P. Premchand
Osmania University
advanced data mining and applications | 2010
V. A. Narayana; P. Premchand; A. Govardhan
The drastic development of the WWW in recent times has made the concept of Web Crawling receive remarkable significance. The voluminous amounts of web documents swarming the web have posed huge challenges to web search engines making their results less relevant to the users. The presence of duplicate and near duplicate web documents in abundance has created additional overheads for the search engines critically affecting their performance and quality which have to be removed to provide users with the relevant results for their queries. In this paper, we have presented a novel and efficient approach for the detection of near duplicate web pages in web crawling where the keywords are extracted from the crawled pages and the similarity score between two pages is calculated. The documents having similarity score greater than a threshold value are considered as near duplicates. In this paper we have fixed the threshold value.
international conference on autonomic computing | 2009
Mohammed Misbahuddin; P. Premchand; A. Govardhan
Two Factor authentication mechanisms are considered to be secure for authenticating a user in Internet based environment. As the number of services provided online is day by day increasing, users intending to use various online services are also increasing. With each service requiring the user to register separately, the overhead of remembering many ID/password pairs has lead to the problem of memorability. To address this, researchers have proposed mechanisms for multi-server environment where in the user needs to register with a single registration centre using one ID/password pair and thereby access all the services registered through that server. But, as these mechanisms employ textual passwords, they suffer from many inherent drawbacks. In this paper we propose a two factor password authenticated key agreement mechanism using graphical password where in the user needs to recognize his secret image presented to him as challenge. The protocol is designed such that there is no need of maintaining a password table at server for verification. In addition, the protocol provides secure low computation mutual authentication and session key agreement. The proposed protocol is computationally efficient and is expected to be secure against ID theft, Insider attack, Replay attack, Shoulder surfing attack, Reconnaissance attack, Server spoofing attack and guessing attack.
ieee international advance computing conference | 2009
V. A. Narayana; P. Premchand; A. Govardhan
The drastic development of the World Wide Web in the recent times has made the concept of Web Crawling receive remarkable significance. The voluminous amounts of web documents swarming the web have posed huge challenges to the web search engines making their results less relevant to the users. The presence of duplicate and near duplicate web documents in abundance has created additional overheads for the search engines critically affecting their performance and quality. The detection of duplicate and near duplicate web pages has long been recognized in web crawling research community. It is an important requirement for search engines to provide users with the relevant results for their queries in the first page without duplicate and redundant results. In this paper, we have presented a novel and efficient approach for the detection of near duplicate web pages in web crawling. Detection of near duplicate web pages is carried out ahead of storing the crawled web pages in to repositories. At first, the keywords are extracted from the crawled pages and the similarity score between two pages is calculated based on the extracted keywords. The documents having similarity scores greater than a threshold value are considered as near duplicates. The detection has resulted in reduced memory for repositories and improved search engine quality.
Archive | 2011
A. P. SivaKumar; P. Premchand; A. Govardhan
Retrieving information from different languages may lead to many problems like polysemy and synonymy, which can be resolved by Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) techniques. This paper uses the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of LSI technique to achieve effective indexing for English and Hindi languages. Parallel corpus consisting of both Hindi and English documents is created and is used for training and testing the system. Removing stop words from the documents is performed followed by stemming and normalization in order to reduce the feature space and to get language relations. Then, cosine similarity method is applied on query document and target document. Based on our experimental results it is proved that LSI based CLIR gets over the non-LSI based retrieval which have retrieval successes of 67% and 9% respectively.
international conference on innovations in information technology | 2008
Mohammed Misbahuddin; P. Premchand; A. Govardhan
With an increase in number of services provided over internet, the demand for securing users sensitive data has also increased. Due to the simplicity of single factor (username/password) authentication mechanisms, most of the Web based services have been employing this mechanism. But these mechanisms are now not being considered secure enough for various reasons such as 1) There is a sharp increase in number of attacks on ID/password based mechanisms 2) Users registered with various no. of online services have to remember pairs of ID/passwords for their respective accounts. 2) Users are either choosing easy to remember passwords which are weak & are susceptible to dictionary attack, or are choosing hard to guess alphanumeric passwords which are hard to remember & which leads them to write it on paper. So, in order to provide secure and user friendly authentication, the security experts are strongly recommending the online financial service providers to deploy two factor authentication mechanisms to strengthen security without compromising user convenience. In this paper, we try to address above issues by proposing a user friendly two-factor based authentication mechanism which allows the user to freely choose easy to remember passwords based on a description of users personal images. At login, users recall & enter their password by seeing their pre-selected images. This approach helps a user maintain many accounts with different passwords conveniently. In addition, the scheme proposes a protocol for secure low computation mutual authentication and session key agreement. The proposed mechanism is user friendly and is resistant to several attacks.
2017 International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC) | 2017
B. Jalender; A. Govardhan; P. Premchand
Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) provides a solution for the development of complex and evolved systems. When creating and maintaining these systems, repeat the task of selecting components. This paper focuses on a variety of formal software component selection techniques, both manual and automated. The main objective of this research paper is to evaluate the shortcomings of different prior art COTS component selections, whether manual, semiautomatic or automatic. Components must be identified and evaluated to determine whether they provide functionality. It has been found that each technique has its own advantages and limitations; no technique is best suited for each case. Automation is clearly superior to manual techniques because they provide a higher degree of accuracy in selecting the right components from a wider range of expected candidate components. In this article, we discuss an alternative approach to traditional component repositories that incorporates knowledge-based techniques to automatically select component sets.
international conference on contemporary computing | 2014
B. Jalender; A. Govardhan; P. Premchand
Currently, the file has been used as a link from the website as being transferred to the system. It is always to select the file you want to transfer the target folder. This standard behavior is to create an Internet shortcut file if you drop the file into your computer. But if I want to get the file into the folder from website it is different behavior. The main objective of this paper is to develop an algorithm that will use drag and drop to transfer files to any computer. Therefore, it will save time when compared to uploading and downloading. The basic idea of this paper is to classify the software reusable components using uploading and downloading. In this paper we used file tree structure for classifying the components.
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process | 2011
A. P. Siva kumar; P. Premchand; A. Govardhan
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 2012
Va Narayana; P. Premchand; A. Govardhan
international conference on computer sciences and convergence information technology | 2012
V. A. Narayana; A. Govardhan; P. Premchand