Paulo de Souza Junior
Universidade Federal do Pampa
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Featured researches published by Paulo de Souza Junior.
Zoologia (Curitiba) | 2015
Paulo de Souza Junior; Lucas Mucci Richter Pereira dos Santos; Daniele Martinez Pereira Nogueira; Marcelo Abidu-Figueiredo; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
The brachioradialis is an important muscle that acts in the external rotation of the forearm (supination). However, its occurrence is controversial and little studied in the order Carnivora. Thus, this study investigates the occurrence and anatomo-functional arrangement of this muscle in wild carnivorans species. Fifty-eight thoracic limbs of specimens from species of Canidae, Procyonidae, Mustelidae and Felidae were dissected. Measurements of the length of the muscle (ML), the length of the forearm (FL), latero-medial width of the muscle (MW) and the lateral-medial diameter of the forearm (FD) were obtained to establish the ratios MW/FD and ML/FL in order to investigate the relative proportion of the muscle in relation to the forearm of each species. The brachioradialis muscle was identified in all species, although it was unilaterally or bilaterally absent in some canid individuals. The ratios demonstrated significant differences in the anatomical proportions among the families, with greater functional importance in the mustelids, procyonids, and felids because of a set of elaborate movements in the thoracic limb of representatives of these families when compared to canids.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2014
Paulo de Souza Junior; Natan da Cruz de Carvalho; Karine de Mattos; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
This study aimed to describe the origin and branching of nerves from twenty brachial plexuses of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous). Ten animals of the species, obtained post mortem from being run over on highways, were used for the study, in accordance with the authorization from IBAMA / SISBIO No. 33667-1. Once collected, the cadavers were fixed in 50% formaldehyde and kept for at least 14 days in a solution of 10% formaldehyde before dissections. After removal of skin, incisions in breast muscles and reflection of thoracic limbs allowed access to axillary space and the nerves could have trajects dissected individually to each muscle insertion. To improve visualization of the cervical and thoracic ventral roots that originated every single nerve, muscles that covered the intervertebral foramina, transverse processes and vertebral bodies were removed ventrally and the spinal cord exposed. Schematic drawings and photographic records documented the origin and branching of nerves. The twenty plexuses were resulted from connections between the ventral branches of the last three cervical spinal nerves (C6, C7 and C8) and first thoracic (T1). These branches derived the nerves suprascapular, subscapular, axillary, musculocutaneous, radial, median and ulnar to the intrinsic muscles and brachiocephalic, thoracodorsal, lateral thoracic, long thoracic, cranial and caudal pectoral nerves to the extrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb. It was found that the ventral rami of C7 were the main contributors in the formation of nerves (61.5%), followed by C8 (55.4%), T1 (41.2%) and C6 (30.8%). The t-test comparison between means at a significance level of 5% showed no differences in the origin of plexus when compared antimeres and sexes. Of the total of 260 dissected nerves, 68.8% originated by the combination of two or three roots, while only 31.2% were formed by a single root. The combination between C8 and T1 was the most frequent origin of nerves to the plexus (23.8%) in this species. Comparing the origin, branching and innervation area of the brachial plexus in C. thous with other domestic and wild species, there was a greater similarity with the domestic dog. These results may give the anatomical basis to diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders, anesthetic blocks techniques and comparative morphofunctional analyzes involving this species.
Anatomical Record-advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology | 2017
Paulo de Souza Junior; Natan da Cruz de Carvalho; Karine de Mattos; Marcelo Abidu Figueiredo; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
Twenty thoracic limbs of ten Lycalopex gymnocercus were dissected to describe origin and distribution of the nerves forming brachial plexuses. The brachial plexus resulted from the connections between the ventral branches of the last three cervical nerves (C6, C7, and C8) and first thoracic nerve (T1). These branches connected the suprascapular, subscapular, axillary, musculocutaneous, radial, median and ulnar nerves to the intrinsic musculature and connected the brachiocephalic, thoracodorsal, lateral thoracic, long thoracic, cranial pectoral and caudal pectoral nerves to the extrinsic musculature. The C7 ventral branches contribute most to the formation of the nerves (62.7%), followed by C8 (58.8%), T1 (40.0%) and C6 (24.6%). Of the 260 nerves dissected, 69.2% resulted from a combination of two or three branches, while only 30.8% originated from a single branch. The origin and innervation area of the pampas fox brachial plexus, in comparison with other domestic and wild species, were most similar to the domestic dog and wild canids from the neotropics. The results of this study can serve as a base for comparative morphofunctional analysis involving this species and development of nerve block techniques. Anat Rec, 300:537–548, 2017.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2016
Paulo de Souza Junior; Natan da Cruz de Carvalho; Karine de Mattos; Bruno Leite dos Anjos; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox) is the most common wild canid in South American territory. The aim of this paper was to describe macroscopic, microscopic and comparative morphology of the larynx of this species. Analyses of larynges of sixteen specimens (four males and twelve females) revealed the topography, conformation, morphometrics, intrinsic muscles and histological characteristics. The larynx was positioned ventral to the axis and comprised one cricoid and one thyroid cartilage (hyaline), one epiglottis (elastic) and a pair of arytenoids (mixed). A pair of sesamoid cartilages was identified between the corniculate processes and the cricoid lamina. Morphometry revealed that thyroid cartilage was the largest. There were no conclusive signs of sexual dimorphism in the larynx of this species. Squamous stratified epithelium predominated and underwent transition to ciliated pseudo-stratified at the level of caudal thyroid and rostral cricoid portions. By comparison, larynx of C. thous showed similarity with the domestic dog, although the shape of cartilages has shown some variation.
Journal of Anatomy | 2018
Paulo de Souza Junior; Lucas Mucci Richter Pereira dos Santos; Wilson Viotto-Souza; Natan da Cruz de Carvalho; Erick Candiota Souza; Carlos Benhur Kasper; Marcelo Abidu-Figueiredo; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
The characteristics of the muscles of the thoracic limb were evaluated in 22 specimens of Lycalopex gymnocercus. Descriptive and comparative analyses showed similarity with other canids in terms of topography and tendon insertions. Differences with the domestic dog were observed in the pectoralis profundus, triceps brachii and interflexorii muscles. Intraspecific variations were observed in the rhomboideus capitis, serratus ventralis cervicis, extensor carpi radialis, extensor digiti I and II, lumbricales, flexor digiti I brevis, abductor digiti I brevis, and flexor digiti V muscles. The analyses of muscle architecture carried out in nine specimens showed that there was no difference in muscle percentage mass in the thoracic limb of males and females, but a young specimen showed significant lower percentage mass. The triceps brachii caput longus muscle showed the greatest mass, the subscapularis muscle showed the greatest physiological cross‐sectional area value, and the extrinsic muscles, in general, presented the longest fascicles and higher architectural indexes. Muscle architecture data were compatible with those of a thoracic limb adapted to fast cursorial locomotion that prioritizes movements in a sagittal plane instead of rotation or adduction/abduction. There was a high association between functional percentage mass of the muscles in the thoracic limb and phylogeny in the Carnivora order. It may be inferred that carnivoran muscle mass is largely determined by phylogeny.
International Journal of Morphology | 2017
Paulo de Souza Junior; Mayra Galhardo Ferreira Ribeiro; Liliana Jost Dutra; Karine de Mattos; Natan da Cruz de Carvalho; Marcelo Abidu-Figueiredo; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características anatómicas y establecer hipótesis morfo-funcionales del esqueleto del miembro torácico de Mazama gouazoubira . Para ello, se utilizaron los miembros torácicos de cuatro adultos jóvenes. Los huesos se prepararon mediante ebullición y fueron blanqueados en una solución de peróxido de hidrógeno para obtener descripcion s comparativas, mediciones osteométricas y radiografías digitales. En comparación con los rumiantes domésticos, la escápula resul tó ser ancha y plana, con el acromion pequeño, el proceso coracoides muy pequeño y sin tuberosidad de la espina. El húmero se observó alargado con la diáfisis redondeada en una sección transversal y con proyecciones no articulares lisas. La ulna se unió al radi o hasta la epífisis distal y juntos formaron un espacio interóseo proximal alargado y estrecho, sin surco vascular. El esqueleto de la man o pr sentó los metacarpianos III y IV bien desarrollados y fusionados, mientras que los metacarpianos II y V resultaron rudimentarios con disp sición telemetacarpiana, filogenéticamente típico de cérvidos del Nuevo Mundo. Se encontraron cuatro dedos con tres falanges en cad uno, de los cuales, dos corresponden a los principales (III y IV) que llegan al suelo y dos son rudimentarios (II y V). Las rad iografías nos permitieron visualizar los patrones de tensiones trabeculares normales y la osteometría permitió establecer relaciones con fines comparativos. Se reconocieron las adaptaciones esqueléticas del miembro torácico para favorecer la locomoción cursorial saltato ria.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | 2016
Paulo de Souza Junior; Flávio Machado de Moraes; Natan da Cruz de Carvalho; Evandro Alves Canelo; Roberto Thiesen; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
Abstract: Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf) is the biggest South American canid and has a high frequency of dental injuries, both in the wild and in captivity. Thus, veterinary procedures are necessary to preserve the feeding capacity of hundreds of captive specimens worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the mandibular morphometry of the maned wolf with emphasis on the establishment of anatomic references for anesthetic block of the inferior alveolar and mental nerves. Therefore, 16 measurements in 22 mandibles of C. brachyurus adults were taken. For extraoral block of the inferior alveolar nerve at the level of the mandibular foramen, the needle should be advanced close to the medial face of the mandibular ramus for 11.4 mm perpendicular to the palpable concavity. In another extraoral approach, the needle may be introduced for 30.4 mm from the angular process at a 20–25° angle to the ventral margin. For blocking only the mental nerve, the needle should be inserted for 10 mm from ventral border, close to the labial surface of the mandibular body, at the level of the lower first premolar. The mandibular foramen showed similar position, size, and symmetry in the maned wolf specimens examined. Comparison of the data observed here with those available for other carnivores indicates the need to determine these anatomic references specifically for each species.
Anatomical Record-advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology | 2016
Paulo de Souza Junior; Natan da Cruz de Carvalho; Karine de Mattos; Marcelo Abidu Figueiredo; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
Twenty thoracic limbs of ten Lycalopex gymnocercus were dissected to describe origin and distribution of the nerves forming brachial plexuses. The brachial plexus resulted from the connections between the ventral branches of the last three cervical nerves (C6, C7, and C8) and first thoracic nerve (T1). These branches connected the suprascapular, subscapular, axillary, musculocutaneous, radial, median and ulnar nerves to the intrinsic musculature and connected the brachiocephalic, thoracodorsal, lateral thoracic, long thoracic, cranial pectoral and caudal pectoral nerves to the extrinsic musculature. The C7 ventral branches contribute most to the formation of the nerves (62.7%), followed by C8 (58.8%), T1 (40.0%) and C6 (24.6%). Of the 260 nerves dissected, 69.2% resulted from a combination of two or three branches, while only 30.8% originated from a single branch. The origin and innervation area of the pampas fox brachial plexus, in comparison with other domestic and wild species, were most similar to the domestic dog and wild canids from the neotropics. The results of this study can serve as a base for comparative morphofunctional analysis involving this species and development of nerve block techniques. Anat Rec, 300:537–548, 2017.
Bioscience Journal | 2016
Cristiano Corrêa Ferreira; Paulo de Souza Junior; André Luiz Quagliatto Santos; Douglas Ramos Mendes; Juliana de Abreu Fontes
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária | 2014
Ronaldo Hertel Neira; Felipe Victório de Castro Bath; Renata Medeiros do Nascimento; Thais Mattos Estruc; Paulo de Souza Junior; Marcelo Abidu Figueiredo