P. Grau
University of Navarra
Water Research | 2015
I. Lizarralde; T. Fernández-Arévalo; C.J. Brouckaert; Peter Vanrolleghem; D. Ikumi; G. A. Ekama; E. Ayesa; P. Grau
This paper introduces a new general methodology for incorporating physico-chemical and chemical transformations into multi-phase wastewater treatment process models in a systematic and rigorous way under a Plant-Wide modelling (PWM) framework. The methodology presented in this paper requires the selection of the relevant biochemical, chemical and physico-chemical transformations taking place and the definition of the mass transport for the co-existing phases. As an example a mathematical model has been constructed to describe a system for biological COD, nitrogen and phosphorus removal, liquid-gas transfer, precipitation processes, and chemical reactions. The capability of the model has been tested by comparing simulated and experimental results for a nutrient removal system with sludge digestion. Finally, a scenario analysis has been undertaken to show the potential of the obtained mathematical model to study phosphorus recovery.
Water Research | 2014
T. Fernández-Arévalo; I. Lizarralde; P. Grau; E. Ayesa
This paper presents a new modelling methodology for dynamically predicting the heat produced or consumed in the transformations of any biological reactor using Hesss law. Starting from a complete description of model components stoichiometry and formation enthalpies, the proposed modelling methodology has integrated successfully the simultaneous calculation of both the conventional mass balances and the enthalpy change of reaction in an expandable multi-phase matrix structure, which facilitates a detailed prediction of the main heat fluxes in the biochemical reactors. The methodology has been implemented in a plant-wide modelling methodology in order to facilitate the dynamic description of mass and heat throughout the plant. After validation with literature data, as illustrative examples of the capability of the methodology, two case studies have been described. In the first one, a predenitrification-nitrification dynamic process has been analysed, with the aim of demonstrating the easy integration of the methodology in any system. In the second case study, the simulation of a thermal model for an ATAD has shown the potential of the proposed methodology for analysing the effect of ventilation and influent characterization.
Water Science and Technology | 2014
J. Albizuri; P. Grau; M. Christensson; L. Larrea
The paper presents a systematic study of simulations, using a previously calibrated Colloid model, from which it was found that: (i) for pure moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) processes with tertiary nitrification conditions (no influent chemical oxygen demand (COD)), dissolved oxygen = 5 mg/L and residual NH4-N > 4 mgN/L, a nitrification rate of 1.2 gN/(m(2)d) was obtained at 10 °C. This rate decreases sharply when residual NH4-N is lower than 2 mgN/L, (ii) for MBBR systems with predenitrification-nitrification zones and COD in the influent (soluble and particulate), the nitrification rate (0.6 gN/(m(2)d)) is half of that in tertiary nitrification due to the effect of influent colloidal XS (particulate slowly biodegradable COD) and (iii) for integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) processes the nitrification rate in the biofilm (0.72 gN/(m(2)d)) is 20% higher than for the pure MBBR due to the lower effect of influent XS since it is adsorbed onto flocs. However, it is still 40% lower than the tertiary nitrification rate. In the IFAS, the fraction of the nitrification rate in suspension ranges from 10 to 70% when the aerobic solids retention time varies from 1.4 to 6 days.
Water Science and Technology | 2017
T. Fernández-Arévalo; I. Lizarralde; M. Maiza; S. Beltrán; P. Grau; E. Ayesa
Given the shift in perception of wastewater treatment plants as water resource recovery facilities, conventional mathematical models need to be updated. The resource recovery perspective should be applied to new processes, technologies and plant layouts. The number and level of models proposed to date give an overview of the complexity of the new plant configurations and provides a wide range of possibilities and process combinations in order to construct plant layouts. This diversity makes the development of standard, modular and flexible tools and model libraries that allow the incorporation of new processes and components in a straightforward way a necessity. In this regard, the plant-wide modelling (PWM) library is a complete model library that includes conventional and advanced technologies and that allows economic and energetic analyses to be carried out in a holistic way. This paper shows the fundamentals of this PWM library that is built upon the above-mentioned premises and the application of the PWM library in three different full-scale case studies.
Water Research | 2018
I. Lizarralde; T. Fernández-Arévalo; S. Beltrán; E. Ayesa; P. Grau
This paper introduces a new mathematical model built under the PC-PWM methodology to describe the aeration process in a full-scale WWTP. This methodology enables a systematic and rigorous incorporation of chemical and physico-chemical transformations into biochemical process models, particularly for the description of liquid-gas transfer to describe the aeration process. The mathematical model constructed is able to reproduce biological COD and nitrogen removal, liquid-gas transfer and chemical reactions. The capability of the model to describe the liquid-gas mass transfer has been tested by comparing simulated and experimental results in a full-scale WWTP. Finally, an exploration by simulation has been undertaken to show the potential of the mathematical model.
Water Science and Technology | 2013
M. Maiza; A. Bengoechea; P. Grau; W. De Keyser; Ingmar Nopens; Doris Brockmann; J.P. Steyer; Filip Claeys; Gorka Urchegui; O. Fernández; E. Ayesa
This paper summarizes part of the research work carried out in the Add Control project, which proposes an extension of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) models and modelling architectures used in traditional WWTP simulation tools, addressing, in addition to the classical mass transformations (transport, physico-chemical phenomena, biological reactions), all the instrumentation, actuation and automation & control components (sensors, actuators, controllers), considering their real behaviour (signal delays, noise, failures and power consumption of actuators). Its ultimate objective is to allow a rapid transition from the simulation of the control strategy to its implementation at full-scale plants. Thus, this paper presents the application of the Add Control simulation platform for the design and implementation of new control strategies at the WWTP of Mekolalde.
Water Science and Technology | 2006
E. Ayesa; A. de la Sota; P. Grau; J.M. Sagarna; A. Salterain; J. Suescun
Water Science and Technology | 2012
Damien J. Batstone; Youri Amerlinck; G. A. Ekama; Rajeev Goel; P. Grau; Bruce R. Johnson; Ishin Kaya; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Stephan Tait; Imre Takács; Peter Vanrolleghem; C.J. Brouckaert; Eveline Volcke
Water Science and Technology | 2007
P. Grau; S. Beltrán; M. de Gracia; E. Ayesa
Water Science and Technology | 2009
P. Grau; John B. Copp; Peter Vanrolleghem; Imre Takács; E. Ayesa