Öznur Körükcü
Akdeniz University
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Featured researches published by Öznur Körükcü.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | 2012
Öznur Körükcü; Kamile Kukulu; Mehmet Ziya Firat
This methodological study was planned to translate the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) into Turkish and to investigate its reliability for both nulliparous and parous women in Turkish population. A total of 660 healthy women with normal pregnancies at gestational ages of between 28 and 40 weeks were recruited. The internal consistency reliability (Cronbachs α) was used for determining the reliability of the W-DEQ. Construct validity was also determined utilizing the known-groups method. In this study, independent sample t-tests were used to compare the nulliparous and parous groups differing in known fear status. In order to test the construct of the W-DEQ, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale and Brief Measure of Worry Severity scales were chosen as these scales are expected to correlate with the W-DEQ. Analysis of the construct validity of the W-DEQ version A using Pearsons correlation coefficients was performed for both nulliparous and parous women separately. All the scales in both groups showed a statistically significant correlation with the W-DEQ. The alpha coefficient (0.89) is well above the 0.70 criterion for internal consistency reliability. Turkish form of Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Version A was fixed as reliable and valid means to measure the level of fear of childbirth among Turkish pregnants.
Health Care for Women International | 2016
Öznur Körükcü; Okan Bulut; Kamile Kukulu
Examining the fear of delivery after childbirth is important. The authors’ aim is to examine the overall psychometric quality of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire version B. Reliability and validity of the instrument were evaluated via reliability analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and multidimensional subscore estimation. A six-factor model was proposed to explain instrument results. Factors included concerns about labor pain, lack of positive behaviors, loneliness, lack of positive feelings, concerns about childbirth, and concerns about the baby. Researchers provide psychometric evidence about the quality of the questionnaire to measure fear of delivery after childbirth.
Health Care for Women International | 2017
Öznur Körükcü; Kamile Kukulu
ABSTRACT The purpose of the researchers is to determine the effect of a mindfulness program on readiness for motherhood, the level of maternal attachment, and on postpartum self-evaluation. We used a quasiexperimental design. Researchers applied the mindfulness-based Transition to Motherhood program to the treatment group for 7 days. Data were collected between December 2012 and June 2014 in Turkey. At the end of the study, the treatment group showed improvement in measures of acceptance of pregnancy, level of readiness to give birth, level of maternal attachment, and level of competence in the role of motherhood.
Psychogeriatrics | 2018
Öznur Körükcü; Kamile Kukulu; Ismail Tufan
Participation of young people in the care of older people will provide important contributions to improving older peoples health.
Nursing & Health Sciences | 2018
Öznur Körükcü; Ruveyde Aydın; Kamile Kukulu
Turkey receives the largest number of Syrian refugees in the world. Some of these refugee women become mothers in Turkey. This paper reports on a qualitative, descriptive study that investigated the experience of seven Syrian women migrants who gave birth in Turkey, and explores their experiences of transition to motherhood in a foreign country. The research identified that aspects of transition can be clustered under five main themes: difficulties during the pregnancy period, giving birth in a foreign country, problems of refugee mothers, milestones in life of refugee mothers, and influence of cultural beliefs of refugee mothers on baby care. Key findings revealed that the women in the study had negative experiences related to being pregnant and having a baby in a foreign country. In addition to identifying challenges associated with migration, such as language barriers, racism, discrimination, poverty, and separation from their culture and family, the study highlighted the fears and difficulties experienced by refugee mothers, the cultural beliefs of refugee women about caring for their babies, and turning points in the life of refugee mothers.
Journal of Affective Disorders | 2018
Ernesto González-Mesa; Kamile Kabukcuoğlu; Öznur Körükcü; Marta Blasco; Nadia Ibrahim; Türker Kavas
BACKGROUND Depression is the most frequent mental disorder during pregnancy, and its prevalence is at least as high as that of postnatal depression. Differences between Western and Eastern countries may exist according to cultural and educational factors. OBJECTIVE to determine the influence of social and cultural factors on the mood state of a multicultural sample of 514 Turkish and Spanish pregnant women at the beginning of the pregnancy. METHODS Between October and December 2017 250 Turkish and 264 Spanish pregnant women attending their first pregnancy medical check-up between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy were recruited (264 in Málaga, 102 in Istanbul and 148 in Antalya). These women completed a questionnaire that included the Turkish or Spanish validated versions of the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale (EDS) and a series of questions related to health status, general mood, and sociodemographic variables. RESULTS Turkish women scored significantly higher with a mean value of 12.1 (SD 4.2) against 7.6 (SD 4.3) of Spanish women. Coping strategies and matters of women´s concern were also different. A total of 9.1% of Spanish and 30% of Turkish scored over cut-off point of 13. We found differences in EDS scores regarding the type of work, working status, and educational level. Family structure and perceived support were identified as specific risk factors for antenatal depression (AD). The multivariate regression model showed that best predictor variables for EDS score in the global sample were the country of recruitment, the number of living children, the pregnancy planning and the perceived partner´s support. CONCLUSIONS Our results confirm the existence of important differences in AD prevalence between Turkish (30.0%) and Spanish (9.9%) pregnant women. Some sociocultural features like having more children, unplanned pregnancies, or perceiving poor support from the partner, become important vulnerability factors.
Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences | 2017
Öznur Körükcü; Ayse Deliktas; Ruveyde Aydin; Kamile Kabukcuoğlu
Periapikal kemik lezyonlari dishekimliginde siklikla gorulmekte ve tedavi edilmediginde dis kaybina neden olabilmektedir. Dental radyografik goruntuleme, endodonti alaninda dogru bir tani ve klinik muayene icin onemli bir aractir. Periapikal bolgede kemik yikiminin ilerledigi durumlarda periapikal lezyonlar intraoral radyografilerde rahatlikla teshis edilebilmesine karsin mevcut kemik yikimlarinin kemik korteksinde herhangi bir destruksiyon ya da ekspansiyon yaratip yaratmadigini iki boyutlu grafilerde degerlendirmek mumkun olmamaktadir. Son zamanlarda kraniyofasiyal kompleksin ve periapikal kemik lezyonlarinin uc boyutlu olarak degerlendirilmesi icin konik isinli bilgisayarli tomografi (CBCT) sistemleri kullanilmaktadir. CBCT ile periapikal kemik lezyonlarinin degerlendirilmesi mevcut patolojinin prognozunu ve olasi kemik yikimini onlemektedir. Bu makalede periapikal kemik lezyonlari ve radyografik ozellikleri sunulmustur.
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin | 2011
Öznur Körükcü; Kamile Kukulu
Obesity may be described as the new worldwide epidemic, and its serious impact on morbidity and mortality are well known. Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body, the result is a clinical condition. The reproductive problems associated with obesity encompasses a wide range of disorders including infertility problems, miscarriage and pregnancy complications. In this review, we aim to discuss the impact of obesity on the various aspects of female reproductive function with focus on the clinical aspects of fertility problems in obese women.
Dicle Tıp Dergisi | 2010
Öznur Körükcü; Kamile Kukulu
Regional anaesthesia has advantages such as, control of postoperative pain, early mobilization, and does not affect respiratory function. In recent years, regional anaesthesia had improved by the application of the peripheral nerve stimulator and ultrasound guided blocks, new local anaesthetic drugs with the use of additional adjunctive agents. Especially in emergency conditions, combination of regional anaesthesia may avoid the complications of general anesthesia in patients with chronic disease who suffer from upper and lower extremity injuries. In this paper, we present two cases who underwent combined regional anaesthesia techniques for the lower and upper extremity surgery.Iki tarafli ses teli felci (ISTF) siklikla tiroid ve paratiroid cerrahisi gibi iyatrojenik bir hasar sonucu olusur. Fakat serebral infarkt sonrasi hava yolu tikanikligina neden olan BVKP nadir olarak bildirilmistir. Bu yazida tekrarlayan serebral infarktin, gec ortaya cikan ve hayati tehdit eden bir komplikasyonu olarak solunum durmasi ile sonuclanan bir ISTF olgusu sunduk. Atmis yedi yasinda erkek hasta, son 3-4 aydir giderek artan solunum yetmezligi sikayetiyle acil servisimize basvurdu. Ozgecmisinde kalp yetmezligi ve kronik obstruktif akciger hastaligi oykusu olmayan hasta, yaklasik bir yil once bir ayda iki kez serebral infarkt gecirmisti. Yapilan solunum sistemi muayenesinde bilateral wheezing ve stridor; norolojik muayenesinde ise sag tarafta kuvvet kaybi mevcuttu. Ust solunum yolu obstruksiyonunu degerlendirilmek uzere endoskopik laringoskopi yapildi. Laringoskopide iki tarafli ses tellerinin orta hatta sabit ve hareketsiz oldugu goruldu. Solunum yetmezliginde artma ve tekrarlayan solunum durmasi nedeniyle hastaya trakeostomi acildi. Operasyon sonrasi hastanin solunum yetmezligi geriledi. Solunum fonksiyonlari normale donen hasta taburcu edildi.Dysphagia aortica is a rare etiological factor of dysphagia resulting from extrinsic compression of the esophagus by thoracic aorta. There is no gold standard diagnostic proscedure for dysphagia aortica. Dysphagia aortica is usually escaped to attention in the differential diagnosis of dyssphagia. Here, we reported compression of the esophagus by thoracic aorta in a 54 years-old male patient who comsplained from dysphagia.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2010
Öznur Körükcü; Mehmet Ziya Firat; Kamile Kukulu