P. S. Parihar
Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research
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Featured researches published by P. S. Parihar.
Journal of The Geological Society of India | 2015
A. K. Rai; U. K. Pandey; Syed Zakaulla; P. S. Parihar
Uranium mineralised and non-mineralised dolomites from Vempalle Formation, Lower Cuddapah Supergroup, were analysed by Pb-Pb systematics (Pb Sequential Leaching-PbSL), to ascertain the age of deposition, uranium mineralization, diagenesis and dolomitisation. PbSL technique is a well established tool to be used for direct dating of carbonate rocks world wide. Based on present study, using PbSL technique, it is established that the age of deposition, diagenesis, dolomitisation and syn-diagenetic uranium mineralization, in the Vempalle dolomites, is c. 1900-2000 Ma. Such older ages were not reported earlier from any part of the Cuddapah basin.The present age is within the existing stratigraphic time frame, as mafic sill intruding the Vempalle Formation is dated as c.1885 Ma and this indicates that Vempalle dolomites and syn-diagenetic uranium mineralization in it, have to be older than c.1885 Ma. The deposition of carbonate sediments, diagenesis, dolomitisation and syn-diagentic uranium mineralization in the Vempalle Formation took place in a short duration of 100 Ma, similar to the Wittenoon Formation and Carawine Dolomite of Hamersley Group,Western Australia, in which time between initial deposition, diagenesis and late dolomitisation is 100-150 Ma. The Cuddapah basin might have formed during the period c. 2200–2100 Ma, as evidenced by widespread mafic dyke activity around Cuddapah basin during that time. Present study infers that the minimum age of the onset of sedimentation in the Cuddapah Supergroup was at around c. 2000 Ma and the diagenesis, dolomitisation and syn-diagenetic uranium mineralisation took place up to 1900 Ma.
Journal of The Geological Society of India | 2013
G. Nagendra Babu; M. Sai Baba; Mary K. Kumar; Yamuna Singh; P. V. Ramesh Babu; P. S. Parihar
For the first time we report bastnaesite and hydroxyl bastnaesite (lanthanum cerium fluoro-carbonate) from the Kanigiri granite. The host granitoids are of A-type and vary in composition from quartz syenites to peralkaline granites. Rare metal and rare earth-bearing minerals identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies in Kanigiri granite are bastnaesite and hydroxyl bastnaesite, besides columbite-tantalite, monazite, fergusonite, thorite and euxenite. Petromineralogical studies have also revealed the presence of bastnaesite. The presence of bastnaesite in Kanigiri granite suggests that the host felsic rocks may also form a potential source for light rare earth mineral, bastnaesite, apart from the already known rare-metal minerals.
Journal of The Geological Society of India | 2014
Madhuparna Roy; Shailendra Kumar; Pradeep Pandey; C. L. Bhairam; P. S. Parihar
The circular structure at Mohar (Dhala structure) in the western part of Bundelkhand Gneissic Complex, is marked by a prominent outlier of Kaimur sediments surrounded by low lying concentric sequence of sediments of Dhala Formation and basement granite breccia. This has been interpreted as a volcanic eruption related cauldron structure and meteoritic impact crater structure by various authors, on the basis of absence or presence of shock indicators in the clasts of a rhyolite-like rock that crops out scantily in the north western part of the structure. During the course of extensive sub-surface uranium exploration in this structure, the geoscientists of Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research observed unequivocal and rampant evidences of shock metamorphic features for the first time in drill core samples of basement granitoids which constitute the bed rock for the rhyolite-like melt breccia, which overlies it. Published data of shock metamorphic features from this area are largely confined to the surface samples of the rhyolite-like melt rock, exposed in sparse outcrops. The shock metamorphic features recorded in the sub-surface granitoid bed rock samples during the present study, comprise planar deformation features (PDF) in quartz, feldspar, apatite and zircon, toasted, diaplectic, ladder-textured feldspars, selectively shock-melted feldspars and melt-veined quartz. The shock metamorphic features recorded in surface and sub-surface samples of the melt rock include ballen quartz, PDF in quartz clasts, toasted and diaplectic feldspar clasts shocked basic rock fragments with isotropised feldspars. Both the shocked bedrock granitoid and the melt rock bear uncharacteristic geochemical signatures with elevated K2O, MgO and depleted CaO. The study also observes that the melt breccia overlying the granitoid bedrock also occurs as pocket-like patches at various depths within the granitoids. Thus, the present findings have helped in understanding the attributes of the basement granitoid and associated melt breccia, thereby linking the genesis of the latter by selective melting of the former, due to the process of impact. It reinforces the already propounded theory of impact as the likely cause for the development of the structure in the basement Bundelkhand granitoid that was later filled by sediments standing out presently as a mesa.
Central European Journal of Geosciences | 2014
Yamuna Singh; G. Nagendra Babu; R. Viswanathan; M. Sai Baba; A. K. Rai; P. S. Parihar
The authors report the results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and geochemical studies on bastnaesites (lanthanum cerium fluoro-carbonate) hosted in alkali Kanigiri Granite of the Prakasam district in Andhra Pradesh, India. The XRD pattern of the investigated bastnaesite displays sharply-defined reflections. The observed d-spacings of the bastnaesite are in very close agreement with those published for bastnaesite standard in International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) Card No. 11–340. The calculated unit cell parameters (ao; co) and unit cell volume (V) of the studied bastnaesite (ao 7.1301–7.1413 Å, co 9.7643–9.7902Å and V 429.8940–432.3875 Å3) are almost equal to values published for bastnaesite standard (co 7.1290 Å, co 9.7744 Å and V 430.19 Å3) in the relevant data card.Geochemical data of bastnaesite reveals high content of Ce (mean 27.22%) followed by La (mean 16.82%), Nd (mean 6.12%) and Pr (mean 1.91%). Compared to light REE (LREE) content (mean 437165 ppm), heavy REE (HREE) content (mean 5867 ppm) is drastically low, with unusually high LREE/HREE ratio (mean 80). The chondrite-normalised plot also exhibits drastic enrichment of LREE relative to HREE with pronounced negative Euanomaly (mean Eu/Eu* = 0.15). High (LREE)N / (HREE)N, (La/Lu)N, (La/Yb)N and (Ce/Yb)N ratios reveal higher fractionation of LREE relative to HREE. The rare earth element (REE) contents of the studied bastnaesite are very close to REE contents of bastnaesite hosted in alkali syenite from Madagascar. The presence of bastnaesite in Kanigiri Granite and soils derived from it enhances the scope of further exploration for bastnaesite in several bodies of alkaline rocks and alkali granitoids present along the eastern margins of the Cuddapah basin, Andhra Pradesh.
Journal of The Geological Society of India | 2018
M. S. Ramayya; A. K. Chaturvedi; P. S. Parihar; P. K. Sharma; D. U. Jiwane; P. K. Srivastava; T. C. Sunil
Calibration of airborne gamma ray spectrometric system (AGRS) over standard radioactive sources of known elemental abundances is essential before carrying out airborne surveys. In India, fixed calibration pads were constructed in 1985. Since then calibration of AGRS system was carried out over the fixed pads. However the fixed pads are expensive to build and maintain. Also the large pads are subject to variations in radiation output due to variable moisture content and radon loss. Alternate approach is to construct transportable calibration pads which are discussed in this paper.Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD) under Department of Atomic Energy has recently constructed five transportable calibration pads. Three pads i.e. K, U and Th have been spiked with the respective radioelements while keeping the minor radioelements to the least in order to obtain pure spectra. A composite pad has been constructed which contains all the three radioelements. This helps in cross verifying the obtained calibration results. A background pad has also been constructed which is helpful to obtain the background values during calibration.Analysis of the data acquired over the transportable pads with airborne gamma ray spectrometer (16.8 ltr) has been carried out and presented in this paper. A comparison with the data acquired over the fixed calibration pads is also included. There is a good agreement of results which suggests the use of transportable pads in future.
Journal of The Geological Society of India | 2014
Yamuna Singh; S. Bagora; R. Viswanathan; P. V. Ramesh Babu; P. S. Parihar
We report a new occurrence of thorianite from syenitic pegmatite near Bhaluchuan, Sambalpur district, Odisha. The thorianite is brown to deep-brown with round grains of 2 to 10 mm size. The chemical analysis of the investigated thorianite reveals 64.8% ThO2, 25% U3O8, 3.81% PbO and 1.7% Fe2O3. Calculated structural formula of the thorianite is (Th+40.61U+40.14U+60.08ΣREE+30.017Pb+20.04Ca+20.01Mn+20.001Fe+30.05Al+30.003Sc+20.002K+10.005Na+10.008 Si+40.04Ti+40.02)O2.08. Chondrite-normalised rare-earth element (REE) plot of the thorianite reveals enrichment of light REE (LREE) over heavy REE (HREE) with pronounced negative Eu-anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.35). The (ΣLREE/ΣHREE)N ratio is perceptibly high (2.76). The (La/Lu)N (42.31), (La/Yb)N (27.49) and (Ce/Yb)N (21.58) ratios are also very high.X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the investigated thorianite displays sharply-defined reflections. Corresponding interplanar spacings (d-spacings) of all the reflections are in very close agreement with those published for thorianite standard in International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) Card No. 4-556. However, I/Io of two reflections (1.9694Å and 1.6787Å) are lower than those published for thorianite standard. The unit cell parameter (ao) of the investigated thorianite (ao 5.5750Å) is also less than ao of thorianite standard (ao 5.6000Å and V 175.62Å3), which is because of extensive substitution of Th by U.
Journal of Earth System Science | 2014
Yamuna Singh; R. Viswanathan; K K Parashar; S K Srivastava; P. V. Ramesh Babu; P. S. Parihar
Ianthinite is the only known uranyl oxide hydrate mineral that contains both U6 + and U4 + . For the first time, we report ianthinite from India (at Akkavaram, Andhra Pradesh), which is hosted in basement granitoids. The mineral occurs in the form of tiny grains, encrustations and coatings in intimate association with uraninite and uranophane. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data reveals that d-spacings of the investigated ianthinite are in close agreement with the corresponding values given for ianthinite standard in International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) card no. 12-272. The crystallographic parameters of the studied ianthinite are: ao = 11.3 (1) Å, bo = 7.19 (3) Å and co = 30.46 (8) Å, with a unit cell volume of 2474 (27) Å3. The association of investigated ianthinite with uraninite suggests that the former has formed due to oxidation of the latter. Since a major part of the uraninite was exposed to oxidizing meteoric water, much of it has been transformed into hydrous uranium oxide (ianthinite) and very little part remained unaltered as uranium oxide (uraninite). Absence of schoepite in the investigated ianthinite suggests that after its formation it (ianthinite) was not exposed to oxygen/oxidizing meteoric water. As the oxidation was partial and short lived, some amount of primary uraninite is also preserved.
Journal of The Geological Society of India | 2013
Shailendra Kumar; Madhupurna Roy; Pradeep Pandey; C. L. Bhairam; P. S. Parihar
In the westernmost part of the Bundelkhand Granitoid Complex (BGC), a mesa structure represents a unique outlier, surrounded by brecciated granite and filled with Vindhyan sedimentary rocks locally known as the Dhala Formation near Mohar village of Shivpuri district, Madhya Pradesh. Uranium mineralisation located in the area is mostly associated with rhyolite of peralkaline to peraluminous in nature, that has a high average uranium concentration (30 ppm). The mineralization is in or adjacent to caldera and is hydrothermal vein-type. Radioactivity is mainly due to coffinite with limited radioactivity due to U-Ti complex, uranium adsorbed in clay and labile uranium along fracture. Coffinite occurs in association with pyrite and chalcopyrite or chlorite with presence of fluorite. Features such as chloritisation, clay formation and sulfide mineralisation manifest hydrothermal alteration. Chemical analysis indicates the aluminous nature of the rock and their high K2O/Na2O (3.81–12.84) ratios are suggestive of predominance of potash feldspar over sodic. The alteration index varies from 49.88–92.40, which, reflects high intensity of hydrothermal alteration. Chlorite-carbonatepyrite index (CCPI), a measure of the intensity of replacement of sodic feldspars and glass by sericite, chlorite, carbonate, and pyrite associated with hydrothermal alteration proximal to the ore bodies varies from 3.84–49.66. On the basis of core study, geochemistry and mineralogy, it is envisaged that epigenetic hydrothermal solutions were responsible for concentration of uranium as coffinite, radioactive carbonaceous matter and adsorbed uranium phases in rhyolite with sulfide confined to weak planes.
Journal of Earth System Science | 2017
Madhuparna Roy; Pradeep Pandey; Shailendra Kumar; P. S. Parihar
A concrete study combining optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry, was carried out on subsurface samples of basement granite and melt breccia from Mohar (Dhala) impact structure, Shivpuri district, Madhya Pradesh, India. Optical microscopy reveals aberrations in the optical properties of quartz and feldspar in the form of planar deformation feature-like structures, lowered birefringence and mosaics in quartz, toasting, planar fractures and ladder texture in alkali feldspar and near-isotropism in bytownite. It also brings to light incidence of parisite, a radioactive rare mineral in shocked granite. Raman spectral pattern, peak positions, peak widths and multiplicity of peak groups of all minerals, suggest subtle structural/crystallographic deviations. XRD data further reveals minute deviations of unit cell parameters of quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase, with respect to standard
Journal of The Geological Society of India | 2016
Minati Roy; T. S. Sunilkumar; Sanjay Kumar; C. L. Bhairam; P. S. Parihar
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Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research
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View shared research outputsAtomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research
View shared research outputsAtomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research
View shared research outputsAtomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research
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