
Featured researches published by Paul E. Goss.

Annals of Oncology | 2013

Personalizing the treatment of women with early breast cancer: highlights of the St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2013

A. Goldhirsch; E P Winer; A S Coates; R D Gelber; M Piccart-Gebhart; B. Thürlimann; H.-J. Senn; Kathy S. Albain; Fabrice Andre; Jonas Bergh; Hervé Bonnefoi; Denisse Bretel-Morales; Harold J. Burstein; Fatima Cardoso; Monica Castiglione-Gertsch; Alan S. Coates; Marco Colleoni; Alberto Costa; Giuseppe Curigliano; Nancy E. Davidson; Angelo Di Leo; Bent Ejlertsen; John F Forbes; Richard D. Gelber; Michael Gnant; Aron Goldhirsch; Pamela J. Goodwin; Paul E. Goss; Jay R. Harris; Daniel F. Hayes

The 13th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference (2013) Expert Panel reviewed and endorsed substantial new evidence on aspects of the local and regional therapies for early breast cancer, supporting less extensive surgery to the axilla and shorter durations of radiation therapy. It refined its earlier approach to the classification and management of luminal disease in the absence of amplification or overexpression of the Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 (HER2) oncogene, while retaining essentially unchanged recommendations for the systemic adjuvant therapy of HER2-positive and ‘triple-negative’ disease. The Panel again accepted that conventional clinico-pathological factors provided a surrogate subtype classification, while noting that in those areas of the world where multi-gene molecular assays are readily available many clinicians prefer to base chemotherapy decisions for patients with luminal disease on these genomic results rather than the surrogate subtype definitions. Several multi-gene molecular assays were recognized as providing accurate and reproducible prognostic information, and in some cases prediction of response to chemotherapy. Cost and availability preclude their application in many environments at the present time. Broad treatment recommendations are presented. Such recommendations do not imply that each Panel member agrees: indeed, among more than 100 questions, only one (trastuzumab duration) commanded 100% agreement. The various recommendations in fact carried differing degrees of support, as reflected in the nuanced wording of the text below and in the votes recorded in supplementary Appendix S1, available at Annals of Oncology online. Detailed decisions on treatment will as always involve clinical consideration of disease extent, host factors, patient preferences and social and economic constraints.

The Lancet | 2013

Vascular and upper gastrointestinal effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Meta-analyses of individual participant data from randomised trials

Colin Baigent; Neeraj Bhala; Jonathan Emberson; A. Merhi; Steven B. Abramson; Nadir Arber; John A. Baron; Claire Bombardier; Christopher P. Cannon; Michael E. Farkouh; Garret A. FitzGerald; Paul E. Goss; Heather Halls; Ernest T. Hawk; Christopher J. Hawkey; Charles H. Hennekens; Marc C. Hochberg; L. E. Holland; P. M. Kearney; Loren Laine; Angel Lanas; Peter Lance; A. Laupacis; John A. Oates; Carlo Patrono; Thomas J. Schnitzer; Scott D. Solomon; P. Tugwell; K. Wilson; Janet Wittes

Summary Background The vascular and gastrointestinal effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including selective COX-2 inhibitors (coxibs) and traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (tNSAIDs), are not well characterised, particularly in patients at increased risk of vascular disease. We aimed to provide such information through meta-analyses of randomised trials. Methods We undertook meta-analyses of 280 trials of NSAIDs versus placebo (124 513 participants, 68 342 person-years) and 474 trials of one NSAID versus another NSAID (229 296 participants, 165 456 person-years). The main outcomes were major vascular events (non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or vascular death); major coronary events (non-fatal myocardial infarction or coronary death); stroke; mortality; heart failure; and upper gastrointestinal complications (perforation, obstruction, or bleed). Findings Major vascular events were increased by about a third by a coxib (rate ratio [RR] 1·37, 95% CI 1·14–1·66; p=0·0009) or diclofenac (1·41, 1·12–1·78; p=0·0036), chiefly due to an increase in major coronary events (coxibs 1·76, 1·31–2·37; p=0·0001; diclofenac 1·70, 1·19–2·41; p=0·0032). Ibuprofen also significantly increased major coronary events (2·22, 1·10–4·48; p=0·0253), but not major vascular events (1·44, 0·89–2·33). Compared with placebo, of 1000 patients allocated to a coxib or diclofenac for a year, three more had major vascular events, one of which was fatal. Naproxen did not significantly increase major vascular events (0·93, 0·69–1·27). Vascular death was increased significantly by coxibs (1·58, 99% CI 1·00–2·49; p=0·0103) and diclofenac (1·65, 0·95–2·85, p=0·0187), non-significantly by ibuprofen (1·90, 0·56–6·41; p=0·17), but not by naproxen (1·08, 0·48–2·47, p=0·80). The proportional effects on major vascular events were independent of baseline characteristics, including vascular risk. Heart failure risk was roughly doubled by all NSAIDs. All NSAID regimens increased upper gastrointestinal complications (coxibs 1·81, 1·17–2·81, p=0·0070; diclofenac 1·89, 1·16–3·09, p=0·0106; ibuprofen 3·97, 2·22–7·10, p<0·0001; and naproxen 4·22, 2·71–6·56, p<0·0001). Interpretation The vascular risks of high-dose diclofenac, and possibly ibuprofen, are comparable to coxibs, whereas high-dose naproxen is associated with less vascular risk than other NSAIDs. Although NSAIDs increase vascular and gastrointestinal risks, the size of these risks can be predicted, which could help guide clinical decision making. Funding UK Medical Research Council and British Heart Foundation.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 2011

Exemestane for Breast-Cancer Prevention in Postmenopausal Women

Paul E. Goss; James N. Ingle; José E. Alés-Martínez; Angela M. Cheung; Rowan T. Chlebowski; Jean Wactawski-Wende; Anne McTiernan; John Robbins; Karen C. Johnson; Lisa W. Martin; Eric Winquist; Gloria E. Sarto; Judy Garber; Carol J. Fabian; Pascal Pujol; Elizabeth Maunsell; Patricia Farmer; Karen A. Gelmon; Dongsheng Tu; Harriet Richardson

BACKGROUND Tamoxifen and raloxifene have limited patient acceptance for primary prevention of breast cancer. Aromatase inhibitors prevent more contralateral breast cancers and cause fewer side effects than tamoxifen in patients with early-stage breast cancer. METHODS In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of exemestane designed to detect a 65% relative reduction in invasive breast cancer, eligible postmenopausal women 35 years of age or older had at least one of the following risk factors: 60 years of age or older; Gail 5-year risk score greater than 1.66% (chances in 100 of invasive breast cancer developing within 5 years); prior atypical ductal or lobular hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ; or ductal carcinoma in situ with mastectomy. Toxic effects and health-related and menopause-specific qualities of life were measured. RESULTS A total of 4560 women for whom the median age was 62.5 years and the median Gail risk score was 2.3% were randomly assigned to either exemestane or placebo. At a median follow-up of 35 months, 11 invasive breast cancers were detected in those given exemestane and in 32 of those given placebo, with a 65% relative reduction in the annual incidence of invasive breast cancer (0.19% vs. 0.55%; hazard ratio, 0.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.18 to 0.70; P=0.002). The annual incidence of invasive plus noninvasive (ductal carcinoma in situ) breast cancers was 0.35% on exemestane and 0.77% on placebo (hazard ratio, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.27 to 0.79; P=0.004). Adverse events occurred in 88% of the exemestane group and 85% of the placebo group (P=0.003), with no significant differences between the two groups in terms of skeletal fractures, cardiovascular events, other cancers, or treatment-related deaths. Minimal quality-of-life differences were observed. CONCLUSIONS Exemestane significantly reduced invasive breast cancers in postmenopausal women who were at moderately increased risk for breast cancer. During a median follow-up period of 3 years, exemestane was associated with no serious toxic effects and only minimal changes in health-related quality of life. (Funded by Pfizer and others; NCIC CTG MAP.3 number, NCT00083174.).

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1999

Physical and Psychological Morbidity After Axillary Lymph Node Dissection for Breast Cancer

Thomas F. Hack; Lorenzo Cohen; Joel Katz; Lynda S. Robson; Paul E. Goss

PURPOSE Alternatives to axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) are being developed amid controversy surrounding the therapeutic benefit and overall utility of this routine surgical procedure. Although potential negative side effects associated with ALND are known, we set out to examine whether these side effects contribute significantly to patient reports of quality of life and mental health. PATIENTS AND METHODS We surveyed 222 women who had received an ALND as part of breast cancer surgery. All women underwent a physical therapy assessment of range of arm/shoulder motion and completed the Modified Post-operative Pain Questionnaire, the Pain Disability Index, the McGill Pain Questionnaire (short form), the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire, and the Mental Health Inventory. RESULTS Seventy-two percent of the women experienced arm/shoulder pain, weakness, or numbness in the week before the interview, and range of motion of the affected arm/shoulder was impaired in 73% of the women. Severity of pain was reported to be low to moderate, and younger patients experienced greater pain than older patients. Pain severity correlated positively with the number of lymph nodes removed and receipt of chemotherapy and was not significantly related to length of time since surgery or receipt of radiation therapy. Generally high levels of cancer-specific quality of life and mental health were reported. Quality of life was significantly predicted by the McGill Pain Questionnaire, and mental health was significantly predicted by the Pain Disability Index and the physical therapy assessment. CONCLUSION Surgery-related symptoms after ALND persist for a majority of women with breast cancer and are not significantly related to time since surgery or receipt of radiation therapy. These symptoms and associated disability are significantly predictive of cancer-specific quality of life and mental health.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2003

Cognitive Function, Fatigue, and Menopausal Symptoms in Women Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Nadine Tchen; Helen G. Juffs; Fiona P. Downie; Qi-long Yi; Hanxian Hu; Irene Chemerynsky; Mark Clemons; Michael Crump; Paul E. Goss; David Warr; Mary E. Tweedale; Ian F. Tannock

PURPOSE There is evidence that cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, and menopausal symptoms may occur in women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. Here, we determine their incidence and severity, and interrelationships between them and quality of life. PATIENTS AND METHODS In this study, 110 women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy each nominated a female relative, friend, or neighbor (matched by age) as a control; 100 eligible matched pairs were evaluated. Patients and controls completed the following assessments: the High-Sensitivity Cognitive Screen, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) quality of life scale with subscales for fatigue (FACT-F) and endocrine symptoms (FACT-ES). They also performed tests of attention and reaction time. RESULTS Patients and controls were well matched for age and level of education. There was a higher incidence of moderate or severe cognitive impairment in the patient group (16% v 4%; P =.008). Patients experienced much more fatigue than controls (median FACT-F scores, 31 v 46; P <.0001) and more menopausal symptoms (median FACT-ES scores, 58 v 64; P <.0001). Self-reported quality of life of the patients was poorer than for controls, especially in physical and functional domains (median FACT-G scores, 77 v 93; P <.0001). There was strong correlation between fatigue, menopausal symptoms, and quality of life (P <.0001 for each pair), but none were significantly associated with the presence of cognitive dysfunction. CONCLUSION Adjuvant chemotherapy causes cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, and menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer. Priority should be given to the study of strategies that might reduce these toxic effects.

Circulation | 2008

Cardiovascular Risk of Celecoxib in 6 Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials: The Cross Trial Safety Analysis

Scott D. Solomon; Janet Wittes; Peter V. Finn; Robert Fowler; Jaye L. Viner; Monica M. Bertagnolli; Nadir Arber; Bernard Levin; Curtis L. Meinert; Barbara K. Martin; Joseph L. Pater; Paul E. Goss; Peter Lance; Stefanie Obara; Emily Y. Chew; Jonghyeon Kim; Gretchen Arndt; Ernest T. Hawk

Background— Observational studies and randomized trials have reported increased cardiovascular risk associated with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Prior placebo-controlled randomized studies had limited ability to assess the relationship of either celecoxib dose or pretreatment cardiovascular status to risk associated with celecoxib. Our aim was to assess the cardiovascular risk associated with celecoxib in 3 dose regimens and to assess the relationship between baseline cardiovascular risk and effect of celecoxib on cardiovascular events. Methods and Results— We performed a patient-level pooled analysis of adjudicated data from 7950 patients in 6 placebo-controlled trials comparing celecoxib with placebo for conditions other than arthritis with a planned follow-up of at least 3 years. Patients were administered celecoxib in 3 dose regimens: 400 mg QD, 200 mg BID, or 400 mg BID. From the pooled data, we calculated a hazard ratio for all dose regimens combined and individual hazard ratios for each dose regimen and examined whether celecoxib-related risk was associated with baseline cardiovascular risk. The primary end point was the combination of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, or thromboembolic event. With 16 070 patient-years of follow-up, the hazard ratio for the composite end point combining the tested doses was 1.6 (95% CI, 1.1 to 2.3). The risk, which increased with dose regimen (P=0.0005), was lowest for the 400-mg-QD dose (hazard ratio, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.6 to 2.0), intermediate for the 200-mg-BID dose (hazard ratio, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.1 to 3.1), and highest for the 400-mg-BID dose (hazard ratio, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.5 to 6.1). Patients at highest baseline risk demonstrated disproportionately greater risk of celecoxib-related adverse events (P for interaction=0.034). Conclusions— We observed evidence of differential cardiovascular risk as a function of celecoxib dose regimen and baseline cardiovascular risk. By further clarifying the extent of celecoxib-related cardiovascular risk, these findings may help guide treatment decisions for patients who derive clinical benefit from selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition.

Lancet Oncology | 2014

Breast cancer in China

Lei Fan; Kathrin Strasser-Weippl; Junjie Li; Jessica St. Louis; Dianne M. Finkelstein; Ke Da Yu; Wan Qing Chen; Zhi Ming Shao; Paul E. Goss

The health burden of cancer is increasing in China, with more than 1·6 million people being diagnosed and 1·2 million people dying of the disease each year. As in most other countries, breast cancer is now the most common cancer in Chinese women; cases in China account for 12·2% of all newly diagnosed breast cancers and 9·6% of all deaths from breast cancer worldwide. Chinas proportional contribution to global rates is increasing rapidly because of the populations rising socioeconomic status and unique reproductive patterns. In this Review we present an overview of present control measures for breast cancer across China, and emphasise epidemiological and socioeconomic diversities and disparities in access to care for various subpopulations. We describe demographic differences between China and high-income countries, and also within geographical and socioeconomic regions of China. These disparities between China and high-income countries include younger age at onset of breast cancer; the unique one-child policy; lower rates of provision and uptake for screening for breast cancer; delays in diagnosis that result in more advanced stage of disease at presentation; inadequate resources; and a lack of awareness about breast cancer in the Chinese population. Finally, we recommend key measures that could contribute to improved health outcomes for patients with breast cancer in China.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2001

Aromatase Inhibitors in the Treatment and Prevention of Breast Cancer

Paul E. Goss; Kathrin Strasser

PURPOSE The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the current clinical status and possible future applications of aromatase inhibitors in breast cancer. METHODS A review of the literature on the third-generation aromatase inhibitors was conducted. Some data that have been presented but not published are included. In addition, the designs of ongoing trials with aromatase inhibitors are outlined and the implications of possible results discussed. RESULTS All of the third-generation oral aromatase inhibitors--letrozole, anastrozole, and vorozole (nonsteroidal, type II) and exemestane (steroidal, type I)--have now been tested in phase III trials as second-line treatment of postmenopausal hormone-dependent breast cancer. They have shown clear superiority compared with the conventional therapies and are therefore considered established second-line hormonal agents. Currently, they are being tested as first-line therapy in the metastatic, adjuvant, and neoadjuvant settings. Preliminary results suggest that the inhibitors might displace tamoxifen as first-line treatment, but further studies are needed to determine this. CONCLUSION The role of aromatase inhibitors in premenopausal breast cancer and in combination with chemotherapy and other anticancer treatments are areas of future exploration. The ongoing adjuvant trials will provide important data on the long-term safety of aromatase inhibitors, which will help to determine their suitability for use as chemopreventives in healthy women at risk of developing breast cancer.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2006

Effect of Letrozole Versus Placebo on Bone Mineral Density in Women With Primary Breast Cancer Completing 5 or More Years of Adjuvant Tamoxifen: A Companion Study to NCIC CTG MA.17

Edith A. Perez; Robert G. Josse; Kathleen I. Pritchard; James N. Ingle; Silvana Martino; Brian Findlay; Tamara N. Shenkier; Richard Tozer; Michael J. Palmer; Lois E. Shepherd; Shifang Liu; Dongsheng Tu; Paul E. Goss

PURPOSE Aromatase inhibition depletes estrogen levels and may be associated with accelerated bone resorption. The National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group (NCIC CTG) study MA.17B evaluated bone turnover markers and bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women randomly assigned to MA.17, a placebo-controlled trial of letrozole after standard adjuvant tamoxifen. PATIENTS AND METHODS Eligible women had a baseline BMD T score of at least 2.0 in either the hip or L2-4 spine; all received calcium 500 mg and vitamin D 400 U daily. Percentage change in BMD (L2-L4 spine and hip) at 12 and 24 months, rate of osteoporosis, and change in markers of bone formation (serum bone alkaline phosphatase) and resorption (serum C-telopeptide and urine N-telopeptide) at 6, 12, and 24 months were compared. RESULTS Two hundred twenty-six patients (122 letrozole, 104 placebo) were enrolled. Baseline characteristics were similar in the two groups, including BMD, median age of 60.7 years (81% < 70 years), and median follow-up of 1.6 years. At 24 months, patients receiving letrozole had a significant decrease in total hip BMD (-3.6% v -0.71%; P = .044) and lumbar spine BMD (-5.35% v -0.70%; P = .008). Letrozole increased urine N-telopeptide at 6, 12, and 24 months (P = .054, < .001, and .016, respectively). No patient went below the threshold for osteoporosis in total hip BMD, whereas at the L2-L4 (posteroanterior view), more women became osteoporotic by BMD while receiving letrozole (4.1% v 0%; P = .064). CONCLUSION After 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen, subsequent letrozole causes a modest increase in bone resorption and reduction in bone mineral density in the spine and hip compared to placebo. Further follow-up is necessary to evaluate the long-term clinical implications of this difference.

Nature Genetics | 2000

Localization to Xq27 of a susceptibility gene for testicular germ-cell tumours

Elizabeth A. Rapley; Gillian P. Crockford; Dawn Teare; Patrick J. Biggs; Sheila Seal; Rita Barfoot; S Edwards; Rifat Hamoudi; Ketil Heimdal; Sophie D. Fosså; Katherine L. Tucker; Jenny Donald; Felicity Collins; Michael Friedlander; David Hogg; Paul E. Goss; Axel Heidenreich; Wilma Ormiston; Peter A. Daly; David Forman; R. Timothy D. Oliver; Michael Gordon Leahy; Robert Huddart; Colin S. Cooper; Julia G. Bodmer; Douglas F. Easton; Michael R. Stratton; D. Timothy Bishop

Testicular germ-cell tumours (TGCT) affect 1 in 500 men and are the most common cancer in males aged 15–40 in Western European populations. The incidence of TGCT has risen dramatically over the last century. Known risk factors for TGCT include a history of undescended testis (UDT), testicular dysgenesis, infertility, previously diagnosed TGCT (ref. 7) and a family history of the disease. Brothers of men with TGCT have an 8-10-fold risk of developing TGCT (refs 8,9), whereas the relative risk to fathers and sons is fourfold (ref. 9). This familial relative risk is much higher than that for most other types of cancer. We have collected samples from 134 families with two or more cases of TGCT, 87 of which are affected sibpairs. A genome-wide linkage search yielded a heterogeneity lod (hlod) score of 2.01 on chromosome Xq27 using all families compatible with X inheritance. We obtained a hlod score of 4.7 from families with at least one bilateral case, corresponding to a genome-wide significance level of P=0.034. The proportion of families with UDT linked to this locus was 73% compared with 26% of families without UDT (P=0.03). Our results provide evidence for a TGCT susceptibility gene on chromosome Xq27 that may also predispose to UDT.

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