Paul S. Hsu
Texas A&M University
Featured researches published by Paul S. Hsu.
Optics Letters | 2014
Sukesh Roy; Joseph D. Miller; Mikhail N. Slipchenko; Paul S. Hsu; Jason G. Mance; Terrence R. Meyer; James R. Gord
A high-speed, master-oscillator power-amplifier burst-mode laser with ∼100 ps pulse duration is demonstrated with output energy up to 110 J per burst at 1064 nm and second-harmonic conversion efficiency up to 67% in a KD*P crystal. The output energy is distributed across 100 to 10,000 sequential laser pulses, with 10 kHz to 1 MHz repetition rate, respectively, over 10 ms burst duration. The performance of the 100 ps burst-mode laser is evaluated and been found to compare favorably with that of a similar design that employs a conventional ∼8 ns pulse duration. The nearly transform-limited spectral bandwidth of 0.15 cm(-1) at 532 nm is ideal for a wide range of linear and nonlinear spectroscopic techniques, and the 100 picosecond pulse duration is optimal for fiber-coupled spectroscopic measurements in harsh reacting-flow environments.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2013
Sukesh Roy; Paul S. Hsu; Naibo Jiang; Joseph R. Gord; Waruna D. Kulatilaka; Hans U. Stauffer; James R. Gord
We report direct measurements of S-branch Raman-coherence lifetimes of CO(2) resulting from CO(2)-CO(2) and CO(2)-N(2) collisions by employing time-resolved picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy. The S-branch (ΔJ = +2) transitions of CO(2) with rotational quantum number J = 0-52 were simultaneously excited using a broadband (~5 nm) laser pulse with a full-width-at-half-maximum duration of ~115 ps. The coherence lifetimes of CO(2) for a pressure range of 0.05-1 atm were measured directly by probing the rotational coherence with a nearly transform-limited, 90-ps-long laser pulse. These directly measured Raman-coherence lifetimes, when converted to collisional linewidth broadening coefficients, differ from the previously reported broadening coefficients extracted from frequency-domain rotational Raman and infrared-absorption spectra and from theoretical calculations by 7%-25%.
Optics Letters | 2008
Paul S. Hsu; Anil K. Patnaik; George R. Welch
We demonstrate parametric generation of a new coherent field with a polarization orthogonal to the signal field via an all-resonant four-wave mixing process in a double-ladder system. We show that the generation of the coherent field is an efficient resonantly enhanced process that can be realized with a fairly dilute medium and relatively weak drive fields. The large parameter domain that exists in this system provides good control for both the weak probe and the generated field. Potential applications in optical communication are outlined.
Optics Letters | 2011
Waruna D. Kulatilaka; Paul S. Hsu; James R. Gord; Sukesh Roy
We demonstrate an all-fiber-coupled, UV, laser-induced-fluorescence (LIF) detection system of the hydroxyl radical (OH) in flames. The nanosecond-pulsed excitation of the (1,0) band of the OH A(2)∑(+)-X(2)Π system at ∼283 nm is followed by fluorescence detection from the (0,0) and (1,1) bands around 310 nm. The excitation-laser beam is delivered through a 400 μm core UV-grade optical fiber of up to 10 m in length, and the fluorescence signal collected is transmitted through a 1.5 mm core 3 m long fiber onto the remote detector. Single-laser-shot planar LIF (PLIF) imaging of OH in flames is also demonstrated using fiber-based excitation. The effects of delivering intense UV beams through long optical fibers are investigated, and the system improvements for an all-fiber-coupled OH-PLIF imaging system are discussed. Development of such fiber-based diagnostics and imaging systems constitutes a major step in transitioning laser diagnostic tools from research laboratories to reacting flow facilities of practical interest.
Applied Optics | 2011
Hans U. Stauffer; Waruna D. Kulatilaka; Paul S. Hsu; James R. Gord; Sukesh Roy
We report the development and application of a simple theoretical model for extracting temperatures from picosecond-laser-based coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectra of H2 obtained using time-delayed probe pulses. This approach addresses the challenges associated with the effects of rotational-level-dependent decay lifetimes on time-delayed probing for CARS thermometry. A simple procedure is presented for accurate temperature determination based on a Boltzmann distribution using delayed-probe-pulse vibrational CARS spectra of H2; this procedure requires measurement at only a select handful of probe-pulse delays and requires no assumptions about sample environment.
Applied Optics | 2012
Paul S. Hsu; Waruna D. Kulatilaka; Naibo Jiang; James R. Gord; Sukesh Roy
We investigate the feasibility of transmitting high-power, ultraviolet (UV) laser pulses through long optical fibers for laser-induced-fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy of the hydroxyl radical (OH) and nitric oxide (NO) in reacting and non-reacting flows. The fundamental transmission characteristics of nanosecond (ns)-duration laser pulses are studied at wavelengths of 283 nm (OH excitation) and 226 nm (NO excitation) for state-of-the-art, commercial UV-grade fibers. It is verified experimentally that selected fibers are capable of transmitting sufficient UV pulse energy for single-laser-shot LIF measurements. The homogeneous output-beam profile resulting from propagation through a long multimode fiber is ideal for two-dimensional planar-LIF (PLIF) imaging. A fiber-coupled UV-LIF system employing a 6 m long launch fiber is developed for probing OH and NO. Single-laser-shot OH- and NO-PLIF images are obtained in a premixed flame and in a room-temperature NO-seeded N(2) jet, respectively. Effects on LIF excitation lineshapes resulting from delivering intense UV laser pulses through long fibers are also investigated. Proof-of-concept measurements demonstrated in the current work show significant promise for fiber-coupled UV-LIF spectroscopy in harsh diagnostic environments such as gas-turbine test beds.
Optics Letters | 2013
Paul S. Hsu; Naibo Jiang; James R. Gord; Sukesh Roy
Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and particle-image velocimetry (PIV) techniques that employ free-standing optics face severe challenges when implemented in harsh environments associated with practical combustion facilities because of limited optical access and restrictions on operation of sensitive laser systems. To circumvent this problem, we have developed and implemented a fiber-coupled, high-speed ultraviolet (UV) PLIF/PIV system for measuring hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration and velocity in a realistic 4 MW combustion rig. This system permits delivery of high-power, 10 kHz, nanosecond-duration OH-PLIF excitation pulses (283 nm) and PIV pulses (532 nm) through a common 6 m long, 600 μm core, deep-UV-enhanced multimode fiber. Simultaneous OH-PLIF and PIV imaging at a data-acquisition rate of 10 kHz is demonstrated in turbulent premixed flames behind a bluff body. The effects of delivering high-repetition-rate, intense UV and visible beams through a long optical fiber are investigated, and potential system improvements are discussed.
Optics Letters | 2015
Sukesh Roy; Paul S. Hsu; Naibo Jiang; Mikhail N. Slipchenko; James R. Gord
Temperature measurements based on gas-phase coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy are demonstrated in reacting flows at a rate of 100 kHz employing a burst-mode laser with a pulse duration of ∼100 ps. The recently developed picosecond-duration, high-energy burst-mode laser is used to pump an optical parametric generator/optical parametric amplifier that produces broadband light centered at ∼680 nm to provide the Stokes beams for excitation of the rovibrational Raman transitions of H(2). The 532-nm output of the picosecond burst-mode laser is then utilized as a pump beam for the CARS process that generates 100 single-shot spectra at a rate of 100 kHz during the 1-ms duration burst. Coherent spectroscopy-based temperature measurements at 100 kHz will significantly aid the understanding of transient and unsteady flow phenomena related to turbulent combustion, transonic and hypersonic flows, high-enthalpy flows, and the dynamics of energetic materials.
Optics Express | 2013
Paul S. Hsu; Sukesh Roy; Naibo Jiang; James R. Gord
We demonstrate the design and implementation of a fiber-optic beam-delivery system using a large-aperture, tapered step-index fiber for high-speed particle-image velocimetry (PIV) in turbulent combustion flows. The tapered fiber in conjunction with a diffractive-optical-element (DOE) fiber-optic coupler significantly increases the damage threshold of the fiber, enabling fiber-optic beam delivery of sufficient nanosecond, 532-nm, laser pulse energy for high-speed PIV measurements. The fiber successfully transmits 1-kHz and 10-kHz laser pulses with energies of 5.3 mJ and 2 mJ, respectively, for more than 25 min without any indication of damage. It is experimentally demonstrated that the tapered fiber possesses the high coupling efficiency (~80%) and moderate beam quality for PIV. Additionally, the nearly uniform output-beam profile exiting the fiber is ideal for PIV applications. Comparative PIV measurements are made using a conventionally (bulk-optic) delivered light sheet, and a similar order of measurement accuracy is obtained with and without fiber coupling. Effective use of fiber-coupled, 10-kHz PIV is demonstrated for instantaneous 2D velocity-field measurements in turbulent reacting flows. Proof-of-concept measurements show significant promise for the performance of fiber-coupled, high-speed PIV using a tapered optical fiber in harsh laser-diagnostic environments such as those encountered in gas-turbine test beds and the cylinder of a combustion engine.
Applied Optics | 2016
Paul S. Hsu; Mark Gragston; Yue Wu; Zhili Zhang; Anil K. Patnaik; Johannes Kiefer; Sukesh Roy; James R. Gord
Nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (ns-LIBS) is employed for quantitative local fuel-air (F/A) ratio (i.e., ratio of actual fuel-to-oxidizer mass over ratio of fuel-to-oxidizer mass at stoichiometry, measurements in well-characterized methane-air flames at pressures of 1-11 bar). We selected nitrogen and hydrogen atomic-emission lines at 568 nm and 656 nm, respectively, to establish a correlation between the line intensities and the F/A ratio. We have investigated the effects of laser-pulse energy, camera gate delay, and pressure on the sensitivity, stability, and precision of the quantitative ns-LIBS F/A ratio measurements. We determined the optimal laser energy and camera gate delay for each pressure condition and found that measurement stability and precision are degraded with an increase in pressure. We have identified primary limitations of the F/A ratio measurement employing ns-LIBS at elevated pressures as instabilities caused by the higher density laser-induced plasma and the presence of the higher level of soot. Potential improvements are suggested.