P.A. Zourlas
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Featured researches published by P.A. Zourlas.
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics | 1996
A. Kontoravdis; A. Chryssikopoulos; Dimitrios Hassiakos; Angelos Liapis; P.A. Zourlas
Objective: To discriminate the etiology in 2365 patients with acute and chronic pelvic pain (APP, CPP). Methods: Diagnostic laparoscopy was carried out in 736 patients (31.1%) with APP and in 1629 (68.9%) with CPP. In 315 patients (13.3%) the diagnostic procedure was extended to operative laparoscopy. Results: The most frequent laparoscopic findings in patients with APP were acute salpingitis and pelvic adhesions (22.8%) and ectopic pregnancy (19%), while in patients with CPP the most frequent findings were pelvic adhesions (35.4%) and endometriosis (24.6%). In 7.5% of patients with APP and 24% with CPP, laparoscopy did not reveal any pathological finding in the pelvis. Among the 315 patients in whom operative laparoscopy was carried out, 40% suffered from APP and 60% from CPP. In the 446 patients (18.9%) without laparoscopic findings no treatment was given, while of the remaining 905 patients 40% were subjected to laparotomy and 60% received conservative treatment. The total incidence of side effects reached 4.7% and serious side effects resulting from emergency laparotomy occurred in 0.15% of patients with pelvic pain. Conclusion: Our results in a large group of patients with pelvic pain show that there are discrepancies in the incidence of laparoscopic findings between patients with APP and CPP. Discrepancies between the two groups of patients were also found during operative laparoscopy, the treatment administered after laparoscopic diagnosis and the complications encountered.
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics | 1996
A. Kontoravdis; D. Kalogirou; George E. Antoniou; N. Kontoravdis; P. Karakitsos; P.A. Zourlas
Objective: To evaluate prophylactic oophorectomy in the prevention of ovarian cancer. Method: Between 1970 and 1990, 5262 hysterectomies were performed at Areteion Hospital, Athens. Results: Ovarian cancer was subsequently diagnosed in 520 women (9.9%). The mean interval from hysterectomy to diagnosis of ovarian cancer was 7.2 years. If prophylactic bilateral oophorectomy had been practiced routinely in women undergoing hysterectomy at age 40 or above, 9.4% of cases would have been prevented. Conclusion: We recommend bilateral oophorectomy for all women with a positive family history of ovarian carcinoma and for all women undergoing hysterectomy after the age of 40. The decision for prophylactic oophorectomy as a complementary procedure to other indicated gynecologic surgeries should depend on the individual patient and her ability to comply with lifelong estrogen replacement therapy.
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics | 1989
O. Gregoriou; D. Botsis; K. Papadias; Demetrios Kassanos; Angelos Liapis; P.A. Zourlas
Bacterial flora of the seminal fluid and its influence on semen quality, was examined in 225 asymptomatic unselected men. Each semen sample was cultured aerobically, anaerobically, for genital mycoplasmas, and for Chlamydia trachomatis. Semen analysis was made according to standard methods recommended by the W.H.O. All 225 semen samples had microbial isolates. All isolates had colony counts of 102 colony forming units (cfu/ml). Thirty‐three cases had > 102 cfu/ml, 85 cases had > 103 cfu/ml and 78 cases > 105 cfu/ml. The most common organisms isolated were Ureaplasma urealyticum in 86 samples and C. trachomatis in 26 samples. The most frequent abnormal parameters were viability (117 of 212, 52%), motility (85 of 212, 40%) and number of sperm cells (74 of 225, 32.8%). No significant correlation was found between abnormal semen parameters and presence of U. urealyticum, and C. trachomatis. We concluded that asymptomatic bacteriospermia (infection) in the semen did not significantly affect the count, motility or morphologic features of the specimen.
Fertility and Sterility | 1992
Fotini Dimitriadou; Iphigenia Phocas; Themis Mantzavinos; Angeliki Sarandakou; Dimitris Rizos; P.A. Zourlas
OBJECTIVE To study and compare the secretion of pregnancy specific beta 1-glycoprotein (SP1) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) by human pre-embryos, cultured in vitro, with their respective morphological development. DESIGN Spare human pre-embryos from randomly selected women participating in a program of in vitro fertilization (IVF) were studied prospectively. SETTING Pre-embryos were cultured, and hormone release was determined in academic research laboratories. PATIENTS, PARTICIPANTS Pre-embryos (n = 108) cultured for 14 days after fertilization in Hams F-10 medium (GIBCO Ltd., Paisley, Scotland) were observed, and hCG and SP1 were measured in the culture media at regular intervals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Discordant secretion of SP1 and hCG. RESULTS Of the 98 bipronucleate pre-embryos, 53.6% formed blastocysts, 17.3% of which hatched. Human chorionic gonadotropin was detected from day 7 after fertilization concomitantly with blastocyst formation, thereafter showing a logarithmic increase (maximum 10,650 mIU) until the first signs of embryonic disintegration. Pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein release started 3 to 4 days after fertilization independently of the morphological development and the future production of hCG, thereafter displaying a nonlogarithmic increase (maximum 41 ng). CONCLUSIONS Hormone secretion and morphological development are unique for each pre-embryo. Human chorionic gonadotropin and SP1 seem to have different biochemical and physiological regulation.
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation | 1995
O. Gregoriou; Pyrgiotis E; S. Konidaris; C. Papadias; P.A. Zourlas
In this prospective randomized study we treated 60 couples with unexplained infertility with a combination of ovarian stimulation and either intrauterine insemination (IUI) or fallopian sperm perfusion (FSP). In the IUI we used a volume of 0.5 ml of inseminate and in the FSP a volume of 4 ml. The demographic characteristics of the patients, the stimulation parameters and the sperm data were not statistically different between the two groups. The pregnancy rate per cycle was 16.2% in the IUI group and 14.5% in the FSP group and the pregnancy rate per woman was 40 and 36.7%, respectively (not statistically different). We conclude that IUI and FSP are equally effective in the treatment of couples with unexplained infertility.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology | 1989
O. Gregoriou; N. Vitoratos; C. Papadias; G. Gregoriou; P.A. Zourlas
The incidence of serum antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis and the possible association of a positive serology on semen parameters in 120 subfertile men were studied. The findings were compared with those of 120 fertile volunteers fathering two or more children. The two groups were divided into those without and those with a history of genito-urinary infection. There was no significant difference (p greater than 0.1) in the prevalence of antibody testing between the subgroups of fertile population. A statistically significant difference in the incidence of antibodies was found between the two subgroups of subfertile population. No significant difference was noted in the semen parameters between Chlamydia-positive and Chlamydia-negative fertile and subfertile patients.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology | 1996
Angelos Liapis; E. Pyrgiotis; A. Kontoravdis; C. Louridas; P.A. Zourlas
Eighty-one women with clinical and urodynamic findings of genuine stress incontinence and genital prolapse were randomly selected to be surgically treated with either anterior colporrhaphy or Burch colposuspension. Each patient had a complete clinical and urodynamic evaluation before surgery and at 2 months and 3 years after surgery. Differences in cure rates between the two procedures at the 2-month post-operative evaluation were insignificant; however, at the 3-year post-surgical evaluation, the cure rate of women who had undergone Burch colposuspension was significantly higher than that of women who had undergone anterior colporrhaphy (cure rates were 88% and 57%, respectively; P < 0.001). The Burch colposuspension was more effective than the anterior colporrhaphy in the stabilization of the bladder base, neck and proximal urethra as confirmed by transvaginal sonography. Post-operative spontaneous voiding was uneventful in both procedures. Results of this study demonstrate that the Burch colposuspension in our hands was more effective in treating genuine stress incontinence and pelvic relaxation than was anterior colporrhaphy.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology | 1992
C. Loghis; E. Pyrgiotis; N. Panayotopoulos; L. Batalias; E. Salamalekis; P.A. Zourlas
A total of 400 primiparous patients who were delivered by vacuum extractor were studied. The patients were divided in two groups: Group A included 200 patients who were delivered by metal cup vacuum extractor and Group B consisted of 200 patients who were delivered by rubber cup vacuum extractor. There were no statistically significant differences in the mean maternal age, mean gestational age, mean neonatal birth weight, indications for operative delivery, occipital positions and head stations between the two groups. No differences were found in the rates of birth canal trauma (11% vs. 12.5%), major neonatal scalp trauma (6.5% vs. 5.5%), neonatal jaundice (15.5% vs. 13.5%) and Apgar score. From this study we can conclude that both metal and silicone cups are equally satisfactory for vacuum extraction.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology | 1994
Iphigenia Phocas; Angeliki Sarandakou; D. Rizos; Fotini Dimitriadou; Th. Mantzavinos; P.A. Zourlas
Serum and follicular fluid levels of CEA, CA 125 and SCC of women participating in an IVF program, in 42 cycles stimulated with GnRH-a and gonadotropins and in 26 unstimulated cycles triggered with HCG, were evaluated and compared with (a) steroid and gonadotropin levels, (b) the results of IVF, and (c) serum values in a control group of women with spontaneous normal ovulatory cycles. In the control group, serum antigens did not vary significantly during the 3 phases of the cycle. In stimulated cycles the median values in serum were 0.7 ng/ml (range, 0.0-2.1) for CEA, 14.0 U/ml (3.3-32.4) for CA 125 and 2.05 ng/ml (1.1-17.8) for SCC, whereas the median values in follicular fluid were 0.6 (0.0-27.9), 21.5 (0-670) and 21.4 (1-360), respectively. In unstimulated cycles the median values and ranges in serum were 0.9 (0.4-3.9), 12.1 (4.8-63.4) and 1.85 (0.7-4.4), respectively, whereas in follicular fluid they were 2.9 (0.4-180.7), 32 (1.7-600) and 231 (10.8-904). Different follicles of the same patients in stimulated cycles showed a wide divergence for all three antigens. In unstimulated cycles all three antigens in follicular fluid were strongly-correlated and a significant inverse correlation was observed between LH and both CA 125 and SCC in serum. In either group of cycles, no significant relationship was found between any serum or follicular fluid antigen and estradiol or testosterone, pregnancy rate, or oocyte quality and fertilization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics | 1991
O. Gregoriou; N. Vitoratos; C. Papadias; S. Konidaris; A. Maragudakis; P.A. Zourlas
Twenty‐four women with infertility caused by antisperm antibodies were treated by homologous intrauterine insemination. Initially, all the women had timed intrauterine insemination by washed spermatozoa for three cycles. The pregnancy rate per couple was 4.20%. The remaining 23 patients received a combined treatment of chlomiphene citrate and intrauterine insemination for three cycles, which did not increase the pregnancy rate per couple and per cycle (4.3% and 1.4% respectively). Thereafter, the remaining 22 patients received a combined treatment of hMG and intrauterine insemination for another three cycles which resulted in a pregnancy rate per cycle (6.1%) and per couple (18.20%) that was significantly greater (P < 0.01). We conclude that infertile women with antisperm antibodies can benefit after a trial of induction of multiple follicular development with hMG in combination with intrauterine insemination.