
Drug and Alcohol Review | 2006

Where there's smoke, there's fire: high prevalence of smoking among some sub-populations and recommendations for intervention

Amanda Baker; Rowena Ivers; Jenny Bowman; Tony Butler; Frances Kay-Lambkin; Paula Wye; Raoul A. Walsh; Lisa Jackson Pulver; Robyn Richmond; Josephine M. Belcher; Kay Wilhelm; Alex Wodak

In Australia, the prevalence of smoking is higher among certain sub-populations compared to the general population. These sub-populations include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as people with mental and substance use disorders and prisoners. The aims of this paper are to: describe the high prevalence of smoking among these particular sub-populations and harms associated with smoking; explore possible reasons for such high prevalence of smoking; review the evidence regarding the efficacy of existing smoking cessation interventions; and make recommendations for smoking interventions and further research among these groups. In addition to low socio-economic status, limited education and other factors, there are social, systems and psychobiological features associated with the high prevalence of smoking in these sub-groups. General population-based approaches to reducing smoking prevalence have been pursued for decades with great success and should be continued with further developments that aim specifically to affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and some cultural groups. However, increasing attention, more specific targeting and flexible goals and interventions are also required for these and other distinct sub-populations with high smoking prevalence. Recommendations include: more funding and increased resources to examine the most appropriate education and treatment strategies to promote smoking cessation among people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and some culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; larger and better-designed studies evaluating smoking cessation/reduction interventions among distinct sub-groups; and system-wide interventions requiring strong leadership among clients and staff within mental health, drug and alcohol and prison settings.

Nicotine & Tobacco Research | 2013

Readiness to quit smoking and quit attempts among Australian mental health inpatients.

Emily Stockings; Jenny Bowman; Kathleen McElwaine; Amanda Baker; Margarett Terry; Richard Clancy; Kate Bartlem; Paula Wye; Paula Bridge; Jenny Knight; John Wiggers

Introduction: Mental health inpatients smoke at higher rates than general population smokers. However, provision of nicotine-dependence treatment in inpatient settings is low, with barriers to the provision of such care including staff views that patients do not want to quit. This paper reports the findings of a survey of mental health inpatients at a psychiatric hospital in New South Wales, Australia, assessing smoking and quitting motivations and behaviors. Methods: Smokers (n = 97) were surveyed within the inpatient setting using a structured survey tool, incorporating the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence, Reasons for Quitting Scale, Readiness and Motivation to Quit Smoking Questionnaire, and other measures of smoking and quitting behavior. Results: Approximately 47% of smokers reported having made at least one quit attempt within the past 12 months, despite nearly three quarters (71.2%) being classified as in a “precontemplative” stage of change. Multinomial logistic regressions revealed that self-reporting “not enjoying being a smoker” and having made a quit attempt in the last 12 months predicted having advanced beyond a precontemplative stage of change. A high self-reported desire to quit predicted a quit attempt having been made in the last 12 months. Conclusions: The majority of smokers had made several quit attempts, with a large percentage occurring recently, suggesting that the actual quitting behavior should be considered as an important indication of the “desire to quit.” This paper provides further data supporting the assertion that multimodal smoking cessation interventions combining psychosocial and pharmacological support should be provided to psychiatric inpatients who smoke.

Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | 2010

Providing nicotine dependence treatment to psychiatric inpatients: the views of Australian nurse managers

Paula Wye; Jenny Bowman; John Wiggers; Amanda Baker; Vaughan J. Carr; Margarett Terry; Jenny Knight; Richard Clancy

The prevalence of smoking in psychiatric settings remains high. This study aims to describe the views of nurse managers in psychiatric inpatient settings regarding the provision of nicotine dependence treatment, and whether there were associations between such views and the provision of nicotine dependence treatment. A cross-sectional survey was mailed to all public psychiatric inpatient units in New South Wales, Australia, for completion by nurse managers. Of the identified 131 service units, 123 completed questionnaires were returned (94%). Patient-related factors were considered to have a high level of influence on the provision of nicotine dependence treatment: patients requesting assistance to quit (58%), patients being receptive to interventions (52%), and patient health improving with quitting (45%). Units where the respondent reported that nicotine dependence treatment was as important as other roles were more likely to provide nicotine dependence treatment compared to units whose respondents did not hold this view (OR = 0.257, d.f. = 1, P < 0.01). While the results indicate strong support for the provision of nicotine dependence treatment, this support appears qualified by perceived patient readiness to quit, suggesting care is provided selectively rather than systematically. Positioning smoking as an addiction requiring treatment within a traditional curative approach may lead to a health service more conducive to the routine provision of nicotine dependence treatment.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health | 2010

An audit of the prevalence of recorded nicotine dependence treatment in an Australian psychiatric hospital.

Paula Wye; Jenny Bowman; John Wiggers; Amanda Baker; Vaughan J. Carr; Margarett Terry; Jenny Knight; Richard Clancy

Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of recorded smoking status, nicotine dependence assessment, and nicotine dependence treatment provision; and to examine the patient characteristics associated with the recording of smoking status.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry | 2014

The impact of a smoke-free psychiatric hospitalization on patient smoking outcomes: a systematic review

Emily Stockings; Jenny Bowman; Judith J. Prochaska; Amanda Baker; Richard Clancy; Jenny Knight; Paula Wye; Margarett Terry; John Wiggers

Objective: Smoke-free policies have been introduced in inpatient psychiatric facilities in most developed nations. Such a period of supported abstinence during hospitalization may impact smoking behaviours post discharge, yet little quantitative evidence exists. The aim of this review was to provide the first synthesis of the research evidence examining the impact of a smoke-free psychiatric hospitalization on patients’ smoking-related behaviours, motivation, and beliefs. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of electronic databases PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and EMBASE from inception to June 2013. Studies were included if they were conducted in an inpatient psychiatric facility with a smoke-free policy and if they examined any change in patients’ smoking-related behaviours, motivation, or beliefs either during admission, post discharge, or both. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool. Results: Fourteen studies were included in the review. Of the four studies that assessed change in smoking from admission to post discharge, two indicated a significant decline in cigarette consumption up to 3 months post discharge. Positive changes in motivation to quit and beliefs about quitting ability were identified in two studies. One study reported an increase in the rate of quit attempts and one reported a decline in nicotine dependence levels. Conclusions: A smoke-free psychiatric hospitalization may have a positive impact on patients’ smoking-related behaviours, motivation, and beliefs, both during admission and up to 3 months post discharge. Further controlled studies with more rigorous designs are required to confirm this potential.

BMC Public Health | 2012

A cluster randomised trial of a school-based resilience intervention to decrease tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use in secondary school students: study protocol

Rebecca K Hodder; Megan Freund; Jenny Bowman; Luke Wolfenden; Elizabeth Campbell; Paula Wye; Trevor Hazell; Karen Gillham; John Wiggers

BackgroundWhilst schools provide a potentially appropriate setting for preventing substance use among young people, systematic review evidence suggests that past interventions in this setting have demonstrated limited effectiveness in preventing tobacco, alcohol and other drug use. Interventions that adopt a mental wellbeing approach to prevent substance use offer considerable promise and resilience theory provides one method to impact on adolescent mental well-being. The aim of the proposed study is to examine the efficacy of a resilience intervention in decreasing the tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use of adolescents.MethodsA cluster randomised controlled trial with schools as the unit of randomisation will be undertaken. Thirty two schools in disadvantaged areas will be allocated to either an intervention or a control group. A comprehensive resilience intervention will be implemented, inclusive of explicit program adoption strategies. Baseline surveys will be conducted with students in Grade 7 in both groups and again three years later when the student cohort is in Grade 10. The primary outcome measures will include self-reported tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and other illicit drug use. Comparisons will be made post-test between Grade 10 students in intervention and control schools to determine intervention effectiveness across all measures.DiscussionTo the authors’ knowledge this is the first randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a comprehensive school-based resilience intervention, inclusive of explicit adoption strategies, in decreasing tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use of adolescents attending disadvantaged secondary schools.Trial registrationACTRN12611000606987

Nicotine & Tobacco Research | 2014

Impact of a postdischarge smoking cessation intervention for smokers admitted to an inpatient psychiatric facility: A randomized controlled trial

Emily Stockings; Jenny Bowman; Amanda Baker; Margarett Terry; Richard Clancy; Paula Wye; Jenny Knight; Lyndell Moore; Maree Adams; Kim Colyvas; John Wiggers

INTRODUCTION Persons with a mental disorder smoke at higher rates and suffer disproportionate tobacco-related burden compared with the general population. The aim of this study was to determine if a smoking cessation intervention initiated during a psychiatric hospitalization and continued postdischarge was effective in reducing smoking behaviors among persons with a mental disorder. METHODS A randomized controlled trial was conducted at an Australian inpatient psychiatric facility. Participants were 205 patient smokers allocated to a treatment as usual control (n = 101) or a smoking cessation intervention (n = 104) incorporating psychosocial and pharmacological support for 4 months postdischarge. Follow-up assessments were conducted at 1 week, 2, 4, and 6 months postdischarge and included abstinence from cigarettes, quit attempts, daily cigarette consumption, and nicotine dependence. RESULTS Rates of continuous and 7-day point prevalence abstinence did not differ between treatment conditions at the 6-month follow-up; however, point prevalence abstinence was significantly higher for intervention (11.5%) compared with control (2%) participants at 4 months (OR = 6.46, p = .01). Participants in the intervention condition reported significantly more quit attempts (F[1, 202.5] = 15.23, p = .0001), lower daily cigarette consumption (F[4, 586] = 6.5, p < .001), and lower levels of nicotine dependence (F[3, 406] = 8.5, p < .0001) compared with controls at all follow-up assessments. CONCLUSIONS Postdischarge cessation support was effective in encouraging quit attempts and reducing cigarette consumption up to 6 months postdischarge. Additional support strategies are required to facilitate longer-term cessation benefits for smokers with a mental disorder.

Patient Education and Counseling | 2014

Clinician assessment, advice and referral for multiple health risk behaviors: prevalence and predictors of delivery by primary health care nurses and allied health professionals

Kathleen McElwaine; Megan Freund; Elizabeth Campbell; Carolyn Slattery; Paula Wye; Christophe Lecathelinais; Kate Bartlem; Karen Gillham; John Wiggers

OBJECTIVE Primary care clinicians have considerable potential to provide preventive care. This study describes their preventive care delivery. METHODS A survey of 384 community health nurses and allied health clinicians from in New South Wales, Australia was undertaken (2010-11) to examine the assessment of client risk, provision of brief advice and referral/follow-up regarding smoking inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption, alcohol misuse, and physical inactivity; the existence of preventive care support strategies; and the association between supports and preventive care provision. RESULTS Preventive care to 80% or more clients was least often provided for referral/follow-up (24.7-45.6% of clinicians for individual risks, and 24.2% for all risks) and most often for assessment (34.4-69.3% of clinicians for individual risks, and 24.4% for all risks). Approximately 75% reported having 9 or fewer of 17 supports. Provision of care was associated with: availability of a paper screening tool; training; GP referral letter; and number of supports. CONCLUSION The delivery of preventive care was limited, and varied according to type of care and risk. Supports were variably associated with elements of preventive care. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Further research is required to increase routine preventive care delivery and the availability of supports.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry | 2015

Chronic disease health risk behaviours amongst people with a mental illness.

Kate Bartlem; Jennifer A. Bowman; Jacqueline M. Bailey; Megan Freund; Paula Wye; Christophe Lecathelinais; Kathleen McElwaine; Elizabeth Campbell; Karen Gillham; John Wiggers

Objective: Amongst people with a mental illness, modifiable health risk behaviours contribute substantially to increased chronic disease morbidity and mortality. This study examined the prevalence of and interest in changing such behaviours amongst community mental health service clients in Australia. Method: A telephone interview was undertaken with Australian community mental health service clients. Participants reported engagement in four health risk behaviours: tobacco smoking, fruit and vegetable consumption, alcohol consumption, and physical activity. Participants were classified as at risk based upon Australian national guidelines. At-risk participants were asked whether they were considering improving their health risk behaviour within the next month. The association between psychiatric diagnosis and risk, and interest in improving health risk behaviours was examined. Results: Risk prevalence was highest for inadequate vegetable consumption (78.3%), followed by inadequate fruit consumption (60%), smoking (50.7%), physical inactivity (46.8%), short-term alcohol risk (40.3%) and chronic alcohol risk (35.3%). A majority of at-risk participants were considering improving their health risk behaviour for smoking, physical inactivity and inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption (65.1%, 71.1%, and 53.3%, respectively). After adjusting for demographic factors, no diagnostic categories were associated with risk for any behaviour. Those with a diagnosis of depression were more likely to be interested in quitting smoking and increasing physical activity. Conclusions: Regardless of diagnosis, a high prevalence of chronic disease health risk behaviours was identified, with many participants expressing an interest in improving these behaviours. Such findings reinforce recommendations that preventive care addressing the chronic disease risks of clients be provided routinely by mental health clinicians. Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) ACTRN12613000693729. URL:

BMC Health Services Research | 2013

The delivery of preventive care to clients of community health services

Kathleen McElwaine; Megan Freund; Elizabeth Campbell; Jenny Knight; Jennifer A. Bowman; Emma Doherty; Paula Wye; Luke Wolfenden; Christophe Lecathelinais; Scott McLachlan; John Wiggers

BackgroundSmoking, poor nutrition, risky alcohol use, and physical inactivity are the primary behavioral risks for common causes of mortality and morbidity. Evidence and guidelines support routine clinician delivery of preventive care. Limited evidence describes the level delivered in community health settings. The objective was to determine the: prevalence of preventive care provided by community health clinicians; association between client and service characteristics and receipt of care; and acceptability of care. This will assist in informing interventions that facilitate adoption of opportunistic preventive care delivery to all clients.MethodsIn 2009 and 2010 a telephone survey was undertaken of 1284 clients across a network of 56 public community health facilities in one health district in New South Wales, Australia. The survey assessed receipt of preventive care (assessment, brief advice, and referral/follow-up) regarding smoking, inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption, alcohol overconsumption, and physical inactivity; and acceptability of care.ResultsCare was most frequently reported for smoking (assessment: 59.9%, brief advice: 61.7%, and offer of referral to a telephone service: 4.5%) and least frequently for inadequate fruit or vegetable consumption (27.0%, 20.0% and 0.9% respectively). Sixteen percent reported assessment for all risks, 16.2% received brief advice for all risks, and 0.6% were offered a specific referral for all risks. The following were associated with increased care: diabetes services, number of appointments, being male, Aboriginal, unemployed, and socio-economically disadvantaged. Acceptability of preventive care was high (76.0%-95.3%).ConclusionsDespite strong client support, preventive care was not provided opportunistically to all, and was preferentially provided to select groups. This suggests a need for practice change strategies to enhance preventive care provision to achieve adherence to clinical guidelines.

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