
Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 1998

Colangiografia transoperatória em colecistectomia laparoscópica

Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Mauro Nectoux; Rene Jacobsen Eilers; Eduardo Mainieri Chem; Charles Edison Reidner

With laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the intraoperative cholangiography has been motive of intense controversy. Some authors perform it routinely. They consider laparoscopic cholecystectomy only an alternative to open access and, in that case, must be the same as conventional procedure. On the other hand, many authors believe that few patients have a true indication to evaluate the biliary tree. These authors do selectively intraoperative cholangiography. We performed 309 laparoscopic cholecystectomies between may 1993 and june 1997. The records of these patients were reviewed. Our results and experience with intraoperative cholangiography are evaluated. We usually perform intraoperative cholangiography by cystic duct catheterization, whenever feasible and without risk of injury to the biliary tree. It was possible in 244 (78.9%) cases. The main cause of unsuccessful was the presence of narrow cystic duct and occurred in 21 (6.8%) patients. The exam was normal in 229 (93.8%). Unsuspected choledocholithiasis was detected in six (2.4%), cystic duct draining into right hepatic duct was present in three (J.2%)and one (0.4%) had a choledocal cyst. The intraoperative cholangiography was a safe procedure in our patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and, with our results, we recommend your routinely employment.

ABCD. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva (São Paulo) | 2011

É possível diminuir o sangramento em hepatectomias sem a realização de exclusão vascular total ou parcial?: Resultados do uso de radiofrequência bipolar com agulhas resfriadas

José Artur Sampaio; Fábio Luiz Waechter; Thiago Luciano Passarin; Cristine Kist Kruse; Mauro Nectoux; Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Luiz Pereira Lima

BACKGROUND: Although the resection is the chosen procedure in the therapeutic treatment of liver malign lesions, the bleeding represents a factor of morbidity with a great impact in the hepatic surgery. With the means of minimizing this complication, several technological options have been utilized, being radiofrequency more recently among them, allowing the procedure to be realized with smaller incisions, without the need of vascular clamping, with minimum hepatic dissection, or bleeding. AIM: To present the results of the use of a new technique of hepatic parenchyma resection through parallel needles of bipolar radiofrequency developed by the authors themselves, verifying the impact in the trans-operation bleeding of patients subjected to hepatectomies. METHODS: Sixty patients were submitted to hepatic resection through the use of bipolar radiofrequency. The pre-operation bleeding was evaluated through the medication of the collected volume in the vacuum and by the weight difference in the compresses utilized during the procedure. All cases were monitored in their hepatocitary function through laboratory tests during the first week of the post-operation. RESULTS: The hepatic resections were realized with the mean of 87 minutes, mean incision size of 14 cm and mean bleeding of 58 ml. None of the patients received blood transfusion or derivatives. Central venous catheters were not utilized. All patients obtained fast anesthetic recuperation, leaving the recuperation room to the ward in less than 12 hours. The post-operation drainage was noted down until the drain removal occurring in all patients. The mean hospitalization time was of 3,2 days. After the elevation peak of the hepatic function tests in the first three days, all patients presented regression of them in a one month. CONCLUSION: It is possible, feasible and valid to use radiofrequency needle to perform hepatectomy, even larger ones, reducing bleeding.

Arquivos De Gastroenterologia | 2016


Uirá Fernandes Teixeira; Marcos Bertozzi Goldoni; Mayara Christ Machry; Pedro Ney Ceccon; Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Fábio Luiz Waechter

BACKGROUND - Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the treatment of choice for gallstone disease, and has been perfomed as an outpatient surgery in many Institutions over the last few years. OBJECTIVE - This is a retrospective study of a single center in Brazil, that aims to analyze the outcomes of 200 cases of ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed by the same Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary team, evaluating the safety and cost-effectiveness of the method. METHODS - Two hundred consecutive patients who underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy were retrospectively analyzed; some of them underwent additional procedures, as liver biopsies and abdominal hernias repair. RESULTS - From a total of 200 cases, the outpatient surgery protocol could not be carried out in 22 (11%). Twenty one (95.5%) patients remained hospitalized for 1 day and 1 (4.5%) patient remained hospitalized for 2 days. From the 178 patients who underwent ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 3 (1.7 %) patients returned to the emergency room before the review appointment. Hospital cost was on average 35% lower for the ambulatory group. CONCLUSION - With appropriate selection criteria, ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy is feasible, safe and effective; readmission rate is low, as well as complications related to the method. Cost savings and patient satisfaction support its adoption. Other studies are necessary to recommend this procedure as standard practice in Brazil.

American Journal of Case Reports | 2012

A rare case of multiple skin metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus

Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Uirá Fernandes Teixeira; Fábio Luiz Weachter; José Artur Sampaio; Roque Furian

Summary Background: Esophageal cancer is an aggressive disease that generally has a poor prognosis. Patients affected by the disease usually present with signs and symptoms related to local growth of the tumor, gastrointestinal bleeding and nutritional impairment. Skin metastases are rare events, associated with advanced stage and poor survival. Case Report: We report the case of a 51-year-old man who presented poor general status, dysphagia, weight loss and skin lesions disseminated throughout the body. Endoscopic examination revealed the presence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, and biopsies of skin lesions showed metastasis of this cancer to the esophagus. Conclusions: We believe that any suspicious lesion that presents together with a history of gastrointestinal malignancy should be biopsied, since it can change the staging and prognosis of patients.

ABCD. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva (São Paulo) | 2010

Estenoses biliares benignas: reparação e resultados com o uso de silastic transhepático transanastomótico

José Artur Sampaio; Cristine Kist Kruse; Thiago Luciano Passarin; Fábio Luiz Waechter; Mauro Nectoux; Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Luiz Pereira-Lima

BACKGROUND: The medical advances is not always related to homogeneous good results for all the patients. This is the case of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, whose advantages are largely recognized in the medical literature. However, this operation most dreaded complication, iatrogenic major bile duct injury, is rising in the last years, despite the learning curve, and stabilized in a level higher than that experienced in open cholecystectomy. Among the features which can bring to this event a good outcome is the use of transhepatic transanastomotic tubes in association with the corrective hepaticojejunostomy. AIM: To report a 20 years experience on biliary reconstruction of bile duct injuries with the use of transhepatic transanastomotic tubes. METHODS: Data were analysed from 338 patients who underwent operation for major bile duct injuries between January 1988 and December 2009. RESULTS: All the 338 patients were submitted to Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy (Hepp-Couinaud approach) or distinct cholangiojejunostomies, all with the use of transhepatic transanastomotic silastic tubes. A successful long-term result was achieved in 240 (92,9%) of 338 patients, including those who required subsequent procedures. CONCLUSION: Benign bile duct strictures near the hepatic duct confluence remains a surgical challenge. The use of silastic transhepatic transanastomotic tubes in high biliary tract reconstruction is an option which can provides a successful repair of bile duct injuries with low complication rates.

Case Reports in Surgery | 2015

Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor of the Pancreas: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.

Uirá Fernandes Teixeira; Marcos Bertozzi Goldoni; Michelle Unterleider; João Diedrich; Diogo Balbinot; Pablo Duarte Rodrigues; Rodolfo Monteiro; Daniel Gomes; José Artur Sampaio; Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Fábio Luiz Waechter

Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) are presented as rare malignant neoplasms. In unusual cases, those neoplasms may arise in solid organs containing neuroendocrine cells, such as the pancreas. Herein the case of a 28-year-old patient that underwent gastroduodenopancreatectomy after the diagnosis of a huge mass (PNET) located in both head and body of the pancreas is reported. This is the 19th case of pancreatic PNET reported in literature.

Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery | 2012

Síndrome de Mirizzi em associação com níveis séricos de CA 19-9 superiores a 20.000U/ml: é possível?

Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Uirá Fernandes Teixeira; Fábio Luiz Waechter; José Artur Sampaio; Luiz Pereira-Lima

Mulher de 83 anos foi atendida com historia de ictericia progressiva, coluria, hipocolia, prurido, dor em abdome superior e emagrecimento. Ao exame fisico apresentava-se icterica com discreta dor a palpacao do hipocondrio direito, sem evidencia de massas palpaveis. Os exames laboratoriais da admissao foram: bilirrubina total=26, bilirrubina direta=15,8, gama glutamil-transferase=829, fosfatase alcalina=518, transaminase glutâmico-oxalacetica=115, transaminase glutâmico-piruvica=92, hemoglobina=12,7, tempo de protrombina=89%, antigeno carboidrato 19-9=24.480. Destes, destaca-se o CA 19-9 de 24.480 U/mL. Tomografia computadorizada de abdome evidenciou dilatacao importante das vias biliares intra e extra-hepaticas e do segmento proximal do ducto hepatico comum (Figura 1). Observou-se tambem aparente compressao do hepatocoledoco pela vesicula biliar que se encontrava moderadamente distendida, com paredes espessadas, e provavel imagem de calculo na sua regiao infundibular medindo cerca de 2,0 cm. Ressalte-se que a possibilidade de neoplasia em via biliar nao podia ser afastada.A paciente em foi submetida a laparotomia exploradora, na qual foi evidenciado processo inflamatorio intenso no triângulo de Calot, com presenca de fistula entre a vesicula biliar - que apresentava-se escleroatrofica -, e o hepatocoledoco. Iniciou-se pela abertura da vesicula, onde foi identificado calculo unico de 2,3 cm no infundibulo, realizada biopsia da parede do coledoco e exploracao da via biliar a procura de outros calculos, que nao foram encontrados. Realizou-se coledocostomia com colocacao de dreno de Kehr e colangiografia de controle pelo dreno. Observou-se passagem do contraste para o duodeno e ausencia de lesoes ou calculos. A biopsia hepatica revelou reacao portal de padrao biliar com septos porta-porta, sugestivo de obstrucao de grandes ductos. Biopsias do coledoco/ducto hepatico/vesicula biliar nao revelaram malignidade, sendo compativeis com inflamacao aguda e cronica e edema, confirmando o diagnostico de sindrome de Mirizzi.A paciente evoluiu bem no pos-operatorio. Colangiografia no 9o dia foi normal. Houve normalizacao dos marcadores de colestase e decrescimo significativo do nivel serico do Ca 19-9 para 355,9 U/mL. No seguimento de tres anos, a paciente permanecia viva em bom estado geral sem evidencia de doenca maligna e com niveis sericos de CA 19-9 dentro da normalidade.

ABCD. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva (São Paulo) | 2011

Características construtivas e funcionais das agulhas de radiofrequência bipolares resfriadas para reduzir o sangramento nas ressecções hepáticas

José Artur Sampaio; Fábio Luiz Waechter; Thiago Luciano Passarin; Cristine Kist Kruse; Mauro Nectoux; Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Luiz Pereira Lima

Background - To reduce bleeding in liver resection various technological options have been disclosed, among them the radiofrequency. The intent of the various methods is to avoid vascular clamping, less liver dissection and minimize bleeding. Aim - To present a new technique of parallel bipolar radiofrequency needles developed by the authors and the technical details. Methods - The needle system has two parallel electrodes (18 gauge each) of 25 cm in length, separated by a distance of 1.5 cm, and only distal 4 cm dissipate energy generated by a bipolar electrocautery. These needles are cooled by an internal cooling system for continuous flow of cold sterile distilled water at 0oC, whose temperature is maintained through the presence of sterile distilled water ice. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is not used central venous catheters during or after the procedure. The incisions may be right subcostal and median supra-umbilical. Results - The inical use in liver resection showed an average 87 minutes operation time, average size of abdominal incision of 14 cm and 58 ml of blood loss during surgery. No patient in the inical group received transfusion of blood or blood products. Conclusion - The bipolar radiofrequency cooled needles are viable and reduce bleeding in liver resection. ABCDDV/785

ABCD. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva (São Paulo) | 2008

Fístula cervical pós-anastomose esofagogástrica: é possível diminuir a ocorrência?

Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Cristine Kist Kruse; Fábio Luiz Waechter; Mauro Nectoux; Larissa Bittencourt Saggin Fochesato; Gustavo Ferreira Goettert; Mauricio Silva; Luiz Pereira-Lima

INTRODUCAOA esofagectomia e procedimento cirurgico complexo e tradicionalmente associado a morbidade significativa, tendo como principal indicacao o tratamento da doenca maligna. Neste caso, apesar dos progressos em outras modalidades terapeuticas, a esofagectomia persiste como tratamento de escolha em pacientes com tumores poten-cialmente ressecaveis, tanto com intento curativo quanto paliativo. Entretanto, na afeccao maligna, cerca de 75% dos pacientes ja apresentam doenca avancada no momento do diagnostico

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 1998

Colelitíase e cirrose hepática

Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes; Mauro Nectoux; Rene Jacobsen Eilers

Considerando que sao duas doencas frequentes na populacao, a associacao entre cirrose hepatica e colelitiase tambem e um achado comum. E importante o conhecimento desta situacao porque a evolucao clinica da cirrose pode ser complicada pela presenca de colelitiase e, ao contrario, uma colelitiase sintomatica pode ser de dificil tratamento nos pacientes cirroticos. Os autores fazem uma revisao da literatura enfocando os aspectos clinicos e terapeuticos desta associacao.

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