P G C Almeida
University of Lisbon
Plasma Sources Science and Technology | 2010
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; M J Faria
Multiple steady-state solutions existing in the theory of dc glow discharges are computed for the first time. The simulations are performed in 2D in the framework of the simplest self-consistent model, which accounts for a single ion species and employs the drift–diffusion approximation. Solutions describing up to nine different modes were found in the case where losses of the ions and the electrons due to diffusion to the wall were neglected. One mode is 1D, exists at all values of the discharge current, and represents in essence the well-known solution of von Engel and Steenbeck. The other eight modes are axially symmetric, exist in limited ranges of the discharge current, and are associated with different patterns of current spots on the cathode. The mode with a spot at the centre of the cathode exhibits a well pronounced effect of normal current density. Account of diffusion losses affects the solutions dramatically: the number of solutions is reduced, a mode appears that exists at all discharge currents and comprises the Townsend, subnormal, normal and abnormal discharges. The solutions that exist in limited current ranges describe patterns, and these patterns seem to represent axially symmetric analogues of the 3D patterns observed in dc glow microdischarges in xenon.
Journal of Physics D | 2009
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; M D Cunha; M J Faria
Bifurcations and/or their consequences are frequently encountered in numerical modelling of current transfer to cathodes of gas discharges, also in apparently simple situations, and a failure to recognize and properly analyse a bifurcation may create difficulties in the modelling and hinder the understanding of numerical results and the underlying physics. This work is concerned with analysis of bifurcations that have been encountered in the modelling of steady-state current transfer to cathodes of glow and arc discharges. All basic types of steady-state bifurcations (fold, transcritical, pitchfork) have been identified and analysed. The analysis provides explanations to many results obtained in numerical modelling. In particular, it is shown that dramatic changes in patterns of current transfer to cathodes of both glow and arc discharges, described by numerical modelling, occur through perturbed transcritical bifurcations of first- and second-order contact. The analysis elucidates the reason why the mode of glow discharge associated with the falling section of the current–voltage characteristic in the solution of von Engel and Steenbeck seems not to appear in 2D numerical modelling and the subnormal and normal modes appear instead. A similar effect has been identified in numerical modelling of arc cathodes and explained.
Journal of Physics D | 2011
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; M J Faria
Stability of different axially symmetric modes of current transfer in dc glow discharges is investigated in the framework of the linear stability theory with the use of Comsol Multiphysics software. Conditions of current-controlled microdischarges in xenon are treated as an example. Both real and complex eigenvalues have been detected, meaning that perturbations can vary with time both monotonically and with oscillations. In general, results given by the linear stability theory confirm intuitive concepts developed in the literature and conform to the experiment. On the other hand, suggestions are provided for further experimental and theoretical work.
Plasma Sources Science and Technology | 2014
Weidong Zhu; P. Niraula; P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; D. F. N. Santos
Self-organized patterns of cathodic spots have been observed in microdischarges operated in xenon, but not in other gases. However, modelling has indicated that it is, in principle, possible to observe the patterns of spots in discharges operated in other gases provided that experimental conditions, in particular pressure, are right. In this work, self-organized patterns of cathodic spots are for the first time observed in dc glow microdischarges operated in a gas other than xenon: krypton. The experiments have been guided by the modelling. According to both the experiment and the modelling, patterns in krypton are similar to those found earlier in xenon, however occur at higher pressures.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | 2011
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; M J Faria
Three-dimensional simulations of self-organization in dc glow microdischarges are reported. The results describe a mode with a normal spot and modes with patterns of multiple spots, qualitatively similar to those observed in experiments with microdischarges in xenon.
Physics of Plasmas | 2013
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov
The work is aimed at advancing the multiple steady-state solutions that have been found recently in the theory of direct current (DC) glow discharges. It is shown that an account of detailed plasma chemistry and non-locality of electron transport and kinetic coefficients results in an increase of the number of multiple solutions but does not change their pattern. Multiple solutions are shown to exist for discharges in argon and helium provided that discharge pressure is high enough. This result indicates that self-organization in DC glow microdischarges can be observed not only in xenon, which has been the case until recently, but also in other plasma-producing gases; a conclusion that has been confirmed by recent experiments. Existence of secondary bifurcations can explain why patterns of spots grouped in concentric rings, observed in the experiment, possess in many cases higher number of spots in outer rings than in inner ones.
Journal of Physics D | 2008
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; M D Cunha
Spots on cathodes of high-pressure arc discharges induced by a rapid increase in the arc current are studied numerically and experimentally. Appearance of stationary and transient spots is analysed in the context of the general pattern of steady-state modes of current transfer to thermionic cathodes and their stability. Transient spots are studied in experiments with COST-529 standard lamps. Modelling and experimental results are in reasonable agreement. A method to prevent formation of transient spots on cathodes of high-pressure arc discharges by means of short negative rectangular current pulses is proposed and validated both numerically and experimentally. Experimental indications are found that the main mechanism of blackening of burners of HID lamps that accompanies appearance of transient cathode spots is evaporation of the cathode material and not sputtering.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | 2008
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; M D Cunha
Experimental and modeling results are reported on transient spots induced on thermionic cathodes by a rapid increase of the arc current and on their prevention.
Journal of Physics D | 2002
P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov; G V Naidis
Electric-field dependent ion mobility is calculated in the framework of the two-temperature displaced-distribution theory. The considered approach provides a better accuracy than the conventional approach based on (the first approximation in) the two-temperature theory and is better justified for the case of heavy ions, while being not much more complicated than the conventional approach. Calculated ion mobilities are in good agreement with experimental data.
Journal of Physics D | 2016
M. S. Bieniek; P G C Almeida; M. S. Benilov
Self-organized patterns of cathode spots in glow discharges are computed in the cathode boundary layer geometry, which is the one employed in most of the experiments reported in the literature. The model comprises conservation and transport equations of electrons and a single ion species, written in the drift-diffusion and local-field approximations, and Poissons equation. Multiple solutions existing for the same value of the discharge current and describing modes with different configurations of cathode spots are computed by means of a stationary solver. The computed solutions are compared to their counterparts for plane-parallel electrodes, and experiments. All of the computed spot patterns have been observed in the experiment.