Paola Cavallero
University of Florence
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Featured researches published by Paola Cavallero.
Alzheimers & Dementia | 2010
Marco Vista; Barbara Bertocci; Fiorenza Giganti; Iole Zilli; Ines Esposito; Lucia Picchi; Monica Mazzoni; Paola Cavallero
FTLD-TAU, hyperphosphorylated forms of tau are the major constituent of lesions, while in FTLD-TDP the TAR-DNA-binding Protein 43 (TDP-43) deposits, and in FTLD-FUS it is the protein fused in sarcoma (FUS, also known as translocated in liposarcoma (TLS) or heterogenous ribonuclear protein (hnRNP)) that forms inclusions. Similarly, FUS deposits are found in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the most common form of motor neuron degeneration. A pathogenic role of FUS in neurodegeneration is further supported by the identification of mutations in FUS in ALS. As a transcription factor, FUS is mainly localized to the nucleus, where it interacts with other transcription factors and regulates RNA-expression. Furthermore, FUS contributes to the regulation of actin cytoskeleton in the cytoplasm. Methods: Here we use lentiviral MISSIONTM siRNA driven knock-down to study the effects of FUS reduction in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma and HeLa cervical cancer cells. Cells were analyzed by fluorescenceactivated-cell-sorting (FACS), Western blotting and immunocytochemistry (ICC). Results: Levels of knock-down of FUS were determined by Western Blots, FACS and ICC. FUS levels were reduced by 30 to 90% in different stably selected lines. Reduction of FUS resulted in increased numbers of apoptotic cell death as determined by Annexin-V and Sytox labeling. In addition, FUS reduction is associated with increased amount of cleaved caspase 3. Conclusions: Loss of FUS is associated with an increase in apoptotic cell death in both SH-SY5Y and HeLa-cells. Hence in disease, loss-of-physiological-function of FUS associated with its aggregation in the cytoplasm may contribute to neurodegeneration in FTLD and ALS.
Psychofenia : Ricerca ed Analisi Psicologica | 2007
Paola Cavallero; Barbara Bertocci
It Introduzione E un evento difficile entrare in una istituzione, perche comporta novita ambientali e modificazioni dei rapporti sociali e familiari, che possono incidere sulla percezione di se con rischi di isolamento e solitudine (Krohn, Bergman-Evans, 2000). Obiettivi Si indaga come gli anziani autosufficienti istituzionalizzati percepiscono e considerano la propria vita sociale e quella dei coetanei. Si ipotizzano diversita per genere, luogo, eta e per l’importanza di una relazione d’amore. Metodi Il campione e di 296 anziani autosufficienti, con un’eta media di 83 anni, di due citta toscane. Sono stati somministrati il Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE), una Scala per la percezione di solitudine e dei rapporti sociali (UCLA Loneliness Scale-Russell. et alii, 1980; Solano, Coda, 1994), ed un Questionario sulle opinioni degli anziani verso la solitudine e l’essere soli (Cavallero et. Alii, 2004), I dati sono stati elaborati con la statistica non parametrica e confrontati con test t di Student. Risultati-conclusioni Dai risultati abbiamo anziani autonomi che, pur sentendosi soli, non si ritengono isolati e sono abbastanza soddisfatti della loro vita sociale. Non riconoscono una solitudine dovuta a caratteristiche di personalita e in parte affermano che questa possa influenzare la qualita di vita. Risultano differenze sia rispetto alla percezione della propria solitudine,sia rispetto alle opinioni verso gli anziani, riguardo al genere, all’eta e al territorio di appartenenza. E da sottolineare l’importanza nella terza eta di una relazione d’amore. En Introduction Entering a residential institution is a difficult event because it involves a new environment and changes to social and family relationships, which could influence self-perception with the risk of isolation and loneliness. (Krohn, Bergman-Evans, 2000). Objectives To investigate how institutionalised self-sufficient elderly people perceive and consider their own social life and that of their contemporaries. Different genders, places, ages and the importance of a loving relationship were taken into account. Methods The sample comprises 296 self-sufficient elderly people, with an average age of 83, in two cities in Tuscany. They were given the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), a scale for measuring the perception of loneliness and social relationships (UCLA Loneliness Scale–Russell D. et alii, 1980; Solano, Coda, 1994), and a questionnaire about their opinions of loneliness and being alone. (Cavallero et. alii, 2004). Nonparametric statistics were applied to the processing of the data, which were then compared with Student’s T test. Results–conclusions We found autonomous elderly people who, despite feeling alone, did not consider themselves to be isolated and were fairly satisifed with their social life. They do not consider loneliness to be due to personality and, in part, state that it can influence the quality of life. Differences were noted in the perception of personal loneliness and opinions about the elderly depending on gender, age and the area of origin. It should be stressed that a loving relationship is very important for senior citizens. Fr Introduction L’entree dans une institution est une epreuve difficile, car elle compor- te des changements dans l’environnement et dans les rapports sociaux et familiers pouvant avoir une incidence sur la perception de soi avec des risques d’isolation et de solitude (Krohn, Bergman-Evans, 2000). Objectifs On a interviewe des personnes âgees autosuffisantes institutionnalisees pour savoir comment elles percevaient et consideraient leur propre vie sociale et celle des personnes du meme âge. On admet des diversites par genre, lieu, âge et par l’importance d’une relation sentimentale. Methodes L’echantillon est constitue de 296 personnes âgees, d’un âge moyen de 83 ans, de deux villes toscanes. On les a soumises au Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE), un bareme pour la perception de solitude et des rapports sociaux (UCLA Loneliness Scale-Russell D. et alii, 1980; Solano et Coda, 1994), et a un Questionnaire sur les opinions des personnes âgees sur la solitude et le fait d’etre seules (Cavallero et. alii, 2004). Les donnees ont ete elaborees selon la statistique non parametrique et comparees avec le test de Student. Resultats–conclusions Des resultats, il emerge que nous avons des personnes âgees autonomes qui, bien que se sentant seules, ne se considerent pas isolees et sont assez satisfaites de leur vie sociale. Elles ne reconnaissent pas une solitude due a des caracteristiques de personnalite et, en part, elles affirment que cette derniere peut avoir une influence sur la qualite de vie. On note des differences au niveau de la perception de la propre solitude et des opinions sur les personnes âgees, a propos du genre, de l’âge et du territoire d’appartenance. Il faut souligner l’importance, âge, d’une relation sentimentale.
Ricerche di psicologia. Fascicolo 4, 2006 | 2006
Paola Cavallero; Barbara Bertocci; Maria Gabriella Ferrari; Francesca Morino Abbele
Loneliness is a lasting condition of emotional suffering that implies the perception of a lack of social relationships. This often occurs amongst the elderly (Rook, 1984, Miceli, 981, 2003, Peplau & Perlman 1982; Cacioppo et al. 2003). The purpose of the survey was to understand the way in which loneliness is perceived by the elderly in Tuscany and what they thought about being alone. The survey covered both these aspects. It assumed that elderly people who perceive themselves as being alone believe that the condition of loneliness is part of being elderly. It also assumed that there would be differences based on age, sex and surroundings. Differences concerning the age, the kind and the territorial reality have at last been noticed. Method. The study involved 364 self-sufficient, non-institutionalised elderly people living in Tuscany. The average age was 75 (DS=7.26). The tools used were: the Loneliness Scale (UCLA) by Russell D. et al. (1980) to assess subjective feelings of loneliness, and a Questionnaire which revealed what the elderly thought about being alone. Both tools underwent structure and reliability checks. Results. As in the research carried out abroad, the results showed that feelings of loneliness imply dimensions that are linked to social relationships, to being on close terms with others, and to isolation. Introvert attitudes when defining loneliness, the consequences of loneliness and the ability to be alone, were taken into consideration. Conclusions. Elderly in Tuscany to do not appear to be quite as alone as reportsin general indicate. Taking into consideration the various variables taken in consideration (ages, kind and territorial reality) everyone understands it that, independently from the age, the Siena elders perceive themselves as less only with respect to those of Leghorn. For what which concerns the attitude towards the solitude it has at last emerged that most males and the group of the several young people (65-74 years) are more unanimous in affirming that the solitude is due to a closing attitude, that he prevents to relation with the other.
Psychofenia : Ricerca ed Analisi Psicologica | 2006
Paola Cavallero; Maria Gabriella Ferrari; Barbara Bertocci
It L’obiettivo della ricerca e quello di esplorare la percezione che le donne anziane toscane hanno del sentimento di solitudine, dell’isolamento e della soddisfazione per la quantita e la qualita delle loro relazioni sociali; ci si propone anche di indagare gli atteggiamenti delle donne verso la solitudine e l’essere sole in eta avanzata. Si ipotizza che esistano differenze relative alla situazione abitativa (sole-in famiglia), alla condizione relazionale (in coppia-senza un partner stabile) e all’eta. Infine, abbiamo supposto che la percezione della propria solitudine e gli atteggiamenti verso di questa siano dimensioni tra loro correlate. La ricerca e stata svolta su un campione di 327 donne anziane (Young-Old; Old-Old; Oldest01d) che vivevano sole o in famiglia. Oltre a raccogliere informazioni sui dati anamnestici e sull’autonomia personale sono stati somministrati il Mini Mental State Examination, una Scala che valuta la percezione della propria solitudine (UCLA) ed un Questionario sulla solitudine delle anziane e del sentirsi sole in eta avanzata. Dai risultati abbiamo che le donne anziane sono soddisfatte delle loro relazioni interpersonali, sanno cogliere gli aspetti positivi della solitudine e credono che questa sia dovuta non solo agli eventi della vita ma anche a caratteristiche individuali. Sono emerse inoltre differenze relative alla situazione abitativa, alla condizione relazionale e all’eta. Infine dalle correlazioni tra i due strumenti e emerso che i due costrutti analizzati sono relazionati tra di loro. Da questi dati possiamo quindi affermare che le donne anziane si sentono soddisfatte delle proprie relazioni interpersonali e poco sole. Contro lo stereotipo comune il fatto di vivere sole o in famiglia e lo stato civile non interferiscono sulla percezione di solitudine ma solamente sull’atteggiamento che le anziane hanno verso di questa. Infine, sono le piu giovani a sentirsi piu sole e ad avere atteggiamenti piu negativi verso la solitudine. En The aim of the research is to investigate the way in which elderly women in Tuscany perceive loneliness and isolation, and their satisfaction with the quantity and quality of their socia1 relationships. It also investigates the attitude of women towards loneliness and being alone when they are elderly. We have assumed that there are differences in living conditions (alone or with a family), relational conditions (couples or with no fixed partner), and age, and that the perception of personal loneliness and the attitude towards the same are correlated. The research was carried out on a sample of 327 elderly women (Young-Old; Old-Old, Oldest-old) who live alone or with a family. In addition to gathering anamnestic data and information about personal autonomy, two other tools were used: a Mini Mental State Examination, a scale which assesses personal loneliness (UCLA), and a questionnaire on the loneliness of elderly women and feeling alone when elderly. The results show that elderly women are satisfied with their interpersonal relationships, they are aware of the positive aspects of loneliness which they believe are due, not only to the events in their lives, but also to individual characteristics. Differences in living conditions, relational conditions and age also emerged. The two tools used also demonstrate a correlation between the two subjects of analysis. From these data we can therefore state that elderly women are satisfied with their interpersonal relationships and they do not feel particularly alone.Contrary to the common stereotype, the fact of living alone or with a family and marital status do not affect the perception of loneliness but rather the attitude of elderly people towards it. Lastly, younger women feel more alone and their attitude towards loneliness is more negative. Es El objetivo de la investigacion es explorar la percepcion que tienen las ancianas de Toscana del sentimiento de soledad, de aislamiento y de la satisfaccion obtenida por la calidad y la cantidad de sus propias relaciones sociales; se propone tambien de investigar la actitud de las mujeres bacia la soledad, el ser solas en edad madura. Se ipotiza que existan diferencias pertenecientes a la situacion habitativa (solas, en familia), a la condicion de relacion (en pareja, sin un partner estable) y a la edad. Por acabar, se supone que la percepcion de la soledad propia y la actitud bacia esta sean en correlacion entre ellas. La investigacion se ha desarrollado sobre una muestra de mujeres ancianas (jovenes-ancianas, medias-ancianas, ancianas-ancianas) que vivian solas o en familia. Ademas de recoger noticias anamnesticas y sobre la autonomia personal, han sido asignados los test siguientes: M.M.S.E (mini mental status examination), el U.C.L.A. que evalua la percepcion de la soledad propia y un cuestionario sobre la soledad de las ancianas y del sentirse solas en edad madura. Los resultados obtenidos nos informan que las mujeres ancianas se revelan satisfechas de las relaciones interpersonales, que acogen con positividad los aspectos de la soledad y creen que esto sea debido no solo a los acontecimientos de la vida, si bien a las caracteristicas individuales. Resaltan tambien las diferencias relativas a la situacion habitativa, a la condicion relacional y a la edad. Por acabar, de las correlaciones entre estos dos istrumentos, sobresale que los dos objetos analizados estan entre ellos relacionados. Considerando estos, se puede afirmar que las mujeres ancianas se sienten satisfechas de las propias relaciones interpersonales y no sufren la soledad. Paradojcamente en contra al estereotipo comun, el echo de viver solas o en familia y el estado civil no interfieren con la percepcion de la soledad, pero interfiere solamente sobre la actitud que las ancianas tienen bacia ella. Finalmente, resultan ser las ancianas mas jovenes de la muestra las que se sienten solas y manifestan las actitudines mas negativas bacia la soledad.
Psychofenia : Ricerca ed Analisi Psicologica | 2009
Paola Cavallero; Barbara Bertocci
Turismo e Psicologia | 2015
Barbara Bertocci; Paola Cavallero
Invecchiamento e turismo. Salute, cultura, intergenerazionalità. | 2014
Maria Gabriella Ferrari; Elena Bocci; Paola Bianchi; Paola Cavallero; Roberto Mazza; Leonardo Rombai
Turismo e Psicologia | 2011
Paola Cavallero; Barbara Bertocci; Alessandro Venuti; Silvia Angeloni
Turismo e Psicologia | 2011
Paola Cavallero; Barbara Bertocci; Silvia Campinoti
Turismo e Psicologia | 2011
Paola Cavallero; Francesca Bonechi; Barbara Bertocci