
Nature | 2010

Widespread transcription at neuronal activity-regulated enhancers

Tae Kyung Kim; Martin Hemberg; Jesse M. Gray; Allen M. Costa; Daniel M. Bear; Jing Wu; David A. Harmin; Mike Laptewicz; Kellie Barbara-Haley; Scott Kuersten; Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou; Dietmar Kuhl; Haruhiko Bito; Paul F. Worley; Gabriel Kreiman; Michael E. Greenberg

We used genome-wide sequencing methods to study stimulus-dependent enhancer function in mouse cortical neurons. We identified ∼12,000 neuronal activity-regulated enhancers that are bound by the general transcriptional co-activator CBP in an activity-dependent manner. A function of CBP at enhancers may be to recruit RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), as we also observed activity-regulated RNAPII binding to thousands of enhancers. Notably, RNAPII at enhancers transcribes bi-directionally a novel class of enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) within enhancer domains defined by the presence of histone H3 monomethylated at lysine 4. The level of eRNA expression at neuronal enhancers positively correlates with the level of messenger RNA synthesis at nearby genes, suggesting that eRNA synthesis occurs specifically at enhancers that are actively engaged in promoting mRNA synthesis. These findings reveal that a widespread mechanism of enhancer activation involves RNAPII binding and eRNA synthesis.

Neuron | 1993

Expression of a mitogen-inducible cyclooxygenase in brain neurons: Regulation by synaptic activity and glucocorticoids

Kanato Yamagata; Katrin Andreasson; Walter E. Kaufmann; Carol A. Barnes; Paul F. Worley

Prostaglandins play important and diverse roles in the CNS. The first step in prostaglandin synthesis involves enzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid, which is catalyzed by prostaglandin H(PGH) synthase, also referred to as cyclooxygenase. We have cloned an inducible form of this enzyme from rat brain that is nearly identical to a murine, mitogen-inducible cyclooxygenase identified from fibroblasts. Our studies indicate that this gene, here termed COX-2, is expressed throughout the forebrain in discrete populations of neurons and is enriched in the cortex and hippocampus. Neuronal expression is rapidly and transiently induced by seizures or NMDA-dependent synaptic activity. No expression is detected in glia or vascular endothelial cells. Basal expression of COX-2 appears to be regulated by natural synaptic activity in the developing and adult brain. Both basal and induced expression of COX-2 are inhibited by glucocorticoids, consistent with COX-2 regulation in peripheral tissues. Our studies indicate that COX-2 expression may be important in regulating prostaglandin signaling in brain. The marked inducibility in neurons by synaptic stimuli suggests a role in activity-dependent plasticity.

Neuron | 1995


Gregory Lyford; Kanato Yamagata; Walter E. Kaufmann; Carol A. Barnes; Laura Sanders; Neal G. Copeland; Debra J. Gilbert; Nancy A. Jenkins; Anthony Lanahan; Paul F. Worley

Neuronal activity is an essential stimulus for induction of plasticity and normal development of the CNS. We have used differential cloning techniques to identify a novel immediate-early gene (IEG) cDNA that is rapidly induced in neurons by activity in models of adult and developmental plasticity. Both the mRNA and the encoded protein are enriched in neuronal dendrites. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence indicates a region of homology with alpha-spectrin, and the full-length protein, prepared by in vitro transcription/translation, coprecipitates with F-actin. Confocal microscopy of the native protein in hippocampal neurons demonstrates that the IEG-encoded protein is enriched in the subplasmalemmal cortex of the cell body and dendrites and thus colocalizes with the actin cytoskeletal matrix. Accordingly, we have termed the gene and encoded protein Arc (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein). Our observations suggest that Arc may play a role in activity-dependent plasticity of dendrites.

Neuron | 1999

Coupling of mGluR/Homer and PSD-95 Complexes by the Shank Family of Postsynaptic Density Proteins

Jian Cheng Tu; Bo Xiao; Scott Naisbitt; Joseph P. Yuan; Ronald S. Petralia; Paul R. Brakeman; Andrew Doan; Vinay K. Aakalu; Anthony Lanahan; Morgan Sheng; Paul F. Worley

Shank is a recently described family of postsynaptic proteins that function as part of the NMDA receptor-associated PSD-95 complex (Naisbitt et al., 1999 [this issue of Neuron]). Here, we report that Shank proteins also bind to Homer. Homer proteins form multivalent complexes that bind proline-rich motifs in group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors and inositol trisphosphate receptors, thereby coupling these receptors in a signaling complex. A single Homer-binding site is identified in Shank, and Shank and Homer coimmunoprecipitate from brain and colocalize at postsynaptic densities. Moreover, Shank clusters mGluR5 in heterologous cells in the presence of Homer and mediates the coclustering of Homer with PSD-95/GKAP. Thus, Shank may cross-link Homer and PSD-95 complexes in the PSD and play a role in the signaling mechanisms of both mGluRs and NMDA receptors.

Neuron | 1999

Shank, a novel family of postsynaptic density proteins that binds to the NMDA receptor/PSD-95/GKAP complex and cortactin.

Scott Naisbitt; Eunjoon Kim; Jian Cheng Tu; Bo Xiao; Carlo Sala; Juli G. Valtschanoff; Richard J. Weinberg; Paul F. Worley; Morgan Sheng

NMDA receptors are linked to intracellular cytoskeletal and signaling molecules via the PSD-95 protein complex. We report a novel family of postsynaptic density (PSD) proteins, termed Shank, that binds via its PDZ domain to the C terminus of PSD-95-associated protein GKAP. A ternary complex of Shank/GKAP/PSD-95 assembles in heterologous cells and can be coimmunoprecipitated from rat brain. Synaptic localization of Shank in neurons is inhibited by a GKAP splice variant that lacks the Shank-binding C terminus. In addition to its PDZ domain, Shank contains a proline-rich region that binds to cortactin and a SAM domain that mediates multimerization. Shank may function as a scaffold protein in the PSD, potentially cross-linking NMDA receptor/PSD-95 complexes and coupling them to regulators of the actin cytoskeleton.

Nature Neuroscience | 1999

Environment-specific expression of the immediate-early gene Arc in hippocampal neuronal ensembles

John F. Guzowski; Bruce L. McNaughton; Carol A. Barnes; Paul F. Worley

We used fluorescent in-situ hybridization and confocal microscopy to monitor the subcellular distribution of the immediate-early gene Arc. Arc RNA appeared in discrete intranuclear foci within minutes of neuronal activation and subsequently disappeared from the nucleus and accumulated in the cytoplasm by 30 minutes. The time course of nuclear versus cytoplasmic Arc RNA accumulation was distinct, and could therefore be used to infer the activity history of individual neurons at two times. Following sequential exposure of rats to two different environments or to the same environment twice, the proportion of CA1 neurons with cytoplasmic, nuclear or overlapping Arc expression profiles matched predictions derived from ensemble neurophysiological recordings of hippocampal neuronal ensembles. Arc gene induction is thus specifically linked to neural encoding processes.

Immunity | 2009

The mTOR Kinase Differentially Regulates Effector and Regulatory T Cell Lineage Commitment

Greg M. Delgoffe; Thomas P. Kole; Yan Zheng; Paul E. Zarek; Krystal L. Matthews; Bo Xiao; Paul F. Worley; Sara C. Kozma; Jonathan D. Powell

Effector T cell differentiation requires the simultaneous integration of multiple, and sometimes opposing, cytokine signals. We demonstrated mTORs role in dictating the outcome of T cell fate. mTOR-deficient T cells displayed normal activation and IL-2 production upon initial stimulation. However, such cells failed to differentiate into T helper 1 (Th1), Th2, or Th17 effector cells. The inability to differentiate was associated with decreased STAT transcription factor activation and failure to upregulate lineage-specific transcription factors. Under normally activating conditions, T cells lacking mTOR differentiated into Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. This was associated with hyperactive Smad3 activation in the absence of exogenous TGF-beta. Surprisingly, T cells selectively deficient in TORC1 do not divert to a regulatory T cell pathway, implicating both TORC1 and TORC2 in preventing the generation of regulatory T cells. Overall, our studies suggest that mTOR kinase signaling regulates decisions between effector and regulatory T cell lineage commitment.

Neuron | 1998

Synaptic Activation Causes the mRNA for the IEG Arc to Localize Selectively near Activated Postsynaptic Sites on Dendrites

Oswald Steward; Christopher S. Wallace; Gregory L. Lyford; Paul F. Worley

Polyribosomal complexes beneath postsynaptic sites on dendrites provide a substrate for local translation of particular mRNAs, but the signals that target mRNAs to synapses remain to be defined. Here, we report that high frequency activation of the perforant path projections to the dentate gyrus causes newly synthesized mRNA for the immediate-early gene (IEG) Arc to localize selectively in activated dendritic segments. Newly synthesized Arc protein also accumulates in the portion of the dendrite that had been synaptically activated. The targeting of Arc mRNA was not disrupted by locally inhibiting protein synthesis, indicating that the signals for mRNA localization reside in the mRNA itself. This novel mechanism through which newly synthesized mRNA is precisely targeted to activated synapses is well suited to play a role in the enduring forms of activity-dependent synaptic modification that require protein synthesis.

Nature Immunology | 2011

The kinase mTOR regulates the differentiation of helper T cells through the selective activation of signaling by mTORC1 and mTORC2

Greg M. Delgoffe; Kristen N. Pollizzi; Adam T. Waickman; Emily B. Heikamp; David J. Meyers; Maureen R. Horton; Bo Xiao; Paul F. Worley; Jonathan D. Powell

The kinase mTOR has emerged as an important regulator of the differentiation of helper T cells. Here we demonstrate that differentiation into the TH1 and TH17 subsets of helper T cells was selectively regulated by signaling from mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) that was dependent on the small GTPase Rheb. Rheb-deficient T cells failed to generate TH1 and TH17 responses in vitro and in vivo and did not induce classical experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). However, they retained their ability to become TH2 cells. Alternatively, when mTORC2 signaling was deleted from T cells, they failed to generate TH2 cells in vitro and in vivo but preserved their ability to become TH1 and TH17 cells. Our data identify mechanisms by which two distinct signaling pathways downstream of mTOR regulate helper cell fate in different ways. These findings define a previously unknown paradigm that links T cell differentiation with selective metabolic signaling pathways.

Neuron | 1998

Homer regulates the association of group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors with multivalent complexes of homer-related, synaptic proteins.

Bo Xiao; Jian Cheng Tu; Ronald S. Petralia; Joseph P. Yuan; Andrew Doan; Christopher D Breder; Alicia Ruggiero; Anthony Lanahan; Robert J. Wenthold; Paul F. Worley

Homer is a neuronal immediate early gene (IEG) that is enriched at excitatory synapses and binds group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Here, we characterize a family of Homer-related proteins derived from three distinct genes. Like Homer IEG (now termed Homer 1a), all new members bind group 1 mGluRs. In contrast to Homer 1a, new members are constitutively expressed and encode a C-terminal coiled-coil (CC) domain that mediates self-multimerization. CC-Homers form natural complexes that cross-link mGluRs and are enriched at the postsynaptic density. Homer 1a does not multimerize and blocks the association of mGluRs with CC-Homer complexes. These observations support a model in which the dynamic expression of Homer 1a competes with constitutively expressed CC-Homers to modify synaptic mGluR properties.

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