
Gcb Bioenergy | 2015

Global solid biomass trade for energy by 2020: an assessment of potential import streams and supply costs to North‐West Europe under different sustainability constraints

Patrick Lamers; Ric Hoefnagels; Martin Junginger; Carlo N. Hamelinck; André Faaij

The expected use of solid biomass for large‐scale heat and power production across North–West Europe (NW EU) has led to discussions about its sustainability, especially due to the increasing import dependence of the sector. While individual Member States and companies have put forward sustainability criteria, it remains unclear how different requirements will influence the availability and cost of solid biomass and thus how specific regions will satisfy their demand in a competitive global market. We combined a geospatially explicit least‐cost biomass supply model with a linear optimization solver to assess global solid biomass trade streams by 2020 with a particular focus on NW EU. We apply different demand and supply scenarios representing varying policy developments and sustainability requirements. We find that the projected EU solid biomass demand by 2020 can be met across all scenarios, almost exclusively via domestic biomass. The exploitation of domestic agricultural residue and energy crop potentials, however, will need to increase sharply. Given sustainability requirements for solid biomass as for liquid biofuels, extra‐EU imports may reach 236 PJ by 2020, i.e., 400% of their 2010 levels. Intra‐EU trade is expected to grow with stricter sustainability requirements up to 548 PJ, i.e., 280% of its 2010 levels by 2020. Increasing sustainability requirements can have different effects on trade portfolios across NW EU. Excluding pulpwood pellets may drive the supply costs of import dependent countries, foremost the Netherlands and the UK, whereas excluding additional forest biomass may entail higher costs for Germany and Denmark which rely on regional biomass. Excluding solid biomass fractions may create short‐term price hikes. Our modeling results are strongly influenced by parameterization choices, foremost assumed EU biomass supply volumes and costs and assumed relations between criteria and supply. The model framework is suited for the inclusion of dynamic supply–demand interactions and other world regions.

Gcb Bioenergy | 2014

Damaged forests provide an opportunity to mitigate climate change

Patrick Lamers; Martin Junginger; Caren C. Dymond; André Faaij

British Columbia (BC) forests are estimated to have become a net carbon source in recent years due to tree death and decay caused primarily by mountain pine beetle (MPB) and related post‐harvest slash burning practices. BC forest biomass has also become a major source of wood pellets, exported primarily for bioenergy to Europe, although the sustainability and net carbon emissions of forest bioenergy in general are the subject of current debate. We simulated the temporal carbon balance of BC wood pellets against different reference scenarios for forests affected by MPB in the interior BC timber harvesting area using the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM‐CFS3). We evaluated the carbon dynamics for different insect‐mortality levels, at the stand‐ and landscape level, taking into account carbon storage in the ecosystem, wood products and fossil fuel displacement. Our results indicate that current harvesting practices, in which slash is burnt and only sawdust used for pellet production, require between 20–25 years for beetle‐impacted pine and 37–39 years for spruce‐dominated systems to reach pre‐harvest carbon levels (i.e. break‐even) at the stand‐level. Using pellets made from logging slash to replace coal creates immediate net carbon benefits to the atmosphere of 17–21 tonnes C ha−1, shortening these break‐even times by 9–20 years and resulting in an instant carbon break‐even level on stands most severely impacted by the beetle. Harvesting pine dominated sites for timber while using slash for bioenergy was also found to be more carbon beneficial than a protection reference scenario on both stand‐ and landscape level. However, harvesting stands exclusively for bioenergy resulted in a net carbon source unless the system contained a high proportion of dead trees (>85%). Systems with higher proportions of living trees provide a greater climate change mitigation if used for long lived wood products.

Bioresource Technology | 2015

Techno-economic analysis of decentralized biomass processing depots

Patrick Lamers; Mohammad S. Roni; Jaya Shankar Tumuluru; Jacob J. Jacobson; Kara G. Cafferty; Jason K. Hansen; Kevin L. Kenney; Farzaneh Teymouri; Bryan Bals

Decentralized biomass processing facilities, known as biomass depots, may be necessary to achieve feedstock cost, quantity, and quality required to grow the future U.S. bioeconomy. In this paper, we assess three distinct depot configurations for technical difference and economic performance. The depot designs were chosen to compare and contrast a suite of capabilities that a depot could perform ranging from conventional pelleting to sophisticated pretreatment technologies. Our economic analyses indicate that depot processing costs are likely to range from ∼US

Gcb Bioenergy | 2013

Global biomass potentials under sustainability restrictions defined by the European Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC

Vivian Schueler; Ulf Weddige; Tim Beringer; Liliana Gamba; Patrick Lamers

30 to US

Archive | 2014

Biomass Feedstock and Conversion Supply System Design and Analysis

Jacob J. Jacobson; Mohammad S. Roni; Patrick Lamers; Kara G. Cafferty

63 per dry metric tonne (Mg), depending upon the specific technology implemented and the energy consumption for processing equipment such as grinders and dryers. We conclude that the benefits of integrating depots into the overall biomass feedstock supply chain will outweigh depot processing costs and that incorporation of this technology should be aggressively pursued.

Archive | 2014

Developments in International Liquid Biofuel Trade

Patrick Lamers; Frank Rosillo-Calle; Luc Pelkmans; Carlo N. Hamelinck

The political will to reduce global GHG emissions has largely contributed to increased global biofuel production and trade. The expanding cultivation of energy crops may drive changes in the terrestrial ecosystems such as land cover and biodiversity loss. When biomass replaces fossil energy carriers, sustainability criteria are therefore crucial to avoid adverse impacts and ensure a net positive GHG balance. The European Union has set mandatory sustainability criteria for liquid biofuels in its Renewable Energy Directive (RED) 2009/28/EC to ensure net positive impacts of its biofuel policy. The adoption of sustainability criteria in other world regions and their extension to solid and gaseous biomass in the EU is ongoing. This paper examines the effect of the EU RED sustainability criteria on the availability of biomass resources at global and regional scale. It quantifies the relevance of sustainability criteria in biomass resource assessments taking into account the criterias spatial distribution. This assessment does not include agricultural and forestry residues and aquatic biomass. Previously unknown interrelations between sustainability criteria are examined and described for ten world regions. The analysis concludes that roughly 10% (98.5 EJ) of the total theoretical potential of 977.2 EJ occurs in areas free of sustainability concerns.

Archive | 2014

Global Woody Biomass Trade for Energy

Patrick Lamers; Didier Marchal; Jussi Heinimö; Florian Steierer

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) supports the U.S. Department of Energy’s bioenergy research program. As part of the research program INL investigates the feedstock logistics economics and sustainability of these fuels. A series of reports were published between 2000 and 2013 to demonstrate the feedstock logistics cost. Those reports were tailored to specific feedstock and conversion process. Although those reports are different in terms of conversion, some of the process in the feedstock logistic are same for each conversion process. As a result, each report has similar information. A single report can be designed that could bring all commonality occurred in the feedstock logistics process while discussing the feedstock logistics cost for different conversion process. Therefore, this report is designed in such a way that it can capture different feedstock logistics cost while eliminating the need of writing a conversion specific design report. Previous work established the current costs based on conventional equipment and processes. The 2012 programmatic target was to demonstrate a delivered biomass logistics cost of

Developing the Global Bioeconomy#R##N#Technical, Market, and Environmental Lessons from Bioenergy | 2016

Commoditization of Biomass Markets

Olle Olsson; Patrick Lamers; Fabian Schipfer; M. Wild

55/dry ton for woody biomass delivered to fast pyrolysis conversion facility. The goal was achieved by applying field and process demonstration unit-scale data from harvest, collection, storage, preprocessing, handling, and transportation operations intomorexa0» INL’s biomass logistics model. The goal of the 2017 Design Case is to enable expansion of biofuels production beyond highly productive resource areas by breaking the reliance of cost-competitive biofuel production on a single, low-cost feedstock. The 2017 programmatic target is to supply feedstock to the conversion facility that meets the in-feed conversion process quality specifications at a total logistics cost of

Developing the Global Bioeconomy#R##N#Technical, Market, and Environmental Lessons from Bioenergy | 2016

Commodity-Scale Biomass Trade and Integration with Other Supply Chains

Erin Searcy; Patrick Lamers; M. Deutmeyer; T. Ranta; B. Hektor; J. Heinimö; Erik Trømborg; M. Wild

80/dry T. The

Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes#R##N#Challenges, Opportunities and Case Studies | 2016

Challenges and Opportunities for the Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes

Evelyne Thiffault; Göran Berndes; Patrick Lamers

80/dry T. target encompasses total delivered feedstock cost, including both grower payment and logistics costs, while meeting all conversion in-feed quality targets. The 2012

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