Paulo H. Hashimoto
Osaka University
Featured researches published by Paulo H. Hashimoto.
Neuroscience | 1991
Takahiro Gotow; Katsuyuki Miyaguchi; Paulo H. Hashimoto
Cytoplasmic architecture of axon terminals in rat central nervous tissue was examined by quick-freeze deep-etch method to determine how synaptic vesicles and their associated cytoplasmic environment are organized in the terminal and to know how these structures participate in the mechanism for neurotransmitter release. The axoplasm is divisible into two domains: one occupied by mitochondria in the middle of the terminal, called the mitochondrial domain, the other situated in the periphery and exclusively filled with spherical synaptic vesicles, 50-60 nm in diameter, the synaptic vesicle domain. The most characteristic feature of the mitochondrial domain was the appearance of many microtubules connected with mitochondria by filamentous strands. Large vesicles, 80-100 nm in diameter, were preferentially associated with the mitochondrial domain, and linked with microtubules wherever they appeared. The cytoplasmic matrix of the synaptic vesicle domain showed a more fibrillar texture than that of the mitochondrial domain because of the distribution of filamentous strands associated with synaptic vesicles. These strands were significantly thicker and longer (mean 11.7 nm thick and 42.7 nm long) than those linking membrane-bound organelles to microtubules (mean 8.3 nm thick and 23.0 nm long), and connected vesicles to one another or to the plasma membrane, making a complicated network around the vesicles. Further, both strands were significantly different in dimension from actin filaments (mean 9.9 nm thick and 73.5 nm long) showing 5-nm axial periodicity. These strands, especially synaptic vesicle-associated ones including their network, were readily broken down in the most part by detergent treatment or chemical fixation, indicating that they are very delicate in nature. Granular materials, which are spherical and vary in size (6-20 nm in diameter), are also more conspicuous in the synaptic vesicle domain than in the mitochondrial domain. More fibrillar and granular cytoplasmic structure of the synaptic vesicle domain may be crucial for synaptic vesicles to perform an essential role in releasing the transmitter.
Cell and Tissue Research | 1982
Masafumi Sakagami; Toru Matsunaga; Paulo H. Hashimoto
SummaryThe blood capillaries in the stria vascularis and the spiral ligament of guinea pigs were studied by electron microscopy with freeze-fracture and thin section methods, including tracer experiments with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and microperoxidase (MP). The endothelial cells of the capillaries of both tissues are connected by tight junctions, and contain about the same number of micropinocytotic vesicles. In cases of intravascular administration before fixation, both of the tracers stained the perivascular space and almost all endothelial vesicles in the stria vascularis. On the other hand, the perivascular space and many vesicles in the spiral ligament were unstained. The endothelial tight junctions in the stria vascularis prevented the penetration of HRP, but sometimes allowed the penetration of MP. Those of the spiral ligament were impermeable to both tracers. In cases of tracer administration after fixation, leakage spots of HRP from capillaries were sparsely located all over the stria vascularis. Transendothelial channels and isolated fenestrae formed by micropinocytotic vesicles were detected. It is concluded that the capillaries of the stria vascularis are similar to the muscle capillaries and to the capillaries of the elasmobranch brain, whereas those in the spiral ligament are similar to the brain capillaries of higher vertebrates.
Cell and Tissue Research | 1979
Takahiro Gotow; Paulo H. Hashimoto
SummaryEpendymal cells and their junctional complexes in the area postrema of the rat were studied in detail by tracer experiments using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and colloidal lanthanum and by freeze-etch techniques, in addition to routine electron microscopy. The ependyma of the area postrema is characterized as flattened cells possessing very few cilia, a moderate amount of microvilli, a well-developed Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Numerous vesicles or tubular formations with internal dense content were found to accumulate in the basal processes of ependymal cells; the basal process makes contact with the perivascular basal lamina. It is suggested that the dense material in the tubulovesicular formations is synthesized within the ependymal cell and discharged into the perivascular space. The apical junctions between adjacent ependymal cells display very close apposition, with a gap of 2–3 nm, but no fusion of adjacent plasma membranes; they thus represent a transitional form between the zonulae adhaerentes present in the ordinary mural ependyma and the zonulae occludentes in the choroidal epithelium. A direct intercommunication between the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the blood vascular system indicates that a region exists lacking a blood-ventricular CSF barrier.
Cell and Tissue Research | 1986
Takao Ichimura; Tomio Arikuni; Paulo H. Hashimoto
SummaryVarious types of synaptic formations on pinealocytes and pineal neurons were found in the pineal body of Macaca fuscata. Axo-somatic synapses of the Gray type-II category were detected on the pinealocyte cell body. Gap junctions and ribbon synapses were observed between adjacent pinealocytes. About 70 nerve-cell bodies were detected in one half of the whole pineal body bisected midsagittally. They were localized exclusively deep in the central part. When examined electron-microscopically, they were found to receive ribbon-synapse-like contacts from pinealocytic processes. They also received synaptic contacts of the Gray type-I category on their dendrites, and those of the Gray type-II category on their cell bodies from nerve terminals of unknown origin. All these synapse-forming axon terminals contained small clear vesicles. Thus, the pineal neurons of the monkey, at least in part, are suggested to be derived from the pineal ganglion cells in the lower vertebrates and not from the postganglionic parasympathetic neurons. The functional significance of these observations is discussed in relation to the innervation of the pineal body of the monkey.
Journal of Neurocytology | 1988
Takao Ichimura; Paulo H. Hashimoto
SummaryStructural components in the synaptic cleft were examined in cerebellar excitatory synapses by conventional electron microscopy and by rapid freezing followed by freeze-substitution or deep etching. Two transverse components and one parallel element were identified in the clefts of rapidly frozen and freeze-substituted synapses: (i) bridging fibrils, 4–6 nm in diameter, that span the cleft; (ii) columnar pegs, 4–6 nm wide and 8–15 nm high, projecting from the postsynaptic surface; and (iii) intervening fine fibrils running parallel to the apposed synaptic membranes. These were more clearly visible in deep-etched synapses, although the postsynaptic pegs were difficult to distinguish from intramembrane particles in the cross-fractured postsynaptic membranes. Deep etching also revealed other fibrils on the cytoplasmic surface of the postsynaptic membrane. These appear to contact the membrane surface or the intramembrane particles. Freeze-substituted materials also displayed the fibrillar components in the postsynaptic dense fuzz, but failed to display the presynaptic dense projections typically observed in thin sections or deep-etched replicas of the conventionally fixed materials. The bridging fibrils are likely to play a mechanical role in holding the synapse together, while the short pegs may be integral parts of the receptor molecules.
Journal of Neurocytology | 1984
Takahiro Gotow; Paulo H. Hashimoto
SummaryThe structural machinery contributing to the blood-brain barrier in elasmobranchs has been examined mainly using freeze-fracture techniques. Capillary endothelial cells, which show local aggregations of pinocytotic vesicles and infrequent fenestrations, are connected by poorly developed tight junctions. Astrocytic processes investing the capillary are linked by well-developed tight junctions between lateral membranes immediately beneath the perivascular space. The tight junctions consist of continuous strands of multiple layers coursing circumferentially around the astrocytic processes parallel to one another as well as to the perivascular space. The presence of intramembrane particles (IMPs) within E-face grooves may result in discontinuities in IMP rows on the P-face. Thus, in compensation for the capillary endothelium, perivascular astrocytes constitute the morphological site of the blood-brain barrier in elasmobranchs. Continuous strands of tight junctions are also detected between astrocytic processes forming the glia limitans at the brain surface. These may act as a barrier between meningeal connective tissue and brain parenchyma. Astrocytic membranes have numerous IMPs of 8–9 run in diameter on their P-faces. These IMPs are uniformly distributed so that astrocytic membranes are easily distinguished from neuronal membranes even in the neuropil. Ependymal cells also have numerous IMPs in all their membrane domains. Orthogonal arrays are not detected in either astrocytic or ependymal plasma membranes.
European Journal of Vascular Surgery | 1992
Makoto Watase; Jun-ichi Kambayashi; Takeshi Itoh; Yoshifumi Tsuji; Tomio Kawasaki; Eiichi Shiba; M. Sakon; T. Mori; Kanji Yashika; Paulo H. Hashimoto
To evaluate and compare the pathogenesis of pseudo-intimal hyperplasia (PH) of venous and arterial prostheses, a segment of the inferior vena cava (n = 16) or abdominal aorta (n = 16) was substituted by a 3 mm internal diameter polytetrafluoroethylene tube graft (PTFE, 3 cm long, 30 microns in nodal distance) in albino rabbits. At designated time intervals (3-28 days) after the replacement, graft patency was examined and the dry weights of the intraluminal deposits measured as an indicator of the degree of PH. The harvested grafts were then subjected to an ultrastructural analysis by means of light microscopy (LM), and scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM). All the grafts remained patent during the entire observation period. The PH judged by the dry weight was significantly more extensive in the venous than in the arterial prostheses. The PH on day 28, observed by light microscopes was apparently most extensive in the mid-portion of venous prostheses but in the arteria prostheses it was mostly seen at the anastomotic sites. The lining of the intraluminal surface of the prostheses with endothelial-like cells observed by SEM was faster and more extensive in venous than in arterial prostheses. The process of PH in venous prostheses observed by TEM may be divided into the following steps: early thrombosis, phagocytosis of the thrombus, appearance of fibroblasts, growth of endothelial-like cells, appearance of smooth muscle cells, and pseudointimal thickening and proliferation of fibroblasts producing collagen fibrils. The process in arterial prostheses was essentially identical to that in venous prostheses but was much slower and less extensive. From these observations, it was concluded that the formation of PH occurs much faster in venous than in arterial prostheses, although the mechanism of PH is mostly identical in venous and arterial prostheses.
Cell and Tissue Research | 1991
Eijiro Adachi; Toshihiko Hayashi; Paulo H. Hashimoto
SummaryLocalizations of collagen types I, III, and V in monkey liver, as determined by the indirect immunofluorescence method, were photographically superimposed on the fibers revealed by silver-staining in the same tissue sections. Immunofluorescence for type I collagen was found to correspond with the brown collagen fibers and with some of the coarse reticular fibers, while that for type III collagen was found to correspond with most, but not all, reticular fibers of the liver as well as with the brown collagen fibers. The distribution of type V collagen coincides not only with the collagen fibers in the stroma of portal triads and around the central veins, but also with the coarse and fine reticular fibers in the liver lobules. By immuno-electron microscopy, reaction products with anti-type III and V collagens antibodies were demonstrated on cross-striated collagen fibrils, about 45 nm in diameter, in the space of Disse. From these observations, it is concluded that: (1) the fine reticular fibers are mainly composed of type III and type V collagens, and (2) the collagen fibers and coarse reticular fibers in the periphery of liver lobules are composed of type I, type III and type V collagens.
Journal of Ultrastructure Research | 1981
Takahiro Gotow; Paulo H. Hashimoto
Intercellular junctions of ependymal lining in and near the median eminence of the rat were studied by freeze-fracture and thin sections including tracer experiments with horseradish peroxidase (HRP; molecular diam ∼50 A), microperoxidase (MP; molecular diam ∼20 A), and 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OHDA; molecular diam ∼5–7 A). Ependymal tight junctions near the median eminence consist of fragmented strands which exclude only HRP in some areas. The tight junction develops to show a more extensive network of strands within the median eminence proper, preventing the penetration of both HRP and MP. 5-OHDA, however, permeated the tight junction by circumventing the sites of membrane fusion. The junction of the median eminence is less tight than those of choroid epithelium and ordinary brain capillary which exclude 5-OHDA, and may not provide effective barrier to small molecules of the size of monoamines. The results show polarities in tightness of intercellular junctions between ependymal cells covering the basal hypothalamus.
Journal of Neurocytology | 1988
Takahiro Gotow; Paulo H. Hashimoto
SummaryThe cytoskeletal system in rat subpial astrocytes and the relationship between astrocytic plasma membrane and basal lamina or cytoplasmic components were examined with a quick-freeze deep-etch technique, mainly using chemically fixed tissues. Attention was focused on the way intramembrane particles (IMPs), particularly orthogonal arrays, are organized in the membranes and related to extramembrane components. The basal lamina was composed of a sheet-like network of strands (4–9 nm thick), some, which we have called ‘trabecular’ strands, extending through the lamina lucida to touch the astrocytic membrane at irregular intervals. The trabecular strands usually formed a bulbous structure where they touched the membrane, but sometimes appeared to intrude directly into the external lipid layer. The orthogonal arrays did not extend to the outer true surface, and no special structure was detectable in association with them. Small spherical protrusions (7–9 nm in diameter), related to neither the trabecular strands nor the arrays, were observed in the outer surface. Judging from their size and distribution, these are probably tops of tall globular IMPs. In the inner or cytoplasmic true surface, protrusions were relatively numerous; some were large, 15–20 nm in diameter, while others were small (8–10 nm). Some of the small protrusions were identified as transmembrane components. Although protrusions were more conspicuous in the inner than in the outer surface, none of them provided images related or similar to the orthogonal arrays. Some protrusions in the inner surface were connected with thin (4–5 nm) or thick (∼ 10nm) filaments constituting the underlying network. The thin filaments were also anchored to the intermediate filaments which lay parallel with the astrocytic membranes. In the cytoplasm, the intermediate filaments were firmly packed to form bundles. Because the orthogonal arrays are probably embedded within the astrocytic membrane, they may not serve as a transmembrane channel but rather contribute to some stabilizing function for the membrane.