
Serials Librarian | 2004

Defining the Boundaries: FRBR, AACR and the Serial

Pat Riva

Researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno, are unravelling the tectonic activity of the Colorado Plateau, a unique geological area that is still poorly understood despite its important role in activity at the Pacific-North America plate boundary Professor Corné Kreemer is using geodetic data from GPS stations to refine the measurement of strain rates between tectonic plates. His technique has become an invaluable tool for geophysical researchers

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly | 2012

Evaluation of RDA as an Implementation of FRBR and FRAD

Pat Riva; Chris Oliver

Resource Description and Access (RDA) is based on the original entity-relationship statements of the conceptual models Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD). This article reviews the degree of alignment of RDA with FRBR and FRAD, covering user tasks, entities, attributes and relationships. It discusses the divergences that exist, those of both greater and lesser significance, and looks at the ways in which RDA incorporates both models into a single content standard. The ways in which RDA implements FRBR and FRAD, as well as the areas of divergence, may provide valuable insights towards the consolidation of the FRBR family of conceptual models.

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly | 2012

FRBR Entities: Identity and Identification

Martin Doerr; Pat Riva; Maja Žumer

The models in the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) family all include ways to document names or terms for the entities defined in the models. The interrelationships between the models with regards to their treatment of names, identifiers and other appellation entities will be described. Current developments for integrating Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) and Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) concepts into FRBRoo are also putting a focus on naming and appellations. Identification is the ultimate aim, meaning to distinguish entities by unique appellations and to use the most reliable appellations for entities in a given context. This is an important step towards the consolidation of the models.

Archive | 2014

The FRBR family of conceptual models : toward a linked bibliographic future

Richard P. Smiraglia; Pat Riva; Maja Žumer

Foreword 1. Introduction: Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review 2. The VTLS Implementation of FRBR 3. FRBR: The MAB2 Perspective 4. Implementing FRBR to Improve Retrieval of In-House Information in a Medium-Sized International Institute 5. A Strange Model Named FRBRoo 6. Item, document, carrier: An Object Oriented Approach 7. Modeling Aggregates in FRBR 8. Arrangement of FRBR Entities in Colon Classification Call Numbers 9. FRSAD and the ontology of subjects of works 10. FRBR Entities: Identity and Identification 11. FRBR/FRAD and Eva Veronas Cataloging Code: Toward the Future Development of the Croatian Cataloging Code 12. Evaluation of RDA as an implementation of FRBR and FRAD 13. Conceptualizations of the cataloging object: A critique on current perceptions on FRBR Group 1 entities 14. From the FRBR Model to the Italian Cataloging Code (and Vice Versa?) 15. The Contribution of FRBR to the Identification of Bibliographical Relationships: The New RDA-based Ways of Representing the Relationships in Catalogs 16. Analysis of Work-to-Work bibliographic relationships through FRBR: A Canadian Perspective 17. Composing in Real Time: Jazz Performances as Works in the FRBR Model 18. Identifying Works for Japanese Classics for Construction of FRBRized OPACs 19. FRBRizing Bibliographic Records Focusing on Identifiers and Role Indicators in the Korean Cataloging Environment 20. What do Users Tell us About FRBR-Based Catalogs? 21. Representing the FR Family in the Semantic Web 22. YouTube: Applying FRBR and Exploring the Multiple Description Coding Compression Model 23. FRBR and Linked Data: Connecting FRBR and Linked Data

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly | 2014

Translating RDA into French

Clément Arsenault; Daniel Paradis; Pat Riva

This article reports on a joint translation project (France and Canada) of the Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard into French. We describe how the translation committee worked, explain the methodology, and present the measures taken to ensure that all contributing parties be satisfied with the end result. The article discusses problems that arose when dealing with translating specific instructions and examples that needed to be adapted (or changed) to the French context. Other sections report on technical and managerial challenges encountered. We conclude with “lessons learned” that will hopefully help others embarking on such a project.

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly | 2014

In the company of my peers : implementation of RDA in Canada

Emma Cross; Sue Andrews; Trina Grover; Chris Oliver; Pat Riva

This article describes the progress made toward implementing Resource Description and Access (RDA) in libraries across Canada, as of Fall 2013. Differences in the training experiences in the English-speaking cataloging communities and French-speaking cataloging communities are discussed. Preliminary results of a survey of implementation in English-Canadian libraries are included as well as a summary of the support provided for French-Canadian libraries. Data analysis includes an examination of the rate of adoption in Canada by region and by sector. Challenges in RDA training delivery in a Canadian context are identified, as well as opportunities for improvement and expansion of RDA training in the future.

AIB studi: Rivista di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione | 2016

Il nuovo modello concettuale dell’universo bibliografico: FRBR Library Reference Model

Pat Riva

Il dibattito su FRBR library reference model qui esposto e basato sul testo 2016 destinato alla worldwide review . Si mettono in evidenza alcuni aspetti innovativi di FRBR-LRM rispetto ai precedenti modelli della famiglia FRBR e si espongono alcune considerazioni che hanno condotto il Consolidation Editorial Group ad adottare proprio queste soluzioni. FRBR-LRM aggiunge una struttura gerarchica tra le entita che permette l’ottimizzazione di relazioni e attributi. In fase di implementazione, il modello puo essere ampliato con l’aggiunta di attributi e relazioni, elaborando sottotipi di entita e relazioni. Le definizioni delle quattro entita ‘opera’, ‘espressione’, ‘manifestazione’ e ‘item’ sono state riformulate in modo da farle rimanere indipendenti, senza riferimenti reciproci, anche se rimangono immutati i loro significati e ruoli nel modello. Ove possibile, FRBR-LRM preferisce le relazioni agli attributi e, in questo modo, riduce considerevolmente il numero di questi ultimi.

Library Resources & Technical Services | 2013

Mapping MARC 21 Linking Entry Fields to FRBR and Tillett’s Taxonomy of Bibliographic Relationships

Pat Riva

International cataloguing and bibliographic control | 2009

FRBRoo: Enabling a Common View of Information from Memory Institutions

Pat Riva; Martin Doerr; Maja Zumer

Library Resources & Technical Services | 2003

Cost Savings to Canadian University and Large Urban Public Libraries from Their Use of National Library of Canada MARC Records

Jamshid Beheshti; Andrew Large; Pat Riva

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