Paula Hübner Freitas
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Escola Anna Nery | 2013
Paula Hübner Freitas; Juliana Silveira Colomé; Adriana Dornelles Carpes; Dirce Stein Backes; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck
Objective: The study aimed to investigate the repercussions of the Program for Education through Work for Health (PET-Health) in the training of students in the health area. Methods: This study is exploratory-descriptive, with a qualitative approach. Twenty students participating in the PET-Health scheme participated in the study. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview and thematic content analysis was used for analysis of the data. Results: The data indicated that the PET-Health is a program which facilitates the search for comprehensiveness and allows the articulation of theory and practice between the students, the health service and the community, which is essential for re-orienting health training. Conclusion: It is concluded that the challenge centers on the critical-reflective training of the professionals in the area of health, indicating new behaviors and attitudes. 1 Nurse. Master’s student on the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. (Master’s student) – Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. Santa Maria – Rio Grande do Sul (RS) – Brazil. E-mail: 2 Nurse. Doctorate student on the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS– Brazil. E-mail: 3 Pharmacist. PhD. Preceptor of the Program for Education through Work for Health PET-Health 2009/2011.Lecturer on the Pharmacy Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: 4 Nurse. PhD. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: 5 Nurse. PhD. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. – Federal University of Santa MariaUFSM. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: RESEARCH PESQUISA INVESTIGACION Repercussoes do pet-saude na formacao de estudantes da area da saude Esc Anna Nery (print)2013 Jul-Sep; 17 (3):496 504 Paula Hubner Freitas1, Juliana Silveira Colome2, Adriana Dornelles Carpes3, Dirce Stein Backes4, Carmem Lucia Colome Beck5 Repercusiones de la pet-salud en la formacion de los estudiantes del area de la salud Nursing; Community-Institution relations; Professional Education in Public Health.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2012
Diéssica Roggia Piexak; Paula Hübner Freitas; Dirce Stein Backes; Claudete Moreschi; Carla Lizandra de Lima Ferreira; Martha Helena Teixeira de Souza
OBJECTIVE: To know the meaning attributed by health professionals to the care of institutionalized elderly. METHOD: Qualitative, exploratory-descriptive research, carried out in a long-term care institution for the elderly located in central Rio Grande do Sul state. Fourteen health professionals took part in the study, including nurses, pharmacist, physiotherapist, doctor, nutritionist, and nursing technicians. Data were collected between August and September 2009, through a semi-structured questionnaire. RESULTS: Data analysis has resulted in three categories: Caring for the elderly, Realizing the multidisciplinary team, and Facing the new reality. CONCLUSION: the care of the institutionalized elderly is a growing challenge for health professionals, and it needs to be coped with through multidisciplinary work.
Escola Anna Nery | 2017
Viviani Viero; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck; Alexa Pupiara Flores Coelho; Daiane Dal Pai; Paula Hübner Freitas; Marcelo Nunes da Silva Fernandes
Objective: To describe defensive strategies used by nursing workers in pediatric oncology towards suffering at work. Methodology: A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study was carried out in 2013 with 20 nursing workers of pediatric oncology at a teaching hospital. The techniques of non-participant observation and focus group were used to produce the data, which were submitted to thematic analysis. Results: Some of the individual strategies identified were conformity, distancing from the experience with children, rationalization, and refuge in pleasurable moments. Furthermore, group strategies were pointed out, such as speaking and listening, coming together as a work group, redefining suffering, and the search for a new meaning in life. Conclusions: Spaces for speaking and listening can enable the sharing of experiences of suffering, helping workers to recognize defensive strategies and strengthen resistance actions.
Escola Anna Nery | 2013
Paula Hübner Freitas; Juliana Silveira Colomé; Adriana Dornelles Carpes; Dirce Stein Backes; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck
Objective: The study aimed to investigate the repercussions of the Program for Education through Work for Health (PET-Health) in the training of students in the health area. Methods: This study is exploratory-descriptive, with a qualitative approach. Twenty students participating in the PET-Health scheme participated in the study. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview and thematic content analysis was used for analysis of the data. Results: The data indicated that the PET-Health is a program which facilitates the search for comprehensiveness and allows the articulation of theory and practice between the students, the health service and the community, which is essential for re-orienting health training. Conclusion: It is concluded that the challenge centers on the critical-reflective training of the professionals in the area of health, indicating new behaviors and attitudes. 1 Nurse. Master’s student on the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. (Master’s student) – Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. Santa Maria – Rio Grande do Sul (RS) – Brazil. E-mail: 2 Nurse. Doctorate student on the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS– Brazil. E-mail: 3 Pharmacist. PhD. Preceptor of the Program for Education through Work for Health PET-Health 2009/2011.Lecturer on the Pharmacy Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: 4 Nurse. PhD. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: 5 Nurse. PhD. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. – Federal University of Santa MariaUFSM. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: RESEARCH PESQUISA INVESTIGACION Repercussoes do pet-saude na formacao de estudantes da area da saude Esc Anna Nery (print)2013 Jul-Sep; 17 (3):496 504 Paula Hubner Freitas1, Juliana Silveira Colome2, Adriana Dornelles Carpes3, Dirce Stein Backes4, Carmem Lucia Colome Beck5 Repercusiones de la pet-salud en la formacion de los estudiantes del area de la salud Nursing; Community-Institution relations; Professional Education in Public Health.
Revista gaúcha de enfermagem | 2015
Marcelo Nunes da Silva Fernandes; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck; Teresinha Heck Weiller; Viviani Viero; Paula Hübner Freitas; Francine Cassol Prestes
OBJECTIVE to identify situations of pleasure and suffering in the process of training multidisciplinary health resident. METHOD qualitative research, developed in the Multiprofessional Residence Program in Health at a university from the south of Brazil. Data was collected in 2013 through focus groups with nine residents, and analyzed according to a thematic analysis. RESULTS The situations of suffering were stimulated by negative situations undergone by the health workers such as difficulties in participating in other professional training activities, excessive number of activities the residents commit to as health workers, lack of knowledge and hindered integration in the areas of Residency. The situations of pleasure were a result of the multiprofessional activities developed and the residents larning possibility. CONCLUSION The situations of pleasure and suffering identified can help in the planning of institutional actions that contribute to a professional training process and the overall wellbeing of the residents.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2015
Marcelo Nunes da Silva Fernandes; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck; Teresinha Heck Weiller; Viviani Viero; Paula Hübner Freitas; Francine Cassol Prestes
OBJECTIVE to identify situations of pleasure and suffering in the process of training multidisciplinary health resident. METHOD qualitative research, developed in the Multiprofessional Residence Program in Health at a university from the south of Brazil. Data was collected in 2013 through focus groups with nine residents, and analyzed according to a thematic analysis. RESULTS The situations of suffering were stimulated by negative situations undergone by the health workers such as difficulties in participating in other professional training activities, excessive number of activities the residents commit to as health workers, lack of knowledge and hindered integration in the areas of Residency. The situations of pleasure were a result of the multiprofessional activities developed and the residents larning possibility. CONCLUSION The situations of pleasure and suffering identified can help in the planning of institutional actions that contribute to a professional training process and the overall wellbeing of the residents.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2015
Marcelo Nunes da Silva Fernandes; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck; Teresinha Heck Weiller; Viviani Viero; Paula Hübner Freitas; Francine Cassol Prestes
OBJECTIVE to identify situations of pleasure and suffering in the process of training multidisciplinary health resident. METHOD qualitative research, developed in the Multiprofessional Residence Program in Health at a university from the south of Brazil. Data was collected in 2013 through focus groups with nine residents, and analyzed according to a thematic analysis. RESULTS The situations of suffering were stimulated by negative situations undergone by the health workers such as difficulties in participating in other professional training activities, excessive number of activities the residents commit to as health workers, lack of knowledge and hindered integration in the areas of Residency. The situations of pleasure were a result of the multiprofessional activities developed and the residents larning possibility. CONCLUSION The situations of pleasure and suffering identified can help in the planning of institutional actions that contribute to a professional training process and the overall wellbeing of the residents.
Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM | 2014
Viviani Viero; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck; Paula Hübner Freitas; Alexa Pupiara Flores Coelho; Suzinara Beatriz Soares de Lima; Bruna Parnov Machado
Aim: to identify coping of the children with cancer on being removed from school life because of hospitalization. Method: research with a qualitative approach, developed in a University Hospital in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, from October to November 2007, with the use of semi structured interviews with nine children and of content analysis. Results: two thematic categories emerged: “Difficulties referred to the child’s school performance: of the diagnosis to the treatment” and “Support and stimulus to staying in school”, in which it was mentioned the relatives, school of origin and hospital type. Conclusions: thinking about the clashes of these children when across with the removal of the school life is relevant to nursing professionals as also being attention to them, in order to provide comprehensive care to these clients being relevant.
Escola Anna Nery | 2013
Paula Hübner Freitas; Juliana Silveira Colomé; Adriana Dornelles Carpes; Dirce Stein Backes; Carmem Lúcia Colomé Beck
Objective: The study aimed to investigate the repercussions of the Program for Education through Work for Health (PET-Health) in the training of students in the health area. Methods: This study is exploratory-descriptive, with a qualitative approach. Twenty students participating in the PET-Health scheme participated in the study. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview and thematic content analysis was used for analysis of the data. Results: The data indicated that the PET-Health is a program which facilitates the search for comprehensiveness and allows the articulation of theory and practice between the students, the health service and the community, which is essential for re-orienting health training. Conclusion: It is concluded that the challenge centers on the critical-reflective training of the professionals in the area of health, indicating new behaviors and attitudes. 1 Nurse. Master’s student on the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. (Master’s student) – Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. Santa Maria – Rio Grande do Sul (RS) – Brazil. E-mail: 2 Nurse. Doctorate student on the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS– Brazil. E-mail: 3 Pharmacist. PhD. Preceptor of the Program for Education through Work for Health PET-Health 2009/2011.Lecturer on the Pharmacy Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: 4 Nurse. PhD. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Centro Universitario Franciscano UNIFRA. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: 5 Nurse. PhD. Lecturer on the Nursing Course at the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. – Federal University of Santa MariaUFSM. Santa Maria RS – Brazil. E-mail: RESEARCH PESQUISA INVESTIGACION Repercussoes do pet-saude na formacao de estudantes da area da saude Esc Anna Nery (print)2013 Jul-Sep; 17 (3):496 504 Paula Hubner Freitas1, Juliana Silveira Colome2, Adriana Dornelles Carpes3, Dirce Stein Backes4, Carmem Lucia Colome Beck5 Repercusiones de la pet-salud en la formacion de los estudiantes del area de la salud Nursing; Community-Institution relations; Professional Education in Public Health.
Saúde (Santa Maria) | 2012
Claudete Moreschi; Daiana Foggiato de Siqueira; Hilda Maria Barbosa de Freitas; Diego Schaurich; Camila Dalcin Biazus; Paula Hübner Freitas