
Sexologies | 2008

T08-P-10 Validation of Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS) for use with Portuguese women

R. Xavier Vieira; Pedro Pechorro; António Diniz

The ISS is a 25- item scale developed as an unidimensional self- rate scale with the aim of assessing problems in sexual satisfaction. In this validation after translating the ISS to Portuguese we used a community sample of 152 women (age range 26-70; Mean age= 41; SD± 12) and a clinical sample of 37 women ( age range 48-69; Mean age= 58; SD± 5) to demonstrate the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of this scale for use with women. An item analysis was performed using SPSS 14 considering the median, the minimum and maximum value, and the skewness and kurtosis. Items 5, 15, 18, and 20 were excluded because of the non acceptable values obtained (e.g., skewness and kurtosis> 2). An exploratory factor analysis was conducted using the Principal Components Method with Varimax rotation, which demonstrated a uni- dimensional structure, and item 13 was excluded because it saturated less than.30. We analysed Cronbachs alfa, which was alfa= .95, the average inter-item correlation, which was r= .48, and the corrected item-total correlations, which ranged from r=.30 to r=.82. We analysed also the convergent validity of the ISS with FSFI and its domains (FSFI; Rosen et al., 2000), which ranged from a minimum of r =.38 for the pain domain to a maximum of r=.69 for the satisfaction domain, and a value of r=.65 for the full scale.Portuguese clinicians and researchers now have a valid and reliable psychometric instrument to evaluate sexual satisfaction problems in Portuguese women.

Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica | 2018

A Versão Breve da Escala de Empatia Básica numa Amostra Escolar de Jovens Portugueses: Validade, Fiabilidade e Invariância

Pedro Pechorro; Saul Neves de Jesus; Rachel E. Kahn; Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves; Ricardo Barroso

EnglishEmpathy is a multidimensional construct generally defined as the ability to understand and share anothers emotional state. The main aim of the present study was to translate and validate the Basic Empathy Scale adapted short version (BES - A) among a school sample ( N = 543; M = 15.65 years; SD =1.84 ye ars; range=12 – 20 years) of male and female Portuguese youths. The scale demonstrated good psychometric properties, namely in terms of its two - factor structure, internal consistency, discriminant validity with measures of psychopathic traits and aggression, and associations with a measure of social anxiety. Associations with a measure of social anxiety were also examined, revealing positive statistically significant correlations with the affective dimension of empathy. The psychometric properties of the BES - A justify its use among Portuguese adolescents. portuguesA empatia e um constructo multidimensional geralmente definido como a capacidade de entender e partilhar o estado emocional de outra pessoa. O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em traduzir e validar a Escala de Empatia Basica versao breve adaptada (BES - A) numa amostr a escolar ( N = 543; M = 15.65 anos; DP =1.84 anos; amplitude=12 – 20 anos) de adolescentes portugueses do sexo masculino e feminino. A escala demonstrou adequadas propriedades psicometricas, nomeadamente em termos da sua estrutura bifatorial, consistencia interna , validade discriminante com medidas de tracos psicopaticos e de agressividade, alem de associacoes com uma medida de ansiedade social. As associacoes com uma medida de ansiedade social revelaram correlacoes positivas significativas com a dimensao afetiva da empatia. As propriedades psicometricas encontradas justificam a utilizacao da BES - A com adolescentes portugueses.

Sexologies | 2008

T04-O-07 Clinical evaluation of pre and post surgical transsexuals at Santa Maria University Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal

R. Xavier Vieira; Lúcia Gomes; Daniele A. Ferreira; J. Garcia Costa; Pedro Pechorro

The purpose of this investigation was to analysed in detail demographic, clinical characteristics, psychosocial factors and sexual behavioural features of 49 pre and post- surgical transsexuals divided in two subgroups: 28 FTM and 21 MTF followed by the interdisciplinary Gender Identity Clinic at Santa Maria Hospital, the only one of the Portuguese National Health Services responsible for the global process including sex reassignment surgery. From an original group of 59 transsexuals diagnosed according to ICD- 10 criteria we studied 28 FTM transsexuals age range: 14-60; mean age 37.3± 5.0 years and 21 MTF transsexuals ranging between 14-51years; mean age 33.8± 4.3 years. The remainder was not object of analysis in this work. All the patients were evaluated in a clinical manner and a semi- structured Sexual History Interview was done. To study in detail the subjects a Portuguese version of specific instruments for transsexuals were used namely: Feminine Gender Identity Scale; Masculine Gender Identity Scale; Cross-Gender Fetishism Scale; Gender Identity Profile; Standardized Rating Format for Pre and Post- Surgical Transsexuals and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. The main data of this study indicates that transsexuals FTM are more prevalent than transsexuals MTF (3: 2) and has a better psychosocial and sexual adjustment in pre- and post-surgical stages and also a better prognosis after complete surgery, aspects that will be discussed in detail in our communication.

Sexologies | 2008

T06-O-09 Personality characteristics of sex offenders: the differentiation of heterosexual versus homosexual child molesters

R. Xavier Vieira; Pedro Pechorro; Carlos Poiares

Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the personality profiles and the emotional adjustment of a sample of arrested child sexual offenders using the Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II, Millon, 1987) and a general socio- demographic and sexual behaviours questionnaire. Design and method 41 incarcerated men convicted of child sex abuse( age range 18-73, X=43 ±14 years): 93% white, 7% black; 39% single,40% married or living with another person, 21% divorced or separated.The level of education range 4-17 X=8± 4 years. They were evaluated with a general socio-demographic questionnaire, a sexual behaviours questionnaire, and the MCMI-II composed by 175 items and 26 scales. The sample was analysed according to sexual orientation (molesters of boys vs molesters of girls) and according to use vs no use of aggressiveness. Results Regarding the sexual orientation statistical significant differences(including marginal ones) were found b/w the groups using Mann-Whitney UTest for 4- Histrionic(p=.044), for 6 A- Antisocial(p=.090), P-Paranoid(p=.041), and PP- Delusional Disorder (p=.009). Homosexual molesters had significant higher scores.In relation with the use of aggression statistical significant differences(including marginal ones) were found b/w the groups using Mann- Whitney UTest for A- Anxiety(p=.068) and for CC-Major Depression (p=0.62). Aggressive molesters had significant higher scores. Conclusion We did not confirm the tendency of scientific literature for higher prevalence of incestuous sex abuse.Our work shows a tendency for a predominance of mental disorders ( Axis I)for the abusers who use physical violence and mainly with older adolescent children. According to sexual orientation, homosexuals abusers demonstrated Axis II personality disorders.

Archive | 2014


Pedro Pechorro; Irene Silva; João Marôco; Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves

Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica | 2018

Propriedades Psicométricas de uma Versão Reduzida da Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt - 11 numa Amostra Escolar de Adolescentes Portugueses

Pedro Pechorro; João Pedro Oliveira; Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves; Saul Neves de Jesus

PsycTESTS Dataset | 2018

Socially Desirable Response Set-5--Portuguese Version

Pedro Pechorro; Lara Ayala-Nunes; João Pedro Oliveira; Cristina Nunes; Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves

Archive | 2017

Inventário de Traços Calosos/Insensibilidade Emocional (ICU)

Pedro Pechorro; Ricardo Barroso; João Marôco; Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves

Archive | 2017

Protocolo de Avaliação de Jovens Agressores Sexuais-II (J-SOAP-II)

Ricardo Barroso; Pedro Pechorro; Celina Manita; Pedro Nobre; Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves

Archive | 2017

Escala de Psicopatia de Hare: versão jovens (PCL:YV)

Pedro Pechorro; Ricardo Barroso; João Marôco; Rui Xavier Vieira; Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves

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