Paulo Carlos Garcia
University of São Paulo
Featured researches published by Paulo Carlos Garcia.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History | 2005
Julián Faivovich; Célio F. B. Haddad; Paulo Carlos Garcia; Darrel R. Frost; Jonathan A. Campbell; Ward C. Wheeler
Abstract Hylidae is a large family of American, Australopapuan, and temperate Eurasian treefrogs of approximately 870 known species, divided among four subfamilies. Although some groups of Hylidae have been addressed phylogenetically, a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis has never been presented. The first goal of this paper is to review the current state of hylid systematics. We focus on the very large subfamily Hylinae (590 species), evaluate the monophyly of named taxa, and examine the evidential basis of the existing taxonomy. The second objective is to perform a phylogenetic analysis using mostly DNA sequence data in order to (1) test the monophyly of the Hylidae; (2) determine its constituent taxa, with special attention to the genera and species groups which form the subfamily Hylinae, and c) propose a new, monophyletic taxonomy consistent with the hypothesized relationships. We present a phylogenetic analysis of hylid frogs based on 276 terminals, including 228 hylids and 48 outgroup taxa. Included are exemplars of all but 1 of the 41 genera of Hylidae (of all four nominal subfamilies) and 39 of the 41 currently recognized species groups of the species-rich genus Hyla. The included taxa allowed us to test the monophyly of 24 of the 35 nonmonotypic genera and 25 species groups of Hyla. The phylogenetic analysis includes approximately 5100 base pairs from four mitochondrial (12S, tRNA valine, 16S, and cytochrome b) and five nuclear genes (rhodopsin, tyrosinase, RAG-1, seventh in absentia, and 28S), and a small data set from foot musculature. Concurring with previous studies, the present analysis indicates that Hemiphractinae are not related to the other three hylid subfamilies. It is therefore removed from the family and tentatively considered a subfamily of the paraphyletic Leptodactylidae. Hylidae is now restricted to Hylinae, Pelodryadinae, and Phyllomedusinae. Our results support a sister-group relationship between Pelodryadinae and Phyllomedusinae, which together form the sister taxon of Hylinae. Agalychnis, Phyllomedusa, Litoria, Hyla, Osteocephalus, Phrynohyas, Ptychohyla, Scinax, Smilisca, and Trachycephalus are not monophyletic. Within Hyla, the H. albomarginata, H. albopunctata, H. arborea, H. boans, H. cinerea, H. eximia, H. geographica, H. granosa, H. microcephala, H. miotympanum, H. tuberculosa, and H. versicolor groups are also demonstrably nonmonophyletic. Hylinae is composed of four major clades. The first of these includes the Andean stream-breeding Hyla, Aplastodiscus, all Gladiator Frogs, and a Tepuian clade. The second clade is composed of the 30-chromosome Hyla, Lysapsus, Pseudis, Scarthyla, Scinax (including the H. uruguaya group), Sphaenorhynchus, and Xenohyla. The third major clade is composed of Nyctimantis, Phrynohyas, Phyllodytes, and all South American/ West Indian casque-headed frogs: Aparasphenodon, Argenteohyla, Corythomantis, Osteocephalus, Osteopilus, Tepuihyla, and Trachycephalus. The fourth major clade is composed of most of the Middle American/Holarctic species groups of Hyla and the genera Acris, Anotheca, Duellmanohyla, Plectrohyla, Pseudacris, Ptychohyla, Pternohyla, Smilisca, and Triprion. A new monophyletic taxonomy mirroring these results is presented where Hylinae is divided into four tribes. Of the species currently in “Hyla”, 297 of the 353 species are placed in 15 genera; of these, 4 are currently recognized, 4 are resurrected names, and 7 are new. Hyla is restricted to H. femoralis and the H. arborea, H. cinerea, H. eximia, and H. versicolor groups, whose contents are redefined. Phrynohyas is placed in the synonymy of Trachycephalus, and Pternohyla is placed in the synonymy of Smilisca. The genus Dendropsophus is resurrected to include all former species of Hyla known or suspected to have 30 chromosomes. Exerodonta is resurrected to include the former Hyla sumichrasti group and some members of the former H. miotympanum group. Hyloscirtus is resurrected for the former Hyla armata, H. bogotensis, and H. larinopygion groups. Hypsiboas is resurrected to include several species groups—many of them redefined here—of Gladiator Frogs. The former Hyla albofrenata and H. albosignata complexes of the H. albomarginata group are included in Aplastodiscus. New generic names are erected for (1) Agalychnis calcarifer and A. craspedopus; (2) Osteocephalus langsdorffii; the (3) Hyla aromatica, (4) H. bromeliacia, (5) H. godmani, (6) H. mixomaculata, (7) H. taeniopus, (8) and H. tuberculosa groups; (9) the clade composed of the H. pictipes and H. pseudopuma groups; and (10) a clade composed of the H. circumdata, H. claresignata, H. martinsi, and H. pseudopseudis groups.
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing | 2010
Katia Grillo Padilha; Regina Marcia Cardoso de Sousa; Paulo Carlos Garcia; Sheila Cristina Tosta Bento; Eva Maria Finardi; Regina H.K. Hatarashi
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study were to identify the daily nursing workload in an intensive care unit (ICU) and to analyse the adequacy of nursing staff in a six hour shift according to the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). METHOD The sample consisted of 68 patients from a general 25-bed adult ICU in a private hospital with 250 beds in São Paulo, Brazil. The nursing workload of all patients admitted in the ICU over a one month period in 2004 were measured daily according to the NAS. For the analysis of nursing staff it was considered the number of nurses available in a six hour shift. Data were submitted to descriptive analyses. RESULTS Most patients were elderly and remained on average 12 (+/-16.4) days in the ICU. The mean NAS was 63.7 (+/-2.4%) and remained above 58.5% throughout the month. Apart from the 16th day of data collection there was an excess of nursing professionals in a six hour shift during the study period (range from 0.8 to 4.8 professionals). CONCLUSIONS The study results show the importance of nursing staff adequacy to workload fluctuations for reducing ICU costs.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2006
Leilane Andrade Gonçalves; Paulo Carlos Garcia; Maria Cecília Toffoleto; Sandra Cristina Ribeiro Telles; Katia Grillo Padilha
This study aimed to characterize patients admitted to ICU according to their bio-social factors and admissions and verify the daily needs for nursing care according to NAS. The sample was composed by 50 adult patients who were consecutively admitted to the ICU of a University Hospital in São Paulo city. It was concluded that most patients were older than 60 with an average of 3.5-day stay in the ICU; they came from the Emergency Room and were referred to the Semi-Intensive Care Unit. NAS average was 66.5% (+/- 9.1) with a score higher than 50.0% during their stay in the ICU.El trabajo tuvo como objetivos caracterizar a los pacientes internados en la UCI en funcion de los datos bio-sociales y de internacion; verificar las necesidades diarias de cuidados de enfermeria segun el NAS. La muestra estuvo constituida por 50 pacientes adultos admitidos consecutivamente en la UCI de un Hospital Universitario de la municipalidad de Sao Paulo. Se concluyo que la mayoria de los pacientes tenia edad superior a los 60 anos; permanecio, en promedio 3,5 dias en la UCI, procedia de Emergencia y fue dado de alta para la Unidad Semi-Intensiva. El promedio del NAS fue de 66,5% (± 9,1), constatandose que permanecio por encima del 50,0% en el transcurso de toda la internacion en la UCI.
Amphibia-reptilia | 2005
Célio F. B. Haddad; Julián Faivovich; Paulo Carlos Garcia
Males of the South American treefrog Aplastodiscus perviridis construct concealed subterranean nests. Using a complex courtship behavior that involves tactile stimuli and vocalizations, males guide the females to the subterranean nests where eggs are laid. Embryos and facultatively oophagous tadpoles (at least in stage 25) stay in subterranean nests until flooding transports them to ponds or streams. This is a rare reproductive mode previously known for few species in the Hyla albosignata and H. albofrenata complexes. Based on similarities of reproductive mode we suggest a monophyletic origin for Aplastodiscus and these complexes of Hyla.
Copeia | 2007
Paulo Carlos Garcia; Juliá N. Faivovich; Célio F. B. Haddad
Abstract We redescribe Hypsiboas semiguttatus (Lutz, 1925) and describe its tadpole and vocalization. We also describe a new species, previously confused with H. semiguttatus from Misiones, Argentina, and potentially from Brazil. This new species differs from H. semiguttatus in being more robust, having a tadpole with complete marginal papillation (no anterior gap), and a labial tooth row formula of 3/5. We discuss the status of populations previously assigned to H. semiguttatus and discuss the relationships of the new species within the Hypsiboas pulchellus group.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2006
Leilane Andrade Gonçalves; Paulo Carlos Garcia; Maria Cecília Toffoleto; Sandra Cristina Ribeiro Telles; Katia Grillo Padilha
This study aimed to characterize patients admitted to ICU according to their bio-social factors and admissions and verify the daily needs for nursing care according to NAS. The sample was composed by 50 adult patients who were consecutively admitted to the ICU of a University Hospital in São Paulo city. It was concluded that most patients were older than 60 with an average of 3.5-day stay in the ICU; they came from the Emergency Room and were referred to the Semi-Intensive Care Unit. NAS average was 66.5% (+/- 9.1) with a score higher than 50.0% during their stay in the ICU.El trabajo tuvo como objetivos caracterizar a los pacientes internados en la UCI en funcion de los datos bio-sociales y de internacion; verificar las necesidades diarias de cuidados de enfermeria segun el NAS. La muestra estuvo constituida por 50 pacientes adultos admitidos consecutivamente en la UCI de un Hospital Universitario de la municipalidad de Sao Paulo. Se concluyo que la mayoria de los pacientes tenia edad superior a los 60 anos; permanecio, en promedio 3,5 dias en la UCI, procedia de Emergencia y fue dado de alta para la Unidad Semi-Intensiva. El promedio del NAS fue de 66,5% (± 9,1), constatandose que permanecio por encima del 50,0% en el transcurso de toda la internacion en la UCI.
South American Journal of Herpetology | 2008
Paulo Carlos Garcia; O. L. Peixoto; Célio F. B. Haddad
Abstract A new species of Hypsiboas is described from the Atlantic Forest in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. The new species is morphologically similar to Hypsiboas marginatus, from which it differs by its smaller size, flanks with white blotches, a white stripe on the upper lip exceeding posteriorly to the tympanum, a white dorsolateral stripe reaching the inguinal region, tadpole with body black, tail whitish-yellow translucent, and labial tooth row formula 2(2)/5(1). The new species inhabits Atlantic Forest environments within mountain ranges from eastern Santa Catarina State, denominate Serras do Leste Catarinense, while H. marginatus occurs in the Serra Geral mountain range, in southern Santa Catarina and northeast Rio Grande do Sul State, and thus have allopatric distributions. The new species is included in the Hypsiboas pulchellus species group, and its relationship with other members of the group is discussed herein. We also discuss the conservation status of the new species in relation to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria of threatened species.
Amphibia-reptilia | 2003
Luciana Bolsoni Lourenço; Paulo Carlos Garcia; Shirlei Maria Recco-Pimentel
The karyotype of a new species of Paratelmatobius from the P. cardosoi group is described. As with other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes, Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi ) shows a diploid number of 24 chromosomes, in addition to other similarities with the former karyotypes. The Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi ) karyotype differs from that of P. cardosoi in the morphology of pair 4, the NOR location and the C-bands in pairs 3 and 8 (exclusive to Paratelmatobius sp.) and those of pairs 7 and 9 (exclusive to P. cardosoi ). Both karyotypes also differ in the amount of heterochromatin in pair 1. The presence of interstitial heterochromatin in the long arm of pair 1 and the interstitial C-bands in both arms of chromosome 5 are apparently synapomorphic characters of P. cardosoi and Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi ), since they are absent in the other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes. In Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi ), the nucleolus organizer region is on the short arm of a small metacentric chromosome (pair 9), an arrangement similar to the NOR-bearing chromosome pair in the karyotype of P. poecilogaster and in karyotype II of Scythrophrys . A conspicuous heteromorphism unrelated to the sex determining mechanism was also observed and probably arose from a pericentric inversion.
Amphibia-reptilia | 2004
Ana Paula Zampieri Silva; Paulo Carlos Garcia; Vanderlei G. Martins; Maurício Bacci; Sanae Kasahara
Ana Paula Zampieri Silva1, Paulo C.A. Garcia2, Vanderlei G. Martins3, Maurício Bacci4, Sanae Kasahara1 1 Departamento de Biologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil e-mail: 2 Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil 3 Departamento de Fonoaudiologia, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciência, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Marília, SP 4 Centro de Estudos de Insetos Sociais, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2005
Paulo Carlos Garcia; Leilane Andrade Gonçalves; Adriana Janzantte Ducci; Maria Cecília Toffoleto; Sandra Cristina Ribeiro; Katia Grillo Padilha
The present study aimed to identify the therapeutic interventions categories carried out in Intensive Care Units (ICU), finding out their prevalence and identifying their components according to TISS-28. The sample was composed of 89 adult patients who were consecutively admitted to the ICU of a university hospital in São Paulo city. Basic and Supportive Activities, Ventilatory, Cardiovascular and Renal were the TISS-28 that prevailed with a frequency of 73.0% and 100%. The frequency of the items considered Basic Activities were prevalent, that is, higher than 90.0%. The quantitative average of urinary debt was 98.2% concerning Renal Support. The results may mean quality of assistance provided to the clients, as they contribute to the human resources estimative and materials in the ICU as well.El presente estudio tuvo como objectivos, identificar las categorias de intervenciones terapeuticas realizadas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) y describir la prevalencia diaria de las mismas e identificar los items que la conforman, segun el TISS-28. La muestra estuvo constituida por 89 pacientes adultos admitidos consecutivamente en la UCI de un hospital universitario de la municipalidad de Sao Paulo. Se verifico que las categorias TISS-28 que prevalecieron fueron Actividades Basicas y Soportes Ventilatorio, Cardiovascular y Renal con frecuencias entre 73,0% y 100%. La frecuencia de los items componentes de la categoria Actividades Basicas fue prevaliente, ou sea, mayor que el 90,0%. La medida cuantitativa del debito urinario fue puntuado en 98,2% en la categoria Soporte Renal. Los resultados obtenidos pueden imprimir calidad a la asistencia prestada a los clientes, en la medida en que contribuyen a la prevision de recursos humanos y materiales en la UCI.