Patricia Suárez
University of Oviedo
Featured researches published by Patricia Suárez.
Applied Economics Letters | 2015
Begoña Cueto; Matías Mayor; Patricia Suárez
Self-employment is usually associated with entrepreneurship and it is often promoted as a way of reducing unemployment. Our aim in this article is to analyse the relationship between self-employment and unemployment taking into account its spatial dimension. The entrepreneur activity in each region depends not only on its own endowment but the entrepreneurship environment may be exerted some influence. Regional Spanish data are used to obtain evidence about this relationship using a Spatial Durbin model to embed the spatial dimension. The results reveal that both the direct and indirect effects are relatively small. Further, if unemployment increases in a region, self-employment decreases. However, if unemployment grows in neighbouring regions, incentives for entering self-employment increase, implying that there is a ‘refugee’ effect (self-employment as an answer to the lack of wage employment).
AIEL Series in Labour Economics | 2015
Matías Mayor; Begoña Cueto; Patricia Suárez
Self-employment has become an important source of employment in the last decades. Moreover governments have developed labour market programmes in order to foster self-employment. The capitalisation of unemployment benefits is a Spanish programme that gives the unemployed people the possibility to receive the contributory unemployment benefits in a lump sum payment in order to set up a business. Our analysis supports the existence of spatial spillovers in regional labour markets; consequently, the modelmust include this spatial process explicitly. The results suggest that the magnitude of the direct effect is smaller but it is in accordance with the expected, since the possibility of capitalisation of unemployment benefits is not the main reason to move into the self-employment.
Revista Espanola De Investigaciones Sociologicas | 2017
Begoña Cueto; Vanesa Rodríguez; Patricia Suárez
espanolLa correlacion de los logros economicos, sociales y educativos entre generaciones de la misma familia es una cuestion de gran interes para el analisis de la igualdad de oportunidades en la sociedad. Nuestro objetivo en este articulo es cuantificar la incidencia e intensidad de la transmision intergeneracional de la pobreza en Espana. Con datos del modulo especifico sobre transmision intergeneracional de situaciones de dificultades economicas de la ECV 2011 se utiliza el propensity score matchingpara estudiar la relacion entre las dificultades economicas de una generacion y las de la siguiente. Los resultados muestran que haber tenido dificultades economicas durante la adolescencia aumenta la probabilidad de pobreza en la etapa adulta. Este impacto se ha reducido en las generaciones mas jovenes. EnglishThe correlation of economic, social and educational achievements between generations of the same family is a matter of great interest for the analysis of equal opportunities in society. The aim of this article is to quantify the impact and extent of the intergenerational transmission of poverty in Spain. Using data from the specific module on the intergenerational transmission of economic disadvantage in the 2011 Life Conditions Survey, propensity score matching was used to study the relationship between the economic disadvantage of one generation and the next. The results show that having economic disadvantage during adolescence increases the probability of poverty in adulthood. This impact has been reduced in younger generations.
Archive | 2017
Patricia Suárez; Matías Mayor
This chapter provides an overview of the different approaches used to determine the location and size of cultural facilities that benefit local residents. Recent research demonstrates the importance of the causal relationship between the existence of cultural facilities and location choices of home seekers in urban areas. We focus on the determinants of the spatial location of cultural institutions and on how a fixed allocation of cultural facilities may affect the economic behaviour of individuals. We believe that the need exists for an in-depth analysis of the ways in which geographic environments and the characteristics of government institutions influence consumers and producers of cultural facilities. To increase our understanding of cultural evolution, these elements should be studied from interrelated perspectives.
International Journal of Manpower | 2014
Patricia Suárez; Begoña Cueto; Matías Mayor
Purpose - – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the influence of public employment services (PES) on transitions from unemployment. Design/methodology/approach - – The likelihood of exit from unemployment is explained by a multinomial logit model which takes into account the target state of the transition (unemployment, employment or inactivity). In order to analyze the unobserved heterogeneity, the model has been estimated using a Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Models. Findings - – The analysis suggests that the contribution of PES to improving labor market outcomes is low in the case of transitions to employment. Nevertheless, PES play an important role in workforce dropout prevention. Practical implications - – The results suggest that redesign and modernization are needed to improve PES performance. More intensive job counselling should be provided so that PES get beyond workforce dropout prevention and start having clear positive effects on placement. Target groups should be defined more clearly so as to ensure sustainable transitions for individuals at risk of exclusion. PES should focus on the most disadvantaged jobseekers and those who need more help to get jobs. Originality/value - – First, the results highlight the role PES play in reducing inactivity rates. Second, this is the first study in Spain that uses Labor Force Survey (LFS) data to evaluate PES in a dynamic framework. The LFS is the only data source which allows us to relate people registered unemployed to people considered unemployed by international standards.
Archive | 2015
Patricia Suárez; Begoña Cueto; Matías Mayor; María Henar Salas-Olmedo
The aim of this paper is to analyze how the geospatial distributions of unemployed people and jobcentres affects the probability of finding a job. We estimated a latent class logistic regression to analyze the probability of a transition to employment while controlling for individual and location heterogeneity. We compute the median value of the odds ratios between the area with the highest employment probability and the area with the lowest employment probability when randomly selecting areas. The results support the need to develop employment policies that take into account a place-based environment and to investigate how an institution’s impact can be people- and place-sensitive. An additional objective of this paper is to discuss this issue and suggest the need for the formulation of targets at jobcentres as well as the division of funding according to the targets and results that are to receive welfare advantages
Archive | 2015
Patricia Suárez; Begoña Cueto
Spanish Abstract: El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la evolución del servicio público de empleo en España desde su creación hasta la actualidad. La puesta en marcha de un servicio de colocación nacional, público y gratuito fue una de las apuestas de la II República española, tratando de facilitar la casación de los puestos en demanda de trabajo y los obreros en oferta del mismo. La llegada de la Dictadura franquista frena la senda de adaptación de los servicios de colocación a las recomendaciones de la OIT. Y, no es hasta 1975 cuando comienza el desarrollo de una normativa que servirá, ya en la democracia, a la creación del Instituto Nacional de Empleo, germen del actual servicio público de empleo. Por último, se revisan las grandes reformas desarrolladas en las dos últimas décadas, que suponen la ruptura del monopolio del INEM, la descentralización de competencias a las comunidades autónomas y la legalización de las agencias privadas de colocación con ánimo de lucro. English Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of the Spanish public employment service in Spain since establishment until today. The implementation of a national, public, free placement service was one of the objectives of the II Spanish Republic, trying to facilitate the matching between labour supply and demand. Franco’s dictatorship slows down the adaptation path of placement services to ILO recommendations. It is not until 1975, at the very beginning of the current democratic period, that a new legislation is developed, leading to the creation of the National Employment Institute (INEM), currently the Spanish Public Employment Service. Finally, major reforms carried out over the past two decades are reviewed. Such reforms involve breaking the monopoly of INEM, the decentralization of competences to the Spanish Autonomous Communities and the legalization of for-profit private employment agencies.
Papers in Regional Science | 2012
Patricia Suárez; Matías Mayor; Begoña Cueto
XXI Encuentro Economía Pública, 2014, pág. 30 | 2014
Pelayo Gonalez; José F. Baños; Matías Mayor; Patricia Suárez
Small Business Economics | 2017
Begoña Cueto; Matías Mayor; Patricia Suárez