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Featured researches published by Paul-Eberhard Schulze.

Developmental Brain Research | 1991

Progestin receptor cells in mouse cerebral cortex during early postnatal development: a comparison with preoptic area and central hypothalamus using autoradiography with [125I]progestin

Paul J. Shughrue; Walter E. Stumpf; Walter Elger; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Madhabananda Sar

The distribution of progestin target cells in the cerebral cortex and the effect of estrogen treatment was assessed during the critical period of brain development and compared with the preoptic/central hypothalamic regions. [125I]progestin was injected into 0, 2, 8, and 12 day postnatal mice pretreated for 3 days with oil, 5 micrograms/100 g b, wt., or 100 micrograms/100 g b. wt. of estradiol dissolved in oil. Two hours after injection of radiolabeled ligand, brains were frozen and processed for thaw-mount autoradiography. At birth, labeled cells were detected in the deep (lamina VI) and intermediate (lamina V) layers of the lateral cortical regions, increased in laminae V-VI of the lateral cortex and laminae II-VI of the cingulate/paracingulate cortex at days 2 and 8, and decreased throughout the cortex by day 12. Pretreatment of animals with estradiol had no noticeable effect on the nuclear concentration of [125I]progestin in cortical cells, while estrogen weakly enhanced labeling in preoptic/central hypothalamic regions at day 2 and markedly augmented labeling in the 8 and 12 day brain. The results demonstrated that progestin receptor cells are present in the postnatal dorsal cortex, preoptic area, and hypothalamus and that the topography of cortical progestin target cells differs in part from that of estrogen target cells reported earlier.

Tetrahedron | 1986

Synthesis of 17α-bromovinyl- and 17α-iodovinylnortestosterone derivatives

Helmut Hofmeister; Henry Laurent; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Rudolf Wiechert

Depending upon the reaction conditions, norethisterone (1) and its ketal 2 can be transformed with tributyltin hydride to either the (E)-or(Z)-17α-(2-tributylstannylvinyl)-nortestosterone derivatives 3, 8 and 13. Further treatment with N-bromo- or N-iodosuccinimide yields the corresponding (E)- and (Z)-17α-halovinyl steroids 6,7,10 and 11. Radio-labelled (Z)-17α-(2-iodovinyl)-nortestosterone was prepared by reaction of the 17α-stannylvinyl derivative 13 with Na125I.

Naturwissenschaften | 1962

Wilzbach-Markierung organischer Verbindungen nach Kohle-Adsorption und ihre Reinigung mittels Dnnschicht-Chromatographie

Martin Wenzel; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Hans Wollenberg

N-Carbobenzo x y-O( N-tert.but y lo x y varbon yl-gl y c yl) -L-seri n (I) wurde aus 13OC-glycin u n d N-Z-L-se r in ( Isovaler ians~iurechlor id/Methylenchlor idl) ] kr is ta l l is ier t in 70%iger Ausbeu t e e rha l ten . ClsH24N2Os (396,3). Ber. C 54,45; H 6,10; N 7,07. Gef. C 54,70; H 6,26; N 7.06. Schmp. t27 ~ [~})s: + 9,3 ~ ~ 0,8 ~ (c ~ 3,0, Eisessig). D-allo-Isoleucyl-L-prolyl-sarkosin4ert. butylester-hydrochl Orid (II). K u p p l u n g y o n Z-D-allo-isoleucin u n d L-Pro l in m e t h y l e s t e r l ieferte in 80%iger A u s b e u t e kr i s ta l l i s ie r ten Z-D-allo-isoleucyl-L-prolin-methylester v o m Schmp. 72 ~. C2oH2sN205 (376,4). Ber. C 63,81; I-I 7,50; N 7,44. GeE C 63,93; H 7,55; N 7,44. [ c ~ ] ~ 2 : 2 2 , 9 ~ 1 7 7 ~ ( c = 3 , 0 , Nthallol) . H y d r a z i l l h y d r a t in absol. N t h a n o l ve rwande l t e den Es t e r in 9 0 % i g e r A u s b e u t e in kr is ta l l i s ier tes Z-D-allo-isoleucyI-L-prol i l l -hydraz id v o m Schmp. 107 ~ CI~H~sNaO ~ (376,4). Ber. C 6 0 , 6 2 ; H 7 , 5 0 ; N 14,88. Gef. C 6 0 , 7 1 ; H 7 , 5 9 ; N 15,09. [c~]~a: 28,3 ~ • 0,8 ~ (c = 3,0, A-thanoI). Umse tze l l des H y d r a zids m i t Sarkosi l l ter t . b u t y l e s t e r (Azid-Methode) f t ihr te z u m Z-D-allo-isoleucyl-L-prolyl-sarkosin-tert. bu ty les t e r . Bet . %0 Mol allo-Isoleucill, 1,0 Mol Prolin, 1,0 Mol Sarkosin. Gef. 0,9 Mol al lo-Isoleucin, 0,9 Mol Prolill, 0,9 Mol Sarkosirl. 20. aej~ 9 3 1 , 2 ~ ~ ( c = 3,2, Athallol) . N a c h d e m d u t c h ka tMyt i s che H y d r i e r u n g (PtO~/Methanol) die Carbobel lzoxyG r u p p e (Z) abgespM t en war, f~llte m a n I I m i t de r /~quimolekulareI1 Mellge HC1 (in Methanol ) u n d ~ t h e r als farbIoses, hyg roskop i s ches P u l v e r aus . N a c h Umf~l l en aus A~hauol / A t h e r b i lde te I I i m H o c h s p a n n u n g s P h e r o g r a m m (2300 V 35 mA, Ameisensgure -Ess igs l iu re -Puf fe r , p ~ 1,9) eille e inhei t liche Zone. 13er. 1,0 Mol allo-Isoleucin, 1,0 Mol Prolin, 1,0 MoI Sarkosin. Gef. 1,0 Mol allo-Isoleucin, 1,0 Mol Prolin, t ,0 Mol Sarkosin. Ans I u n d I I e rhie l t n l an m i t Dicyc lohexy l -ca rbod i imid in 75 % iger A u s b e u t e I I I , das au s N t h y l a c e t a t / P e t r o l g t h e r an lleut r a l em Kieselgel c h r o m a t o g r a p h i s c h gere in ig t wurde . Fa rb loses Pu lver . Ca~H~NsO** (733,8). lBer. C 58,93; H 7,55; N 9,54. t , 0 M o I Serin, t , 0 M o l Glycin, t , 0 M o l allo-Isoleucill, t , 0 M o l Prol in, 1 ,0Mol Sarkosin . Gef. 59, t4 ; H 7,73; N 9,52. 0 , 9 M o l Serill2), a , 0 M o l Glycin, t , 0 M o l allo-Isoieucin, t ,0 Mol Prolin, 1,0 Mol Sarkosin . [c~]~=: -18 ,8~177 ~ (c = 2, 7, &thanol) . I I I gab mi~ HCt /Methy lench lo r id bet 0 ~ IV, e in farbloses Pulver , das im H o c h s p a n n u n g s P h e r o g r a m m (2300 V 35 mA, Ameisens~ure -Ess igsgure -Puf fe r , p i t t,9) eine e inhei t liche Zone biIdete. 13er. 1,0 Mol Serin, 1,0 Mol Glycin, 1,0 Mol Mlo-Isoleucin, 1,0 Mol Prolin, 1,0 Mol Sarkosin. Gel. 0,8 Mol Serin2), 0,9 Mol Glycin, 1,0 Mol allo-Isoleucin, 0,9 Mol Prolin, t ,0 Mol Sarkosin. [ a ] ~ : 22,3 ~ • 0,8 ~ (c = 2,8, Athano l ) . Zyklis ierul lg v o n IV m i t Dicyc lohexy l -ca rbod i imid in absol. T e t r a h y d r o f u r a n (2 mM ol IV in 3 1 LOsungsmit teI ) l ieferte in A u s b e u t e n bis zu 46% d. Th. das Cyclo-pept idDe r iva t V. Feine, fa rb lose Nadeln , die sich aus Benzol /Cycloh e x a n oder Ace ton /Athe r umkris ta l l i s iere l l lassen. Schmp. Naturwissensehaften t962 232 ~ 9 C2vHavNsOs (559,6). 13er. C 57,95; H 6,66; N t2,52. 1,0 Mol Serin, t ,0 Mol Glycin, 1,0 Mol allo-Isolellcin, 1,0 Mol Prolin, t , 0 M o l Sarkosill. Gef. C 58,0t ; H 6,82; N t2,52. 0,8 Mol Serin2), 0,9 Mol Glycill, 1,0 Mol allo-Isoleucin, 1,0 Mol Prolill, 0,9 Mol Sarkosin . Mol-Gew. 5 4 6 • 20 [RAsT, L a c t a m der p -Amino-hexahydrobenzoesXurea ) ]. 23. _F~]II,. + 48,0 ~ • t ,0 ~ (c = 2,8, Chloroform). Dl l rch ka t a ly t i s che H y d r i e r u n g wurde aus V die Carbob e n z o x y G r u p p e (Z) abgespa l t en . N a c h EingieBen der Reakt ions I0sung ill ~ t h e r (die be rechne te Mellge HC1 enthal te l ld) fiel VI aus u n d wurde aus A t h a n o l / ~ t h e r umgefg l l t . Es war d a n n eiI1 farbloses, hyg roskop i sches Pulver , das im Hochs p a n n u n g s P h e r o g r a m m (2300 V 35 mA, Amei sensgu re Essigsgure=Puffer , pl~ 1,9) als e inhei t l iche Zone zur K a t h o d e wander te . Ber. 1,0 Mol Serin, t ,0 Mol Glycin, 1,0 Mol alloIsoleucin, 1,0 MoI Prolin, ~,0 Mol Sarkosin. GeE 0,7 Mol Serill-2), 1 ,0Mol Glycin, 0 , 9Mol allo-Isoleucill, 0,9 Prolill, 0,9 Mol Sarkosin . [ ~ 0 : 480,5 ~ =L 1,2 ~ (e : 2 , t , Eisessig). I R S p e k t r u m : CO-I3ande 1750 c m l ( L a c t o n g r u p p e ) .

Archive | 1980

Triiodinated 5-aminoisophthalic acid derivatives

Wolfgang Mutzel; Hans-Martin Siefert; Ulrich Speck; Heinrich Pfeiffer; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Bernhard Dr. Acksteiner

Angewandte Chemie | 1981

A Novel Entry to Corticoids

Ulrich Kerb; Manfred Stahnke; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Rudolf Wiechert

Angewandte Chemie | 1962

Analytisch-technische Untersuchungen. Automatische Aktivitätsmessung bei der Trennung radioaktiver Verbindungen auf Dünnschicht-Chromatogrammen

Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Martin Wenzel

Endocrinology | 1991

Progestin receptor cells in the 8-day-old male and female mouse cerebral cortex: Autoradiographic evidence for a sexual dimorphism in target cell number

Paul J. Shughrue; Walter E. Stumpf; Walter Elger; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Madhabananda Sar

Endocrinology | 1989

Progestin Receptors in Brain and Pituitary of 20-Day-Old Fetal Mice: An Autoradiographic Study Using [125I]Progestin

Paul J. Shughrue; Walter E. Stumpf; Madhabananda Sar; Walter Elger; Paul-Eberhard Schulze

Angewandte Chemie | 2006

Ein neuer Zugang zu Corticoiden

Ulrich Kerb; Manfred Stahnke; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Rudolf Wiechert

Archive | 1989

17-halovinyl estrane derivatives, their preparation and their use in medicines

Helmut Hofmeister; Henry Laurent; Paul-Eberhard Schulze; Rudolf Wiechert; Walter Dr Elger; Kunhard Pollow; H.J. Grill


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Henry Laurent

Goethe University Frankfurt

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Helmut Hofmeister

Technical University of Berlin

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Kunhard Pollow

Free University of Berlin

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