
PAJAR - Pan American Journal of Aging Research | 2017

Study of the prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders (tmd) and quality of life in an institutionalized elderly population

Daniela Rehm; Patricia Saram Progiante; Denise Munaretto Ficht; Betina Carapeto; Márcio Lima Grossi; Patrícia Krieger Grossi

PurPose: This multidisciplinary prevalence study had the objective of identifying the prevalence of TMD, chronic pain and quality of life in institutionalized elderly patients in southern Brazil, including depression and somatization levels. MeThoDs: Forty subjects (55% women, mean age=75 years±s.D., 80% Caucasian) in need of dental treatment were selected from two long-term elderly institutions in the city of Porto alegre. The World health organization Quality of Life (WhoQoL) questionnaire was used for assessing quality of life, the research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (rDC/TMD) for TMD signs and symptoms as well as depression and somatization levels, and the North York Dental health survey (NYDhs) for the oral health status. resuLTs: approximately 60% completed elementary school. It was also a low income population (85%,

Anais do Encontro Internacional e Nacional de Política Social | 2016

Privação de liberdade e sociabilidade precária: seletividade penal de gênero e criminalizarão da pobreza

Joana das Flores Duarte; Patrícia Krieger Grossi

75 to

Archive | 2015

Juventudes, transformações societárias e inovações tecnológicas: uma reflexão necessária

Joana das Flores Duarte; Patrícia Krieger Grossi; Giovane Antônio Scherer

500 american dollars per month). Most (56.4%) were born in the countryside. Ten percent had high intensity pain, with 2.5% accompanied by moderate limitation. These severe signs and symptoms of TMD were associated with significant disability in daily functions and had a negative impact in the level of psychological stress and quality of life in institutionalized patients. In addition, almost 97.5% of the elderly has shown some degree of depression, and 57.5% had moderate to strong somatization levels. CoNCLusIoNs: The proportion of elderly with severe TMD signs and symptoms was low; however, the great frequency of depression and somatization, with a good number of them in actual treatment need, highlights the importance of evaluating the elderly in all aspects.Purpose: This multidisciplinary prevalence study had the objective of identifying the prevalence of TMD, chronic pain and quality of life in institutionalized elderly patients in Southern Brazil, including depression and somatization levels. Methods: Forty subjects (55% women, mean age=75 years±S.D., 80% Caucasian) in need of dental treatment were selected from two long-term elderly institutions in the city of Porto Alegre. The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) questionnaire was used for assessing quality of life, the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) for TMD signs and symptoms as well as depression and somatization levels, and the North York Dental Health Survey (NYDHS ) for the oral health status. Result s: Approximately 60% completed elementary school. It was also a low income population (85%,

Archive | 2015

Violencia contra la mujer rural: El Brasil Sur en Revision

Joana das Flores Duarte; Patrícia Krieger Grossi; Rosalia Vargas Campanha; Michelle Bertóglio Clos

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Archive | 2012

OBSERVATÓRIO JUVENTUDES: Produção do Saber Cientifico sobre Juventude na Perspectiva dos Direitos Humanos

Beatriz Gerhenson Aguinsky; Patrícia Krieger Grossi; Dionísio Roberto Rodrigues; Marisol Germano Trindade; Jessica Lima Ramos; Jair Ribeiro; Giovane Antônio Scherer; Alex Primo Brustolin; Aline Souza Rocha; Jussara Loch; Miriam Pires Corrêa de Lacerda; Naiane Rodrigues Pisone

500 American dollars per month). Most (56.4%) were born in the countryside. Ten percent had high intensity pain, with 2.5% accompanied by moderate limitation. These severe signs and symptoms of TMD were associated with significant disability in daily functions and had a negative impact in the level of psychological stress and quality of life in institutionalized patients. In addition, almost 97.5% of the elderly has shown some degree of depression, and 57.5% had moderate to strong somatization levels. Conclusions: The proportion of elderly with severe TMD signs and symptoms was low; however, the great frequency of depression and somatization, with a good number of them in actual treatment need, highlights the importance of evaluating the elderly in all aspects. Keywords: temporomandibular disorder; orofacial pain; depression; somatization; quality of life; elderly.

Archive | 2011

Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain in Brazilian shelters

Patrícia Krieger Grossi; Márcio Lima Grossi; Patricia Saram Progiante; Marlise Silva Lemos; Denise Munaretto Ficht

Archive | 2011

Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain (TMD and OFP) in Battered Women in Brazilian Shelters

Marlise Silva Lemos; Patrícia Krieger Grossi; Márcio Lima Grossi; Denise Munareto Ficht; Patricia Saram Progiante

Archive | 2011

Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain in battered women in Brazilian shelters Prevalência de desordens temporomandibulares e de dor orofacial em mulheres vítimas de violência

Patricia Saram Progiante; Denise Munaretto Ficht; Marlise Silva Lemos; Patrícia Krieger Grossi; Márcio Lima Grossi; Pontifical Catholic

Revista Internacional de Prótesis Estomatológica | 2010

Análisis de la influencia de un reposicionador mandibular en las puntuaciones del sueño y del bruxismo del sueño mediante el BiteStrip y el cuestionario de valoración del sueño

Aline C. Saueressig; Vivian C. Mainieri; Patrícia Krieger Grossi; Simone Chaves Fagondes; Rosemary Sadami Arai Shinkai; Eduardo M. Lima; Eduardo R. Teixeira; Márcio L. Grossi

Archive | 2010

Estudo de prevalência de desordens temporomandibulares (DTM) e dor orofacial em idosos institucionalizados e qualidade de vida

Betina Carapeto; Márcio Lima Grossi; Denise Munaretto Ficht; Patrícia Krieger Grossi

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