Patrick Wahl
German Sport University Cologne
Growth Hormone & Igf Research | 2010
Patrick Wahl; Christoph Zinner; Silvia Achtzehn; Wilhelm Bloch; Joachim Mester
OBJECTIVE The purpose of the present study was to examine the acute hormonal response of a short term high-intensity training (HIT) versus a high volume endurance training (HVT) and to determine the contribution of the metabolic acidosis as a stimulus for possibly different reactions of circulating hGH, IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and cortisol. DESIGN Eleven subjects participated in three experimental trials separated by one week. Two times subjects performed four 30s maximal effort exercise bouts on a cycle ergometer separated by 5 min rest each. Before the exercise subjects either received (single-blinded) bicarbonate (HIT (B)) or a placebo (HIT (P)). The third exercise trail consisted of a constant load exercise for 1h at 50% VO₂max (HVT). Venous blood samples were taken under resting conditions, 10 min, 60 min and 240 min after each exercise condition to determine hGH, IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and cortisol serum concentrations. Capillary blood samples were taken to determine lactate concentrations and blood gas parameters. RESULTS Power output, mean lactate concentrations and mean pH values were significantly higher during HIT (B) compared to HIT (P). Serum cortisol and hGH concentrations were significantly increased 10 min post exercise in both HIT interventions. IGFBP-3 was only significantly increased after HIT (P), whereas IGF-1 was not affected by any of the interventions. HVT showed no significant effects on cortisol, hGH, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels. Additionally it was shown that the diminished acidosis during HIT (B) attenuates the cortisol and hGH response. CONCLUSIONS The present study suggests that HIT/acidosis is a stimulus for exercise-induced cortisol/hGH secretion, but not for IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 under these experimental conditions. These findings might be relevant for arrangements of interval training, due to the fact that active or passive recovery during rest periods influence the acid base status and may therefore influence the hormonal response.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Patrick Wahl; Felix Jansen; Silvia Achtzehn; Theresa Schmitz; Wilhelm Bloch; Joachim Mester; Nikos Werner
Aims Endothelial microparticles (EMP) are complex vesicular structures shed from activated or apoptotic endothelial cells. As endurance exercise affects the endothelium, the objective of the study was to examine levels of EMP and angiogenic growth factors following different endurance exercise protocols. Methods 12 subjects performed 3 different endurance exercise protocols: 1. High volume training (HVT; 130 min at 55% peak power output (PPO); 2. 4×4 min at 95% PPO; 3. 4×30 sec all-out. EMPs were quantified using flow cytometry after staining platelet-poor-plasma. Events positive for Annexin-V and CD31, and negative for CD42b, were classified as EMPs. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), migratory inhibiting factor (MIF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) were determined by ELISA technique. For all these measurements venous blood samples were taken pre, 0′, 30′, 60′ and 180′ after each intervention. Furthermore, in vitro experiments were performed to explore the effect of collected sera on target endothelial functions and MP uptake capacities. Results VEGF and HGF significantly increased after HIT interventions. All three interventions caused a significant decrease in EMP levels post exercise compared to pre values. The sera taken after exercise increased the uptake of EMP in target endothelial cells compared to sera taken under resting conditions, which was shown to be phosphatidylserin-dependent. Increased EMP uptake was associated with an improved protection of target cells against apoptosis. Sera taken prior and after exercise promoted target endothelial cell migration, which was abrogated after inhibition of VEGF. Conclusion Physical exercise leads to decreased EMP levels and promotes a phosphatidylserin-dependent uptake of EMP into target endothelial cells, which is associated with a protection of target cells against apoptosis.
Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies | 2008
Patrick Wahl; Klara Brixius; Wilhelm Bloch
A number of publications have provided evidence that exercise and physical activity are linked to the activation, mobilization, and differentiation of various types of stem cells. Exercise may improve organ regeneration and function. This review summarizes mechanisms by which exercise contributes to stem cell‐induced regeneration in the cardiovascular and the skeletal muscle system. In addition, it discusses whether exercise may improve and support stem cell transplantation in situations of cardiovascular disease or muscular dystrophy.
Frontiers in Physiology | 2016
Patrick Wahl; Udo F. Wehmeier; Felix Jansen; Yvonne Kilian; Wilhelm Bloch; Nikos Werner; Joachim Mester; Thomas Hilberg
Aim: mircoRNAs (miRNAs), small non-coding RNAs regulating gene expression, are stably secreted into the blood and circulating miRNAs (c-miRNAs) may play an important role in cell–cell communication. Furthermore, c-miRNAs might serve as novel biomarkers of the current vascular cell status. Here, we examined how the levels of three vascular c-miRNAs (c-miR-16, c-miR-21, c-miR-126) are acutely affected by different exercise intensities and volumes. Methods: 12 subjects performed 3 different endurance exercise protocols: 1. High-Volume Training (HVT; 130 min at 55% peak power output (PPO); 2. High-Intensity Training (HIT; 4 × 4 min at 95% PPO); 3. Sprint-Interval Training (SIT; 4 × 30 s all-out). c-miRNAs were quantified using quantitative real-time PCR with TaqMan probes at time points pre, 0′, 30′, 60′, and 180′ after each intervention. The expression of miR-126 and miR-21 was analyzed in vitro, in human coronary artery endothelial cells, human THP-1 monocytes, human platelets, human endothelial microparticles (EMPs) and human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). To investigate the transfer of miRNAs via EMPs, VSMCs were incubated with EMPs. Results: HVT and SIT revealed large increases on c-miR-21 [1.9-fold by HVT (cohens d = 0.85); 1.5-fold by SIT (cohens d = 0.85)] and c-miR-126 [2.2-fold by SIT (cohens d = 1.06); 1.9-fold by HVT (cohens d = 0.85)] post-exercise compared to pre-values, while HIT revealed only small to moderate changes on c-miRs-21 (cohens d = −0.28) and c-miR-126 (cohens d = 0.53). c-miR-16 was only slightly affected by SIT (1.4-fold; cohens d = 0.57), HVT (1.3-fold; cohens d = 0.61) or HIT (1.1-fold; cohens d = 0.2). Further in vitro experiments revealed that miR-126 and miR-21 are mainly of endothelial origin. Importantly, under conditions of endothelial apoptosis, miR-126 and miR-21 are packed from endothelial cells into endothelial microparticles, which were shown to transfer miR-126 into target vascular smooth muscle cells. Conclusion: Taken together, we found that HVT and SIT are associated with the release of endothelial miRNAs into the circulation, which can function as intercellular communication devices regulating vascular biology.
Frontiers in Physiology | 2016
Yvonne Kilian; Udo F. Wehmeier; Patrick Wahl; Joachim Mester; Thomas Hilberg; Billy Sperlich
Aim: The aim of the present study was to analyze the response of vascular circulating microRNAs (miRNAs; miR-16, miR-21, miR-126) and the VEGF mRNA following an acute bout of HIIT and HVT in children. Methods:Twelve healthy competitive young male cyclists (14.4 ± 0.8 years; 57.9 ± 9.4 ml·min−1·kg−1 peak oxygen uptake) performed one session of high intensity 4 × 4 min intervals (HIIT) at 90–95% peak power output (PPO), each interval separated by 3 min of active recovery, and one high volume session (HVT) consisting of a constant load exercise for 90 min at 60% PPO. Capillary blood from the earlobe was collected under resting conditions, during exercise (d1 = 20 min, d2 = 30 min, d3 = 60 min), and 0, 30, 60, 180 min after the exercise to determine miR-16, -21, -126, and VEGF mRNA. Results: HVT significantly increased miR-16 and miR-126 during and after the exercise compared to pre-values, whereas HIIT showed no significant influence on the miRNAs compared to pre-values. VEGF mRNA significantly increased during and after HIIT (d1, 30′, 60′, 180′) and HVT (d3, 0′, 60′). Conclusion: Results of the present investigation suggest a volume dependent exercise regulation of vascular regulating miRNAs (miR-16, miR-21, miR-126) in children. In line with previous data, our data show that acute exercise can alter circulating miRNAs profiles that might be used as novel biomarkers to monitor acute and chronic changes due to exercise in various tissues.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2013
Patrick Wahl; Christoph Zinner; Christoph Grosskopf; Roman Rossmann; Wilhelm Bloch; Joachim Mester
Abstract Wahl, P, Zinner, C, Grosskopf, C, Rossmann, R, Bloch, W, and Mester, J. Passive recovery is superior to active recovery during a high-intensity shock microcycle. J Strength Cond Res 27(5): 1384–1393, 2013—The purpose was to examine the effects of a 2-week high-intensity shock microcycle on maximal oxygen consumption and parameters of exercise performance in junior triathletes on the one hand and to evaluate the long-term effects of active (A) vs. passive (P) recovery on the other hand. Sixteen healthy junior triathletes participated in the study. For the assignment to the A or P group, the subjects were matched according to age and performance. Within 2 weeks, a total of 15 high-intensity interval sessions within three 3-day training blocks were performed. Before and 1 week after the last training session, the athletes performed a ramp test to determine V[Combining Dot Above]O2max, a time trial (TT) and a Wingate test. Furthermore, total hemoglobin (Hb) mass was determined. The results of the whole group, independent of the arrangement of recovery, were analyzed at first; second, the A and P groups were analyzed separately. Peak power output (PPO) during the ramp test and TT performance significantly increased in the whole group. The comparison of the 2 groups revealed increases for the mentioned parameters and for V[Combining Dot Above]O2 and power output at VT2 for the P group only. The V[Combining Dot Above]O2max did not change. Wingate performance increased in the A group only. The tHb mass slightly decreased. The main finding of this study was that a 14-day shock microcycle is able to improve TT performance and PPO in junior triathletes in a short period of time. Furthermore, not only the intensity but also the arrangement of interval training seems to be important as well, because only the P group showed improvements in endurance performance, despite a slightly lower training volume. These findings might be relevant for future arrangements of high-intensity interval training.
International Journal of Sports Medicine | 2012
Patrick Wahl; A. Schmidt; M. deMarees; Silvia Achtzehn; Wilhelm Bloch; Joachim Mester
The purpose of the present study was to compare the acute hormonal response of angiogenic regulators to a short-term hypoxic exposure at different altitudes with and without exercise. 7 subjects participated in 5 experimental trials. 2 times subjects stayed in a sedentary position for 90 min at 2000 m or 4000 m, respectively. The same was carried out again in combination with exercise at the same relative intensity (2 mmol∙L(-1) of lactate). The fifth trial consisted of 90 min exercise at sea level. Venous blood samples were taken under resting conditions, 0 and 180 min after each condition to determine VEGF, EPO, IL-6, IL-8 and IGF-1 serum concentrations. EPO, VEGF, and IL-8 showed increases only, when hypoxia was combined with exercise. IL-6 was increased after exercise, independent of altitude. IGF-1 showed no changes in any intervention. The present study suggests that short term hypoxic exposure combined with low intensity exercise is able to up-regulate angiogenic regulators, which might be beneficial to induce angiogenesis and to improve endurance performance. However, in some cases high altitudes are needed, or it can be speculated that exercise intensity needs to be increased.
Frontiers in Physiology | 2017
Yvonne Wahl; Peter Düking; Anna Droszez; Patrick Wahl; Joachim Mester
Background: In the past years, there was an increasing development of physical activity tracker (Wearables). For recreational people, testing of these devices under walking or light jogging conditions might be sufficient. For (elite) athletes, however, scientific trustworthiness needs to be given for a broad spectrum of velocities or even fast changes in velocities reflecting the demands of the sport. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate the validity of eleven Wearables for monitoring step count, covered distance and energy expenditure (EE) under laboratory conditions with different constant and varying velocities. Methods: Twenty healthy sport students (10 men, 10 women) performed a running protocol consisting of four 5 min stages of different constant velocities (4.3; 7.2; 10.1; 13.0 km·h−1), a 5 min period of intermittent velocity, and a 2.4 km outdoor run (10.1 km·h−1) while wearing eleven different Wearables (Bodymedia Sensewear, Beurer AS 80, Polar Loop, Garmin Vivofit, Garmin Vivosmart, Garmin Vivoactive, Garmin Forerunner 920XT, Fitbit Charge, Fitbit Charge HR, Xaomi MiBand, Withings Pulse Ox). Step count, covered distance, and EE were evaluated by comparing each Wearable with a criterion method (Optogait system and manual counting for step count, treadmill for covered distance and indirect calorimetry for EE). Results: All Wearables, except Bodymedia Sensewear, Polar Loop, and Beurer AS80, revealed good validity (small MAPE, good ICC) for all constant and varying velocities for monitoring step count. For covered distance, all Wearables showed a very low ICC (<0.1) and high MAPE (up to 50%), revealing no good validity. The measurement of EE was acceptable for the Garmin, Fitbit and Withings Wearables (small to moderate MAPE), while Bodymedia Sensewear, Polar Loop, and Beurer AS80 showed a high MAPE up to 56% for all test conditions. Conclusion: In our study, most Wearables provide an acceptable level of validity for step counts at different constant and intermittent running velocities reflecting sports conditions. However, the covered distance, as well as the EE could not be assessed validly with the investigated Wearables. Consequently, covered distance and EE should not be monitored with the presented Wearables, in sport specific conditions.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2012
Patrick Wahl; Jonas Schaerk; Silvia Achtzehn; Heinz Kleinöder; Wilhelm Bloch; Joachim Mester
Abstract Wahl, P, Schaerk, J, Achtzehn, S, Kleinöder, H, Bloch, W, and Mester, J. Physiological responses and perceived exertion during cycling with superimposed electromyostimulation. J Strength Cond Res 26(9): 2383–2388, 2012—The goal of the study was to evaluate and to quantify the effects of local electromyostimulation (EMS) during cycling on the cardiorespiratory system, muscle metabolism, and perceived exertion compared with cycling with no EMS. Ten healthy men (age: 24.6 ± 3.2 years, V[Combining Dot Above]O2max: 54.1 ± 6.0 ml·min−1·kg−1) performed 3 incremental cycle ergometer step tests, 1 without and 2 with EMS (30 and 85 Hz) until volitional exhaustion. Lactate values and respiratory exchange ratio were significantly higher at intensities ≥75% peak power output (PPO) when EMS was applied. Bicarbonate concentration, base excess (BE), and Pco2 were significantly lower when EMS was applied compared with the control at intensities ≥75% PPO. Saliva cortisol levels increased because of the exercise but were unaffected by EMS. Furthermore, EMS showed greater effects on CK levels 24 hours postexercise than normal cycling did. Rating of perceived exertion was significantly higher at 100% PPO with EMS. No statistical differences were found for heart rate, pH, and Po2 between the tested cycling modes. The main findings of this study are greater metabolic changes (lactate, respiratory exchange ratio, BE, , Pco2) during cycling with EMS compared with normal cycling independent of frequency, mainly visible at higher work rates. Because metabolic alterations are important for the induction of cellular signaling cascades and adaptations, these results lead to the hypothesis that applied EMS stimulations during cycling exercise might be an enhancing stimulus for skeletal muscle metabolism and related adaptations. Thus, superimposed EMS application during cycling could be beneficial to aerobic performance enhancements in athletes and in patients who cannot perform high workloads. However, the higher demand on skeletal muscles involved must be considered.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2017
Patrick Wahl; Maximilian Sanno; Karoline Ellenberg; Hosea Frick; Ezra Böhm; Björn Haiduck; Jan-Peter Goldmann; Silvia Achtzehn; Gert-Peter Brüggemann; Joachim Mester; Wilhelm Bloch
Abstract Wahl, P, Sanno, M, Ellenberg, K, Frick, H, Böhm, E, Haiduck, B, Goldmann, J-P, Achtzehn, S, Brüggemann, G-P, Mester, J, and Bloch, W. Aqua cycling does not affect recovery of performance, damage markers, and sensation of pain. J Strength Cond Res 31(1): 162–170, 2017—To examine the effects of aqua cycling (AC) vs. passive recovery (P) on performance, markers of muscle damage, delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), and the persons perceived physical state (PEPS) after 300 countermovement jumps (CMJs). Twenty male participants completed 300 CMJs. Afterward, they were randomly assigned to either the P group or the AC group, the latter performing 30 minutes of AC. Before, directly after the 300 CMJs, after the recovery session, and up to 72 hours post, performance of leg extensor muscles, damage markers, the PEPS, and DOMS were measured. Jumping height during 300 CMJs significantly decreased in both groups (AC: 13.4% and P: 14.6%). Maximal isometric strength (AC: 21% and P: 22%) and dynamic fatigue test (AC: 35% and P: 39%) of leg extensor muscles showed significant decreases in both groups. Myoglobin, creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase significantly increased over time in both groups. Each of the 4 dimensions of the PEPS and DOMS showed significant changes over time. However, no significant differences between both groups were found for any of the parameters. Coaches and athletes should be aware that vertical jumping–induced fatigue decreases the ability to generate maximal isometric and submaximal dynamic force for more than 3 days after training. A single 30-minute session of AC was not able to attenuate the effects on muscular performance, markers of muscle damage, DOMS, or the PEPS compared with passive rest.