
Featured researches published by Patrice H. Avogbe.

Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2011

An X-linked haplotype of Neandertal origin is present among all non-African populations

Vania Yotova; Jean-François Lefebvre; Claudia Moreau; Elias Gbeha; Kristine Hovhannesyan; Stephane Bourgeois; Sandra Bédarida; Luísa Azevedo; António Amorim; Tamara Sarkisian; Patrice H. Avogbe; Nicodème W. Chabi; Mamoudou H. Dicko; Emile Amouzou; Ambaliou Sanni; June Roberts-Thomson; Barry Boettcher; Rodney J. Scott; Damian Labuda

Recent work on the Neandertal genome has raised the possibility of admixture between Neandertals and the expanding population of Homo sapiens who left Africa between 80 and 50 Kya (thousand years ago) to colonize the rest of the world. Here, we provide evidence of a notable presence (9% overall) of a Neandertal-derived X chromosome segment among all contemporary human populations outside Africa. Our analysis of 6,092 X-chromosomes from all inhabited continents supports earlier contentions that a mosaic of lineages of different time depths and different geographic provenance could have contributed to the genetic constitution of modern humans. It indicates a very early admixture between expanding African migrants and Neandertals prior to or very early on the route of the out-of-Africa expansion that led to the successful colonization of the planet.

EBioMedicine | 2016

Identification of Circulating Tumor DNA for the Early Detection of Small-cell Lung Cancer

Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta; Sandra Perdomo; Patrice H. Avogbe; Noémie Leblay; Tiffany M. Delhomme; Valerie Gaborieau; Behnoush Abedi-Ardekani; Estelle Chanudet; Magali Olivier; David Zaridze; Anush Mukeria; Marta Vilensky; Ivana Holcatova; Jerry Polesel; Lorenzo Simonato; Cristina Canova; Pagona Lagiou; Christian Brambilla; Elisabeth Brambilla; Graham Byrnes; Ghislaine Scelo; Florence Le Calvez-Kelm; Matthieu Foll; James D. McKay; Paul Brennan

Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is emerging as a key potential biomarker for post-diagnosis surveillance but it may also play a crucial role in the detection of pre-clinical cancer. Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) is an excellent candidate for early detection given there are no successful therapeutic options for late-stage disease, and it displays almost universal inactivation of TP53. We assessed the presence of TP53 mutations in the cell-free DNA (cfDNA) extracted from the plasma of 51 SCLC cases and 123 non-cancer controls. We identified mutations using a pipeline specifically designed to accurately detect variants at very low fractions. We detected TP53 mutations in the cfDNA of 49% SCLC patients and 11.4% of non-cancer controls. When stratifying the 51 initial SCLC cases by stage, TP53 mutations were detected in the cfDNA of 35.7% early-stage and 54.1% late-stage SCLC patients. The results in the controls were further replicated in 10.8% of an independent series of 102 non-cancer controls. The detection of TP53 mutations in 11% of the 225 non-cancer controls suggests that somatic mutations in cfDNA among individuals without any cancer diagnosis is a common occurrence, and poses serious challenges for the development of ctDNA screening tests.

Environmental Toxicology | 2011

DNA-adducts in subjects exposed to urban air pollution by benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Cotonou, Benin

Lucie Ayi-Fanou; Patrice H. Avogbe; Benjamin Fayomi; Gérard Keith; Codjo Hountondji; Edmond E. Creppy; Herman Autrup; Bertrand Rihn; Ambaliou Sanni

Air pollution effect on humans represents a major public health problem. Exposure to genotoxic compounds in the ambient air is evaluated using different biomarkers. In the present study we assessed DNA‐adducts levels in apparently healthy people living and working in the city of Cotonou (Benin) in which exposure to air pollutants such as benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mainly benzo(a)pyrene has been evidenced. Rural inhabitants were enrolled as control group. Taxi‐motorbike drivers, street food vendors, and gasoline salesmen were recruited in Cotonou whereas suburban residents were recruited in Godomey, 12 km from Cotonou. We found that taxi‐motorbike drivers, roadside residents, street vendors, taxi‐motor‐bike drivers and gasoline sellers had significantly higher levels of DNA‐adducts than suburban and village inhabitants (P < 0.001; post hoc, LSD). Means values were 24.6 ± 6.4, 23.78 ± 6.9, 34.7 ± 9.8, and 37.2 ± 8.1 in the exposed groups versus 2.1 ± 0.6 and 3.1 ± 0.8 adducts/108 nucleotides, in the two control groups, respectively. We did not find any significant difference within the high exposuregroups and inside low exposure subgroups (namely suburban residents and villagers) because the mean individual exposure values to both PAHs and benzene were similar among subjects exposed in the city of Cotonou and those in suburban and village areas. However, there is significant interindividual variations in adducts levels that may reflect variation of genetic susceptibility factors. Ranges of adduct level/108 nucleotides were: 1–69, 1–76, 3–169, 4–124, 0–9, 0–8 adducts/108 for taxi‐motorbike drivers, roadside residents, street vendors, gasoline sellers, suburban and village inhabitants, respectively. Our study demonstrated a clear‐cut elevated level of DNA adducts in city residents than in none exposed people (or very low exposure levels people) and designate these city residents groups as people at risks for the chronic diseases possibly caused by benzene and PAHs.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2012

Helicobacter pylori serologic status has no influence on the association between fucosyltransferase 2 polymorphism (FUT2 461 G→A) and vitamin B-12 in Europe and West Africa

Abderrahim Oussalah; Cyril Besseau; Céline Chery; Elise Jeannesson; Rosa Maria Guéant-Rodriguez; Guido Anello; Paolo Bosco; Maurizzio Elia; Antonino Romano; Jean Pierre Bronowicki; Philippe Gerard; Justine Paoli; Patrice H. Avogbe; Nicodème W. Chabi; Ambaliou Sanni; Emile Amouzou; Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet; Jean-Louis Guéant

BACKGROUND Genomewide association studies have shown a relation between plasma vitamin B-12 concentration and the 461G→A polymorphism of fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2), a gene associated with susceptibility to Helicobacter pylori infection. OBJECTIVE We evaluated in 2 populations the association of FUT2 461 G→A polymorphism with vitamin B-12 and related metabolic markers and investigated whether the influence of FUT2 on H. pylori serology is part of the mechanisms that underlie these associations. DESIGN The study included 1282 ambulatory subjects from Europe and West Africa. Blood concentrations of vitamin B-12, folate, homocysteine, and methylmalonic acid were measured. Genotyping was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. H. pylori serology testing was performed by using ELISA. RESULTS In univariate analysis, FUT2 461 A/A genotype was associated with higher plasma vitamin B-12 concentration in the total population (P = 0.0007) as well as in Europe (P = 0.0009) and in West Africa (P = 0.0015). Positivity for H. pylori serology was higher in West Africa (P < 0.0001) and was not associated with low plasma vitamin B-12. The prevalence of H. pylori-positive patients did not differ among FUT2 461 G→A genotypes (P = 0.2068). In multivariate analysis, FUT2 461 G→A genotype (P = 0.0008), but not positive H. pylori serology, was an independent predictor of plasma vitamin B-12 concentration. CONCLUSION This study confirms the influence of FUT2 461 G→A polymorphism on plasma vitamin B-12 concentration and showed no influence of H. pylori serologic status on this association in ambulatory subjects from Europe and West Africa.

Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology | 2013

Genetic predictors of inflammation in the risk of occupational asthma in young apprentices.

Dovi Stéphanie Acouetey; Denis Zmirou-Navier; Patrice H. Avogbe; Paul Tossa; Thomas Remen; Annick Barbaud; J.A. Cornejo-Garcia; Miguel Blanca; Abraham B. Bohadana; Christophe Paris; Jean-Louis Guéant; Rosa-Maria Guéant-Rodriguez

BACKGROUND The influence of genetic predictors of inflammation and atopy on occupational asthma in apprentices is not known. OBJECTIVES To assess the influence of genetic polymorphisms of IL4RA, IL13, TNFA, IL1A, and IL5 on the decline of lung function and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in a prospective follow-up study of baker/pastry maker and hairdresser apprentices. METHODS A total of 351 apprentices were included in the study. We performed skin testing, spirometry, fractional exhaled nitric oxide measurement, and methacholine hyperreactivity testing at the initial visit and during and at the end of the 18-month training period. Gene variants of IL4RA, IL13, TNFA, IL1A, and IL5 were determined in DNA from nasal lavage. RESULTS IL13 R130Q/IL4RA S478P or IL13 R130Q//IL4RA Q551R were significant predictors of the decrease of forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity (P ≤ .006). Genotype GG of TNFAG308A was associated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness in the whole population and in nonatopic individuals (90.63% vs 9.38%; odds ratio, 3.78; 95% confidence interval, 1.10-12.83). TNFA GA and IL5 CC and TNFA GA and IL1A CC were 2 epistatic predictors of exhaled nitrogen monoxide decrease during follow-up (P = .02 and P = .004, respectively). The association with TNFA GA and IL1A CC was the most significant in nonatopic bakers (P < .001). CONCLUSION We evidenced a predicting influence of IL13/IL4RA and TNFA in the early exposure to allergens and irritants that precedes occupational asthma. The significance of the associations in the absence of atopy suggests an influence of the genetics predictors related to inflammatory pathways.

Oncotarget | 2017

BRIP1 coding variants are associated with a high risk of hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence in patients with HCV- or HBV-related liver disease

Abderrahim Oussalah; Patrice H. Avogbe; Erwan Guyot; Céline Chery; Rosa-Maria Guéant-Rodriguez; Nathalie Ganne-Carrié; Aurélie Cobat; Darius Moradpour; Bertrand Nalpas; Francesco Negro; Thierry Poynard; Stanislas Pol; Pierre-Yves Bochud; Laurent Abel; Hélène Jeulin; Evelyne Schvoerer; Nicodème W. Chabi; Emile Amouzou; Ambaliou Sanni; Hélène Barraud; Pierre Rouyer; Thomas Josse; Laetitia Goffinet; Jean-Louis Jouve; Anne Minello; Claire Bonithon-Kopp; Gérard Thiéfin; Vincent Di Martino; Michel Doffoel; Carine Richou

The molecular mechanisms of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) carcinogenesis are still not fully understood. DNA repair defects may influence HCC risk. The aim of the study was to look for potential genetic variants of DNA repair genes associated with HCC risk among patients with alcohol- or viral-induced liver disease. We performed four case-control studies on 2,006 European- (Derivation#1 and #2 studies) and African-ancestry (Validation#1 and #2 studies) patients originating from several cohorts in order to assess the association between genetic variants on DNA repair genes and HCC risk using a custom array encompassing 94 genes. In the Derivation#1 study, the BRIP1 locus reached array-wide significance (Chi-squared SV-Perm, P=5.00×10−4) among the 253 haplotype blocks tested for their association with HCC risk, in patients with viral cirrhosis but not among those with alcoholic cirrhosis. The BRIP1 haplotype block included three exonic variants (rs4986763, rs4986764, rs4986765). The BRIP1 ‘AAA’ haplotype was significantly associated with an increased HCC risk [odds ratio (OR), 2.01 (1.19–3.39); false discovery rate (FDR)-P=1.31×10−2]. In the Derivation#2 study, results were confirmed for the BRIP1 ‘GGG’ haplotype [OR, 0.53 (0.36–0.79); FDR-P=3.90×10−3]. In both Validation#1 and #2 studies, BRIP1 ‘AAA’ haplotype was significantly associated with an increased risk of HCC [OR, 1.71 (1.09–2.68); FDR-P=7.30×10−2; and OR, 6.45 (4.17–9.99); FDR-P=2.33×10−19, respectively]. Association between the BRIP1 locus and HCC risk suggests that impaired DNA mismatch repair might play a role in liver carcinogenesis, among patients with HCV- or HBV-related liver disease.

PLOS ONE | 2017

Immuno-related polymorphisms and cervical cancer risk: The IARC multicentric case-control study.

James R. McKay; Vanessa Tenet; Silvia Franceschi; Amelie Chabrier; Tarik Gheit; Valerie Gaborieau; Sandrine McKay-Chopin; Patrice H. Avogbe; Massimo Tommasino; Michelle Ainouze; Uzma A. Hasan; Salvatore Vaccarella

A small proportion of women who are exposed to infection with human-papillomavirus (HPV) develop cervical cancer (CC). Genetic factors may affect the risk of progression from HPV infection to cervical precancer and cancer. We used samples from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) multicentric case-control study to evaluate the association of selected genetic variants with CC. Overall, 790 CC cases and 717 controls from Algeria, Morocco, India and Thailand were included. Cervical exfoliated cells were obtained from control women and cervical exfoliated cells or biopsy specimens from cases. HPV-positivity was determined using a general primer GP5+/6+ mediated PCR. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) of host genotypes with CC risk, using the homozygous wild type genotype as the referent category and adjusting by age and study centre. The association of polymorphisms with the risk of high-risk HPV-positivity among controls was also evaluated. A statistically significant association was observed between single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) CHR6 rs2844511 and CC risk: the OR for carriers of the GA or GG genotypes was 0.70 (95% CI: 0.43–1.14) and 0.61 (95% CI: 0.38–0.98), respectively, relative to carriers of AA genotype (p-value for trend 0.03). We also observed associations of borderline significance with the TIPARP rs2665390 polymorphism, which was previously found to be associated with ovarian and breast cancer, and with the EXOC1 rs13117307 polymorphism, which has been linked to cervical cancer in a large study in a Chinese population. We confirmed the association between CC and the rs2844511 polymorphism previously identified in a GWAS study in a Swedish population. The major histocompatibility region of chromosome 6, or perhaps other SNPs in linkage disequilibrium, may be involved in CC onset.

Oncotarget | 2017

Circulating tumor DNA detection in head and neck cancer: evaluation of two different detection approaches

Sandra Perdomo; Patrice H. Avogbe; Matthieu Foll; Behnoush Abedi-Ardekani; Violeta Lescher Facciolla; Devasena Anantharaman; Priscilia Chopard; Florence Le Calvez-Kelm; Marta Vilensky; Jerry Polesel; Ivana Holcatova; Lorenzo Simonato; Cristina Canova; Pagona Lagiou; James D. McKay; Paul Brennan

The use of non-invasive biomarkers such as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in head and neck tumors may be of relevance in early diagnosis and eventually improved outcome. We evaluated two different approaches from two case series in Europe and South America including (i) targeted screening of ctDNA mutations, and (ii) detection of TP53 mutations in plasma and oral rinses without previous knowledge of mutational status in tumor samples. Targeted sequencing in 5 genes identified ctDNA mutations in plasma among 42% of HNSCC cases, 67% of who were early stage cases. No association was found between ctDNA mutation detection and overall survival. Sequencing of the entire coding region of the TP53 gene resulted in identification of TP53 mutations in 76% of tumor cases. However, concordance of mutation detection was low between tumor, oral rinses (11%) and plasma (2,7%) samples. Identification of 5 pathogenic TP53 mutations in oral rinses from 3 non-cancer controls gives additional evidence of mutation occurrence in individuals without a diagnosed cancer and presents an additional challenge for the development of ctDNA diagnostic assays.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2016

Cystathionine β-synthase genetic variant rs2124459 is associated with a reduced risk of cleft palate in French and Belgian populations

Laetitia Goffinet; Abderrahim Oussalah; Rosa-Maria Guéant-Rodriguez; Céline Chery; Mirta Basha; Patrice H. Avogbe; Thomas Josse; Elise Jeannesson; Pierre Rouyer; Justine Flayac; Philippe Gerard; Anne Le Touze; Béatrice Bonin-Goga; D. Goga; E. Simon; François Feillet; Miikka Vikkula; Jean-Louis Guéant

Background Orofacial cleft (OFC) is the most prevalent craniofacial birth defect. Genes involved in one-carbon, folate and vitamin B12 metabolisms have been associated with OFC but no study performed a concomitant assessment on genes involved in these three pathways. Objective We looked for potential genetic variants associated with OFC using an exhaustive gene panel of one-carbon metabolism. Methods We performed a case–control discovery study on children with OFC (236 cases, 145 controls) and their related mothers (186 cases, 127 controls). We performed a replication study on the top significant genetic variant in an independent group from Belgium (248 cases, 225 controls). Results In the discovery study on ‘mothers’, the CBS locus reached array-wide significance (p=9.13×10−6; Bonferroni p=4.77×10−3; OR 0.47 (0.33 to 0.66)) among the 519 haplotypes tested for their association with OFC risk. Within the CBS haplotype block (rs2124459, rs6586282, rs4920037, rs234705, rs234709), the rs2124459 was the most significantly associated with a reduced risk of OFC (p=1.77×10−4; Bonferroni p=2.00×10−2; OR 0.53 (0.38 to 0.74), minor allele). The rs2124459 was associated with a reduced risk of cleft palate (CP) (p=6.78×10−5; Bonferroni p=7.80×10−3; OR 0.40 (0.25 to 0.63)). In the ‘children’ group, the rs2124459 was associated with a reduced risk of CP (p=0.02; OR 0.61 (0.40 to 0.93), minor allele). The association between rs2124459 and reduced risk of CP was replicated in an independent children population from Belgium (p=0.02; OR 0.64 (0.44 to 0.93), minor allele). Conclusions The CBS rs2124459 was associated with a reduced risk of CP in both French and Belgian populations. These results highlight the prominent involvement of the vitamin B6-dependent transsulfuration pathway of homocysteine in OFC risk and the interest for evaluating vitamin B6 status in further population studies.

PLOS ONE | 2017

Correction: Immuno-related polymorphisms and cervical cancer risk: The IARC multicentric case-control study

James R. McKay; Vanessa Tenet; Silvia Franceschi; Amelie Chabrier; Tarik Gheit; Valerie Gaborieau; Sandrine McKay-Chopin; Patrice H. Avogbe; Massimo Tommasino; Michelle Ainouze; Uzma A. Hasan; Salvatore Vaccarella

[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177775.].

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