Paolo S. Silva
Joslin Diabetes Center
JAMA Ophthalmology | 2014
Jennifer K. Sun; Michael M. Lin; Jan Lammer; Sonja Prager; Rutuparna Sarangi; Paolo S. Silva; Lloyd Paul Aiello
IMPORTANCE Biomarkers that predict future visual acuity (VA) in eyes with baseline diabetic macular edema (DME) would substantively improve risk assessment, management decisions, and selection of eyes for clinical studies targeting DME. OBJECTIVE To determine whether baseline or early change in the novel spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) parameter disorganization of the retinal inner layers (DRIL) is predictive of VA in eyes with center-involved DME. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS At a tertiary care referral center for diabetic eye disease, a retrospective, longitudinal cohort study obtained demographics, VA, and SD-OCT images from baseline, 4-month, and 8-month visits in 96 participants (120 eyes) with diabetes mellitus and baseline center-involved DME (SD-OCT central subfield thickness, ≥ 320 µm for men and ≥ 305 µm for women). Exclusion criteria included substantial media opacity, cataract surgery within 6 months, and nondiabetic retinal pathology affecting VA. On SD-OCT, the 1-mm-wide retinal area centered on the fovea was evaluated by masked graders for DRIL extent, cysts, hyperreflective foci, microaneurysms, cone outer segment tip visibility, and external limiting membrane or photoreceptor disruption and reflectivity. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Visual acuity and SD-OCT-derived retinal morphology. RESULTS Greater DRIL extent at baseline correlated with worse baseline VA (point estimate, 0.04; 95% CI, 0.02-0.05 per 100 µm; P < .001). An increase in DRIL during 4 months was associated with VA worsening at 8 months (point estimate, 0.03; 95% CI, 0.02-0.05 per 100 µm; P < .001). A multivariate model that included a 4-month change in VA, DRIL, and external limiting membrane disruption was predictive of an 8-month VA change (r = 0.80). Each approximately 300-µm DRIL increase during 4 months predicted a 1-line, 8-month VA decline. When DRIL increased at least 250 µm at 4 months, no eyes had VA improvement of at least 1 line at 8 months. When DRIL decreased at least 250 µm at 4 months, no eyes had VA decline of at least 1 line at 8 months, and 77.7% had VA improvement of at least 1 line. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Disorganization of the retinal inner layers in the 1-mm foveal area is associated with VA, and change in DRIL predicts future change in VA. Early change in DRIL prospectively identifies eyes with a high likelihood of subsequent VA improvement or decline. Therefore, DRIL warrants further study as a robust, readily obtained, and noninvasive biomarker of future VA response in eyes with DME.
Ophthalmology | 2013
Paolo S. Silva; Jerry D. Cavallerano; Jennifer K. Sun; Ahmed Z. Soliman; Lloyd M. Aiello; Lloyd Paul Aiello
OBJECTIVE To assess diabetic retinopathy (DR) as determined by lesions identified using mydriatic ultrawide field imaging (DiSLO200; Optos plc, Scotland, UK) compared with Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) 7-standard field film photography. DESIGN Prospective comparative study of DiSLO200, ETDRS 7-standard field film photographs, and dilated fundus examination (DFE). PARTICIPANTS A total of 206 eyes of 103 diabetic patients selected to represent all levels of DR. METHODS Subjects had DiSLO200, ETDRS 7-standard field film photographs, and DFE. Images were graded for severity and distribution of DR lesions. Discrepancies were adjudicated, and images were compared side by side. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Distribution of hemorrhage and/or microaneurysm (H/Ma), venous beading (VB), intraretinal microvascular abnormality (IRMA), and new vessels elsewhere (NVE). Kappa (κ) and weighted κ statistics for agreement. RESULTS The distribution of DR severity by ETDRS 7-standard field film photographs was no DR 12.5%; nonproliferative DR mild 22.5%, moderate 30%, and severe/very severe 8%; and proliferative DR 27%. Diabetic retinopathy severity between DiSLO200 and ETDRS film photographs matched in 80% of eyes (weighted κ = 0.74,κ = 0.84) and was within 1 level in 94.5% of eyes. DiSLO200 and DFE matched in 58.8% of eyes (weighted κ = 0.69,κ = 0.47) and were within 1 level in 91.2% of eyes. Forty eyes (20%) had DR severity discrepancies between DiSLO200 and ETDRS film photographs. The retinal lesions causing discrepancies were H/Ma 52%, IRMA 26%, NVE 17%, and VB 4%. Approximately one-third of H/Ma, IRMA, and NVE were predominantly outside ETDRS fields. Lesions identified on DiSLO200 but not ETDRS film photographs suggested a more severe DR level in 10% of eyes. Distribution in the temporal, superotemporal, inferotemporal, superonasal, and inferonasal fields was 77%, 72%, 61%, 65%, and 59% for H/Ma, respectively (P<0.0001); 22%, 24%, 21%, 28%, and 22% for VB, respectively (P = 0.009); 52%, 40%, 29%, 47%, and 36% for IRMA, respectively (P<0.0001), and 8%, 4%, 4%, 8%, and 5% for NVE, respectively (P = 0.03). All lesions were more frequent in the temporal fields compared with the nasal fields (P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS DiSLO200 images had substantial agreement with ETDRS film photographs and DFE in determining DR severity. On the basis of DiSLO200 images, significant nonuniform distribution of DR lesions was evident across the retina. The additional peripheral lesions identified by DiSLO200 in this cohort suggested a more severe assessment of DR in 10% of eyes than was suggested by the lesions within the ETDRS fields. However, the implications of peripheral lesions on DR progression within a specific ETDRS severity level over time are unknown and need to be evaluated prospectively.
American Journal of Ophthalmology | 2012
Paolo S. Silva; Jerry D. Cavallerano; Jennifer K. Sun; Jason Noble; Lloyd M. Aiello; Lloyd Paul Aiello
PURPOSE To compare nonmydriatic stereoscopic Optomap ultrawide field images with dilated stereoscopic Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study 7-standard field 35-mm color 30-degree fundus photographs (ETDRS photography) and clinical examination for determining diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) severity. DESIGN Single-site, prospective, comparative, instrument validation study. METHODS One hundred three diabetic patients (206 eyes) representing the full spectrum of DR severity underwent nonmydriatic ultrawide field 100-degree and 200-degree imaging, dilated ETDRS photography, and dilated fundus examination by a retina specialist. Two independent readers graded images to determine DR and DME severity. A third masked retina specialist adjudicated discrepancies. RESULTS Based on ETDRS photography (n = 200), the results were as follows: no DR (n = 25 eyes [12.5%]), mild nonproliferative DR (NPDR; 47 [23.5%]), moderate NPDR (61 [30.5%]), severe NPDR (11 [5.5%]), very severe NPDR (3 [1.5%]), and proliferative DR (52 [2.5%]). One (0.5%) eye was ungradable and 6 eyes did not complete ETDRS photography. No DME was found in 114 eyes (57.0%), DME was found in 28 eyes (14.0%), and clinically significant DME was found in 47 eyes (23.5%), and 11 (5.5%) eyes were ungradable. Exact DR severity agreement between ultrawide field 100-degree imaging and ETDRS photography occurred in 84%, with agreement within 1 level in 91% (K(W) = 0.85; K = 0.79). Nonmydriatic ultrawide field images exactly matched clinical examination results for DR in 70% and were within 1 level in 93% (K(W) = 0.71; K = 0.61). Nonmydriatic ultrawide field imaging acquisition time was less than half that of dilated ETDRS photography (P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS Nonmydriatic ultrawide field images compare favorably with dilated ETDRS photography and dilated fundus examination in determining DR and DME severity; however, they are acquired more rapidly. If confirmed in broader diabetic populations, nonmydriatic ultrawide field imaging may prove to be beneficial in DR evaluation in research and clinical settings.
Ophthalmology | 2015
Paolo S. Silva; Jerry D. Cavallerano; Nour Maya N. Haddad; Hanna Kwak; Kelli H. Dyer; Ahmed F. Omar; Hasanain Shikari; Lloyd M. Aiello; Jennifer K. Sun; Lloyd Paul Aiello
OBJECTIVE To determine whether peripheral diabetic retinopathy (DR) lesions identified on ultrawide field (UWF) imaging are associated with increased DR progression. DESIGN Prospective, longitudinal cohort. PARTICIPANTS Two hundred eyes of 100 participants previously enrolled in a comparative instrument validation study. METHODS Baseline mydriatic 7-standard field Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) photographs and UWF images were obtained. On UWF images, DR lesions with a greater extent outside versus inside standard ETDRS fields were defined as predominantly peripheral lesions (PPLs). Follow-up ETDRS photographs were obtained 4.2±0.3 years after baseline. Baseline and follow-up DR severity were graded from ETDRS photographs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Rates of 2-step or more progression and progression to proliferative DR (PDR) in eyes with PPLs compared with eyes without PPLs identified on UWF imaging at baseline. RESULTS In eyes without PDR (n = 109) at baseline, 56 (51%) had at least 1 field with PPLs and 43 (39%) had DR progression. Compared with eyes without PPLs, eyes with PPLs had a 3.2-fold increased risk of 2-step or more DR progression (6 [11%] vs. 19 [34%]; P = 0.005) and a 4.7-fold increased risk for progression to PDR (3 [6%] vs. 14 [25%]; P = 0.005). These findings remained statistically significant after adjusting for gender, diabetes type, diabetes duration, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, and baseline DR severity. Increasing extent of fields with PPLs increased the risk for 2-step or more DR progression (P = 0.004) and progression to PDR (P = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS Presence and increasing extent of PPLs were associated with increased risk of DR progression over 4 years, independent of baseline DR severity and HbA1c levels. Increasing extent of PPLs substantially increased the risk of DR progression and progression to PDR, especially with less severe DR at baseline. These findings demonstrate that detailed peripheral retinal evaluation provides important information that is necessary to assess completely the risk of DR progression.
Diabetes Care | 2014
Paolo S. Silva; Jerry D. Cavallerano; Dorothy Tolls; Ahmed F. Omar; Komal Thakore; Bina Patel; Mina Sehizadeh; Ann Tolson; Jennifer K. Sun; Lloyd M. Aiello; Lloyd Paul Aiello
OBJECTIVE To compare efficiency of nonmydriatic ultrawide field retinal imaging (UWFI) and nonmydriatic fundus photography (NMFP) in a diabetic retinopathy (DR) ocular telehealth program. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Patients in this retrospective, comparative cohort study underwent NMFP and UWFI between 1 November 2011 and 1 November 2012. Images were evaluated for DR and diabetic macular edema (DME) by certified graders using a standard protocol at a centralized reading center. Identification of DR, image evaluation time, and rate of ungradable eyes were compared. RESULTS NMFP and UWFI were performed in 1,633 and 2,170 consecutive patients, respectively. No statistically significant differences were found between groups regarding age, diabetes duration, sex, ethnicity, or insulin use. The ungradable rate per patient for DR (2.9 vs. 9.9%, P < 0.0001) and DME (3.8 vs. 8.8%, P < 0.0001) was lower with UWFI than with NMFP. With UWFI, the median image evaluation time per patient was reduced from 12.8 to 9.2 min (P < 0.0001). The identification of patients with DR (38.4 vs. 33.8%) and vision-threatening DR (14.5 vs. 11.9%) was increased with UWFI versus NMFP. In a consecutive subgroup of 502 eyes of 301 patients with DR, the distribution of peripheral retinal lesions outside Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study fields suggested a more severe DR level in 9.0% (45 eyes). CONCLUSIONS In a standardized DR ocular telehealth program, nonmydriatic UWFI reduced the ungradable rate by 71% (to <3%) and reduced image evaluation time by 28%. DR was identified 17% more frequently after UWFI, and DR peripheral lesions suggested a more severe DR level in 9%. These data suggest that UWFI may improve efficiency of ocular telehealth programs evaluating DR and DME.
Archives of Ophthalmology | 2011
Paolo S. Silva; Jerry D. Cavallerano; Lloyd M. Aiello; Lloyd Paul Aiello
Current projections estimate that diabetes mellitus will afflict over 439 million individuals worldwide by 2030. The task of detecting and evaluating for the presence and severity of retinopathy in the populations with diabetes mellitus is enormous. Although current methods of treatment are effective in reducing the risk for vision loss, a substantial proportion of patients still do not receive appropriate eye care. The use of an ocular telemedicine-based approach has the potential to expand the reach of these highly effective treatments to virtually any location. Novel methods of image acquisition and analysis, as well as the identification of predictive biomarkers, will need to be developed to further enhance this approach of eye care delivery. In addition, such programs will allow the rapid transfer of clinically relevant discoveries and will allow a considerably larger benefit to a broader patient population.
Nature Reviews Endocrinology | 2010
Paolo S. Silva; Jerry D. Cavallerano; Jennifer K. Sun; Lloyd M. Aiello; Lloyd Paul Aiello
Diabetic retinopathy remains a leading cause of visual loss worldwide. Patients with diabetes mellitus commonly have multiple comorbidities treated with a wide variety of medications. Systemic medications that target glycemic control and coexisting conditions may have beneficial or deleterious effects on the onset or progression of diabetic retinopathy. In addition, data is accumulating to suggest that the use of systemic therapy primarily to address ocular complications of diabetic retinopathy may be a promising therapeutic approach. This article reviews our current understanding of the ocular-specific effects of systemic medications commonly used by patients with diabetes mellitus, including those directed at control of hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, cardiac disease, anemia, inflammation and cancer. Current clinical evidence is strongest for the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers in preventing the onset or slowing the progression of early diabetic retinopathy. To a more limited extent, evidence of a benefit of fibrates for diabetic macular edema exists. Numerous other agents hold considerable promise or potential risk. Thus, these compounds must undergo further rigorous study to determine the actual clinical efficacy and adverse effects before definitive therapeutic care recommendations can be offered.
Diabetes | 2015
Jennifer K. Sun; Salma Radwan; Ahmed Z. Soliman; Jan Lammer; Michael M. Lin; Sonja Prager; Paolo S. Silva; Lloyd B Aiello; Lloyd Paul Aiello
Despite treatment advances, diabetic eye disease remains a leading cause of visual acuity (VA) loss worldwide. No methods to prospectively determine which patients will gain or lose vision exist, limiting individualized risk assessment and management. We investigated whether noninvasive, readily obtainable spectral domain optical coherence tomography parameters were correlated with VA in eyes with current or resolved center-involved diabetic macular edema (DME). Images were evaluated for disorganization of the retinal inner layers (DRIL), cysts, epiretinal membranes, microaneurysms, subretinal fluid, and outer layer disruption/reflectivity. DRIL affecting ≥50% of the 1-mm central retinal zone was associated with worse VA in all eyes, eyes with current edema, and eyes with resolved edema. Furthermore, early 4-month change in DRIL extent predicted VA change from baseline to 1 year. These data suggest that DRIL is a robust predictor of VA in eyes with present or previous DME and more highly correlated with VA than other widely used measures, such as retinal thickness. If further studies confirm DRIL as a predictive biomarker of future VA, physicians would gain a new tool of substantial clinical and investigative importance that could significantly change the approach to ophthalmic counseling and therapeutic management in patients with diabetes.
Seminars in Ophthalmology | 2012
Ahmed Z. Soliman; Paolo S. Silva; Lloyd Paul Aiello; Jennifer K. Sun
Current ultra-wide field (UWF) retinal imaging systems utilize scanning laser ophthalmoscope technology combined with an ellipsoidal mirror to capture up to 200 degrees of the retina in a single image. When compared with mydriatic ETDRS-protocol, 7 standard field photographs and clinical examination, nonmydriatic UWF images appear to have excellent agreement in allowing the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy (DR), although larger, definitive validation studies are still forthcoming. UWF imaging and angiography allow visualization of peripheral retinal nonperfusion, vascular leakage and neovascularization in patients with DR that may not be captured on 7 standard fields. Prospective randomized controlled trials are needed to evaluate whether modified laser treatment algorithms based on improved visualization of the retinal periphery might improve patient outcomes. Nonmydriatic UWF imaging has potential applications for ocular diabetic telehealth programs, but validation of newer, more portable, and more affordable UWF imaging models is needed.
Seminars in Ophthalmology | 2009
Paolo S. Silva; Jennifer K. Sun; Lloyd Paul Aiello
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common microvascular complication of diabetes. Early clinical trials have established the efficacy and safety of laser in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and diabetic macular edema (DME). Despite timely and appropriate use of laser, some patients continue to experience visual loss. The pathogenesis of PDR and DME is multifactorial involving both angiogenic and inflammatory processes. Recent trials have shown that the anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic properties of corticosteroids may provide benefit in treating PDR and DME. The exact role of steroids in the treatment for diabetic retinopathy and macular edema remains to be fully elucidated.