
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2010

Clinical concepts of dry socket.

Camila Lopes Cardoso; Moacyr Tadeu Vicente Rodrigues; Osny Ferreira Júnior; Gustavo Pompermaier Garlet; Paulo Sérgio Perri de Carvalho

Dry socket is one of the most studied complications in dentistry, and a great number of studies have searched for an effective and safe method for its prevention and treatment. One of the great clinical challenges since the first case was reported has been the inconsistency and differences in the various definitions of dry socket and the criteria used for diagnosis. The pathophysiology, etiology, prevention, and treatment of dry socket are very important in the practice of oral surgery. The aim of the present report was to review and discuss each aspect.

Brazilian Dental Journal | 2007

Primary failure of tooth eruption associated with secondarily inflamed dental follicle: inflammatory follicular cyst?

Gustavo de Almeida Camargo Lautenschläger; Marcelo Contador Gallina; Osny Ferreira Júnior; Vanessa Soares Lara

Primary failure of eruption represents a cessation of tooth eruption before emergence not due to a physical barrier or abnormal position and has no systemic cause. This failure of tooth eruption is rare phenomenon and it has not been associated with alterations of dental follicle. This case report describes a permanent right first molar with primary failure of eruption at the inferior border of the mandible presenting microscopic, clinical and radiographic findings compatible with follicular cystic lesion. The follicular tissues of this molar showed microscopic aspects of inflammation. Thus, pericoronal tissues surrounding long-term unerupted teeth with primary failure of eruption has potential to develop into odontogenic cysts. The lesion presented herein probably arose in association with a periodontal pocket mesial to the adjacent second molar, representing an atypical inflammatory follicular cyst. This case shares etiological, radiological and microscopic features with the usual form of the inflammatory follicular cyst associated with infected primary teeth, except for the infection pathways reaching the tooth follicle. The controversies regarding the terminology for this cyst are discussed.

Journal of Applied Oral Science | 2011

Experimental alveolitis in rats: microbiological, acute phase response and histometric characterization of delayed alveolar healing

Moacyr Tadeu Vicente Rodrigues; Camila Lopes Cardoso; Paulo Sérgio Perri de Carvalho; Tânia Mary Cestari; Magda Feres; Gustavo Pompermaier Garlet; Osny Ferreira Júnior

The pathogenesis of alveolitis is not well known and therefore experimental situations that mimic some features of this disease should be developed. Objective In this study, the evolution of the experimentally induced infection in rat sockets is characterized, which leads to clinical signs of suppurative alveolitis with remarkable wound healing disturbs. Material and methods Non-infected (Group I) and experimentally infected sockets in Rattus novergicus (Group II) were histometrically evaluated regarding the kinetics of alveolar healing. In addition, the characterization of the present bacteria in inoculation material and the serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) were performed. The detected species were Capnocytophaga ochracea, Fusobacterium nucleatum ss nucleatum, Prevotella melaninogenica, Streptococcus anginosus, Treponema socranskii and Streptococcus sanguis. Results All experimentally infected rats developed suppurative alveolitis, showing higher levels of CRP in comparison to those non-infected ones. Furthermore, infected rats presented a significant delayed wound healing as measured by the histometric analysis (higher persistent polymorphonuclear infiltrate and lower density of newly formed bone). Conclusion These findings indicate that rat sockets with experimentally induced infection produced higher levels of serum CRP, showing the potential of disseminated infection and a disturb in the alveolar repair process in an interesting experimental model for alveolitis studies.

Journal of Oral Implantology | 2011

Biomechanical and Microscopic Response of Bone to Titanium Implants in the Presence of Inorganic Grafts

Etiene de Andrade Munhoz; Tania Mary Cestari; Rumio Taga; Osny Ferreira Júnior; Paulo Sérgio Perri de Carvalho

This study evaluated the biomechanical and microscopic response of previously grafted bone to titanium implants. The lower incisors of 16 rabbits were surgically extracted, and bilateral perforations communicating with the remaining sockets were created distally. A socket/perforation defect on each mandible was chosen at random to be immediately filled with a xenogenic graft, whereas the contralateral perforation was left to heal naturally and served as a paired control. After 60 days, titanium implants were installed in the previously operated areas. After periods of 2 and 6 months, the animals were killed, and the force necessary to retrieve implants as well as the bone-implant contact (BIC) and bone mass (BM) were quantified and statistically compared by 2-way analysis of variance and Tukeys test (α  =  .05). No significant differences in removal torque were observed, either by time or by treatment condition. Differences in BIC and BM between experimental and control groups were not statistically significant through the intervals studied (P < .05). The presence of a xenogenic graft did not influence the microscopic tissue response to titanium implants or fixation into newly formed or mature bone.

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2011

Experimental dry socket: microscopic and molecular evaluation of two treatment modalities

Camila Lopes Cardoso; Osny Ferreira Júnior; Paulo Sérgio Perri de Carvalho; Thiago José Dionísio; Tânia Mary Cestari; Gustavo Pompermaier Garlet

PURPOSE To evaluate two treatment modalities of dry socket in rats and to discuss the first findings of the molecular analysis in this experimental model. METHODS 84 rats underwent a tooth extraction were divided in 4 groups: I-uninfected socket (control), II-infected socket without any treatment, III-infected socket treated with irrigation of 2% sodium iodide and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, IV-infected socket submitted to curettage, irrigation with physiological saline solution and fulfilled with metronidazole paste as base. The groups were subdivided in postoperative sacrifice periods: 6/15/28 days. A quantitative and a qualitative microscopic analysis was performed. Also, a quantitative analysis was performed using a RealTimePCR to evaluate the genes expression in the wound healing: Collagen Type I/COL-I, vascular endothelial growth factor/VEGF, osteocalcin/OCN, alkaline phosphatase/ALP, runt-related transcription factor 2/RUNX2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha/TNF-α. RESULTS The group I showed higher bone formation, followed by groups IV, III, II respectively. The group II presented higher inflammatory infiltrate and the wound healing was delayed compared with other groups. It was obtained a significant positive correlation between bone neoformation and the expression of OCN and RUNX2, inflammatory infiltrate with TNF-α and a negative correlation between bone neoformation and TNF-α. CONCLUSION No significant difference was found between the treatments.

Revista Dental Press De Ortodontia E Ortopedia Facial | 2005

O uso de marcadores para identificação de posicionamento dentário em telerradiografias frontais póstero-anteriores: proposta de um método

Júlio de Araújo Gurgel; Eduardo Sant'Ana; Osny Ferreira Júnior; Luís Fernando de Melo Sant'Ana; Fernando Paganeli Machado Giglio

AIM: to evaluate the reliability in the identification of the markers observed in frontal Cephalometric x-rays. METHODS: in 3 dry humans skull were adapted expansor appliances, in which markers were attached at orthodontics brackets and tubes. RESULTS: the statistical comparison of the 27 postero-anterior cephalograms revealed that the angular measures showed small variations; however the smallest error were for the lineal measures among the markers. CONCLUSION: the markers demonstrated its reliability for the use in longitudinal researches with frontal cephalometric x-rays.

Journal of Applied Oral Science | 2015

Evaluation of opening pattern and bone neoformation at median palatal suture area in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) through cone beam computed tomography

Daniel Gomes Salgueiro; Vitor Hugo Rodrigues; Victor Tieghi Neto; Carolina Carmo de Menezes; Eduardo Sanches Gonçales; Osny Ferreira Júnior

Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) is the treatment of choice to adult patients even with severe transversal maxillary discrepancies. However, the adequate retention period to achieve the bone remodeling, thus assuring treatment stability, is controversial. Objective To evaluate the opening pattern and bone neoformation process at the midpalatal suture in patients submitted to surgically assisted (SARME) through cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Material and Methods Fourteen patients were submitted to SARME through subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy. Both the opening pattern and the mean bone density at midpalatal suture area to evaluate bone formation were assessed pre- and post-operatively (15, 60 and 180 days) through CBCT. Results Type I opening pattern (from anterior to posterior nasal spine) occurred in 12 subjects while type II opening pattern (from anterior nasal spine to transverse palatine suture) occurred in 2 individuals. The 180-day postoperative mean (PO 180) of bone density value was 49.9% of the preoperative mean (Pre) value. Conclusions The opening pattern of midpalatal suture is more related to patients’ age (23.9 years in type I and 33.5 years in type II) and surgical technique. It was not possible to observe complete bone formation at midpalatal suture area at the ending of the retention period studied (180 days).

Revista Dental Press De Ortodontia E Ortopedia Facial | 2005

Avaliação radiográfica da localização de caninos superiores não irrompidos

Patrícia Paschoal Martins; Júlio de Araújo Gurgel; Eduardo Sant’Ana; Osny Ferreira Júnior; José Fernando Castanha Henriques

A erupcao ectopica e a impaccao de caninos superiores sao problemas bastante comuns na populacao. A excelencia do tratamento ortodontico traduz-se na correcao da oclusao, harmonia do sorriso, saude periodontal e estabilidade pos-tratamento. Para obtermos tais condicoes, a manutencao dos caninos e fundamental. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar radiograficamente a localizacao de caninos superiores nao irrompidos utilizando-se radiografias panorâmicas. Foram selecionadas setenta radiografias panorâmicas de pacientes com impaccao uni ou bilateral de caninos, candidatos a tratamento cirurgico. Para determinacao da posicao espacial dos caninos superiores nao irrompidos foram selecionados metodos descritos na literatura e uma avaliacao proposta neste trabalho. A localizacao de caninos nao irrompidos e fundamental para estabelecer o plano de tratamento, auxiliando no acesso cirurgico e na direcao das forcas ortodonticas a serem aplicadas no dente impactado. Os pacientes que tiveram suas radiografias utilizadas neste estudo serao tratados pelas disciplinas de Ortodontia e Cirurgia, com exodontia do canino ou exposicao cirurgica para colagem do dispositivo de tracionamento associada ao tratamento ortodontico corretivo.

American Journal of Otolaryngology | 2009

Unilateral patent nasopalatine duct: a case report and review of the literature

Moacyr Tadeu Vicente Rodrigues; Etiene de Andrade Munhoz; Camila Lopes Cardoso; Osny Ferreira Júnior; José Humberto Damante

A 15-year-old white female sought our institution complaining of a chirping noise during speech and swallowing. The noise was spontaneous, perceptible, and enhanced when hard suction on the anterior palate was performed. The patient reported no trauma, infection, or other clinical feature related to the noise. Clinical examination showed 2 small grooves on both sides of the midline, lateral to the incisive papilla. The left groove was visually deeper. Careful probing with a gutta-percha cone revealed the existence of a communication on this side extending from the mouth to the nasal cavity, which was confirmed clinically and radiographically. Probing was not possible on the right side. The diagnosis was unilateral patent nasopalatine duct, which was surgically treated. We report here a new case of patent nasopalatine duct and also present a review of the pertinent literature.

Journal of Applied Oral Science | 2018

Tomographic late evaluation of xenogeneic bone grafts in sockets of impacted third molars

Osny Ferreira Júnior; Etiene De Andrade Munhoz; Jéssica de Fátima Segantin; Eduardo Sanches Gonçales; Paulo Sérgio Perri de Carvalho

Abstract It is necessary to preserve height and thickness of the alveolar bone to facilitate rehabilitation with osteointegratable implants or simply to maintain bone integrity after extraction. Biomaterials associated with resorbable or non-resorbable membranes, when placed in the region of the socket, may contribute to avoid this unwanted reabsorption. Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate the distance of the crest of alveolar ridge to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of the lower second molars and the bone density of the third molar socket filled with Gen-Tech®, 5 years after an exodontia using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to visualize the central region of the sockets, without overlapping of the buccal and lingual cortical bones. Material and Methods A total of 12 individuals from an initial group of 39 patients submitted to extraction of the unruptured lower third molars and grafting of an association of inorganic bovine bone matrix, organic bovine bone matrix, collagen and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) (Gen-Tech®) on one side and the contralateral sockets filled only by clot, returned to control after 5 years, and were submitted to CBCT. The distance from the crest of alveolar bone to the CEJ and the bone density (BD) were measured using the i-CAT Vision Software. Results The results showed that the distance from the crest of alveolar bone to the CEJ in the control group was similar to that observed before the exodontia; in the experimental group, this distance was smaller. Considering the BD measurement, a significantly higher density was observed in the experimental group (p<0.05). Conclusion Part of the biomaterial was not absorbed and allowed the stability of the evaluated parameters after 5 years, being able to be used as a bone substitute in the socket.

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