P. Wüstner
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Featured researches published by P. Wüstner.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2001
S Barsov; U. Bechstedt; W Bothe; N Bongers; G. Borchert; W. Borgs; W Bräutigam; M. Büscher; W. Cassing; V Chernyshev; B Chiladze; J. Dietrich; M. Drochner; S. Dymov; W Erven; R. Esser; A Franzen; Ye. S. Golubeva; D. Gotta; T Grande; D. Grzonka; A. Hardt; M. Hartmann; V. Hejny; L.v Horn; L Jarczyk; H Junghans; A. Kacharava; B. Kamys; A. Khoukaz
Abstract ANKE is a new experimental facility for the spectroscopy of products from proton-induced reactions on internal targets. It has recently been implemented in the accelerator ring of the cooler synchrotron COSY of the Forschungszentrum Julich (FZ-Julich), Germany. The device consists of three dipole magnets, various target installations and dedicated detection systems. It will enable a variety of hadron-physics experiments like meson production in elementary proton–nucleon processes and studies of medium modifications in proton–nucleus interactions.
Physics Letters B | 2004
M. Abdel-Bary; S. Abdel-Samad; K.-Th. Brinkmann; H. Clement; E. Doroshkevich; M. Drochner; S. Dshemuchadse; A. Erhardt; W. Eyrich; D. Filges; A. Filippi; H. Freiesleben; M. Fritsch; J. Georgi; A. Gillitzer; D. Hesselbarth; R. Jäkel; B. Jakob; L. Karsch; K. Kilian; H. Koch; J. Kress; E. Kuhlmann; L. Naumann; S. Marcello; S. Marwinski; R. Meier; P. Michel; K. Möller; H. Mörtel
The hadronic reaction pp -->Sigma+ K0 p was measured exclusively at a beam momentum of 2.95 GeV/c using the TOF detector at the COSY storage ring. A narrow peak was observed in the invariant mass spectrum of the K0 p subsystem at 1530 +- 5 MeV/c2 with a significance of 4 - 6 standard deviations, depending on background assumptions. The upper limit of 18 +- 4 MeV/c2 (FWHM) for its width is given by the experimental resolution. The corresponding total cross section is estimated to be about 0.4 +- 0.1(stat) +- 0.1(syst) microbarn. Since a resonance in this subsystem must have strangeness S = + 1 we claim it to be the Theta+ state for which very recently evidence was found in various experiments.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1996
S. Brauksiepe; D. Grzonka; K. Kilian; W. Oelert; E. Roderburg; M. Rook; T. Sefzick; P. Turek; M. Wolke; U. Bechstedt; J. Dietrich; R. Maier; S. Martin; D. Prasuhn; A. Schnase; H. Schneider; H. Stockhorst; R. Tölle; M. Karnadi; R. Nellen; K.H. Watzlawik; K.H. Diart; H. Gutschmidt; M. Jochmann; M. Kohler; R. Reinartz; P. Wüstner; K. Zwoll; F. Klehr; H. Stechemesser
Abstract The COSY-11 installation is an internal experiment at the cooler synchrotron and storage ring COSY Julich. It has been designed for full geometrical acceptance close to threshold for meson production studies, especially in the 1 GeV/ c 2 mass range. The experimental setup makes use of a regular C-type COSY dipole magnet, following a cluster target, to separate reaction products from the beam and to analyze their momenta, thus allowing the observation of charged reaction products at small angles with beam energies close to threshold. Resonances will be identified by missing mass reconstructions from measured four-momenta of two outgoing protons in the predominantly studied pp → ppX reaction. In addition, charged mesons either produced directly or from decays of X will be detected. The different components of the experimental facility are presented.
Physical Review Letters | 1998
P. Moskal; J.T. Balewski; A. Budzanowski; H. Dombrowski; C.D. Goodman; D. Grzonka; J. Haidenbauer; C. Hanhart; L. Jarczyk; M. Jochmann; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; M. Kohler; A. Kozela; T. Lister; U.-G. Meissner; N. Nikolaev; W. Oelert; C. Quentmeier; R. Santo; G. Schepers; U. Seddik; T. Sefzick; J. Smyrski; M. Sokolowski; A. Strzalkowski; C. Thomas; M. Wolke; P. Wüstner; D. Wyrwa
Physics Letters B | 2000
P. Moskal; H.-H. Adam; J.T. Balewski; A. Budzanowski; J Budziński; D. Grzonka; L. Jarczyk; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; P. Kowina; N. Lang; T. Lister; W. Oelert; C. Quentmeier; R. Santo; G. Schepers; T. Sefzick; S. Sewerin; M. Siemaszko; J. Smyrski; A. Strzalkowski; M. Wolke; P. Wüstner; W. Zipper
pp \to pp \eta^{\prime}
Physics Letters B | 2000
J. Smyrski; P. Wüstner; J.T. Balewski; A. Budzanowski; H. Dombrowski; D. Grzonka; L. Jarczyk; M. Jochmann; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; P. Kowina; M. Köhler; T. Lister; P. Moskal; W. Oelert; C. Quentmeier; R. Santo; G. Schepers; U. Seddik; T. Sefzick; S. Sewerin; A. Strzalkowski; M. Wolke
(958) reaction has been measured at COSY using the internal beam and the COSY-11 facility. The total cross sections at the four different excess energies \mbox{
Physical Review Letters | 1998
S. Sewerin; A. Budzanowski; J. Haidenbauer; F. Stinzing; A. Khoukaz; D. Wyrwa; J. Smyrski; K. Kilian; D. Grzonka; C. Quentmeier; R. Santo; M. Jochmann; C. Hanhart; W. Oelert; J.T. Balewski; T. Lister; T. Sefzick; L. Jarczyk; C. Wilkin; W. Eyrich; M. Wolke; M. Hofmann; I. Pellmann; M. Kohler; M. Fritsch; U. Seddik; G. Schepers; P. Moskal; P. Wüstner; A. Strzalkowski
Q = ~1.5 ~MeV, ~1.7 ~MeV, ~2.9 ~MeV,
Physics Letters B | 2000
P. Moskal; H.-H. Adam; J.T. Balewski; V. Baru; A. Budzanowski; D. Grzonka; J. Haidenbauer; L. Jarczyk; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; M. Köhler; P. Kowina; A. Kudryavtsev; N. Lang; T. Lister; W. Oelert; C. Quentmeier; R. Santo; G. Schepers; T. Sefzick; S. Sewerin; M. Siemaszko; J. Smyrski; A. Strzalkowski; M. Wolke; P. Wüstner; W. Zipper
Physical Review C | 2003
P. Moskal; B. Kamys; S. Steltenkamp; A. Budzanowski; A. Taschner; W. Zipper; P. Kowina; A. Khoukaz; J. Smyrski; W. Oelert; R. Santo; J. Przerwa; T. Rozek; H.-H. Adam; M. Janusz; T. Sefzick; L. Jarczyk; D. Grzonka; M. Wolke; K. Nakayama; R. Czyzykiewicz; C. Piskor-Ignatowicz; M. Siemaszko; G. Schepers; P. Winter; P. Wüstner; K. Kilian
~4.1 MeV
Physics Letters B | 1996
J.T. Balewski; A. Budzanowski; H. Dombrowski; C.D. Goodman; D. Grzonka; J. Haidenbauer; C. Hanhart; L. Jarczyk; M. Jochmann; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; M. Köhler; A. Kozela; T. Lister; R Maier; P. Moskal; W. Oelert; D. Prasuhn; C. Quentmeier; R. Santo; G. Schepers; U. Seddik; T. Sefzick; J. Smyrski; M. Sokolowski; A. Strzalkowski; M. Wolke; P. Wüstner
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