
Featured researches published by P. D. Archer.

Science | 2013

Volatile, Isotope, and Organic Analysis of Martian Fines with the Mars Curiosity Rover

L. A. Leshin; Paul R. Mahaffy; C. R. Webster; Michel Cabane; Patrice Coll; P. G. Conrad; P. D. Archer; Sushil K. Atreya; A. E. Brunner; Arnaud Buch; Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; G. J. Flesch; Heather B. Franz; Caroline Freissinet; D. P. Glavin; A. C. McAdam; Kristen E. Miller; D. W. Ming; Richard V. Morris; Rafael Navarro-González; Paul B. Niles; Tobias Owen; S. W. Squyres; Andrew Steele; Jennifer C. Stern; Roger E. Summons; Dawn Y. Sumner; Brad Sutter; Cyril Szopa; Samuel Teinturier

Samples from the Rocknest aeolian deposit were heated to ~835°C under helium flow and evolved gases analyzed by Curiosity’s Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite. H2O, SO2, CO2, and O2 were the major gases released. Water abundance (1.5 to 3 weight percent) and release temperature suggest that H2O is bound within an amorphous component of the sample. Decomposition of fine-grained Fe or Mg carbonate is the likely source of much of the evolved CO2. Evolved O2 is coincident with the release of Cl, suggesting that oxygen is produced from thermal decomposition of an oxychloride compound. Elevated δD values are consistent with recent atmospheric exchange. Carbon isotopes indicate multiple carbon sources in the fines. Several simple organic compounds were detected, but they are not definitively martian in origin.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014

Abundances and implications of volatile‐bearing species from evolved gas analysis of the Rocknest aeolian deposit, Gale Crater, Mars

P. D. Archer; Heather B. Franz; Brad Sutter; Ricardo Arevalo; Patrice Coll; Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; Daniel P. Glavin; John Jones; Laurie A. Leshin; Paul R. Mahaffy; A. C. McAdam; Christopher P. McKay; Douglas W. Ming; Richard V. Morris; Rafael Navarro-González; Paul B. Niles; Alex Pavlov; Steven W. Squyres; Jennifer C. Stern; Andrew Steele; James J. Wray

The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover Curiosity detected evolved gases during thermal analysis of soil samples from the Rocknest aeolian deposit in Gale Crater. Major species detected (in order of decreasing molar abundance) were H2O, SO2, CO2, and O2, all at the µmol level, with HCl, H2S, NH3, NO, and HCN present at the tens to hundreds of nmol level. We compute weight % numbers for the major gases evolved by assuming a likely source and calculate abundances between 0.5 and 3 wt.%. The evolution of these gases implies the presence of both oxidized (perchlorates) and reduced (sulfides or H-bearing) species as well as minerals formed under alkaline (carbonates) and possibly acidic (sulfates) conditions. Possible source phases in the Rocknest material are hydrated amorphous material, minor clay minerals, and hydrated perchlorate salts (all potential H2O sources), carbonates (CO2), perchlorates (O2 and HCl), and potential N-bearing materials (e.g., Martian nitrates, terrestrial or Martian nitrogenated organics, ammonium salts) that evolve NH3, NO, and/or HCN. We conclude that Rocknest materials are a physical mixture in chemical disequilibrium, consistent with aeolian mixing, and that although weathering is not extensive, it may be ongoing even under current Martian surface conditions.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014

Sulfur‐bearing phases detected by evolved gas analysis of the Rocknest aeolian deposit, Gale Crater, Mars

A. C. McAdam; Heather B. Franz; Brad Sutter; P. D. Archer; Caroline Freissinet; Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; Douglas W. Ming; Sushil K. Atreya; David L. Bish; David F. Blake; Hannah E. Bower; A. E. Brunner; Arnaud Buch; Daniel P. Glavin; John P. Grotzinger; Paul R. Mahaffy; Scott M. McLennan; Richard V. Morris; Richard Navarro-González; E. B. Rampe; Steven W. Squyres; Andrew Steele; Jennifer C. Stern; Dawn Y. Sumner; James J. Wray

The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite detected SO2, H2S, OCS, and CS2 from ~450 to 800°C during evolved gas analysis (EGA) of materials from the Rocknest aeolian deposit in Gale Crater, Mars. This was the first detection of evolved sulfur species from a Martian surface sample during in situ EGA. SO2 (~3–22 µmol) is consistent with the thermal decomposition of Fe sulfates or Ca sulfites, or evolution/desorption from sulfur-bearing amorphous phases. Reactions between reduced sulfur phases such as sulfides and evolved O2 or H2O in the SAM oven are another candidate SO2 source. H2S (~41–109 nmol) is consistent with interactions of H2O, H2 and/or HCl with reduced sulfur phases and/or SO2 in the SAM oven. OCS (~1–5 nmol) and CS2 (~0.2–1 nmol) are likely derived from reactions between carbon-bearing compounds and reduced sulfur. Sulfates and sulfites indicate some aqueous interactions, although not necessarily at the Rocknest site; Fe sulfates imply interaction with acid solutions whereas Ca sulfites can form from acidic to near-neutral solutions. Sulfides in the Rocknest materials suggest input from materials originally deposited in a reducing environment or from detrital sulfides from an igneous source. The presence of sulfides also suggests that the materials have not been extensively altered by oxidative aqueous weathering. The possibility of both reduced and oxidized sulfur compounds in the deposit indicates a nonequilibrium assemblage. Understanding the sulfur mineralogy in Rocknest materials, which exhibit chemical similarities to basaltic fines analyzed elsewhere on Mars, can provide insight in to the origin and alteration history of Martian surface materials.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017

Evolved gas analyses of sedimentary rocks and eolian sediment in Gale Crater, Mars: Results of the Curiosity rover's sample analysis at Mars instrument from Yellowknife Bay to the Namib Dune

Brad Sutter; A. C. McAdam; Paul R. Mahaffy; D. W. Ming; Kenneth S. Edgett; E. B. Rampe; Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; Heather B. Franz; C. Freissinet; John P. Grotzinger; Andrew Steele; Christopher H. House; P. D. Archer; C. A. Malespin; Rafael Navarro-González; J. C. Stern; James F. Bell; F. Calef; R. Gellert; D. P. Glavin; Lucy M. Thompson; Albert S. Yen

The Sample Analysis at Mars instrument evolved gas analyzer (SAM-EGA) has detected evolved water, H2, SO2, H2S, NO, CO2, CO, O2 and HCl from two eolian sediments and nine sedimentary rocks from Gale Crater, Mars. These evolved gas detections indicate nitrates, organics, oxychlorine phase, and sulfates are widespread with phyllosilicates and carbonates occurring in select Gale Crater materials. Coevolved CO2 (160 ± 248 - 2373 ± 820 μgC(CO2)/g), and CO (11 ± 3 - 320 ± 130 μgC(CO)/g) suggest organic-C is present in Gale Crater materials. Five samples evolved CO2 at temperatures consistent with carbonate (0.32± 0.05 - 0.70± 0.1 wt.% CO3). Evolved NO amounts to 0.002 ± 0.007 - 0.06 ± 0.03 wt.% NO3. Evolution of O2 suggests oxychlorine phases (chlorate/perchlorate) (0.05 ± 0.025 - 1.05 ± 0.44wt. % ClO4) are present while SO2 evolution indicates the presence of crystalline and/or poorly crystalline Fe- and Mg-sulfate and possibly sulfide. Evolved H2O (0.9 ± 0.3 - 2.5 ± 1.6 wt.% H2O) is consistent with the presence of adsorbed water, hydrated salts, interlayer/structural water from phyllosilicates, and possible inclusion water in mineral/amorphous phases. Evolved H2 and H2S suggest reduced phases occur despite the presence of oxidized phases (nitrate, oxychlorine, sulfate, carbonate). SAM results coupled with CheMin mineralogical and APXS elemental analyses indicate that Gale Crater sedimentary rocks have experienced a complex authigenetic/diagenetic history involving fluids with varying pH, redox, and salt composition. The inferred geochemical conditions were favorable for microbial habitability and if life ever existed, there was likely sufficient organic-C to support a small microbial population.

Planetary Science | 2013

The effects of instrument parameters and sample properties on thermal decomposition: interpreting thermal analysis data from Mars

P. D. Archer; Douglas W. Ming; Brad Sutter

Thermal analysis instruments have been used on Mars by the Viking, Phoenix, and MSL missions. These instruments can be very useful in identifying volatile-bearing minerals such as carbonates, sulfates, or phyllosilicates down to very low abundances. Mineral identification is done by comparing thermal decomposition behavior of samples with known mineralogy to samples with unknown mineralogy. However, thermal decomposition behavior can change with instrument conditions such as pressure and sample properties such as particle size. The Mars instruments flown to date have used much lower pressures and flow rates than traditional laboratory experiments. The objective of this work was to investigate whether an analytical model based on equilibrium thermodynamics can accurately predict changes in decomposition temperature in instruments operating under lower pressure/flow conditions. We find that while the model predicts the general trend that decomposition temperature drops with decreasing pressure, the difference between modeled and measured temperatures can be on the order of 100°C for carbonates and sulfates. These differences can be explained by factors such as sample particle size, carrier gas species, gas flow rate, and oven volume. A calcium carbonate sample shows how particle size can change decomposition temperature by almost 200°C (decomposition temperatures decrease with decreasing particle size) and that carrier gas species, flow rate, and instrument geometry can affect decomposition temperatures by 20-50°C. These results demonstrate that predicting changes in decomposition temperature based on a thermodynamic or empirical model is not sufficient and that samples must be run under instrument conditions relevant to the instrument that produced the data on Mars. Furthermore, the effects of particle size, carrier gas species and flow rate, as well as instrument geometry must be taken into account in order to compare Mars data to samples run in terrestrial labs. This work shows the magnitude of these factors, demonstrating why they must be taken into account, providing a framework for how to correctly interpret thermal analysis data from Mars.

Science | 2018

Organic matter preserved in 3-billion-year-old mudstones at Gale crater, Mars

Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; Roger E. Summons; Andrew Steele; Caroline Freissinet; Maeva Millan; Rafael Navarro-González; Brad Sutter; A. C. McAdam; Heather B. Franz; Daniel P. Glavin; P. D. Archer; Paul R. Mahaffy; P. G. Conrad; Joel A. Hurowitz; John P. Grotzinger; Sanjeev Gupta; Douglas W. Ming; Dawn Y. Sumner; Cyril Szopa; C. A. Malespin; Arnaud Buch; Patrice Coll

Measuring martian organics and methane The Curiosity rover has been sampling on Mars for the past 5 years (see the Perspective by ten Kate). Eigenbrode et al. used two instruments in the SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) suite to catch traces of complex organics preserved in 3-billion-year-old sediments. Heating the sediments released an array of organics and volatiles reminiscent of organic-rich sedimentary rock found on Earth. Most methane on Earth is produced by biological sources, but numerous abiotic processes have been proposed to explain martian methane. Webster et al. report atmospheric measurements of methane covering 3 martian years and found that the background level varies with the local seasons. The seasonal variation provides an important clue for determining the origin of martian methane. Science, this issue p. 1096, p. 1093; see also p. 1068 Complex organic compounds may have been detected by the Curiosity rover in ancient martian sedimentary rocks. Establishing the presence and state of organic matter, including its possible biosignatures, in martian materials has been an elusive quest, despite limited reports of the existence of organic matter on Mars. We report the in situ detection of organic matter preserved in lacustrine mudstones at the base of the ~3.5-billion-year-old Murray formation at Pahrump Hills, Gale crater, by the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite onboard the Curiosity rover. Diverse pyrolysis products, including thiophenic, aromatic, and aliphatic compounds released at high temperatures (500° to 820°C), were directly detected by evolved gas analysis. Thiophenes were also observed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Their presence suggests that sulfurization aided organic matter preservation. At least 50 nanomoles of organic carbon persists, probably as macromolecules containing 5% carbon as organic sulfur molecules.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2014

The Siding Spring cometary encounter with Mars: A natural experiment for the Martian atmosphere?

John E. Moores; Timothy H. McConnochie; Douglas W. Ming; P. D. Archer; Andrew C. Schuerger

On 19 October 2014 comet C/2013 A1 will encounter Mars. The planet is anticipated to pass through the coma resulting in a greater than four order-of-magnitude increase in the accretion of dust with 430 tonnes of dust with diameters between 1 µm and 12.4 mm surviving atmospheric passage. At high altitude, the dust would impact temperature and may affect limb dust extinction and cloud formation. The UV photolysis of the organic carbon content of the dust, 1.9 to 4.6 tonnes, would have a negligible effect on atmospheric methane. Should C/2013 A1 brighten, increases in upper atmospheric accretion of coma particles will exceed the background dust and the population of small coma particles may be constrained from orbital measurements. For M1 < –1.3, methane produced might be measurable by the Sample Analysis at Mars Tunable Laser Spectrometer instrument onboard Curiosity.

Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2016

Light and variable 37 Cl/ 35 Cl ratios in rocks from Gale Crater, Mars: Possible signature of perchlorate

Kenneth A. Farley; P. E. Martin; P. D. Archer; Sushil K. Atreya; P. G. Conrad; Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; Alberto G. Fairén; Heather B. Franz; Caroline Freissinet; D. P. Glavin; Paul R. Mahaffy; C. A. Malespin; D. W. Ming; Rafael Navarro-González; Brad Sutter

Archive | 2015

Update on the Chemical Composition Of Crystalline, Smectite, and Amorphous Components for Rocknest Soil and John Klein and Cumberland Mudstone Drill Fines at Gale Crater, Mars

Richard V. Morris; D. W. Ming; R. Gellert; D. T. Vaniman; David L. Bish; David F. Blake; S. J. Chipera; Shaunna M. Morrison; Robert T. Downs; E. B. Rampe; A. H. Treiman; Albert S. Yen; C. N. Achilles; P. D. Archer; Thomas F. Bristow; P. Cavanaugh; K. Fenrdrich; Joy A. Crisp; D. J. Des Marais; Jack D. Farmer; John P. Grotzinger; Paul R. Mahaffy; A. C. McAdam; J. M. Morookian

Archive | 2015

Oxychlorine Species on Mars: The Gale Crater Story

P. D. Archer; Douglas W. Ming; B. Sutter; Richard V. Morris; B. C. Clark; P. H. Mahaffy; James J. Wray; Alberto G. Fairén; R. Gellert; Albert S. Yen; David F. Blake; D. T. Vaniman; D. P. Glavin; Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; M. Trainer; Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez; Christopher P. McKay; Caroline Freissinet

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