P. Blasi
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2009
Dan Hooper; P. Blasi; Pasquale D. Serpico
Recent results from the PAMELA satellite indicate the presence of a large flux of positrons (relative to electrons) in the cosmic ray spectrum between approximately 10 and 100 GeV. As annihilating dark matter particles in many models are predicted to contribute to the cosmic ray positron spectrum in this energy range, a great deal of interest has resulted from this observation. Here, we consider pulsars (rapidly spinning, magnetized neutron stars) as an alternative source of this signal. After calculating the contribution to the cosmic ray positron and electron spectra from pulsars, we find that the spectrum observed by PAMELA could plausibly originate from such sources. In particular, a significant contribution is expected from the sum of all mature pulsars throughout the Milky Way, as well as from the most nearby mature pulsars (such as Geminga and B0656+14). The signal from nearby pulsars is expected to generate a small but significant dipole anisotropy in the cosmic ray electron spectrum, potentially providing a method by which the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope would be capable of discriminating between the pulsar and dark matter origins of the observed high energy positrons.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
P. Blasi; Richard I. Epstein; Angela V. Olinto
The long-held notion that the highest energy cosmic rays are of distant extragalactic origin is challenged by observations that events above approximately 1020 eV do not exhibit the expected high-energy cutoff from photopion production off the cosmic microwave background. We suggest that these unexpected ultra-high-energy events are due to iron nuclei accelerated from young strongly magnetized neutron stars through relativistic MHD winds. We find that neutron stars whose initial spin periods are shorter than approximately 10 ms and whose surface magnetic fields are in the 1012-1014 G range can accelerate iron cosmic rays to greater than approximately 1020 eV. These ions can pass through the remnant of the supernova explosion that produced the neutron star without suffering significant spallation reactions or energy loss. For plausible models of the Galactic magnetic field, the trajectories of the iron ions curve sufficiently to be consistent with the observed, largely isotropic arrival directions of the highest energy events.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2009
Giovanni Morlino; E. Amato; P. Blasi
We calculate the flux of non-thermal radiations from the supernova remnant (SNR) RX J1713.7-3946 in the context of the non-linear theory of particle acceleration at shocks, which allows us to take into account self-consistently the dynamical reaction of the accelerated particles, the generation of magnetic fields in the shock proximity and the dynamical reaction of the magnetic field on the plasma. When the fraction of particles which get accelerated is of the order of ∼10 -4 , we find that the strength of the magnetic field obtained as a result of streaming instability induced by cosmic rays is compatible with the interpretation of the X-ray emitting filaments being produced by strong synchrotron losses in ∼100 μG magnetic fields. The maximum energy of accelerated protons is ≥10 5 GeV. If the X-ray filaments are explained in alternative ways, the constraint on the magnetic field downstream of the shock disappears and the HESS data can be marginally fitted with ICS of relativistic electrons off a complex population of photons, tailored to comprise cosmic microwave background and ambient infrared/optical photons. The fit, typically poor at the highest energies, requires a large density of target photons within the remnant; only a fraction of the order of ∼10 -6 of the background particles gets accelerated; the local magnetic field is of the order of ∼20 μG and the maximum energy of protons is much lower than the knee energy. Current HESS gamma-ray observations combined with recent X-ray observations by Suzaku do not allow as yet to draw a definitive conclusion on whether RX J1713.7-3946 is an efficient cosmic ray accelerator, although at the present time a hadronic interpretation of HESS data seems more likely. We discuss the implications of our results for the GLAST gamma-ray telescope, which should be able to discriminate the two scenarios discussed above, by observing the shape of the gamma-ray spectrum at lower energies.
Astroparticle Physics | 2002
P. Blasi
Abstract Shocks in astrophysical fluids can generate suprathermal particles by first order (or diffusive) Fermi acceleration. In the test particle regime there is a simple relation between the spectrum of the accelerated particles and the jump conditions at the shock. This simple picture becomes complicated when the pressure of the accelerated particles becomes comparable with the pressure of the shocked fluid, so that the non-linear backreaction of the particles becomes non-negligible and the spectrum is affected in a substantial way. Though only numerical simulations can provide a fully self-consistent approach, a more direct and easily applicable method would be very useful, and would allow to take into account the non-linear effects in particle acceleration in those cases in which they are important and still neglected. We present here a simple semi-analytical model that deals with these non-linear effects in a quantitative way. This new method, while compatible with the previous simplified results, also provides a satisfactory description of the results of numerical simulations of shock acceleration.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2009
E. Amato; P. Blasi
We show that a purely kinetic approach to the excitation of waves by cosmic rays in the vicinity of a shock front leads to predict the appearance of a non-Alfvenic fast-growing mode which has the same dispersion relation as that previously found by Bell in 2004 by treating the plasma in the magnetohydrodynamic approximation. The kinetic approach allows us to investigate the dependence of the dispersion relation of these waves on the microphysics of the current which compensates the cosmic ray flow. We also show that a resonant and a non-resonant mode may appear at the same time and one of the two may become dominant on the other depending on the conditions in the acceleration region. We discuss the role of the unstable modes for magnetic field amplification and particle acceleration in supernova remnants at different stages of the remnant evolution.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2009
Damiano Caprioli; P. Blasi; E. Amato; Mario Vietri
We present a semi-analytical kinetic calculation of the process of non-linear diffusive shock acceleration (NLDSA) which includes magnetic field amplification due to cosmic ray induced streaming instability, the dynamical reaction of the amplified magnetic field and the possible effects of turbulent heating. This kinetic calculation allows us to show that the net effect of the amplified magnetic field is to enhance the maximum momentum of accelerated particles while reducing the concavity of the spectra, with respect to the standard predictions of NLDSA. This is mainly due to the dynamical reaction of the amplified field on the shock, which smoothens the shock precursor. The total compression factors which are obtained for parameters typical of supernova remnants are R{sub tot} {approx} 7-10, in good agreement with the values inferred from observations. The strength of the magnetic field produced through excitation of streaming instability is found in good agreement with the values inferred for several remnants if the thickness of the X-ray rims are interpreted as due to severe synchrotron losses of high energy electrons. We also discuss the relative role of turbulent heating and magnetic dynamical reaction in smoothening the shock precursor.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2009
Damiano Caprioli; P. Blasi; E. Amato
The solution of the problem of particle acceleration in the non-linear regime, when the dynamical reaction of the accelerated particles cannot be neglected, shows strong shock modification.When stationarity is imposed by hand, the solution may show a prominent energy flux away from the shock towards upstream infinity. This feature is peculiar of cosmic ray modified shocks, while being energetically insignificant in the test particle regime. The escape flux appears also in situations in which it is physically impossible to have particle escape towards upstream infinity, thereby leading to question its interpretation.We show here that the appearance of an escape flux is due to the unphysical assumption of stationarity of the problem, and in a realistic situation it translates to an increase of the value of the maximum-momentum when the shock velocity is constant. On the other hand, when the shock velocity decreases (for instance during the Sedov-Taylor phase of a supernova explosion), escape to upstream infinity is possible for particles with momenta in a narrow range close to the maximum momentum.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000
P. Blasi
We calculate the distribution of electrons in clusters of galaxies, which results from thermalization processes in the presence of stochastic acceleration due to plasma waves. We show that the electron distribution can deviate from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution because of the effect of the stochastic energy gain, provided that waves can be sustained against damping. The bremsstrahlung emission of the nonthermal tail of electrons can result in a flux of hard X-rays that is compatible with the ones recently detected in some clusters of galaxies.
Astroparticle Physics | 2001
Michael R. Blanton; P. Blasi; Angela V. Olinto
Abstract We calculate numerically the spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic rays on Earth assuming that their sources are distributed in space like the observed galaxies. We use the CfA2 and the PSCz galaxy redshift surveys to model the local galaxy distribution, properly taking into account the galaxy selection functions for each survey. When the survey selection effects are included, we find that the local overdensity is only a factor of 2, an order of magnitude less than used in some earlier studies. An overdensity of 2 is not enough to bridge the gap between the predicted number of events above 1020 eV and the measured flux at these highest energies. This conclusion is particularly strong for soft injection spectra (∝E−3) where the observed number of events is 6σ higher than the expected one. However, if the injection spectrum is hard (∝E−2), the small local overdensity helps bring the present data within 2σ of the low number of events predicted above 1020 eV. In this case, the Greisen–Zatzepin–Kuzmin cutoff is not a cutoff but rather a feature in the cosmic ray spectrum.
Astroparticle Physics | 2002
P. Blasi; Rainer Dick; Edward W. Kolb
Abstract We consider the possibility that ultra-high energy cosmic rays originate from the annihilation of relic superheavy dark matter. We find that a cross-section of 〈 σ A v 〉∼10 −26 xa0cm 2 ( M X /10 12 xa0GeV) 3/2 is required to account for the observed rate of super-GZK events if the superheavy dark matter follows a Navarro–Frenk–White density profile. This would require extremely large- l contributions to the annihilation cross-section. We also calculate the possible signature from annihilation in sub-galactic clumps of dark matter and find that the signal from sub-clumps dominates and may explain the observed flux with a much smaller cross-section than if the superheavy dark matter is smoothly distributed. Finally, we discuss the expected anisotropy in the arrival directions of the cosmic rays, which is a characteristic signature of this scenario.