Paulo F. Ribeiro
Calvin College
Featured researches published by Paulo F. Ribeiro.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 1999
R. Abu-Hashim; R.F. Burch; G. W. Chang; M. Grady; E. Gunther; M. Halpin; C. Harziadonin; Yilu Liu; M. Marz; Thomas H. Ortmeyer; V. Rajagopalan; S. Ranade; Paulo F. Ribeiro; T. Sim; W. Xu
This paper presents three harmonic simulation test systems. The purpose is to demonstrate guidelines for the preparation and analysis of harmonic problems through case studies and simulation examples. The systems can also be used as benchmark systems for the development of new harmonic simulation methods and for the evaluation of existing harmonic analysis software.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 2007
A. Testa; M. F. Akram; R.F. Burch; G. Carpinelli; G. W. Chang; Venkata Dinavahi; Constantine J. Hatziadoniu; W.M. Grady; E. Gunther; M. Halpin; Peter W. Lehn; Y.H. Liu; Roberto Langella; M. Lowenstein; Aurelio Medina; Thomas H. Ortmeyer; Satish J. Ranade; Paulo F. Ribeiro; Neville R. Watson; J. Wikston; W. Xu
Some of the most remarkable issues related to interharmonic theory and modeling are presented. Starting from the basic definitions and concepts, attention is first devoted to interharmonic sources. Then, the interharmonic assessment is considered with particular attention to the problem of the frequency resolution and of the computational burden associated with the analysis of periodic steady-state waveforms. Finally, modeling of different kinds of interharmonic sources and the extension of the classical models developed for power system harmonic analysis to include interharmonics are discussed. Numerical results for the issues presented are given with references to case studies constituted by popular schemes of adjustable speed drives.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics | 2011
F Fei Wang; Jorge Jorge Duarte; Mam Marcel Hendrix; Paulo F. Ribeiro
This paper proposes an impedance-based analytical method for modeling and analysis of harmonic interactions between the grid and aggregated distributed generation (DG) inverters. The root cause of harmonic interaction/resonance problems is the impedance-network quasi-resonance between the effective output impedance of the inverter and the equivalent grid impedance at the connection point. Starting with the output impedance modeling of an inverter, a Norton model of the inverter is derived. Comparing with the switching model and the average model of the inverter, simulation results show the effectiveness of the model. This paper proposes that impedance limits should be specified and used as an extra design constraint for DG inverters in order to minimize the harmonic distortion impact on the grid. Assuming the impedance models of individual inverters and local loads within a distribution grid are known, especially in the case of new grids under construction, harmonic interactions between the grid and a certain number of DG inverters can be preliminarily estimated.
IEEE Computer Applications in Power | 1996
A.W. Galli; G.T. Heydt; Paulo F. Ribeiro
Wavelets are a recently developed mathematical tool for signal analysis. Informally, a wavelet is a short-term duration wave. Wavelets are used as a kernel function in an integral transform, much in the same way that sines and cosines are used in Fourier analysis or the Walsh functions in Walsh analysis. To date, the primary application of wavelets has been in the areas of signal processing, image compression, subband coding, medical imaging, data compression, seismic studies, denoising data, computer vision and sound synthesis. Here, the authors describe how wavelets may be used in the analysis of power system transients using computer implementation.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 2006
L. Chen; Yilu Liu; Aysen Arsoy; Paulo F. Ribeiro; Michael Steurer; M.R. Iravani
This paper presents a detailed model for simulation of a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) system. SMES technology has the potential to bring real power storage characteristic to the utility transmission and distribution systems. The principle of SMES system operation is reviewed in this paper. To understand transient and dynamic performance of a SMES system, a detailed SMES system benchmark model is given with extensive simulation results. This system is demonstrated using an electromagnetic transient program-PSCAD/EMTDC.
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications | 2012
Marcelo Godoy Simões; Robin Roche; Elias Kyriakides; Sid Suryanarayanan; Benjamin Blunier; Kerry D. McBee; Phuong H. Nguyen; Paulo F. Ribeiro; Abdellatif Miraoui
This paper discusses historical and technical events in the U.S. and Europe over the last few years that are aimed at modernizing the electric power grid. The U.S. federal government has ratified the “smart grid initiative” as the official policy for modernizing the electricity grid including unprecedented provisions for timely information and control options to consumers and deployment of “smart” technologies. European countries are unified in researching and developing related technologies through various structures supported by the European Union. This paper presents the development of smart grids and an analysis of the methodologies, milestones, and expected evolutions of grid technologies that will transform society in the near future.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 1998
Yahia Baghzouz; R.F. Burch; A. Capasso; A. Cavallini; A.E. Emanuel; M. Halpin; A. Imece; A. Ludbrook; G. Montanari; K.J. Olejniczak; Paulo F. Ribeiro; S. Rios-Marcuello; L. Tang; R. Thaliam; P. Verde
This paper represents Part I of a two-part article which summarizes the probabilistic aspects of harmonics in electric distribution systems. This first part reviews the problems associated with direct application of the fast Fourier transform to compute harmonic levels of nonsteady state distorted waveforms, and various ways to describe recorded data in statistical terms. Each statistical description is applied to a set of recorded data for illustration purposes.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 1999
V. Karasik; K. Dixon; C. Weber; B. Batchelder; G. Campbell; Paulo F. Ribeiro
Advances in both superconducting technologies and the necessary power electronics interface have made SMES a viable technology for high power utility and defense applications. The power industrys demands for more flexible, reliable and fast active power compensation devices make the ideal opportunity for SMES applications. However, in order to make this technology attractive to the deregulated utility market, it is necessary for industry to provide cost-effective systems. The information presented herein is taken from results to date of a DARPA technology Reinvestment Program SMES Commercialization Demonstration. This program is currently in the design and risk reduction phase. Completion is expected in 2001. This system will provide +/- 100 MW peak and +/- 50 MW oscillatory power with 100 MJ of stored energy. The base line for the coil design assumes a cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC), with rated voltage of 24 kV, and operating at nominal temperature of 4.5 K. This paper reviews the possible utility industry applications and discusses a number of technical issues and trade-offs resulting from the design optimization process for SMES utility applications. The conductor design options, system configuration, current/voltage levels and insulation issues for a low temperature superconducting coil are discussed. The power electronics interfaces (system configuration, circuit topology and devices and switching technologies) are also discussed. Finally, consideration is given to the impact of the new business environment, potential markets and overall cost.
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine | 1997
A.M. Gole; A. Keri; C. Kwankpa; E. Gunther; Hermann W. Dommel; I. Hassan; J.R. Marti; J.A. Martinez; K.G. Fehrle; L. Tang; M.F. McGranaghan; O.B. Nayak; Paulo F. Ribeiro; R. Iravani; R. Lasseter
This paper presents a summary of guidelines for modeling power electronics in various power engineering applications. This document is designed for use by power engineers who need to simulate power electronic devices and sub-systems with digital computer programs. The guideline emphasizes the basic issues that are critical for successfully modeling power electronics devices and the interface between power electronics and the utility or industrial system. The modeling considerations addressed in this guideline are generic for all power electronics modeling independent of the computational tool. However, for the purposes of illustration, the simulation examples presented are based on the EMTP or EMTP type of programs. The procedures used to implement power electronics models in these examples are valuable for using other digital simulation tools.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 2002
Yahia Baghzouz; R.F. Burch; A. Capasso; A. Cavallini; A.E. Emanuel; M. Halpin; R. Langella; G. Montanari; K.J. Olejniczak; Paulo F. Ribeiro; S. Rios-Marcuello; F. Ruggiero; R. Thallam; A. Testa; P. Verde
This paper represents the second part of a two-part article reviewing the state of the art of probabilistic aspects of harmonics in electric power systems. It includes tools for calculating probabilities of rectangular and phasor components of individual as well as multiple harmonic sources. A procedure for determining the statistical distribution of voltages resulting from dispersed and random current sources is reviewed. Some applications of statistical representation of harmonics are also discussed.