
Genetics | 2012

The Regulation of Filamentous Growth in Yeast

Paul J. Cullen; George F. Sprague

Filamentous growth is a nutrient-regulated growth response that occurs in many fungal species. In pathogens, filamentous growth is critical for host–cell attachment, invasion into tissues, and virulence. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes filamentous growth, which provides a genetically tractable system to study the molecular basis of the response. Filamentous growth is regulated by evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways. One of these pathways is a mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. A remarkable feature of the filamentous growth MAPK pathway is that it is composed of factors that also function in other pathways. An intriguing challenge therefore has been to understand how pathways that share components establish and maintain their identity. Other canonical signaling pathways—rat sarcoma/protein kinase A (RAS/PKA), sucrose nonfermentable (SNF), and target of rapamycin (TOR)—also regulate filamentous growth, which raises the question of how signals from multiple pathways become integrated into a coordinated response. Together, these pathways regulate cell differentiation to the filamentous type, which is characterized by changes in cell adhesion, cell polarity, and cell shape. How these changes are accomplished is also discussed. High-throughput genomics approaches have recently uncovered new connections to filamentous growth regulation. These connections suggest that filamentous growth is a more complex and globally regulated behavior than is currently appreciated, which may help to pave the way for future investigations into this eukaryotic cell differentiation behavior.

Eukaryotic Cell | 2002

GTPase-Activating Proteins for Cdc42

Gregory R. Smith; Scott A. Givan; Paul J. Cullen; George F. Sprague

ABSTRACT The Rho-type GTPase, Cdc42, has been implicated in a variety of functions in the yeast life cycle, including septin organization for cytokinesis, pheromone response, and haploid invasive growth. A group of proteins called GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) catalyze the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP, thereby inactivating Cdc42. At the time this study began, there was one known GAP, Bem3, and one putative GAP, Rga1, for Cdc42. We identified another putative GAP for Cdc42 and named it Rga2 (Rho GTPase-activating protein 2). We confirmed by genetic and biochemical criteria that Rga1, Rga2, and Bem3 act as GAPs for Cdc42. A detailed characterization of Rga1, Rga2, and Bem3 suggested that they regulate different subsets of Cdc42 function. In particular, deletion of the individual GAPs conferred different phenotypes. For example, deletion of RGA1, but not RGA2 or BEM3, caused hyperinvasive growth. Furthermore, overproduction or loss of Rga1 and Rga2, but not Bem3, affected the two-hybrid interaction of Cdc42 with Ste20, a p21-activated kinase (PAK) kinase required for haploid invasive growth. These results suggest Rga1, and possibly Rga2, facilitate the interaction of Cdc42 with Ste20 to mediate signaling in the haploid invasive growth pathway. Deletion of BEM3 resulted in cells with severe morphological defects not observed in rga1Δ or rga2Δ strains. These data suggest that Bem3 and, to a lesser extent, Rga1 and Rga2 facilitate the role of Cdc42 in septin organization. Thus, it appears that the GAPs play a role in modulating specific aspects of Cdc42 function. Alternatively, the different phenotypes could reflect quantitative rather than qualitative differences in GAP activity in the mutant strains.

Journal of Cell Biology | 2008

Cleavage of the signaling mucin Msb2 by the aspartyl protease Yps1 is required for MAPK activation in yeast

Nadia Vadaie; Heather Dionne; Darowan S. Akajagbor; Seth R. Nickerson; Damian J. Krysan; Paul J. Cullen

Signaling mucins are cell adhesion molecules that activate RAS/RHO guanosine triphosphatases and their effector mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. We found that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mucin Msb2p, which functions at the head of the Cdc42p-dependent MAPK pathway that controls filamentous growth, is processed into secreted and cell-associated forms. Cleavage of the extracellular inhibitory domain of Msb2p by the aspartyl protease Yps1p generated the active form of the protein by a mechanism incorporating cellular nutritional status. Activated Msb2p functioned through the tetraspan protein Sho1p to induce MAPK activation as well as cell polarization, which involved the Cdc42p guanine nucleotide exchange factor Cdc24p. We postulate that cleavage-dependent activation is a general feature of signaling mucins, which brings to light a novel regulatory aspect of this class of signaling adhesion molecule.

Molecular Biology of the Cell | 2009

The signaling mucins Msb2 and Hkr1 differentially regulate the filamentation mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and contribute to a multimodal response.

Andrew Pitoniak; Barbara Birkaya; Heather Dionne; Nadia Vadaie; Paul J. Cullen

A central question in the area of signal transduction is why pathways utilize common components. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the HOG and filamentous growth (FG) MAPK pathways require overlapping components but are thought to be induced by different stimuli and specify distinct outputs. To better understand the regulation of the FG pathway, we examined FG in one of yeasts native environments, the grape-producing plant Vitis vinifera. In this setting, different aspects of FG were induced in a temporal manner coupled to the nutrient cycle, which uncovered a multimodal feature of FG pathway signaling. FG pathway activity was modulated by the HOG pathway, which led to the finding that the signaling mucins Msb2p and Hkr1p, which operate at the head of the HOG pathway, differentially regulate the FG pathway. The two mucins exhibited different expression and secretion patterns, and their overproduction induced nonoverlapping sets of target genes. Moreover, Msb2p had a function in cell polarization through the adaptor protein Sho1p that Hkr1p did not. Differential MAPK activation by signaling mucins brings to light a new point of discrimination between MAPK pathways.

Current Biology | 2010

Shedding of the Mucin-Like Flocculin Flo11p Reveals a New Aspect of Fungal Adhesion Regulation

Sheelarani Karunanithi; Nadia Vadaie; Colin A. Chavel; Barbara Birkaya; Jyoti Joshi; Laura Grell; Paul J. Cullen

Cell adhesion is a key feature in the regulation of many biological processes. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Flo11p is the major adhesion molecule that controls filamentous growth [1-3] and the expansion of interconnected cells in mats or biofilms [4]. We show here that Flo11p is shed from cells. Flo11p shedding attenuated adherence and contributed to the overall balance in adherence properties that was optimal for filamentous growth and mat formation. Shed Flo11p comprised an essential component of a fluid layer surrounding yeast mats that may be functionally analogous to the mucus secretions of higher eukaryotes. Genome-wide secretion profiling of Flo11p identified new regulatory proteins, including the furin protease Kex2p, which was required for cleavage and maturation of the Flo11p protein. Secreted mucin-like proteins may play unexpected roles in the adherence properties and virulence of microbial pathogens.

PLOS Genetics | 2010

Multiple signals converge on a differentiation MAPK pathway.

Colin A. Chavel; Heather Dionne; Barbara Birkaya; Jyoti Joshi; Paul J. Cullen

An important emerging question in the area of signal transduction is how information from different pathways becomes integrated into a highly coordinated response. In budding yeast, multiple pathways regulate filamentous growth, a complex differentiation response that occurs under specific environmental conditions. To identify new aspects of filamentous growth regulation, we used a novel screening approach (called secretion profiling) that measures release of the extracellular domain of Msb2p, the signaling mucin which functions at the head of the filamentous growth (FG) MAPK pathway. Secretion profiling of complementary genomic collections showed that many of the pathways that regulate filamentous growth (RAS, RIM101, OPI1, and RTG) were also required for FG pathway activation. This regulation sensitized the FG pathway to multiple stimuli and synchronized it to the global signaling network. Several of the regulators were required for MSB2 expression, which identifies the MSB2 promoter as a target “hub” where multiple signals converge. Accessibility to the MSB2 promoter was further regulated by the histone deacetylase (HDAC) Rpd3p(L), which positively regulated FG pathway activity and filamentous growth. Our findings provide the first glimpse of a global regulatory hierarchy among the pathways that control filamentous growth. Systems-level integration of signaling circuitry is likely to coordinate other regulatory networks that control complex behaviors.

Eukaryotic Cell | 2009

Role of the Cell Wall Integrity and Filamentous Growth Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in Cell Wall Remodeling during Filamentous Growth

Barbara Birkaya; Abhiram Maddi; Jyoti Joshi; Stephen J. Free; Paul J. Cullen

ABSTRACT Many fungal species including pathogens exhibit filamentous growth (FG) as a means of foraging for nutrients. Genetic screens were performed to identify genes required for FG in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes encoding proteins with established functions in transcriptional activation (MCM1, MATα2, PHD1, MSN2, SIR4, and HMS2), cell wall integrity (MPT5, WSC2, and MID2), and cell polarity (BUD5) were identified as potential regulators of FG. The transcription factors MCM1 and MATα2 induced invasive growth by promoting diploid-specific bipolar budding in haploid cells. Components of the cell wall integrity pathway including the cell surface proteins Slg1p/Wsc1p, Wsc2p, Mid2p, and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Slt2p/Mpk1p contributed to multiple aspects of the FG response including cell elongation, cell-cell adherence, and agar invasion. Mid2p and Wsc2p stimulated the FG MAPK pathway through the signaling mucin Msb2p and components of the MAPK cascade. The FG pathway contributed to cell wall integrity in parallel with the cell wall integrity pathway and in opposition with the high osmolarity glycerol response pathway. Mass spectrometry approaches identified components of the filamentous cell wall including the mucin-like proteins Msb2p, Flo11p, and subtelomeric (silenced) mucin Flo10p. Secretion of Msb2p, which occurs as part of the maturation of the protein, was inhibited by the ß-1,3-glucan layer of the cell wall, which highlights a new regulatory aspect to cell wall remodeling in this organism. Disruption of ß-1,3-glucan linkages induced mucin shedding and resulted in defects in cell-cell adhesion and invasion of cells into the agar matrix.

Eukaryotic Cell | 2002

The Glc7p-Interacting Protein Bud14p Attenuates Polarized Growth, Pheromone Response, and Filamentous Growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Paul J. Cullen; George F. Sprague

ABSTRACT A genetic selection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for mutants that stimulate the mating pathway uncovered a mutant that had a hyperactive pheromone response pathway and also had hyperpolarized growth. Cloning and segregation analysis demonstrated that BUD14 was the affected gene. Disruption of BUD14 in wild-type cells caused mild stimulation of pheromone response pathway reporters, an increase in sensitivity to mating factor, and a hyperelongated shmoo morphology. The bud14 mutant also had hyperfilamentous growth. Consistent with a role in the control of cell polarity, a Bud14p-green fluorescent protein fusion was localized to sites of polarized growth in the cell. Bud14p shared morphogenetic functions with the Ste20p and Bni1p proteins as well as with the type 1 phosphatase Glc7p. The genetic interactions between BUD14 and GLC7 suggested a role for Glc7p in filamentous growth, and Glc7p was found to have a positive function in filamentous growth in yeast.

Genetics | 2012

The Filamentous Growth MAPK Pathway Responds to Glucose Starvation Through the Mig1/2 Transcriptional Repressors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Sheelarani Karunanithi; Paul J. Cullen

In the budding yeast S. cerevisiae, nutrient limitation induces a MAPK pathway that regulates filamentous growth and biofilm/mat formation. How nutrient levels feed into the regulation of the filamentous growth pathway is not entirely clear. We characterized a newly identified MAPK regulatory protein of the filamentous growth pathway, Opy2. A two-hybrid screen with the cytosolic domain of Opy2 uncovered new interacting partners including a transcriptional repressor that functions in the AMPK pathway, Mig1, and its close functional homolog, Mig2. Mig1 and Mig2 coregulated the filamentous growth pathway in response to glucose limitation, as did the AMP kinase Snf1. In addition to associating with Opy2, Mig1 and Mig2 interacted with other regulators of the filamentous growth pathway including the cytosolic domain of the signaling mucin Msb2, the MAP kinase kinase Ste7, and the MAP kinase Kss1. As for Opy2, Mig1 overproduction dampened the pheromone response pathway, which implicates Mig1 and Opy2 as potential regulators of pathway specificity. Taken together, our findings provide the first regulatory link in yeast between components of the AMPK pathway and a MAPK pathway that controls cellular differentiation.

Eukaryotic Cell | 2009

The tRNA Modification Complex Elongator Regulates the Cdc42-Dependent Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway That Controls Filamentous Growth in Yeast

Ummi Abdullah; Paul J. Cullen

ABSTRACT Signal transduction pathways control multiple aspects of cellular behavior, including global changes to the cell cycle, cell polarity, and gene expression, which can result in the formation of a new cell type. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway that controls filamentous growth induces a dimorphic foraging response under nutrient-limiting conditions. How nutritional cues feed into MAPK activation remains an open question. Here we report a functional connection between the elongator tRNA modification complex (ELP genes) and activity of the filamentous growth pathway. Elongator was required for filamentous growth pathway signaling, and elp mutants were defective for invasive growth, cell polarization, and MAPK-dependent mat formation. Genetic suppression analysis showed that elongator functions at the level of Msb2p, the signaling mucin that operates at the head of the pathway, which led to the finding that elongator regulates the starvation-dependent expression of the MSB2 gene. The Elp complex was not required for activation of related pathways (pheromone response or high osmolarity glycerol response) that share components with the filamentous growth pathway. Because protein translation provides a rough metric of cellular nutritional status, elongator may convey nutritional information to the filamentous growth pathway at the level of MSB2 expression.

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