
Nature Medicine | 2010

Pleiotrophin regulates the expansion and regeneration of hematopoietic stem cells

Heather A. Himburg; Garrett G. Muramoto; Pamela Daher; Sarah K. Meadows; J. Lauren Russell; Phuong L. Doan; Jen-Tsan Chi; Alice B. Salter; William Lento; Tannishtha Reya; Nelson J. Chao; John P. Chute

Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal is regulated by both intrinsic and extrinsic signals. Although some of the pathways that regulate HSC self-renewal have been uncovered, it remains largely unknown whether these pathways can be triggered by deliverable growth factors to induce HSC growth or regeneration. Here we show that pleiotrophin, a neurite outgrowth factor with no known function in hematopoiesis, efficiently promotes HSC expansion in vitro and HSC regeneration in vivo. Treatment of mouse bone marrow HSCs with pleiotrophin caused a marked increase in long-term repopulating HSC numbers in culture, as measured in competitive repopulating assays. Treatment of human cord blood CD34+CDCD38−Lin− cells with pleiotrophin also substantially increased severe combined immunodeficient (SCID)-repopulating cell counts in culture, compared to input and cytokine-treated cultures. Systemic administration of pleiotrophin to irradiated mice caused a pronounced expansion of bone marrow stem and progenitor cells in vivo, indicating that pleiotrophin is a regenerative growth factor for HSCs. Mechanistically, pleiotrophin activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling in HSCs; antagonism of PI3K or Notch signaling inhibited pleiotrophin-mediated expansion of HSCs in culture. We identify the secreted growth factor pleiotrophin as a new regulator of both HSC expansion and regeneration.

Blood | 2009

Endothelial progenitor cell infusion induces hematopoietic stem cell reconstitution in vivo

Alice B. Salter; Sarah K. Meadows; Garrett G. Muramoto; Heather A. Himburg; Phuong L. Doan; Pamela Daher; Lauren Russell; Benny J. Chen; Nelson J. Chao; John P. Chute

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in association with bone marrow (BM) sinusoidal vessels in vivo, but the function of BM endothelial cells (ECs) in regulating hematopoiesis is unclear. We hypothesized that hematopoietic regeneration following injury is regulated by BM ECs. BALB/c mice were treated with total body irradiation (TBI) and then infused with C57Bl6-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) to augment endogenous BM EC activity. TBI caused pronounced disruption of the BM vasculature, BM hypocellularity, ablation of HSCs, and pancytopenia in control mice, whereas irradiated, EPC-treated mice displayed accelerated recovery of BM sinusoidal vessels, BM cellularity, peripheral blood white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophils, and platelets, and a 4.4-fold increase in BM HSCs. Systemic administration of anti-VE-cadherin antibody significantly delayed hematologic recovery in both EPC-treated mice and irradiated, non-EPC-treated mice compared with irradiated controls. These data demonstrate that allogeneic EPC infusions can augment hematopoiesis and suggest a relationship between BM microvascular recovery and hematopoietic reconstitution in vivo.

Stem Cells | 2010

Inhibition of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Expands Hematopoietic Stem Cells with Radioprotective Capacity

Garrett G. Muramoto; J. Lauren Russell; Rachid Safi; Alice B. Salter; Heather A. Himburg; Pamela Daher; Sarah K. Meadows; Phuong L. Doan; Robert W. Storms; Nelson J. Chao; Donald P. McDonnell; John P. Chute

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are enriched for aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity and ALDH is a selectable marker for human HSCs. However, the function of ALDH in HSC biology is not well understood. We sought to determine the function of ALDH in regulating HSC fate. Pharmacologic inhibition of ALDH with diethylaminobenzaldehyde (DEAB) impeded the differentiation of murine CD34−c‐kit+Sca‐1+lineage− (34−KSL) HSCs in culture and facilitated a ninefold expansion of cells capable of radioprotecting lethally irradiated mice compared to input 34−KSL cells. Treatment of bone marrow (BM) 34−KSL cells with DEAB caused a fourfold increase in 4‐week competitive repopulating units, verifying the amplification of short‐term HSCs (ST‐HSCs) in response to ALDH inhibition. Targeted siRNA of ALDH1a1 in BM HSCs caused a comparable expansion of radioprotective progenitor cells in culture compared to DEAB treatment, confirming that ALDH1a1 was the target of DEAB inhibition. The addition of all trans retinoic acid blocked DEAB‐mediated expansion of ST‐HSCs in culture, suggesting that ALDH1a1 regulates HSC differentiation via augmentation of retinoid signaling. Pharmacologic inhibition of ALDH has therapeutic potential as a means to amplify ST‐HSCs for transplantation purposes. STEM CELLS 2010;28:523–534

Stem Cells | 2013

Tie2(+) bone marrow endothelial cells regulate hematopoietic stem cell regeneration following radiation injury.

Phuong L. Doan; J. Lauren Russell; Heather A. Himburg; Katherine Helms; Jeffrey R. Harris; Joseph Lucas; Kirsten C. Holshausen; Sarah K. Meadows; Pamela Daher; Laura B. Jeffords; Nelson J. Chao; David G. Kirsch; John P. Chute

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in proximity to bone marrow endothelial cells (BM ECs) and maintenance of the HSC pool is dependent upon EC‐mediated c‐kit signaling. Here, we used genetic models to determine whether radioprotection of BM ECs could facilitate hematopoietic regeneration following radiation‐induced myelosuppression. We developed mice bearing deletion of the proapoptotic proteins, BAK and BAX, in Tie2+ ECs and HSCs (Tie2Bak/BaxFl/− mice) and compared their hematopoietic recovery following total body irradiation (TBI) with mice which retained Bax in Tie2+ cells. Mice bearing deletion of Bak and Bax in Tie2+ cells demonstrated protection of BM HSCs, preserved BM vasculature, and 100% survival following lethal dose TBI. In contrast, mice that retained Bax expression in Tie2+ cells demonstrated depletion of BM HSCs, disrupted BM vasculature, and 10% survival post‐TBI. In a complementary study, VEcadherinBak/BaxFl/− mice, which lack Bak and Bax in VEcadherin+ ECs, also demonstrated increased recovery of BM stem/progenitor cells following TBI compared to mice which retained Bax in VEcadherin+ ECs. Importantly, chimeric mice that lacked Bak and Bax in HSCs but retained Bak and Bax in BM ECs displayed significantly decreased HSC content and survival following TBI compared to mice lacking Bak and Bax in both HSCs and BM ECs. These data suggest that the hematopoietic response to ionizing radiation is dependent upon HSC‐autonomous responses but is regulated by BM EC‐mediated mechanisms. Therefore, BM ECs may be therapeutically targeted as a means to augment hematopoietic reconstitution following myelosuppression. STEM CELLS2013;31:327–337

PLOS ONE | 2010

Growth Hormone Mitigates against Lethal Irradiation and Enhances Hematologic and Immune Recovery in Mice and Nonhuman Primates

Benny J. Chen; Divino Deoliveira; Ivan Spasojevic; Gregory D. Sempowski; Chen Jiang; Kouros Owzar; Xiaojuan Wang; Diane Gesty-Palmer; J. Mark Cline; J. Daniel Bourland; Greg Dugan; Sarah K. Meadows; Pamela Daher; Garrett G. Muramoto; John P. Chute; Nelson J. Chao

Medications that can mitigate against radiation injury are limited. In this study, we investigated the ability of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) to mitigate against radiation injury in mice and nonhuman primates. BALB/c mice were irradiated with 7.5 Gy and treated post-irradiation with rhGH intravenously at a once daily dose of 20 µg/dose for 35 days. rhGH protected 17 out of 28 mice (60.7%) from lethal irradiation while only 3 out of 28 mice (10.7%) survived in the saline control group. A shorter course of 5 days of rhGH post-irradiation produced similar results. Compared with the saline control group, treatment with rhGH on irradiated BALB/c mice significantly accelerated overall hematopoietic recovery. Specifically, the recovery of total white cells, CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets, B cells, NK cells and especially platelets post radiation exposure were significantly accelerated in the rhGH-treated mice. Moreover, treatment with rhGH increased the frequency of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells as measured by flow cytometry and colony forming unit assays in bone marrow harvested at day 14 after irradiation, suggesting the effects of rhGH are at the hematopoietic stem/progenitor level. rhGH mediated the hematopoietic effects primarily through their niches. Similar data with rhGH were also observed following 2 Gy sublethal irradiation of nonhuman primates. Our data demonstrate that rhGH promotes hematopoietic engraftment and immune recovery post the exposure of ionizing radiation and mitigates against the mortality from lethal irradiation even when administered after exposure.

PLOS ONE | 2010

Diagnosis of Partial Body Radiation Exposure in Mice Using Peripheral Blood Gene Expression Profiles

Sarah K. Meadows; Holly K. Dressman; Pamela Daher; Heather A. Himburg; J. Lauren Russell; Phuong L. Doan; Nelson J. Chao; Joseph Lucas; Joseph R. Nevins; John P. Chute

In the event of a terrorist-mediated attack in the United States using radiological or improvised nuclear weapons, it is expected that hundreds of thousands of people could be exposed to life-threatening levels of ionizing radiation. We have recently shown that genome-wide expression analysis of the peripheral blood (PB) can generate gene expression profiles that can predict radiation exposure and distinguish the dose level of exposure following total body irradiation (TBI). However, in the event a radiation-mass casualty scenario, many victims will have heterogeneous exposure due to partial shielding and it is unknown whether PB gene expression profiles would be useful in predicting the status of partially irradiated individuals. Here, we identified gene expression profiles in the PB that were characteristic of anterior hemibody-, posterior hemibody- and single limb-irradiation at 0.5 Gy, 2 Gy and 10 Gy in C57Bl6 mice. These PB signatures predicted the radiation status of partially irradiated mice with a high level of accuracy (range 79–100%) compared to non-irradiated mice. Interestingly, PB signatures of partial body irradiation were poorly predictive of radiation status by site of injury (range 16–43%), suggesting that the PB molecular response to partial body irradiation was anatomic site specific. Importantly, PB gene signatures generated from TBI-treated mice failed completely to predict the radiation status of partially irradiated animals or non-irradiated controls. These data demonstrate that partial body irradiation, even to a single limb, generates a characteristic PB signature of radiation injury and thus may necessitate the use of multiple signatures, both partial body and total body, to accurately assess the status of an individual exposed to radiation.

Molecular Endocrinology | 2009

Pharmacological Manipulation of the RAR/RXR Signaling Pathway Maintains the Repopulating Capacity of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Culture

Rachid Safi; Garrett G. Muramoto; Alice B. Salter; Sarah O. Meadows; Heather A. Himburg; Lauren Russell; Pamela Daher; Phuong L. Doan; Mark D. Leibowitz; Nelson J. Chao; Donald P. McDonnell; John P. Chute

The retinoid X receptor (RXR) contributes to the regulation of diverse biological pathways via its role as a heterodimeric partner of several nuclear receptors. However, RXR has no established role in the regulation of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) fate. In this study, we sought to determine whether direct modulation of RXR signaling could impact human HSC self-renewal or differentiation. Treatment of human CD34(+)CD38(-)lin(-) cells with LG1506, a selective RXR modulator, inhibited the differentiation of HSCs in culture and maintained long-term repopulating HSCs in culture that were otherwise lost in response to cytokine treatment. Further studies revealed that LG1506 had a distinct mechanism of action in that it facilitated the recruitment of corepressors to the retinoic acid receptor (RAR)/RXR complex at target gene promoters, suggesting that this molecule was functioning as an inverse agonist in the context of this heterodimer. Interestingly, using combinatorial peptide phage display, we identified unique surfaces presented on RXR when occupied by LG1506 and demonstrated that other modulators that exhibited these properties functioned similarly at both a mechanistic and biological level. These data indicate that the RAR/RXR heterodimer is a critical regulator of human HSC differentiation, and pharmacological modulation of RXR signaling prevents the loss of human HSCs that otherwise occurs in short-term culture.

Cell Reports | 2012

Pleiotrophin regulates the retention and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow vascular niche

Heather A. Himburg; Jeffrey R. Harris; Takahiro Ito; Pamela Daher; J. Lauren Russell; Mamle Quarmyne; Phuong L. Doan; Katherine Helms; Mai Nakamura; Emma Fixsen; Gonzalo Herradón; Tannishtha Reya; Nelson J. Chao; Sheila Harroch; John P. Chute

Blood | 2010

Panobinostat, a Novel Histone Deacetylase (HiDAC) Inhibitor Enhances the Anti-Tumor Activity of Bortezomib (BTZ) In Rituximab-Chemotherapy Sensitive and Resistant Lymphoma Cell Lines

J. Lauren Russell; Phuong L. Doan; Heather A. Himburg; Sarah K. Meadows; Pamela Daher; Katherine Helms; Mamle Quarmyne; Nelson J. Chao; David G. Kirsch; John P. Chute

Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation | 2010

Systemic Administration Of Pleiotrophin Induces Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) Regeneration in vivo

Heather A. Himburg; Pamela Daher; Sarah K. Meadows; J.L. Russell; Phuong L. Doan; Nelson J. Chao; J.P. Chute

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