Paola Castellani
University of Verona
Featured researches published by Paola Castellani.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management | 2013
Roberta Capitello; Paola Castellani; Chiara Rossato
Obiettivo del paper : La ricerca analizza i nuovi modelli di relazione territorio-impresa-consumatore volti a migliorare la competitivita del territorio e delle imprese e il benessere del consumatore. In particolare e stata concentrata l’attenzione sulla proposta di esperienze al cliente-visitatore. Metodologia : Dopo un inquadramento teorico relativo ai recenti sviluppi della teoria esperienziale, si sono selezionati, seguendo un approccio di tipo induttivo, otto casi studio di imprese vitivinicole nella provincia di Verona. La raccolta delle informazioni e avvenuta tramite intervista in profondita. Risultati : La ricerca consente di evidenziare le caratteristiche dell’offerta esperienziale proposta in termini di contenuti, originalita, motivazioni e vantaggi per l’impresa. Si sono messi in luce gli aspetti innovativi che animano la relazione con il consumatore-visitatore, mentre le relazioni con le altre imprese e il piu ampio sistema territoriale mostrano delle carenze a causa di una mancanza di spirito cooperativo e di fiducia reciproca. Limiti della ricerca : La ricerca rappresenta una prima esplorazione sull’economia delle esperienze applicata al settore vitivinicolo e si potrebbe intravvedere un futuro sviluppo nell’ampliamento del campione e nello studio di altri contesti territoriali. Implicazioni pratiche : Si presentano i percorsi esperienziali realizzati. Le principali leve di sviluppo sono state individuate nel ruolo delle risorse umane, negli investimenti materiali e immateriali, nell’analisi della domanda, nel processo di comunicazione e nel ruolo del territorio. Originalita del lavoro : Si forniscono nuovi elementi di valutazione per cogliere le sollecitazioni verso processi integrati di marketing territoriale. Parole chiave: territorio; economia delle esperienze; sviluppo d’impresa; strategie di comunicazione; vino; enoturismo
Journal of Communication Management | 2014
Paola Castellani; Chiara Rossato
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to see whether companies that have set up company museums and archives realise the communication potential of this tool and in what terms such potential may have been actualised. Design/methodology/approach – The paper opted for an in-depth study in order to get an insight into the perception of the communication potential of the museum and archives. All of the 52 companies associated with the association “Museimpresa” were contacted, the members of which are the main companies in Italy that have set up their own museum and archives. Each company has been interviewed through a detailed and structured questionnaire carried out involving either the business owner or the marketing, communication or external relations manager or the curator of the museum/archives. Findings – A company museum-archives is used mainly to spread awareness of the heart, identity, values and history of the company. The investigation has moreover provided how its communication strengths impact ...
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management | 2011
Paola Castellani
Nell’ambito dell’attivita di relazioni pubbliche di enti e imprese, l’evento si configura come uno dei principali strumenti a contenuto strategico di comunicazione integrata aziendale interna, esterna e organizzativa. Attraverso l’evento l’impresa e in grado di comunicare la propria filosofia, i prodotti, il management, i valori, adottando un approccio comunicativo che la pone fondamentalmente al servizio del cliente e della societa nella quale muove le proprie scelte. Dopo aver delineato le diverse tipologie di evento, le finalita del soggetto promotore e le motivazioni che possono indurre il pubblico a partecipare, si focalizzera l’attenzione su alcune problematiche di carattere strategico e operativo cui approda il processo decisionale dell’evento nelle diverse fasi di ideazione, pianificazione, gestione e valutazione finale dei risultati. Infine, la riflessione, fin qui condotta, si sviluppera intorno ad elementi di carattere relazionale e culturale, quali il concetto di squadra, l’elasticita organizzativa del gruppo, la motivazione e l’entusiasmo che portano alla collaborativita spontanea all’interno del team e la cultura di servizio, momenti chiave per il buon esito di una manifestazione.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management | 2016
Paola Castellani; Francesca Simeoni; giuseppe giacon
Purpose of the paper : The aim of this paper is to analyse the extent to which the uniquely successful TocatA¬ International Festival of Street Games, which has been promoted by the Associazione Giochi Antichi (Traditional Games Association) since 2003, can be considered an example of good practice for safeguarding an intangible cultural heritage, and the factors underlying its success. Methodology : The qualitative approach of this paper is based on a case study. The data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews of the organizers of the Tocati International Festival. Results : The results confirmed the working hypothesis and highlighted the determinants of the success of the Festival in safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of traditional games. Limitations : The case analysis only considers the perspective of the promoter of the event. Future research should be extended it to include the perspectives of other stakeholders. Practical implications : Although the findings indicate that the event cannot be standardised or easily reproduced, they do identify a number of factors that can favour the success of a cultural festival. Originality of the paper : As there are no published models for evaluating cultural events as good practices, the findings of this study can contribute to the open debate on this topic.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management | 2011
Paola Castellani
The need for major innovation and competitive creativity showed today by firms in order to motivate their intellectual capital and face the challenge of internal and external complexity as regards market, business, technology and human resource management, imply the need for continuous training and education. Moreover, they imply the need for the staff’s professional update starting from top management, who is called to participate in classroom training courses, but also in sailing and cooking training courses. These training paths may focus on learning new leadership techniques, team building methods and managing unforeseen events and changes. Or they may focus on the reorganisation of human resources, ways to face decisions about the firm’s investment and internationalization, to better understand and draw up a budget, or to learn new means of communication and marketing. These courses are organized by associations, business schools, consulting societies, foundations, institutions, schools and universities that offer specialized and managerial training activities which are increasingly opened to the problems of today’s society. We can find the spread of corporate universities recently added to these realities. These consist in business training institutions (of which there are about twenty in Italy and more abroad), which are opened to employees and other team members but also to clients, suppliers and external managers. Contrary to these services’ progressive externalisation, some firms, above all corporate firms, decided to follow an opposite direction, that is to bring various training services back inside the firm. This way, the integration of all steps related to the “circle of knowledge” under one society is realized, from guidance to research and personnel selection to post-employment training and in general all initiatives aimed to spread and develop both business culture and sense of firm belonging. On the grounds of an analysis of literature and an empirical analysis on Lidl Italia, this work intends to inquire about the reasons why businesses find it useful and convenient to develop internal managerial training paths, deepening the reflection on their efficacy, for the purpose of global competitiveness, faced even more with intangible assets.
9th Toulon-Verona Conference - Excellence in Services | 2006
Claudio Baccarani; Paola Castellani
Atti del XXIV Convegno annuale di Sinergie | 2012
Roberta Capitello; Paola Castellani; Chiara Rossato
Development and Learning in Organizations | 2018
Federico Brunetti; Angelo Bonfanti; Paola Castellani; Elena Giaretta
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management | 2017
Elena Giaretta; Federico Brunetti; Marco Minozzo; Chiara Rossato; Paola Castellani; Claudio Baccarani; Angelo Bonfanti
Elena Giaretta; Paola Castellani; Alessando Garofalo