Paola D'Alessio
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Featured researches published by Paola D'Alessio.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1998
Paola D'Alessio; J. Cantó; Nuria Calvet; Susana Lizano
We discuss the properties of an accretion disk around a star with parameters typical of classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) and with the average accretion rate for these disks. The disk is assumed steady and geometrically thin. The turbulent viscosity coefficient is expressed using the α prescription, and the main heating mechanisms considered are viscous dissipation and irradiation by the central star. The energy is transported by radiation, turbulent conduction, and convection. We find that irradiation from the central star is the main heating agent of the disk, except in the innermost regions, R 5 AU) becomes less dense, optically thin, and almost vertically isothermal, with a temperature distribution T ∝ R-1/2. The decrease in surface density at the outer disk decreases the disk mass by a factor of 4 with respect to a purely viscous case. In addition, irradiation tends to make the outer disk regions stable against gravitational instabilities.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2006
Elise Furlan; Lee Hartmann; Nuria Calvet; Paola D'Alessio; William J. Forrest; Dan M. Watson; Keven Isao Uchida; B. Sargent; Joel D. Green; Luke D. Keller; Terry L. Herter
We present mid-infrared spectra of T Tauri stars in the Taurus star-forming region obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS). For the first time, the 5–36 � m spectra of a large sample of T Tauri stars belonging to the same star-forming region is studied, revealing details of the midinfrared excess due to dust in circumstellar disks. We analyze common features and differences in the mid-IR spectra based on disk structure, dust grain properties, and the presence of companions. Our analysis encompasses spectral energy distributions from the optical to the far-infrared, a morphological sequence based on the IRS spectra, and spectral indices in IRS wave bands representative of continuum emission. By comparing the observed spectra to a grid of accretion disk models, we infer some basic disk properties for our sample of T Tauri stars, and find additional evidence for dust settling. Subject headings: circumstellar matter — planetary systems: protoplanetary disks — stars: pre-main sequence — infrared: stars
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Nuria Calvet; Paola D'Alessio; Dan M. Watson; Ramiro Franco-Hernández; Elise Furlan; Joel D. Green; P. M. Sutter; William J. Forrest; Lee Hartmann; Keven Isao Uchida; Luke D. Keller; B. Sargent; Joan R. Najita; Terry L. Herter; D. J. Barry; P. Hall
We present Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) observations of two objects of the Taurus population that show unambiguous signs of clearing in their inner disks. In one of the objects, DM Tau, the outer disk is truncated at 3 AU; this object is akin to another recently reported in Taurus, CoKu Tau/4, in that the inner disk region is free of small dust. Unlike CoKu Tau/4, however, this star is still accreting, so optically thin gas should still remain in the inner disk region. The other object, GM Aur, also accreting, has ~0.02 lunar masses of small dust in the inner disk region within ~5 AU, consistent with previous reports. However, the IRS spectrum clearly shows that the optically thick outer disk has an inner truncation at a much larger radius than previously suggested, ~24 AU. These observations provide strong evidence for the presence of gaps in protoplanetary disks.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Catherine Espaillat; Paola D'Alessio; Jesús Hernández; Erick Nagel; K. L. Luhman; Dan M. Watson; Nuria Calvet; James Muzerolle; M. K. McClure
In the past few years, several disks with inner holes that are relatively empty of small dust grains have been detected and are known as transitional disks. Recently, Spitzer has identified a new class of pre-transitional disks with gaps based on near-infrared photometry and mid-infrared spectra; these objects have an optically thick inner disk separated from an optically thick outer disk by an optically thin disk gap. A near-infrared spectrum provided the first confirmation of a gap in the pre-transitional disk of LkCa 15 by verifying that the near-infrared excess emission in this object was due to an optically thick inner disk. Here, we investigate the difference between the nature of the inner regions of transitional and pre-transitional disks using the same veiling-based technique to extract the near-infrared excess emission above the stellar photosphere. However, in this work we use detailed disk models to fit the excess continua as opposed to the simple blackbody fits previously used. We show that the near-infrared excess emission of the previously identified pre-transitional disks of LkCa 15 and UX Tau A in the Taurus cloud as well as the newly identified pre-transitional disk of ROX 44 in Ophiuchus can be fit with an inner disk wall located at the dust destruction radius. We also present detailed modeling of the broadband spectral energy distributions of these objects, taking into account the effect of shadowing by the inner disk on the outer disk, but considering the finite size of the star, unlike other recent treatments. The near-infrared excess continua of these three pre-transitional disks, which can be explained by optically thick inner disks, are significantly different from that of the transitional disks of GM Aur, whose near-infrared excess continuum can be reproduced by emission from sub-micron-sized optically thin dust, and DM Tau, whose near-infrared spectrum is consistent with a disk hole that is relatively free of small dust. The structure of pre-transitional disks may be a sign of young planets forming in these disks and future studies of pre-transitional disks will provide constraints to aid in theoretical modeling of planet formation.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Catherine Espaillat; Nuria Calvet; Paola D'Alessio; Jesús Hernández; Chunhua Qi; Lee Hartmann; Elise Furlan; Dan M. Watson
The recently recognized class of transitional disk systems consists of young stars with optically thick outer disks but inner disks which are mostly devoid of small dust grains. Here we introduce a further class of pre-transitional disks with significant near-infrared excesses which indicate the presence of an optically thick inner disk separated from an optically thick outer disk; thus, the spectral energy distributions of pre-transitional disks suggest the incipient development of disk gaps rather than inner holes. In UX Tau A, our analysis of the Spitzer IRS spectrum finds that the near-infrared excess is produced by an inner optically thick disk and that a gap of ~56 AU is present. The Spitzer IRS spectrum of LkCa 15 is suggestive of a gap of ~46 AU, confirming previous millimeter imaging. In addition, UX Tau A contains crystalline silicates in its disk at radii 56 AU which poses a challenge to our understanding of the production of this crystalline material. In contrast, LkCa 15s silicates are amorphous and pristine. UX Tau A and LkCa 15 increase our knowledge of the diversity of dust clearing in low-mass star formation.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1991
Nuria Calvet; Alberto Patino; Gladis Magris; Paola D'Alessio
The effect of irradiation by the central star on the atmospheres of optically thick, physically thin, accretion disks around young objects is calculated in an approximate way, assuming radiative equilibrium. The net effect of irradiation is to increase the temperature in the atmosphere of a viscous accretion disk relative to the case when only the viscous flux goes through it. The temperature increase at a given depth depends on the absorption and scattering coefficients characteristic of the atmosphere, and on the rate of irradiation. The effect on the near-infrared spectrum of the star-disk configuration is to decrease the strength of the absorption in the CO bands or turn them into emission, depending on the irradiation rate and on the mass accretion rate
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
A. Meredith Hughes; Sean M. Andrews; Catherine Espaillat; David J. Wilner; Nuria Calvet; Paola D'Alessio; Chunhua Qi; Jonathan P. Williams; M. R. Hogerheijde
We present 0. 3 resolution observations of the disk around GM Aurigae with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at a wavelength of 860 μm and with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. These observations probe the distribution of disk material on spatial scales commensurate with the size of the inner hole predicted by models of the spectral energy distribution (SED). The data clearly indicate a sharp decrease in millimeter optical depth at the disk center, consistent with a deficit of material at distances less than ∼20 AU from the star. We refine the accretion disk model of Calvet et al. based on the unresolved SED and demonstrate that it reproduces well the spatially resolved millimeter continuum data at both available wavelengths. We also present complementary SMA observations of CO J = 3–2 and J = 2–1 emission from the disk at 2 �� resolution. The observed CO morphology is consistent with the continuum model prediction, with two significant deviations: (1) the emission displays a larger CO J = 3–2/J = 2–1 line ratio than predicted, which may indicate additional heating of gas in the upper disk layers; and (2) the position angle of the kinematic rotation pattern differs by 11 ◦ ± 2 ◦ from that measured at smaller scales from the dust continuum, which may indicate the presence of a warp. We note that photoevaporation, grain growth, and binarity are unlikely mechanisms for inducing the observed sharp decrease in opacity or surface density at the disk center. The inner hole plausibly results from the dynamical influence of a planet on the disk material. Warping induced by a planet could also potentially explain the difference in position angle between the continuum and CO data sets.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
James Muzerolle; Nuria Calvet; Lee Hartmann; Paola D'Alessio
We present near-infrared spectra of the excess continuum emission from the innermost regions of classical T Tauri disks. In almost all cases, the shape of the excess is consistent with that of a single-temperature blackbody with T ~ 1400 K, similar to the expected dust sublimation temperature for typical dust compositions. The amount of excess flux roughly correlates with the accretion luminosity in objects with similar stellar properties. We compare our observations with the predictions of simple disk models having an inner rim located at the dust sublimation radius, including irradiation heating of the dust from both the stellar and accretion luminosities. The models yield inner rim radii in the range 0.07-0.54 AU, increasing with higher stellar and accretion luminosities. Using typical parameters that fit our observed sample, we predict a rim radius ~0.2 AU for the T Tauri star DG Tau, which agrees with recent Keck near-infrared interferometric measurements. For large mass accretion rates, the inner rim lies beyond the corotation radius at (or within) which magnetospheric accretion flows are launched, which implies that pure gaseous disks must extend inside the dust rim. Thus, for a significant fraction of young stars, dust cannot exist in the innermost disk, calling into question theories in which solid particles are ejected by a wind originating at the magnetospheric radius.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
Catherine Espaillat; Elise Furlan; Paola D'Alessio; Benjamin A. Sargent; Erick Nagel; Nuria Calvet; Dan M. Watson; James Muzerolle
We present a Spitzer IRS study of variability in 14 T Tauri stars in the Taurus and Chamaeleon star-forming regions. The sample is composed of transitional and pre-transitional objects which contain holes and gaps in their disks. We detect variability between 5 and 38 μm in all but two of our objects on timescales of 2-3 years. Most of the variability observed can be classified as seesaw behavior, whereby the emission at shorter wavelengths varies inversely with the emission at longer wavelengths. For many of the objects we can reasonably reproduce the observed variability using irradiated disk models, particularly by changing the height of the inner disk wall by ~20%. When the inner wall is taller, the emission at the shorter wavelengths is higher since the inner wall dominates the emission at 2-8 μm. The taller inner wall casts a larger shadow on the outer disk wall, leading to less emission at wavelengths beyond 20 μm where the outer wall dominates. We discuss how the possible presence of planets in these disks could lead to warps that cause changes in the height of the inner wall. We also find that crystalline silicates are common in the outer disks of our objects and that in the four disks in the sample with the most crystalline silicates, variability on timescales of 1 week is present. In addition to explaining the infrared variability described above, planets can create shocks and collisions which can crystallize the dust and lead to short timescale variability.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
David J. Wilner; Paola D'Alessio; Nuria Calvet; Mark J. Claussen; Lee Hartmann
We present Very Large Array observations at 3.5 cm of the nearby young star TW Hya that show the emission is constant in time over weeks, months and years, and spatially resolved with peak brightness temperature ~10 K at ~0.25 (15 AU) resolution. These features are naturally explained if the emission mechanism at this wavelength is thermal emission from dust particles in the disk surrounding the star. To account quantitatively for the observations, we construct a self-consistent accretion disk model that incorporates a population of centimeter size particles that matches the long wavelength spectrum and spatial distribution. A substantial mass fraction of orbiting particles in the TW Hya disk must have agglomerated to centimeter size. These data provide the first clear indication that dust emission from protoplanetary disks may be observed at centimeter wavelengths, and that changes in the spectral slope of the dust emission may be detected, providing constraints on dust evolution and the planet formation process.