
Featured researches published by Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008

Creation and evaluation cycle of a distance module for nursing undergraduates, named "Medication admnistration"

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani

The objective of this study was to describe the creation cycle of the module “medication administration” and to evaluate it. It is an evaluation research, using the Engagement Theory as a methodological/theoretical approach carried out in two phases: the first related to the creation of the module and the second to its evaluation by specialists using the instrument based on the Model of Analytical Appreciation of Hypermedia Systems. The creation cycle of the module followed the following steps: gathering the objectives of the module, organization of the content, selection of the media, creation of the classes and activation of the learning process. It was evaluated by contents specialists, informatics specialists and nursing students. The evaluation of the distribution and the accessibility of the contents, the utilization of images, the clarity and ease of execution of the program were positive. The module was considered appropriate to be used with nursing students.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2007

Conversando sobre sexualidade, IST e AIDS com adolescentes pobres

Juliana Kelli Murakami; José Fernando Petrilli Filho; Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho

This study aimed to report an educative action experience on sexuality/STI/Aids in an adolescent group living in a poor context. The study site was a Family Health Unit located in a city in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. Six female adolescents participated in the educative actions, and each of the five meetings took 70 minutes on the average. The educative action allowed for knowledge/action based on a network of interlaced gestures, words and affections, permeating new constructions. Thus, new meanings emerged, not only for the adolescents, who discovered the power of being in the group, but also for the researchers, who managed to visualize other horizons for the work with highly vulnerable groups in society.This study aimed to report an educative action experience on sexuality/STI/Aids in an adolescent group living in a poor context. The study site was a Family Health Unit located in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Six female adolescents participated in the educative actions, and each of the five meetings took 70 minutes on the average. The educative action allowed for knowledge/action based on a network of interlaced gestures, words and affections, permeating new constructions. Thus, new meanings emerged, not only for the adolescents, who discovered the power of being in the group, but also for the researchers, who managed to visualize other horizons for the work with highly vulnerable groups in society.

Escola Anna Nery | 2011

Utilização de benzodiazepínicos por idosos de uma estratégia de saúde da família: implicações para enfermagem

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Alex Rogério das Chagas; Marcos Luciano Pimenta Pinheiro; Antônio Moacir de Jesus Lima; Ana Maria Sertori Durão

Os benzodiazepinicos sao medicamentos que podem causar riscos aos idosos. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar e analisar a prevalencia da utilizacao de benzodiazepinicos por idosos cadastrados em uma Estrategia Saude da Familia de Diamantina - Minas Gerais. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, realizado com 27 idosos, de maio a julho de 2010, por meio de questionario semiestruturado. Utilizou-se a analise descritiva junto aos dados. Como resultados, destacaram-se a faixa etaria de 71 a 75 anos (25,92%), genero feminino (88,88%) e, em relacao a escolaridade, o primeiro grau incompleto (66,66%). Os medicamentos mais usados foram: Diazepam (37,03%), Clonazepam (25,92%), Bromazepam (18,51%) e Alprazolam (11,11%). 88,90% dos entrevistados possuiam receita e 11,10% nao a possuiam. Dentre os idosos que possuiam receita, 33,33% nao a seguiam. Faz-se presente a necessidade de reorganizar o processo de trabalho na instituicao investigada, de forma que se propicie uma adequacao das prescricoes e um seguimento mais eficaz destas.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 1999

O computador no ensino de enfermagem: análise das atitudes de discentes de instituições de nível superior

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani

Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e analisar atitudes de discentes de instituicoes de ensino superior sobre utilizacao do computador no ensino de enfermagem. A metodologia consistiu na elaboracao, aplicacao e analise de escalas de Likert distribuidas entre discentes do oitavo semestre de instituicoes de ensino de Ribeirao Preto e Bauru. Os resultados indicam o computador como um dos principais recursos para o ensino, a simulacao computadorizada como excelente ponte entre teoria e pratica e os softwares educacionais uteis e interessantes. Verificou-se elevado nivel de interesse e atitudes positivas em relacao ao emprego do recurso computacional no ensino de enfermagem.

Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2011

Erros de medicação: análise do conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem de uma instituição hospitalar

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Marcus Fernando da Silva Praxedes; Marcos Luciano Pimenta Pinheiro

Objetivou-se verificar e analisar junto a equipe de enfermagem o conhecimento sobre em que consiste um erro de medicacao, sua necessidade de notificacao e o conteudo da mesma. Trata-se de pesquisa de carater quantitativo descritivo, desenvolvida em uma instituicao hospitalar, da qual fizeram parte 72 profissionais. Em relacao a definicao de erros de medicacao, constatou-se que 49 (68%) possuem conceito semelhante ao adotado nesse estudo. Quanto a necessidade de notificacao, 67 (93%) afirmaram sua necessidade. Referente ao conteudo da notificacao, 63 (85%) possuem conceito semelhante ao adotado no estudo. Evidencia-se a necessidade de aprofundamento em relacao aos aspectos referentes aos erros de medicacao.The aim of this study was to determine and discuss with the nursing staff their knowledge about what represents a medication error, the need to notify such an error and what would be necessary to put in these notifications. This is a descriptive quantitative study, carried out in a hospital, of which 72 professionals took part. Regarding the definition of medication errors, we found that 49 (68%) share the concept adopted in this study. Regarding the need of notification, 67 (93%) declared that there is such a need. As regards the content of the notification, 63 (85%) had a similar concept to the one used in this study. The need to further approach aspects related to medication errors was evident. Descriptors: Medication systems. Homeopathic vehicles. Nursing, team. Title: Medication errors: analysis of what a hospitals nursing staff know. a Doutor em Enfermagem, Professor Adjunto III do Departamento de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM), Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brasil. b Acadêmico do 8o Período do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da UFVJM, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brasil. c Doutor em Farmácia, Professor Adjunto III do Departamento de Ciências Básicas da UFVJM, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brasil.The aim of this study was to determine and discuss with the nursing staff their knowledge about what represents a medication error, the need to notify such an error and what would be necessary to put in these notifications. This is a descriptive quantitative study, carried out in a hospital, of which 72 professionals took part. Regarding the definition of medication errors, we found that 49 (68%) share the concept adopted in this study. Regarding the need of notification, 67 (93%) declared that there is such a need. As regards the content of the notification, 63 (85%) had a similar concept to the one used in this study. The need to further approach aspects related to medication errors was evident.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2009

Periódicos de enfermagem e administração de medicamentos: identificação e categorização das publicações de 1987 a 2008

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Marcus Fernando da Silva Praxedes

This study aimed to identify and categorize publications about themes related to medication administration in Brazilian nursing journals between 1987 and 2008. From a survey in the main health databases, we reviewed literature about the theme in six Brazilian journals, classifying the articles into care, teaching, research, technique, medication errors, communication and specific drugs. One hundred eight articles were identified, particularly in the Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem and the Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. The author Cassiani and the category specific drugs stand out as responsible for the largest number of articles published. Efforts need to be added up with a view to a more expressive production of articles on medication administration.This study aimed to identify and categorize publications about themes related to medication administration in Brazilian nursing journals between 1987 and 2008. From a survey in the main health databases, we reviewed literature about the theme in six Brazilian journals, classifying the articles into care, teaching, research, technique, medication errors, communication and specific drugs. One hundred eight articles were identified, particularly in the Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem and the Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. The author Cassiani and the category specific drugs stand out as responsible for the largest number of articles published. Efforts need to be added up with a view to a more expressive production of articles on medication administration.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2007

Talking about sexuality, STI and AIDS with poor adolescents

Juliana Kelli Murakami; José Fernando Petrilli Filho; Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho

This study aimed to report an educative action experience on sexuality/STI/Aids in an adolescent group living in a poor context. The study site was a Family Health Unit located in a city in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. Six female adolescents participated in the educative actions, and each of the five meetings took 70 minutes on the average. The educative action allowed for knowledge/action based on a network of interlaced gestures, words and affections, permeating new constructions. Thus, new meanings emerged, not only for the adolescents, who discovered the power of being in the group, but also for the researchers, who managed to visualize other horizons for the work with highly vulnerable groups in society.This study aimed to report an educative action experience on sexuality/STI/Aids in an adolescent group living in a poor context. The study site was a Family Health Unit located in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Six female adolescents participated in the educative actions, and each of the five meetings took 70 minutes on the average. The educative action allowed for knowledge/action based on a network of interlaced gestures, words and affections, permeating new constructions. Thus, new meanings emerged, not only for the adolescents, who discovered the power of being in the group, but also for the researchers, who managed to visualize other horizons for the work with highly vulnerable groups in society.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2008

Ciclo de criação e avaliação do módulo administração de medicamentos para ensino à distância

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani

The objective of this study was to describe the creation cycle of the module “medication administration” and to evaluate it. It is an evaluation research, using the Engagement Theory as a methodological/theoretical approach carried out in two phases: the first related to the creation of the module and the second to its evaluation by specialists using the instrument based on the Model of Analytical Appreciation of Hypermedia Systems. The creation cycle of the module followed the following steps: gathering the objectives of the module, organization of the content, selection of the media, creation of the classes and activation of the learning process. It was evaluated by contents specialists, informatics specialists and nursing students. The evaluation of the distribution and the accessibility of the contents, the utilization of images, the clarity and ease of execution of the program were positive. The module was considered appropriate to be used with nursing students.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2009

Nursing journals and medication management: identification and categorization of publications from 1987 to 2008

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Marcus Fernando da Silva Praxedes

This study aimed to identify and categorize publications about themes related to medication administration in Brazilian nursing journals between 1987 and 2008. From a survey in the main health databases, we reviewed literature about the theme in six Brazilian journals, classifying the articles into care, teaching, research, technique, medication errors, communication and specific drugs. One hundred eight articles were identified, particularly in the Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem and the Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. The author Cassiani and the category specific drugs stand out as responsible for the largest number of articles published. Efforts need to be added up with a view to a more expressive production of articles on medication administration.This study aimed to identify and categorize publications about themes related to medication administration in Brazilian nursing journals between 1987 and 2008. From a survey in the main health databases, we reviewed literature about the theme in six Brazilian journals, classifying the articles into care, teaching, research, technique, medication errors, communication and specific drugs. One hundred eight articles were identified, particularly in the Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem and the Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. The author Cassiani and the category specific drugs stand out as responsible for the largest number of articles published. Efforts need to be added up with a view to a more expressive production of articles on medication administration.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2001

Administração de medicamentos e a comunicação de conhecimento via online

Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho; Luzia Elaine Galdeano; Adriana Inocenti Miasso; Maria Helena Larcher Caliri; Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes

O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar e descrever como tem-se dado a comunicacao do conhecimento em enfermagem, via online, acerca da administracao de medicamentos. Para o levantamento das paginas eletronicas utilizou-se do site MetaBusca-Terra ( Encontrou-se 166 paginas eletronicas; no entanto, somente 45 relacionavam-se ao tema, as quais foram analisadas e categorizadas segundo tipos de apresentacao, sites, idiomas e enderecos eletronicos. Verificou-se que as mesmas apresentavam caracteristicas em comum, sao elas: Artigos (18), Boletins Informativos (8) e Propagandas de medicacao (7). Em relacao aos sites destacou-se o Yahoo, com 34 paginas eletronicas. O idioma predominante foi o ingles com 36 paginas. A comunicacao do conhecimento via online e fundamental no que tange a administracao de medicamentos pois, a partir dela, a difusao do conhecimento dar-se-a de forma mais rapida e produtiva. Indubitavelmente clientes e profissionais receberao incontestaveis beneficios.

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