
Featured researches published by Paweł Janiszewski.

European Journal of Wildlife Research | 2013

Infrared thermal imaging in studies of wild animals

Justyna Cilulko; Paweł Janiszewski; Marek Bogdaszewski; Eliza Szczygielska

Thermography is an imaging method which registers infrared waves in the electromagnetic spectrum that are emitted by all objects on the Earth. The state and properties of the studied objects and organisms can be evaluated by analyzing images of temperature distribution on their surface. Thermography has numerous practical applications, including in construction, industry, and the military and civil services. In natural sciences, thermal imaging techniques support safe and non-invasive measurements and the acquisition of results that cannot be obtained by any other method. Infrared thermography also creates a wide range of applications for human and veterinary medicine, ecology, zoology, and other natural sciences. Thermal imaging equipment is used to detect injuries, inflammations, and infectious diseases to control reproduction (detection of estrus and pregnancy, determination of male fertility) and lactation processes. The discussed method is applied to investigate thermoregulation in animals, to analyze the effect of environmental factors on animal behavior, to localize individuals and their habitats, and to determine the size of wildlife populations. Despite a wide range of practical applications, thermal imaging has a number of limitations which should be taken into account in studies that rely on infrared thermography techniques.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2010

Nutrient digestibility in Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) fed diets containing animal meals

Andrzej Gugołek; W. Zabockłi; D. Kowalska; Paweł Janiszewski; Małgorzata Konstantynowicz; Janusz Strychalski

Three digestibility experiments on Arctic foxes were carried out. Control groups were fed standard diets (C1 and C2) composed of fresh or frozen animal by-products and steamed ground grain. Dry experimental diets (E1 and E2) contained animal meals, extracted meals and fat, were mixed with water prior to administration. In a preliminary experiment, the digestibility of dry diet E1 moistened with water for 15min and 24h was compared to determine the optimum moistening time during the experimental period proper. The preliminary experiment showed that moistening time had no significant effect on digestibility. In the main experiment, two independent digestibility trials were performed to compare the digestibility of diets fed to foxes during growth (C1 vs. E1) and fur development (C2 vs. E2). Better nutrient digestibility was noted for control diets, compared to experimental. The greatest differences were reported for total protein digestibility. Protein contained in meals undergoes denaturation during heat treatment, which reduces digestibility. It was found that the retention of nitrogen in relation to nitrogen digestion was higher in foxes fed experimental diets (E1 and E2).

Veterinary Parasitology | 2013

Cryptosporidium suis and Cryptosporidium scrofarum in Eurasian wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Central Europe.

Karel Němejc; Bohumil Sak; Dana Květoňová; Vladimír Hanzal; Paweł Janiszewski; Pavel Forejtek; Dušan Rajský; Petra Ravaszová; John McEvoy; Martin Kváč

From 2011 to 2012, to identify Cryptosporidium spp. occurrence in Eurasian wild boars (Sus scrofa) 29 randomly selected localities (both forest areas and enclosures) across the Central European countries of Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and the Slovak Republic were investigated. Cryptosporidium oocysts were microscopicaly detected in 11 out of 460 faecal samples examined using aniline-carbol-methyl violet staining. Sixty-one Cryptosporidium infections, including the 11 infections that were detected by microscopy, were detected using genus- or species-specific nested PCR amplification of SSU rDNA. This represents a 5.5 fold greater sensitivity for PCR relative to microscopy. Combining genus- and species-specific PCR tools significantly changes the perspective on the occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. in wild boars. While RFLP and direct sequencing of genus specific PCR-amplified products revealed 56 C. suis (20) and C. scrofarum (36) monoinfections and only 5 mixed infections of these species, species-specific molecular tools showed 44 monoinfections and 17 mixed infections with these species. PCR analysis of the gp60 gene did not reveal any other Cryptosporidium infections. Similar to domestic pigs, C. scrofarum was detected as a dominant species infecting adult Eurasian wild boars (Sus scrofa). Cryptosporidium infected wild boars did not show signs of clinical disease. This report is perhaps the most comprehensive survey of cryptosporidial infection in wild boars.

Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2015

The Effect of Gender on Meat (Longissimus Lumborum Muscle) Quality Characteristics in the Fallow Deer Dama Dama L.)

Natalia Piaskowska; Tomasz Daszkiewicz; Dorota Kubiak; Paweł Janiszewski

The aim of this study was to determine the quality of meat (Longissimus lumborum muscle) from male (11 bucks) and female (10 does) fallow deer (Dama dama L.) aged 17-18 months, hunter-harvested in north-eastern Poland during one hunting season. Muscle samples collected from the carcasses of male fallow deer were characterized by a higher (P≤0.01) content of dry matter, protein, fat and energy, and a lower (P≤0.01) water/protein ratio than male counterparts. An analysis of the fatty acid profile revealed that the intramuscular fat of male fallow deer contained higher concentrations of C12:0, C20:0, C18:2 and C20:1 fatty acids (P≤0.01), and C16:1, C18:1 and C18:3 fatty acids (P≤0.05), whereas the intramuscular fat of female fallow deer contained higher levels of C16:0 and C17:1 fatty acids (P≤0.01), and C14:0, C17:0 and C20:4 fatty acids (P≤0.05), and higher (P≤0.01) amounts of saturated fatty acids. The fat extracted from the carcasses of bucks had a higher (P≤0.01) ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids. An analysis of the physicochemical properties of meat indicated that samples of the Longissimus lumborum muscle collected from the carcasses of male fallow deer were characterized by a lower (P≤0.01) pH and greater (P≤0.01) drip loss, and their colour had a higher (P≤0.01) contribution of redness, yellowness, and higher saturation. The effect of gender on meat quality was also confirmed by a sensory analysis, in which meat from bucks received higher scores for juiciness (P≤0.05), and meat from does for tenderness (P≤0.01).

Journal of Applied Animal Research | 2008

Effect of Application of Onion Bulbs and Birch Twigs on Production Performances of Rabbits

Andrzej Gugołek; Manfred Oskar Lorek; Paweł Janiszewski

Abstract Gugolek, A., Lorek, M.O. and Janiszewski, P. 2008. Effect of application of onion bulbs and birch twigs on production performances of rabbits. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 34: 189–192. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of onions and birch twigs on the welfare of intensively reared New Zealand White rabbits. Control group (C) were fed a complete pelleted diet without additives, while the rabbits in experimental groups received birch twigs (B) or onions (A) every other day. The best reproduction results were reported for females receiving an onion-supplemented diet. These females were characterized by better rearing performance expressed as the number of kittens born alive and weaned. Young rabbits of group A had higher final body weights. Coccidian oocyst counts per lg of faeces were lower in group A, which was correlated with the lowest mortality rate. The number of rabbits with fur damage was lower in groups A and B. Environmental enrichment devices positively affected the production results of both females and growing rabbits. Whole onion bulbs provided to rabbits can be considered a novel enriching stimulus that exerts a beneficial biological influence on their growth and reproduction.

Annals of Animal Science | 2012

The effect of dietary methionine levels on the performance parameters of Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus).

Andrzej Gugołek; Tomasz Wyczling; Paweł Janiszewski; Przemysław Sobiech; Piotr Wyczling; Małgorzata Konstantynowicz

The Effect of Dietary Methionine Levels on the Performance Parameters of Arctic Foxes (Vulpes Lagopus) The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary inclusion levels of methionine and cystine on the performance traits and health status of Arctic foxes. The experimental material comprised 60 blue Arctic foxes of the Finnish type. Control group (C) animals were fed diets (CA and CB) with standard concentrations of methionine and cystine. In experimental groups E1 and E2, methionine content was increased by approximately 2 g per 100 g total protein, relative to the recommended intake. Diets for group E1 were supplemented with liquid methionine (E1A and E1B), and diets for group E2 were supplemented with crystalline methionine (E2A and E2B). Diets A were offered during the growing period, and diets B were administered during the furring period. During the growing period, methionine+cystine levels in diets E1 and E2 were 4.19+0.59 g and 4.22+0.53 g per 100 g total protein, respectively. During the furring period, methionine+cystine levels were 4.83+0.68 g in diets E1 and 4.91+0.61 g in diets E2. The body weights of Arctic foxes were determined, their body conformation was evaluated, and the duration of the rearing period was calculated. Blood samples for morphological and biochemical analyses were collected from animals aged 24 weeks, selected randomly from each group. After slaughter, pelt length and fur quality were determined in accordance with the International Trading System. The results of this study indicate that diets for Arctic foxes should be supplemented with methionine. The experimental diets contributed to improving the performance traits of foxes, in particular fur quality, and they had no adverse influence on the health status of animals. It may be concluded that farm-raised Arctic foxes of the Finnish type show an increased demand for methionine. Wpływ poziomu metioniny w dawkach pokarmowych na wskaźniki użytkowe lisów polarnych (Vulpes lagopus) Celem badania była ocena wpływu poziomu metioniny i cystyny w dawkach pokarmowych lisów polarnych na ich wskaźniki użytkowe i stan zdrowotny. Badania przeprowadzono na 60 lisach polarnych niebieskich typu fińskiego. Zwierzęta grupy kontrolnej (C) otrzymywały mieszanki paszowe (CA i CB), w których poziom metioniny i cystyny utrzymywano na tradycyjnie zalecanym poziomie. W grupach doświadczalnych E1 i E2 poziom metioniny podniesiono o około 2 g/100 g białka ogólnego powyżej zaleceń. W grupie E1 dodawano metioninę w formie płynnej (dawki E1A, E1B), a w E2 metioninę krystaliczną (dawki E2A, E2B). Dawki oznaczone symbolem A podawano w okresie wzrostu i rozwoju, a oznaczone symbolem B w okresie kształtowania okrywy włosowej. W okresie wzrostu poziom metioniny+cystyny wynosił odpowiednio w grupach: E1 - 4,19+0,59, E2 - 4,22+0,53 g, natomiast w okresie kształtowania okrywy włosowej odpowiednio w grupach E1 - 4,83+0,68, E2 - 4,91+0,61 g na 100 g białka ogólnego. Podczas badań wykonano pomiary masy ciała, ocenę pokroju, obliczono także długość okresu odchowu. Od zwierząt z każdej grupy pobrano w wieku 24 tyg. krew do badań morfologicznych i biochemicznych. Po uboju zwierząt ich skóry oceniono zgodnie z międzynarodowym systemem aukcyjnym. Analizując uzyskane wyniki wykazano celowość suplementacji dawek metioniną. Eksperymentalne żywienie lisów polarnych spowodowało poprawę parametrów użytkowych, szczególnie jakości okrywy włosowej, a nie wpłynęło negatywnie na stan zdrowotny zwierząt. Świadczy to o wyższym niż zakładano zapotrzebowaniu lisów polarnych typu fińskiego na metioninę.

Forest Research Papers | 2009

Effect of environmental factors and time of shooting on carcass weight of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.).

Paweł Janiszewski; Tomasz Daszkiewicz; Vladimír Hanzal

Wpływ czynników przyrodniczych i terminu odstrzału na masę tuszy sarny europejskiej (Capreolus capreolus L.) Effect of environmental factors and time of shooting on carcass weight of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) The aim of the study was to characterize the carcass weight of the European roe deer shot during four hunting seasons (2001/2002 - 2004/2005) in five provinces of northern Poland. The total number of animals evaluated in all seasons was 43 818, including 18 205 bucks, 19 763 hinds and 5 850 fawns. The average carcass weight was respectively 16.6 kg, 16.5 kg and 11.2 kg. The heaviest animals were shot in the Provinces of Podlasie and Warmia & Mazury (eastern part of research area), whereas the lightest ones - in the Provinces of Western Pomerania and Pomerania (western part of research area). Higher carcass weight was recorded in the regions dominated by arable land and lower - in the regions dominated by forest. The body weight of bucks, hinds and fawns varies throughout the hunting season. The males reached the highest body weight in July, while the females and the young in December.

Poultry Science | 2018

Carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acid composition of wild-living mallards (Anas platyrhynchos L.)

Paweł Janiszewski; Daria Murawska; Vladimír Hanzal; M. Gesek; Danuta Michalik; Magdalena Zawacka

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acid composition of wild‐living mallards. The experimental materials comprised 30 mallards (1:1 sex ratio) harvested during the hunting season in northeastern Poland. The carcasses were transported to the laboratory where they were weighed individually, plucked, dressed, and dissected. The proximate chemical composition and physicochemical properties of meat and the fatty acid profile of breast muscle lipids were determined, and a histological analysis was performed. Body weight (BW) and carcass weight were higher in males than in females (P ≤ 0.05), whereas the percentage share of carcass tissue components was similar in both sexes. Edible components accounted for approximately 60% (♂) to 60.7% (♀) of the total BW of mallards, including lean meat; 40.9% (♂) to 41.5% (♀), skin with subcutaneous fat; 10.7% (♂) to 10.8% (♀), and giblets; 8.3% (♂) to 8.4% (♀). Breast muscles had high protein content (23.51%♀ to 23.6% ♂) and low fat content (0.82% ♂ to 0.84% ♀). In the fatty acid profile of breast muscle lipids, saturated fatty acids (SFA) accounted for 39.1% (♂) to 39.04% (♀), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA)—for 17.31% (♂) to 17.33% (♀) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)—for 43.61% (♀) to 43.64% (♂). The diameters of type IIA and type IIB muscle fibers were lower in males than in females (P ≤ 0.05), whereas lipid storage sites in muscles were similar in both sexes. The values of cooking loss (CL), water‐holding capacity (WHC), pH24, and color parameters of breast meat were comparable in males and females. The results of this study indicate that wild‐living mallards, both males and females, are characterized by high meat quality, and that seasonal mallard harvests can provide meat with desirable eating attributes, attractive to consumers.

Central European Forestry Journal | 2018

Weight parameters of body parts in sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon) from the Konstantinolázeňsko microregion, the Czech Republic

Vladimír Hanzal; Klára Košinová; Radek Pokorný; Paweł Janiszewski; Vlastimil Hart

Abstract Sika deer is widely spread species, in Czech Republic mostly occurred in West Bohemia. This species is defined as one of the most harmful ungulate game in the forests. For the wildlife population of sika deer in the microregion Konstantinolázeňsko in West Bohemia, total weight after the hunt, weight after expelling organs, weight of the head and distal parts of the limbs, and weight of the internal organs (heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney) were determined. Correlations between the weights of specific body parts (organs) were evaluated. Ratio between the weight after expelling organs (after gralloch) and the weight after hunt (total weight) was determined. The weight after expelling organs was 74% of the total weight. Moreover, a positive correlation was found between the age and weight of individuals, and between the male age and the weight of the head. Without taking into account age differences, we show that males have a higher body weight than females, a form of sexual dimorphism.

Acta Zoologica Lituanica | 2007


Paweł Janiszewski; Magdalena Niczyporuk; Vladimír Hanzal

The aim of the present study was to compare the red deer (Cervus elaphus) from the hunting grounds of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest and those from other regions of Poland, as well as to extend our knowledge of the Masurian red deer population. In the hunting grounds of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest, analysed in this study, the mean carcass weight of stags was 121.4 kg and varied within a relatively wide range. Stags with ten- and eight point- antlers were the most common (30% and 26%, respectively). The largest stag harvested had an 18-point antlers. The average carcass weight of hinds and calves harvested over the experimental period amounted to about 71 kg and 39.5 kg, respectively. The carcass weight of calves increased in successive months, from 37.5 kg in October to 41 kg in February.

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