Per Malmström
Lund University
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007
Lao H. Saal; Peter Johansson; Karolina Holm; Sofia K. Gruvberger-Saal; Qing-Bai She; Matthew J. Maurer; Susan Koujak; Adolfo A. Ferrando; Per Malmström; Lorenzo Memeo; Jorma Isola; Pär-Ola Bendahl; Neal Rosen; Hanina Hibshoosh; Markus Ringnér; Åke Borg; Ramon Parsons
Pathway-specific therapy is the future of cancer management. The oncogenic phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is frequently activated in solid tumors; however, currently, no reliable test for PI3K pathway activation exists for human tumors. Taking advantage of the observation that loss of PTEN, the negative regulator of PI3K, results in robust activation of this pathway, we developed and validated a microarray gene expression signature for immunohistochemistry (IHC)-detectable PTEN loss in breast cancer (BC). The most significant signature gene was PTEN itself, indicating that PTEN mRNA levels are the primary determinant of PTEN protein levels in BC. Some PTEN IHC-positive BCs exhibited the signature of PTEN loss, which was associated to moderately reduced PTEN mRNA levels cooperating with specific types of PIK3CA mutations and/or amplification of HER2. This demonstrates that the signature is more sensitive than PTEN IHC for identifying tumors with pathway activation. In independent data sets of breast, prostate, and bladder carcinoma, prediction of pathway activity by the signature correlated significantly to poor patient outcome. Stathmin, encoded by the signature gene STMN1, was an accurate IHC marker of the signature and had prognostic significance in BC. Stathmin was also pathway-pharmacodynamic in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the signature or its components such as stathmin may be clinically useful tests for stratification of patients for anti-PI3K pathway therapy and monitoring therapeutic efficacy. This study indicates that aberrant PI3K pathway signaling is strongly associated with metastasis and poor survival across carcinoma types, highlighting the enormous potential impact on patient survival that pathway inhibition could achieve.
Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2006
Minna Tanner; Jorma Isola; Tom Wiklund; Bjørn Erikstein; Pirkko Kellokumpu-Lehtinen; Per Malmström; Nils Wilking; Jonas Nilsson; Jonas Bergh
PURPOSE Amplification of the HER-2/neu and topoisomerase IIalpha (TOP2A) genes has been linked to the effects of anthracyclines. Their role in predicting the outcome of anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer patients has remained controversial. PATIENTS AND METHODS The present substudy of the Scandinavian Breast Group trial 9401, in which an epirubicin-based regimen (nine courses of tailored and dose-escalated fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide [FEC]) was compared with three or four courses of standard FEC followed by bone marrow-supported high-dose chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, thiotepa, and carboplatin), included high-risk breast cancer patients (with eight or more positive axillary lymph nodes or at least five nodes with additional poor prognostic indicators). Amplification of HER-2/neu was determined retrospectively in paraffin-embedded tumor tissue sections by chromogenic in situ hybridization. TOP2A was tested only in HER-2/neu-amplified tumors. RESULTS HER-2/neu amplification alone, which was present in 32.7% of the tumors, was a strong prognostic factor for short relapse-free (P = .0034) and overall survival (P = .0008) but showed no direct association with treatment assignment. TOP2A coamplification, which was present in 37% of HER-2/neu-amplified tumors, was associated with better relapse-free survival in patients treated with tailored and dose-escalated FEC (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.45; P = .049). A statistical multivariate Coxs regression analysis confirmed the predictive significance of TOP2A coamplification (HR = 0.30; P = .020) in HER-2/neu-amplified tumors. There was no such association in patients with HER-2/neu-amplified tumors without TOP2A gene amplification. CONCLUSION Coamplification of HER-2/neu and TOP2A may define a subgroup of high-risk breast cancer patients who benefit from individually tailored and dose-escalated adjuvant anthracyclines.
The Lancet | 2000
Jonas Bergh; Tom Wiklund; Bjørn Erikstein; Elisabet Lidbrink; Henrik Lindman; Per Malmström; Pirkko Kellokumpu-Lehtinen; Nils Olof Bengtsson; Gustaf Söderlund; Gun Anker; Erik Wist; Susanne Ottosson; Eeva Salminen; Per Ljungman; Harald Holte; Jonas Nilsson; Carl Blomqvist; Nils Wilking
BACKGROUND Chemotherapy drug distribution varies greatly among individual patients. Therefore, we developed an individualised fluorouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide (FEC) regimen to improve outcomes in patients with high-risk early breast cancer. We then did a randomised trial to compare this individually tailored FEC regimen with conventional adjuvant chemotherapy followed by consolidation with high-dose chemotherapy with stem-cell support. METHODS 525 women younger than 60 years of age with high-risk primary breast cancer were randomised after surgery to receive nine cycles of tailored FEC to haematological equitoxicity with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) support (n=251), or three cycles of FEC at standard doses followed by high-dose chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, thiotepa, and carboplatin (CTCb), and peripheral-blood stem-cell or bone-marrow support (n=274). Both groups received locoregional radiation therapy and tamoxifen for 5 years. The primary outcome measure was relapse-free survival, and analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS At a median follow-up of 34.3 months, there were 81 breast-cancer relapses in the tailored FEC group versus 113 in the CTCb group (double triangular method p=0.04). 60 deaths occurred in the tailored FEC group and 82 in the CTCb group (log-rank p=0.12). Patients in the CTCb group experienced more grade 3 or 4 acute toxicity compared with the tailored FEC group (p<0.0001). Two treatment-related deaths (0.7%) occurred in the CTCb group. Six patients in the tailored FEC group developed acute myeloid leukaemia and three developed myelodysplastic syndrome. INTERPRETATION Tailored FEC with G-CSF support resulted in a significantly improved relapse-free survival and fewer grade 3 and 4 toxicities compared with marrow-supported high-dose chemotherapy with CTCb as adjuvant therapy of women with high-risk primary breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Research | 2010
Göran Jönsson; Johan Staaf; Johan Vallon-Christersson; Markus Ringnér; Karolina Holm; Cecilia Hegardt; Haukur Gunnarsson; Rainer Fagerholm; Carina Strand; Bjarni A. Agnarsson; Outi Kilpivaara; Lena Luts; Päivi Heikkilä; Kristiina Aittomäki; Carl Blomqvist; Niklas Loman; Per Malmström; Håkan Olsson; Oskar Th Johannsson; Adalgeir Arason; Heli Nevanlinna; Rosa B. Barkardottir; Åke Borg
IntroductionBreast cancer is a profoundly heterogeneous disease with respect to biologic and clinical behavior. Gene-expression profiling has been used to dissect this complexity and to stratify tumors into intrinsic gene-expression subtypes, associated with distinct biology, patient outcome, and genomic alterations. Additionally, breast tumors occurring in individuals with germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations typically fall into distinct subtypes.MethodsWe applied global DNA copy number and gene-expression profiling in 359 breast tumors. All tumors were classified according to intrinsic gene-expression subtypes and included cases from genetically predisposed women. The Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer (GISTIC) algorithm was used to identify significant DNA copy-number aberrations and genomic subgroups of breast cancer.ResultsWe identified 31 genomic regions that were highly amplified in > 1% of the 359 breast tumors. Several amplicons were found to co-occur, the 8p12 and 11q13.3 regions being the most frequent combination besides amplicons on the same chromosomal arm. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering with 133 significant GISTIC regions revealed six genomic subtypes, termed 17q12, basal-complex, luminal-simple, luminal-complex, amplifier, and mixed subtypes. Four of them had striking similarity to intrinsic gene-expression subtypes and showed associations to conventional tumor biomarkers and clinical outcome. However, luminal A-classified tumors were distributed in two main genomic subtypes, luminal-simple and luminal-complex, the former group having a better prognosis, whereas the latter group included also luminal B and the majority of BRCA2-mutated tumors. The basal-complex subtype displayed extensive genomic homogeneity and harbored the majority of BRCA1-mutated tumors. The 17q12 subtype comprised mostly HER2-amplified and HER2-enriched subtype tumors and had the worst prognosis. The amplifier and mixed subtypes contained tumors from all gene-expression subtypes, the former being enriched for 8p12-amplified cases, whereas the mixed subtype included many tumors with predominantly DNA copy-number losses and poor prognosis.ConclusionsGlobal DNA copy-number analysis integrated with gene-expression data can be used to dissect the complexity of breast cancer. This revealed six genomic subtypes with different clinical behavior and a striking concordance to the intrinsic subtypes. These genomic subtypes may prove useful for understanding the mechanisms of tumor development and for prognostic and treatment prediction purposes.
Clinical Cancer Research | 2007
Sofia K. Gruvberger-Saal; Pär-Ola Bendahl; Lao H. Saal; Mervi Laakso; Cecilia Hegardt; Patrik Edén; Carsten Peterson; Per Malmström; Jorma Isola; Åke Borg; Mårten Fernö
Purpose: Endocrine therapies, such as tamoxifen, are commonly given to most patients with estrogen receptor (ERα)–positive breast carcinoma but are not indicated for persons with ERα-negative cancer. The factors responsible for response to tamoxifen in 5% to 10% of patients with ERα-negative tumors are not clear. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the biology and prognostic role of the second ER, ERβ, in patients treated with adjuvant tamoxifen. Experimental Design: We investigated ERβ by immunohistochemistry in 353 stage II primary breast tumors from patients treated with 2 years adjuvant tamoxifen, and generated gene expression profiles for a representative subset of 88 tumors. Results: ERβ was associated with increased survival (distant disease-free survival, P = 0.01; overall survival, P = 0.22), and in particular within ERα-negative patients (P = 0.003; P = 0.04), but not in the ERα-positive subgroup (P = 0.49; P = 0.88). Lack of ERβ conferred early relapse (hazard ratio, 14; 95% confidence interval, 1.8-106; P = 0.01) within the ERα-negative subgroup even after adjustment for other markers. ERα was an independent marker only within the ERβ-negative tumors (hazard ratio, 0.44; 95% confidence interval, 0.21-0.89; P = 0.02). An ERβ gene expression profile was identified and was markedly different from the ERα signature. Conclusion: Expression of ERβ is an independent marker for favorable prognosis after adjuvant tamoxifen treatment in ERα-negative breast cancer patients and involves a gene expression program distinct from ERα. These results may be highly clinically significant, because in the United States alone, ∼10,000 women are diagnosed annually with ERα-negative/ERβ-positive breast carcinoma and may benefit from adjuvant tamoxifen.
European Journal of Cancer | 2003
Per Malmström; Lars Holmberg; Harald Anderson; Jan Mattsson; Per-Ebbe Jönsson; L Tennvall-Nittby; G Balldin; L Lovén; J H Svensson; Christian Ingvar; Torgil Möller; Erik Holmberg; Arne Wallgren
The effect of postoperative radiotherapy after sector resection for stage I-II lymph node-negative breast cancer was evaluated in a patient population with access to public mammographical screening. 1187 women were randomised to no further treatment or postoperative radiotherapy following a standardised sector resection and axillary dissection. Radiation was administered to a dose of 48-54 Gy. Median age was 60 years, and median size of the detected tumours was 12 mm. Of the women 65% had their tumours detected by mammographical screening. The relative risk (RR) of ipsilateral breast recurrence was significantly higher in the non-irradiated patients compared with the irradiated patients, RR=3.33 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 2.13-5.19, P<0.001). The corresponding cumulative incidence at 5 years was 14% versus 4%, respectively. Overall survival (OS) was similar, RR=1.16 (95% CI 0.81-1.65, P=0.41), with 5 year probabilities of 93 and 94%, respectively. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) at 5 years was significantly lower in the non-irradiated women, 77% versus 88% (P<0.001). Although women above 49 years of age, whose tumours were detected with mammographical screening, had the lowest rate of ipsilateral breast recurrence in this study, the cumulative incidence of such event amounted to 10% at 5 years if radiotherapy was not given. Such a recurrence rate has been considered as unacceptably high, but is, however, in the same range as that reported after lumpectomy and postoperative radiotherapy in published series.
Cancer | 1991
Magnhild Sandberg-Wollheim; Kjeld Hougaard; Per Malmström; Lars-Göran Strömblad; Leif G. Salford; Harald Anderson; Stig Borgström; Arne Brun; Sten Cronqvist
The authors undertook a controlled, prospective, randomized study of 171 patients with supratentorial astrocytoma Grades 3 and/or 4 (classified according to Kernohan). All patients were given chemotherapy consisting of procarbazine, vincristine, and lomustine (CCNU) (PVC). Half of the patients received whole‐brain irradiation (RT) to a dose of 5800 cGy in the tumor‐bearing hemisphere and 5000 cGy in the contralateral hemisphere. After diagnosis of progressive tumor growth, patients received individual treatment. The endpoint of the study was time to progression, but cases were followed until the patients died. Median time to progression (MTP) for the whole randomized population was 21 weeks. Median survival time (MST) was 53 weeks; 18% of patients survived for 2 years or longer. Survival analysis showed that patients less than 50 years of age treated with PVC plus RT had significantly longer MTP (81 weeks) and MST (124 weeks) than all other patients. For patients less than 50 years of age treated with PVC alone, MTP was 21 weeks and MST was 66 weeks. For patients more than 50 years of age treated with PVC plus RT, MTP was 23 weeks and MST was 51 weeks; in the PVC group, MTP was 17 weeks and MST was 39 weeks. Age, Karnofsky index, areas of Grade 2, and absence of extensive necrosis in the tumor were significant prognostic factors in the univariate analyses. Patients less than 50 years of age treated with PVC plus RT had significantly longer survival (P = 0.037) when correcting for these factors in a multi‐variate analysis.
Clinical Cancer Research | 2006
Mervi Laakso; Minna Tanner; Jonas Nilsson; Tom Wiklund; Bjoern Erikstein; Pirkko Kellokumpu-Lehtinen; Per Malmström; Nils Wilking; Jonas Bergh; Jorma Isola
Purpose: Breast carcinomas expressing basal epithelium cytokeratins constitute a tumor subgroup that is typically hormone receptor negative and shows a distinct gene expression profile. Based on variable basal cytokeratin immunostaining patterns, we hypothesized that the “basal phenotype” tumor group may comprise more than one biological entity. Experimental Design: Basal cytokeratins 5 and 14 (CK5/14) were stained by immunohistochemistry and the percentage of positive cells was defined by image analysis. The results thus obtained were compared with clinicopathologic characteristics and relapse-free survival. Results: Of the 506 breast tumors, 53 (10.5%) showed immunoreactivity for CK5/14. Basal cytokeratin expression showed up as two microscopically distinguishable subtypes, i.e., a uniformly positive type (“basal”) and a partially positive type (“basoluminal”) often displaying a checkerboard-type intratumoral heterogeneity. These subgroups could also be separated with a third basal cytokeratin (CK17, P < 0.0001). Both basal and basoluminal subtypes were hormone receptor negative and of high grade, but differed with respect to the Ki-67 labeling index (P = 0.0014), vimentin (P = 0.005), and c-kit (P = 0.02), which were more frequently expressed in basal than in basoluminal tumors. In contrast, the amplification of HER-2 was found almost exclusively in the basoluminal subgroup (P = 0.009). Compared with the basal tumors, basoluminal tumors associated with significantly shorter relapse-free survival (P = 0.01), which was not explained by their more frequent HER-2 amplification. Conclusions: We conclude that the intratumoral heterogeneity in basal cytokeratin expression can be used to define two distinct breast cancer subtypes, basal and basoluminal, with distinctive features related to proliferation activity, oncogene and biomarker status, and patient survival.
Breast Cancer Research | 2010
Johan Staaf; Göran Jönsson; Markus Ringnér; Johan Vallon-Christersson; Dorthe Grabau; Adalgeir Arason; Haukur Gunnarsson; Bjarni A. Agnarsson; Per Malmström; Oskar Johannsson; Niklas Loman; Rosa B. Barkardottir; Åke Borg
IntroductionHER2 gene amplification and protein overexpression (HER2+) define a clinically challenging subgroup of breast cancer with variable prognosis and response to therapy. Although gene expression profiling has identified an ERBB2 molecular subtype of breast cancer, it is clear that HER2+ tumors reside in all molecular subtypes and represent a genomically and biologically heterogeneous group, needed to be further characterized in large sample sets.MethodsGenome-wide DNA copy number profiling, using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), and global gene expression profiling were performed on 200 and 87 HER2+ tumors, respectively. Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer (GISTIC) was used to identify significant copy number alterations (CNAs) in HER2+ tumors, which were related to a set of 554 non-HER2 amplified (HER2-) breast tumors. High-resolution oligonucleotide aCGH was used to delineate the 17q12-q21 region in high detail.ResultsThe HER2-amplicon was narrowed to an 85.92 kbp region including the TCAP, PNMT, PERLD1, HER2, C17orf37 and GRB7 genes, and higher HER2 copy numbers indicated worse prognosis. In 31% of HER2+ tumors the amplicon extended to TOP2A, defining a subgroup of HER2+ breast cancer associated with estrogen receptor-positive status and with a trend of better survival than HER2+ breast cancers with deleted (18%) or neutral TOP2A (51%). HER2+ tumors were clearly distinguished from HER2- tumors by the presence of recurrent high-level amplifications and firestorm patterns on chromosome 17q. While there was no significant difference between HER2+ and HER2- tumors regarding the incidence of other recurrent high-level amplifications, differences in the co-amplification pattern were observed, as shown by the almost mutually exclusive occurrence of 8p12, 11q13 and 20q13 amplification in HER2+ tumors. GISTIC analysis identified 117 significant CNAs across all autosomes. Supervised analyses revealed: (1) significant CNAs separating HER2+ tumors stratified by clinical variables, and (2) CNAs separating HER2+ from HER2- tumors.ConclusionsWe have performed a comprehensive survey of CNAs in HER2+ breast tumors, pinpointing significant genomic alterations including both known and potentially novel therapeutic targets. Our analysis sheds further light on the genomically complex and heterogeneous nature of HER2+ tumors in relation to other subgroups of breast cancer.
Cancer Cell | 2016
Jakob Hedegaard; Philippe Lamy; Iver Nordentoft; Ferran Algaba; Søren Høyer; Benedicte Parm Ulhøi; Søren Vang; Thomas Reinert; Gregers G. Hermann; Karin Mogensen; Mathilde Borg Houlberg Thomsen; Morten Muhlig Nielsen; Mirari Marquez; Ulrika Segersten; Mattias Aine; Mattias Höglund; Karin Birkenkamp-Demtröder; Niels Fristrup; Michael Borre; Arndt Hartmann; Robert Stöhr; Sven Wach; Bastian Keck; Anna Katharina Seitz; Roman Nawroth; Tobias Maurer; Cane Tulic; Tatjana Simic; Kerstin Junker; Marcus Horstmann
Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is a heterogeneous disease with widely different outcomes. We performed a comprehensive transcriptional analysis of 460 early-stage urothelial carcinomas and showed that NMIBC can be subgrouped into three major classes with basal- and luminal-like characteristics and different clinical outcomes. Large differences in biological processes such as the cell cycle, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and differentiation were observed. Analysis of transcript variants revealed frequent mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in chromatin organization and cytoskeletal functions. Furthermore, mutations in well-known cancer driver genes (e.g., TP53 and ERBB2) were primarily found in high-risk tumors, together with APOBEC-related mutational signatures. The identification of subclasses in NMIBC may offer better prognostication and treatment selection based on subclass assignment.