
Erwerbs-obstbau | 2017

Energy Input-Output Analysis in Organic Mulberry (Morus spp.) Production in Turkey: a Case Study Adiyaman-Tut Region

Osman Gokdogan; Halil Ibrahim Oğuz; Mehmet Fırat Baran

The goal of this study is to do the energy input-output analysis of organic mulberry. This study was conducted at the organic mulberry producing facilities during the 2015–2016 production seasons in Adiyaman-Tut region of Turkey. The agricultural input energies and output energies used in organic mulberry production were computed to determine the energy input-output analysis. According to the research findings, the energy inputs in organic mulberry production were computed respectively as 3948 MJ ha−1 (59.01%) drip and sprinkler irrigation energy, 1092.42 MJ ha−1 (16.33%) gravity irrigation energy, 449.33 MJ ha−1 (6.72%) diesel fuel energy, 416.52 MJ ha−1 (6.23%) farmyard manure energy, 335.14 MJ ha−1 (5.01%) human labour energy, 253.52 MJ ha−1 (3.79%) machinery energy, 93.12 MJ ha−1 (1.39%) transportation energy, 75.78 MJ ha−1 (1.13%) animal labour energy and 26.62 MJ ha−1 (0.40%) organic fertilizer energy. Total input energy was computed as 6690.46 MJ ha−1. Production output organic mulberry yield were calculated as 37,627.84 MJ ha−1. The energy output/input ratio, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy computations were computed respectively as 5.62, 1.51 MJ kg−1, 0.66 kg MJ−1 and 30,937.37 MJ ha−1. The consumed total energy input in organic mulberry production could be classified as 88.20% direct, 11.80% indirect, 88.10% renewable and 11.90% non-renewable.

Erwerbs-obstbau | 2017

Determination of Energy Input-Output Analysis in Plum (Prunus domestica L.) Production

Mehmet Fırat Baran; Halil Ibrahim Oğuz; Osman Gokdogan

The aim of this research is to compose the energy input-output analysis of plum in Nevsehir province in Turkey. This research was conducted at the plum cultivating facilities during the 2015–2016 production seasons in Nevsehir province of Central Anatolian Region in Turkey. The agricultural input energies and output energies used in plum cultivation were calculated to determine the energy input-output analysis. According to the research findings, the energy inputs in plum cultivation were calculated respectively 3920 MJ ha−1 (44.99%) chemical fertilizers energy, 1618.91 MJ ha−1 (18.58%) diesel fuel energy, 1125.85 MJ ha−1 (12.92%) chemicals energy, 1069.20 MJ ha−1 (12.27%) machinery energy, 723.24 MJ ha−1 (8.30%) human labour energy and 255 MJ ha−1 (2.93%) irrigation water energy. Production output plum yield were calculated as 12,112.50 MJ ha−1. The energy output/input ratio, specific energy, energy usage efficiency and net energy calculations were calculated respectively as 1.39, 1.37 MJ kg−1, 0.73 kg MJ−1 and 3400.30 MJ ha−1.

Erwerbs-obstbau | 2018

Evaluation of Energy Balance in Organic Olive (Olea Europaea L.) Production in Turkey

Osman Gokdogan; Oktay Erdoğan

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the energy balance of organic olive production in Aydın-Karpuzlu Region in Turkey in 2015. In order to evaluate the energy input-output of organic olive, data has been provided by Aydın-Karpuzlu Organic Olive Producers Association. The agricultural input energies and output energies used in organic olive production have been calculated to evaluation the energy inputs and energy output. According to the research findings, the energy inputs in organic olive production have been calculated respectively as 19,426.95 MJ ha−1 (50.31%) diesel fuel energy, 12,960 MJ ha−1 (33.56%) machinery energy, polyethylene trap energy 3520 MJ ha−1 (9.12%), 2116.80 MJ ha−1 (5.48%) human labour energy, 276.48 MJ ha−1 (0.72%) electricity energy, 231.60 MJ ha−1 (0.60%) organic chemical energy and 81.87 MJ ha−1 (0.21%) transportation energy. Total input energy has been calculated as 38,613.70 MJ ha−1. Total output energy have been calculated as 104,888.78 MJ ha−1. The energy output/input ratio, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy calculations have been calculated respectively as 2.72, 4.34 MJ kg−1, 0.23 kg MJ−1 and 66,275.08 MJ ha−1 in organic olive production.

Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro | 2015


Osman Gokdogan; Tanzer Eryilmaz; Murat Kadir Yesilyurt

espanolEn este estudio, se produjo biodiesel (metil eter) a partir de aceite de ricino (Ricinus communis L.) (CO, de sus siglas en ingles) utilizando hidroxido de sodio (NaOH) y metanol (CH3OH) a traves del metodo de transesterificacion en dos pasos. Se prepararon nueve mezclas diferentes (2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 75% dependiendo del volumen de la mezcla con biodiesel. Se estimaron los valores de densidad del Biodiesel de Aceite de Ricino (COB, de sus siglas en ingles) y sus mezclas en un rango de temperatura de 0 a 93°C en intervalos de 5°C y tambien se estimaron los valores de viscosidad cinematica de COB y sus mezclas dentro del rango temperatura comprendido entre 30 y 100°C en intervalos de 5°C. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad, la viscosidad cinematica, el valor calorifico, el punto de ignicion, pH, la corrosion de la franja de cobre y el contenido de agua del COB son 932.40 kg·m-3, 15.069 mm².s-1, 38.600 MJ·kg-1, 182°C, 7, 1a y 1067.7, respectivamente. La densidad y la viscosidad cinematica de las muestras de combustible disminuyen a medida que aumenta la temperatura; y tambien estas propiedades disminuyen como resultado del aumento en la cantidad de biodiesel en las mezclas. EnglishIn this study, biodiesel (methyl ester) was produced from Castor Oil (Ricinus communis L.) (CO) using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and methanol (CH3OH) by the two-step transesterification method. Nine different fuel blends (2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 75% by volume blending with diesel) were prepared. The density values of Castor Oil Biodiesel (COB) and its blends were measured at the temperature range from 0 to 93°C in steps of 5°C and the kinematic viscosity values of COB and its blends were measured at the temperature range from 30 to 100°C in the steps of 5°C. The results showed that the density, kinematic viscosity, calorific value, flash point, pH, copper strip corrosion and water content of COB are 932.40 kg·m-3, 15.069 mm².s-1, 38.600 MJ·kg-1, 182°C, 7, 1a and 1067.7, respectively. The density and kinematic viscosity of fuel samples decrease as temperature increases; and also these properties decrease as a result of the increase in the amount of diesel in the blends. portuguesNeste estudo, o biodiesel (metil eter) foi produzido a partir do oleo de ricino (Ricinus communis L.) (CO, por suas siglas em ingles) usando hidroxido de sodio (NaOH) e metanol (CH3OH) atraves de um metodo de transesterificacao de dois passos. Foram preparadas ate nove misturas de combustivel diferentes (2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 75% por volume de mistura com o diesel). Os valores de densidade do biodiesel de oleo de ricino (COB, por suas siglas em ingles) e as suas misturas foram calculados dentro do rango de temperatura de 0 a 93°C no passo de 5°C e os valores de viscosidade cinematica do COB e das misturas foram calculadas no rango de temperatura de 30 a 100°C no passo de 5°C. Os resultados demonstraron que a densidade, viscosidade cinematica, valor calorifico, ponto de fusao, PH, corrosao da faixa de cobre e conteudo de agua do COB eram de 932.40 kg·m-3, 15.069 mm².s-1, 38.600 MJ·kg-1, 182°C, 7, 1a e 1067.7, respectivamente. Os valores de densidade e viscosidade cinematica das amostras de combustivel diminuem na medida em que aumenta a temperatura; e tambem essas propriedades diminuem em decorrencia do aumento na quantidade de diesel nas misturas.

Erwerbs-obstbau | 2018

Determination of Energy Balance in Organic Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) Production in Turkey

Halil Ibrahim Oğuz; Osman Gokdogan; Mehmet Fırat Baran

The aim of this study is to determine the energy balance of organic wolfberry. This study was performed at the organic wolfberry producing facilities during the 2015–2016 production seasons in Aksaray province of Turkey. The agricultural input energies and output energies were used in organic wolfberry production were calculated to determine the energy balance. According to the study findings, the energy inputs in organic wolfberry production were calculated respectively as 3044.23 MJ ha−1 (39.26%) human labour energy, 1694.93 MJ ha−1 (21.86%) diesel fuel energy, 1145.66 MJ ha−1 (14.78%) machinery energy, 984.38 MJ ha−1 (12.70%) organic fertilizers energy, 306 MJ ha−1 (3.95%) irrigation energy, 289.50 MJ ha−1 (3.73%) organic chemicals energy and 289.08 MJ ha−1 (3.73%) transportation energy. Total input energy was calculated as 7753.78 MJ ha−1. Production output organic wolfberry yield were calculated as 10,862.40 MJ ha−1. The energy output/input ratio, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy were calculated respectively as 1.40, 2.66 MJ kg−1, 0.38 kg MJ−1 and 3108.62 MJ ha−1. The consumed total energy input in organic wolfberry production could be classified as 65.07% direct, 34.93% indirect, 59.64% renewable and 40.36% non-renewable.

Erwerbs-obstbau | 2018

Erratum to: Studies of Energy Use Efficiency on Fruit Production

Osman Gokdogan; Oktay Erdoğan; Halil Ibrahim Oğuz; Mehmet Fırat Baran

Erratum to:Erwerbs-Obstbau 2018 Unfortunately, Tables 1 and 2 of this article contain errors.

Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology | 2017

Evaluation of Pest Management Practices of Almond Growers in Adıyaman Province

Oktay Erdoğan; Ela Tohumcu; Mehmet Fırat Baran; Osman Gokdogan

Bu calismanin amaci, 2016 yilinda Adiyaman ilindeki badem ureticilerinin zirai mucadele uygulamalarinda karsilastigi sorunlari belirlemektir. Bu amacla, basit tesadufi ornekleme yontemine gore Kahta, Besni, Golbasi ve Merkez ilcelerinde, her ilcede tesadufi olarak secilen 6 koy olmak uzere toplam 24 koyde, 96 ureticiden anket yontemi ile bilgiler temin edilmis ve sonuclar yuzde oran olarak degerlendirilmistir. Badem ureticilerinin, egitim seviyesinin yuksek, pek cogunun tarim disi gelire sahip oldugu ve gelir miktarinin aclik siniri seviyesinin uzerinde oldugu saptanmistir. Badem ureticileri pestisit secimi ve pestisit dozunu belirlemede ilac bayilerinden ve Tarim Il Mudurlugunden tavsiye almakta, marka ve etkili maddenin pestisit seciminde onemli faktorler oldugu, ayni hastalik ve zararliya karsi surekli ayni pestisiti kullanmadiklari, hastalik ve zararliyi gormeden ilaclama yaptiklari, ilaclamada onerilen dozu uyguladiklari, kullandiklari pestisitlerin urunde kalinti biraktigi, ilaclama ile hasat arasindaki bekleme suresine dikkat ettikleri, ilaclama sirasinda koruyucu elbise ve maske kullandiklari, bos pestisit kutularini tarla veya yol kenarina atmadiklari, ilaclama aletini temizledikleri, ancak ilaclama aletini kalibrasyon yapmadan kullandiklari, pestisitleri karisim halinde uyguladiklari, kimyasal mucadele disinda kulturel mucadeleyi tercih ettikleri ve biyopestisit kavramini bilmedikleri belirlenmistir.

Derim | 2017

Nevşehir ilinde patates üreticilerinin bitki koruma uygulamaları

Oktay Erdoğan; Osman Gokdogan

Bu calisma, Nevsehir ilinde patates ureticilerinin tarimsal mucadelede bitki koruma uygulamalarini belirlemek amaciyla ele alinmistir. Bu amacla, 2016 yilinda oransal ornekleme yontemine gore Merkez, Derinkuyu ve Urgup ilcelerinde, her ilceden tesadufi olarak secilen 9 koy olmak uzere toplam 27 koyde, 189 uretici ile 20 sorudan olusan anket calismasi yapilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, ureticilerin egitim seviyesinin dusuk oldugu, pek cogunun tarim disi gelire sahip olmadigi ve gelir miktarinin aclik siniri seviyesinde oldugu belirlenmistir. Ureticiler, pestisit secimi ve pestisit dozunu belirlemede ilac bayilerinden destek aldiklarini, fiyatin pestisit seciminde onemli bir faktor oldugunu, hastalik ve zararlilari gormeden ilaclama yaptiklarini, onerilen dozun uzerinde uygulama yaptiklarini, pestisitlerin urunde kalinti birakmadigini, bekleme suresine dikkat ettiklerini, ilaclama esnasinda koruyucu elbise ve maske kullanmadiklarini, pestisitleri karisim halinde kullandiklarini, bos ilac kutularini yaktiklarini ve topraga gomduklerini, ilaclama sonrasinda ilaclama tankini temizlediklerini, kimyasal mucadele disinda kulturel mucadeleyi tercih ettiklerini ve biyopestisit terimini bilmediklerini ifade etmislerdir.

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews | 2016

Biodiesel production potential from oil seeds in Turkey

Tanzer Eryilmaz; Murat Kadir Yesilyurt; Cüneyt Cesur; Osman Gokdogan

Archive | 2014

Energy Input-Output Analysis of Barley Production In Thrace Region of Turkey

Mehmet Fırat Baran; Osman Gokdogan

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