P. De Cat
Royal Observatory of Belgium
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Featured researches published by P. De Cat.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2011
K. Uytterhoeven; A. Moya; A. Grigahcène; Joyce Ann Guzik; J. Gutierrez-Soto; B. Smalley; G. Handler; L. A. Balona; E. Niemczura; L. Fox Machado; Serena Benatti; E. Chapellier; A. Tkachenko; R. Szabó; J. C. Suárez; V. Ripepi; J. Pascual; P. Mathias; S. Martín-Ruiz; H. Lehmann; Jason Jackiewicz; S. Hekker; M. Gruberbauer; R. A. García; X. Dumusque; D. Díaz-Fraile; P. A. Bradley; V. Antoci; M. Roth; B. Leroy
Context. The Kepler spacecraft is providing time series of photometric data with micromagnitude precision for hundreds of A-F type stars. Aims. We present a first general characterization of the pulsational behaviour of A-F type stars as observed in the Kepler light curves of a sample of 750 candidate A-F type stars, and observationally investigate the relation between γ Doradus (γ Dor), δ Scuti (δ Sct), and hybrid stars. Methods. We compile a database of physical parameters for the sample stars from the literature and new ground-based observations. We analyse the Kepler light curve of each star and extract the pulsational frequencies using different frequency analysis methods. We construct two new observables, “energy ”a nd “efficiency”, related to the driving energy of the pulsation mode and the convective efficiency of the outer convective zone, respectively. Results. We propose three main groups to describe the observed variety in pulsating A-F type stars: γ Dor, δ Sct, and hybrid stars. We assign 63% of our sample to one of the three groups, and identify the remaining part as rotationally modulated/active stars, binaries, stars of different spectral type, or stars that show no clear periodic variability. 23% of the stars (171 stars) are hybrid stars, which is a much higher fraction than what has been observed before. We characterize for the first time a large number of A-F type stars (475 stars) in terms of number of detected frequencies, frequency range, and typical pulsation amplitudes. The majority of hybrid stars show frequencies with all kinds of periodicities within the γ Dor and δ Sct range, also between 5 and 10 d −1 , which is a challenge for the current models. We find indications for the existence of δ Sct and γ Dor stars beyond the edges of the current observational instability strips. The hybrid stars occupy the entire region within the δ Sct and γ Dor instability strips and beyond. Non-variable stars seem to exist within the instability strips. The location of γ Dor and δ Sct classes in the (Teff ,l ogg)-diagram has been extended. We investigate two newly constructed variables, “efficiency ”a nd “energy”, as a means to explore the relation between γ Dor and δ Sct stars. Conclusions. Our results suggest a revision of the current observational instability strips of δ Sct and γ Dor stars and imply an investigation of pulsation mechanisms to supplement the κ mechanism and convective blocking effect to drive hybrid pulsations. Accurate physical parameters for all stars are needed to confirm these findings.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014
S. Deheuvels; G. Doğan; M. J. Goupil; T. Appourchaux; O. Benomar; H. Bruntt; T. L. Campante; Luca Casagrande; T. Ceillier; G. R. Davies; P. De Cat; J. N. Fu; R. A. García; A. Lobel; B. Mosser; Daniel Reese; C. Regulo; Jesper Schou; T. Stahn; A. O. Thygesen; X. H. Yang; W. J. Chaplin; J. Christensen-Dalsgaard; P. Eggenberger; Laurent Gizon; S. Mathis; J. Molenda-Żakowicz; Marc H. Pinsonneault
Context. We still do not understand which physical mechanisms are responsible for the transport of angular momentum inside stars. The recent detection of mixed modes that contain the clear signature of rotation in the spectra of Kepler subgiants and red giants gives us the opportunity to make progress on this question.Aims. Our aim is to probe the radial dependence of the rotation profiles for a sample of Kepler targets. For this purpose, subgiants and early red giants are particularly interesting targets because their rotational splittings are more sensitive to the rotation outside the deeper core than is the case for their more evolved counterparts.Methods. We first extracted the rotational splittings and frequencies of the modes for six young Kepler red giants. We then performed a seismic modeling of these stars using the evolutionary codes Cesam2k and astec. By using the observed splittings and the rotational kernels of the optimal models, we inverted the internal rotation profiles of the six stars.Results. We obtain estimates of the core rotation rates for these stars, and upper limits to the rotation in their convective envelope. We show that the rotation contrast between the core and the envelope increases during the subgiant branch. Our results also suggest that the core of subgiants spins up with time, while their envelope spins down. For two of the stars, we show that a discontinuous rotation profile with a deep discontinuity reproduces the observed splittings significantly better than a smooth rotation profile. Interestingly, the depths that are found to be most probable for the discontinuities roughly coincide with the location of the H-burning shell, which separates the layers that contract from those that expand.Conclusions. We characterized the differential rotation pattern of six young giants with a range of metallicities, and with both radiative and convective cores on the main sequence. This will bring observational constraints to the scenarios of angular momentum transport in stars. Moreover, if the existence of sharp gradients in the rotation profiles of young red giants is confirmed, it is expected to help in distinguishing between the physical processes that could transport angular momentum in the subgiant and red giant branches.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2006
S. Hubrig; Maryline Briquet; M. Schöller; P. De Cat; G. Mathys; Conny Aerts
We present the results of a magnetic survey of a sample of eight β Cephei stars and 26 slowly pulsating B (SPBs) stars with the FOcal Reducer low dispersion Spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. A weak mean longitudinal magnetic field of the order of a few hundred Gauss is detected in the β Cephei star ξ 1 CMa and in 13 SPB stars. The star ξ 1 CMa becomes the third magnetic star among the β Cephei stars. Before our study, the star ζ Cas was the only known magnetic SPB star. All magnetic SPB stars for which we gathered several magnetic field measurements show a field that varies in time. We do not find a relation between the evolution of the magnetic field with stellar age in our small sample. Our observations imply that β Cephei and SPB stars can no longer be considered as classes of non-magnetic pulsators, but the effect of the fields on the oscillation properties remains to be studied.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
H. Van Winckel; T. Lloyd Evans; Maryline Briquet; P. De Cat; P. Degroote; W. De Meester; J. De Ridder; Pieter Deroo; M. Desmet; R. Drummond; L. Eyer; Martin A. T. Groenewegen; Katrien Kolenberg; D. Kilkenny; D. Ladjal; K. Lefever; Thomas Maas; F. Marang; Peter Martinez; Roy Ostensen; Gert Raskin; M. Reyniers; P. Royer; S. Saesen; K. Uytterhoeven; J. Vanautgaerden; B. Vandenbussche; F. van Wyk; M. Vučković; C. Waelkens
Context. The influence of binarity on the late stages of stellar evolut ion. Aims. While the first binary post-AGB stars were serendipitously d iscovered, the distinct characteristics of their Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) allowed us to launch a more systematic search for binaries. We selected post-AGB objects which show a broad dust excess often starting already at H or K, pointing to the presence of a gravitationally bound dusty disc in the system. We started a very extensive multi-wavelength study of those systems and here we report on our radial velocity and photometric monitoring results for six stars of early F type, which are pulsators of small amplitude. Methods. To determine the radial velocity of low signal-to-noise time-series, we constructed dedicated auto-correlation masks based on high signal-to-noise spectra, used in our published chemical studies. The radial velocity variations were subjecte d to detailed analysis to differentiate between pulsational variability and variabilit y due to orbital motion. When available, the photometric monitoring data were used to complement the time series of radial velocity data and to establish the nature of the pulsation. Finally orbital minimalisation was performed to constrain the orbital elements. Results. All of the six objects are binaries, with orbital periods ran ging from 120 to 1800 days. Five systems have non-circular orbits. The mass functions range from 0.004 to 0.57 M⊙ and the companions are likely unevolved objects of (very) low initial mass. We argue that these binaries must have been subject to severe binary interaction when the primary was a cool supergiant. Although the origin of the circumstellar disc is not well understood, the disc is generally believed to be formed during this strong interaction phase. The eccentric orbits of these highly evolved objects remain poorly understood. In one object the line-of-sight is grazi ng the edge of the puffed-up inner rim of the disc. Conclusions. These results corroborate our earlier statement that evolved objects in binary stars create a Keplerian dusty circumbinary disc. With the measured orbits and mass functions we conclude that the circumbinary discs seem to have a major impact on the evolution of a significant fraction of binary systems.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2011
P. Dubath; L. Rimoldini; Maria Süveges; J. Blomme; M. López; L. M. Sarro; J. De Ridder; J. Cuypers; L. P. Guy; I. Lecoeur; K. Nienartowicz; A. Jan; M. Beck; Nami Mowlavi; P. De Cat; Thomas Lebzelter; Laurent Eyer
We present an evaluation of the performance of an automated classification of the Hipparcos periodic variable stars into 26 types. The sub-sample with the most reliable variability types available in the literature is used to train supervised algorithms to characterize the type dependencies on a number of attributes. The most useful attributes evaluated with the random forest methodology include, in decreasing order of importance, the period, the amplitude, the V − I colour index, the absolute magnitude, the residual around the folded light-curve model, the magnitude distribution skewness and the amplitude of the second harmonic of the Fourier series model relative to that of the fundamental frequency. Random forests and a multistage scheme involving Bayesian network and Gaussian mixture methods lead to statistically equivalent results. In standard 10-fold cross-validation (CV) experiments, the rate of correct classification is between 90 and 100 per cent, depending on the variability type. The main mis-classification cases, up to a rate of about 10 per cent, arise due to confusion between SPB and ACV blue variables and between eclipsing binaries, ellipsoidal variables and other variability types. Our training set and the predicted types for the other Hipparcos periodic stars are available online.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2011
L. A. Balona; Andrzej Pigulski; P. De Cat; G. Handler; J. Gutiérrez-Soto; C. A. Engelbrecht; F. A. M. Frescura; Maryline Briquet; J. Cuypers; Jadwiga Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz; P. Degroote; R. J. Dukes; R. A. García; Elizabeth M. Green; Ulrich Heber; S. D. Kawaler; H. Lehmann; B. Leroy; J. Molenda-Żakowicz; C. Neiner; A. Noels; J. Nuspl; Roy Ostensen; D. Pricopi; Ian W. Roxburgh; Sébastien Salmon; Myron A. Smith; J. C. Suárez; Marian Doru Suran; R. Szabó
The analysis of the light curves of 48 B-type stars observed by Kepler is presented. Among these are 15 pulsating stars, all of which show low frequencies, characteristic of slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars. Seven of these stars also show a few weak, isolated high frequencies and they could be considered as SPB/β Cephei (β Cep) hybrids. In all cases, the frequency spectra are quite different from what is seen from ground-based observations. We suggest that this is because most of the low frequencies are modes of high degree which are predicted to be unstable in models of mid-B stars. We find that there are non-pulsating stars within the β Cep and SPB instability strips. Apart from the pulsating stars, we can identify stars with frequency groupings similar to what is seen in Be stars but which are not Be stars. The origin of the groupings is not clear, but may be related to rotation. We find periodic variations in other stars which we attribute to proximity effects in binary systems or possibly rotational modulation. We find no evidence for pulsating stars between the cool edge of the SPB and the hot edge of the δ Sct instability strips. None of the stars shows the broad features which can be attributed to stochastically excited modes as recently proposed. Among our sample of B stars are two chemically peculiar stars, one of which is a HgMn star showing rotational modulation in the light curve.
Science | 2011
A. Derekas; L. L. Kiss; T. Borkovits; D. Huber; H. Lehmann; J. Southworth; Timothy R. Bedding; D. Balam; M. Hartmann; M. Hrudkova; Michael J. Ireland; J. Kovács; Gy. Mező; A. Moór; E. Niemczura; Gordon E. Sarty; Gy. Szabó; R. Szabó; J. H. Telting; A. Tkachenko; K. Uytterhoeven; J. M. Benkő; Steve Bryson; V. Maestro; A. E. Simon; D. Stello; Gail H. Schaefer; Conny Aerts; Theo A. ten Brummelaar; P. De Cat
The Kepler satellite reveals details of the oscillations patterns of an evolved star in an exotic triple-star system. Hierarchical triple systems comprise a close binary and a more distant component. They are important for testing theories of star formation and of stellar evolution in the presence of nearby companions. We obtained 218 days of Kepler photometry of HD 181068 (magnitude of 7.1), supplemented by ground-based spectroscopy and interferometry, which show it to be a hierarchical triple with two types of mutual eclipses. The primary is a red giant that is in a 45-day orbit with a pair of red dwarfs in a close 0.9-day orbit. The red giant shows evidence for tidally induced oscillations that are driven by the orbital motion of the close pair. HD 181068 is an ideal target for studies of dynamical evolution and testing tidal friction theories in hierarchical triple systems.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2008
H. Bruntt; P. De Cat; Conny Aerts
We present the results of a spectroscopic study of 37 southern (candidate) γDoradus stars based on échelle spectra. The observed spectra were cross-correlated with the standard template spectrum of an F0-type star for easier detection of binary and intrinsic variations. We identified 15 objects as spectroscopic binaries, including 7 new ones, while another 3 objects are binary suspects. At least 12 objects show composite spectra. We could determine the orbital parameters for 9 binaries, of which 4 turned out to be ellipsoidal variables. For 6 binaries, we estimated the expected time-base of the orbital variations. Clear profile variations were observed for 17 objects, pointing towards stellar pulsation. For 8 of them, we have evidence that the main spectroscopic and photometric periods coincide. Our results, in combination with prior knowledge from the literature, lead to the classification of 10 objects as new bona fide γDoradus stars, 1 object as a new bona fide δ Scuti star, and 8 objects as constant stars. Finally, we determined the projected rotational velocity by two independent methods. The resulting v sin i values range from 3 to 135 km s−1. For the bona fide γ Doradus stars, the majority has v sin i below 60 km s−1.Context. The γ Doradus stars are a recent class of variable main sequence F-type stars located on the red edge of the Cepheid instability strip. They pulsate in gravity modes, and this makes them particularly interesting for detailed asteroseismic analysis, which can provide fundamental knowledge of properties near the convective cores of intermediate-mass main sequence stars. Aims. To improve current understanding of γ Dor stars through theoretical modelling, additional constraints are needed. Our aim is to estimate the fundamental atmospheric parameters and determine the chemical composition of these stars. Detailed analyses of single stars have previously suggested links to Am and λ Boo stars, so we wish to explore this interesting connection between chemical peculiarity and pulsation. Methods. We analysed a sample of γ Dor stars for the first time, including nine bona fide and three candidate members of the class. We determined the fundamental atmospheric parameters and compared the abundance pattern with other A-type stars. We used the semi-automatic software package VWA for the analysis. This code relies on the calculation of synthetic spectra and thus takes lineblending into account. This is important because of the fast rotation in some of the sample stars, and we made a thorough analysis of how VWA performs when increasing v sini. We obtained good results in agreement with previously derived fundamental parameters and abundances in a few selected reference stars with properties similar to the γ Dor stars. Results. We find that the abundance pattern in the γ Dor stars is not distinct from the constant A- and F-type stars we analysed.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2002
P. De Cat; Conny Aerts
We present the results of detailed frequency analyses of a sample of thirteen confirmed slowly pulsating B stars. Our analysis is based on a combination of elaborate photometric and spectroscopic data-sets. The original sample consists of a mixture of five confirmed slowly pulsating B stars and twelve candidate slowly pulsating B stars discovered thanks to the photometric measurements of the HIPPARCOS satellite. HD 55522 and HD 131120 turn out to be chemically peculiar stars. HD 169978 and HD 69144 are two ellipsoidal variables for which no intrinsic variability is found. At least nine of the thirteen studied slowly pulsating B stars are multi-periodic. For HD 74195, HD 85953, HD 123515 and HD 215573, the observed fre- quency spacings suggest that we are dealing with frequency multiplets. For the apparent mono-periodic binary HD 24587, it is not clear if the observed variations are induced by stellar pulsation and/or by rotation modulation. We highlight the statistical character of the observed pulsational properties of our sample.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2011
H. Lehmann; Andrew Tkachenko; T. Semaan; J. Gutiérrez-Soto; B. Smalley; Maryline Briquet; D. Shulyak; V. Tsymbal; P. De Cat
Context. For asteroseismic modelling, analysis of the high-accuracy light curves delivered by the Kepler satellite mission needs support by ground-based, multi-colour and spectroscopic observations. Aims. We determine the fundamental parameters of SPB and β Cep candidate stars observed by the Kepler satellite mission and estimate the expected types of non-radial pulsators. Methods. We compared newly obtained high-resolution spectra with synthetic spectra computed on a grid of stellar parameters assuming LTE, and checked for NLTE effects for the hottest stars. For comparison, we determined Teff independently from fitting the spectral energy distribution of the stars obtained from the available photometry. Results. We determine Teff ,l ogg, microturbulent velocity, v sini, metallicity, and elemental abundance for 14 of the 16 candidate stars. Two stars are spectroscopic binaries. No significant influence of NLTE effects on the results could be found. For hot stars, we find systematic deviations in the determined effective temperatures from those given in the Kepler Input Catalogue. The deviations are confirmed by the results obtained from ground-based photometry. Five stars show reduced metallicity, two stars are He-strong, one is He-weak, and one is Si-strong. Two of the stars could be β Cep/SPB hybrid pulsators, four SPB pulsators, and five more stars are located close to the borders of the SPB instability region.