizuru; Alejandro H. Corvalan; Suminori Akiba

BackgroundHuman papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein Barr virus (EBV) have been found in breast carcinomas (BCs) around the world. In this study, fifty-five BCs from Chile were analyzed for HPV and EBV presence. In addition, HPV-16 viral load/physical status and E6/E7 expressions were determined.ResultsThe amplification of a housekeeping gene showed that 46/55 samples (84%) had amplifiable DNA. HPV-16 was detected in 4/46 BCs (8.7%) and EBV was detected in 3/46 (6.5%) BCs. The analysis of HPV-16 physical status showed that this virus was integrated in all of the tumors with a relatively low viral load (range: 0.14 to 33.8 copies/cell). E6 and E7 transcripts, however, were not detected in any HPV-16 positive specimens. Using a Cox-regression model, we found a statistically significant association between EBV presence and poor survival (p = 0.013).ConclusionsThe findings in this study suggest that it is unlikely that HPV and/or EBV play a direct role in the etiology of BC.

American Journal of Hypertension | 2013

Age-Related Changes in 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 Activity in Normotensive Subjects

Carmen Campino; Alejandro Martinez-Aguayo; Rene Baudrand; Cristian A. Carvajal; Marlene Aglony; Hernán García; Oslando Padilla; Alexis M. Kalergis; Carlos E. Fardella

BACKGROUND Impairment in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) activity results in inefficient inactivation of cortisol to cortisone, and it can trigger hypertension through activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor. Information about age-related changes in 11β-HSD2 activity and its physiological consequences is scarce. Our aim was to investigate whether 11β-HSD2 activity is age dependent in normotensive subjects. METHODS We recruited 196 healthy, normotensive subjects. Of these, 93 were children (Group 1: aged 5-15 years), and 103 were adults who were divided according to their ages: Group 2: aged 30-41 years (n = 10); Group 3: aged 42-53 years (n = 72); and Group 4: aged 54-65 years (n = 21). Fasting serum cortisol, cortisone, aldosterone, and plasma renin activity (PRA) were measured. The 11β-HSD2 activity was estimated by the cortisol/cortisone ratio. The results were expressed as median (interquartile range (IQR)) values and compared using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunns multiple-comparison tests. RESULTS As subject age increased, cortisol concentrations increased (Group 1 median = 8.6, IQR = 6.3-10.8 µg/dl; Group 4 median = 12.4, IQR = 10.7-14.7 µg/dl; P < 0.001), and cortisone concentrations showed a gradual decrease (Group 2 median = 4.0, IQR = 3.3-4.2 µg/dl; Group 4 median =2.8, IQR = 2.6-3.3 µg/dl; P < 0.01). As a consequence, the cortisol/cortisone ratio was higher in the oldest subjects (Group 4) than in the subjects from the other 3 groups; the ratios from Group 4 to Group 1 were 4.4 (IQR = 3.7-5.1) µg/dl, 3.3 (IQR = 2.7-3.8) µg/dl, 2.5 (IQR = 2.3-3.8) µg/dl, and 2.7 (IQR = 2.1-3.4) µg/dl, respectively (P < 0.01). The PRA decreased with age. Blood pressure levels increased with age but stayed within the normal range. CONCLUSIONS Cortisol and the cortisol/cortisone ratio increased with age, but cortisone decreased, suggesting a decrease in 11β-HSD2 activity. These results suggest that the cortisol-mediated activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor may explain the blood pressure increase in elderly subjects.

Revista Medica De Chile | 2010

Evaluación del ambiente educacional pre-clínico en seis Escuelas de Medicina en Chile

Cristian A Herrera; Jorge Pacheco; Francisca Rosso; Cynthia Cisterna; Daniela Aichele; Susana Becker; Oslando Padilla; Arnoldo Riquelme

BACKGROUND The Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) is the most valid and reliable instrument to measure the educational environment (EE) in undergraduate medical education. AIM To evaluate the EE perceived by undergraduate medical students in Chile, using a Spanish version of the DREEM questionnaire. MATERIAL AND METHODS The DREEM was applied during 2008 in third, fourth and fifth undergraduate years of six medical schools. The individual results were calculated and means of both global and individual domain scores of the DREEM were compared, by year, gender and between different Schools. RESULTS One thousand ninety two students (77% of the total universe of students), answered the questionnaire. The mean score of the six Schools was 113.9. The domains of Perception ofLearning and Social Self-Perception obtained the lower scores, with a global outcome indicating a more positive than negative EE. Two schools obtained mean scores of 128.32 and 126.87, that were significantly higher than the global scores obtained by other schools. No relevant differences by years or gender were observed. CONCLUSIONS There is a significant variability between the six schools evaluated and two of these obtained significantly better scores than the rest. The identified positive and negative areas will orient the actions to improve the EE for undergraduate medical students.

Liver International | 2015

Beneficial effects of mineralocorticoid receptor blockade in experimental non‐alcoholic steatohepatitis

Margarita Pizarro; Nancy Solís; Pablo Quintero; Francisco Barrera; Daniel Cabrera; Pamela Rojasde Santiago; Juan Pablo Arab; Oslando Padilla; Juan Carlos Roa; Han Moshage; Alexander Wree; Eugenia Inzaugarat; Ariel E. Feldstein; Carlos E. Fardella; Rene Baudrand; Arnoldo Riquelme; Marco Arrese

Therapeutic options to treat Non‐alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are limited. Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activation could play a role in hepatic fibrogenesis and its modulation could be beneficial for NASH.

Allergologia Et Immunopathologia | 2016

Effect of foods and Mediterranean diet during pregnancy and first years of life on wheezing, rhinitis and dermatitis in preschoolers.

Jose A. Castro-Rodriguez; M. Ramirez-Hernandez; Oslando Padilla; R.M. Pacheco-Gonzalez; Virginia Pérez-Fernández; Luis Garcia-Marcos

BACKGROUND There is a conflictive position if some foods and Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) consumed by the mother during pregnancy and by the child during the first years of life can be protective for current wheezing, rhinitis and dermatitis at preschool age. METHODS Questionnaires of epidemiological factors and food intake by the mother during pregnancy and later by the child were filled in by parents in two surveys at two different time points (1.5 yrs and 4 yrs of life) in 1000 preschoolers. RESULTS The prevalences of current wheezing, rhinitis and dermatitis were 18.8%, 10.4%, and 17.2%, respectively. After multiple logistic analysis children who were low fruit consumers (never/occasionally) and high fast-food consumers (≥3 times/week) had a higher risk for current wheezing; while intermediate consumption of meat (1 or 2 times/week) and low of pasta by mothers in pregnancy were protected. For current rhinitis, low fruit consumer children were at higher risk; while those consuming meat <3 times/week were protected. For current dermatitis, high fast food consumption by mothers in pregnancy; and low or high consumption of fruit, and high of potatoes in children were associated to higher prevalence. Children consuming fast food >1 times/week were protected for dermatitis. MedDiet adherence by mother and child did not remain a protective factor for any outcome. CONCLUSION Low consumption of fruits and high of meat by the child, and high consumption of potatoes and pasta by the mother had a negative effect on wheezing, rhinitis or dermatitis; while fast food consumption was inconsistent.

Revista Medica De Chile | 2014

Obesidad en mujeres chilenas en edad fértil

Marcela Araya B; Oslando Padilla; María Luisa Garmendia; Eduardo Atalah; Ricardo Uauy

BACKGROUND Women in childbearing ages (WCBA) represent a strategic intervention group to reverse the global trend of increasing obesity. AIM To conduct a review of studies reporting obesity prevalence in WCBA in Chile in the last 25 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS To describe obesity prevalence, we used three approaches, namely qualitative review of studies describing obesity prevalence in WCBA and a comparative study of the prevalence of obesity, overweight, abdominal and morbid obesity in WCBA from 2003 and 2009-10 National Health Surveys (ENS). Finally, nutrition status trends of pregnant women in the period 1987-2013 were plotted. RESULTS According to ENS, obesity prevalence exceeded 20% and excess weight 50%, both in 2003 and 2009-10 surveys. We found seven population studies, being difficult to compare them due to the heterogeneity of obesity definitions, design, and populations. Population studies showed that the prevalence of obesity increases along with age. The higher prevalence of obesity in WCBA aged 20 to 43 years was found in the city of San Carlos in 2007 (35.5%). The lowest was found in female university students, ranging from 0% to 5.9%. Obesity in pregnant women increased from 12.9% to 32.2% in the period 1987-2004 and from 20.3% to 26.3% in the period 2005-2013. CONCLUSIONS There is a high and increasing prevalence of obesity among women in childbearing age, whether pregnant or not-pregnant.Background: Women in childbearing ages (WCBA) represent a strategic intervention group to reverse the global trend of increasing obesity. Aim: To conduct a review of studies reporting obesity prevalence in WCBA in Chile in the last 25 years. Material and Methods: To describe obesity prevalence, we used three approaches, namely qualitative review of studies describing obesity prevalence in WCBA and a comparative study of the prevalence of obesity, overweight, abdominal and morbid obesity in WCBA from 2003 and 2009-10 National Health Surveys (ENS). Finally, nutrition status trends of pregnant women in the period 1987-2013 were plotted. Results: According to ENS, obesity prevalence exceeded 20% and excess weight 50%, both in 2003 and 2009-10 surveys. We found seven population studies, being difficult to compare them due to the heterogeneity of obesity definitions, design, and populations. Population studies showed that the prevalence of obesity increases along with age. The higher prevalence of obesity in WCBA aged 20 to 43 years was found in the city of San Carlos in 2007 (35.5%). The lowest was found in female university students, ranging from 0% to 5.9%. Obesity in pregnant women increased from 12.9% to 32.2% in the period 1987-2004 and from 20.3% to 26.3% in the period 2005- 2013. Conclusions: There is a high and increasing prevalence of obesity among women in childbearing age, whether pregnant or not-pregnant

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