Pere Mestre
Institut national de la recherche agronomique
Plant Physiology | 2008
Laure Schmidlin; Anne Poutaraud; Patricia Claudel; Pere Mestre; Emilce Prado; Maria Santos-Rosa; Sabine Wiedemann-Merdinoglu; Francis Karst; Didier Merdinoglu; Philippe Hugueney
Stilbenes are considered the most important phytoalexin group in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and they are known to contribute to the protection against various pathogens. The main stilbenes in grapevine are resveratrol and its derivatives and, among these, pterostilbene has recently attracted much attention due both to its antifungal and pharmacological properties. Indeed, pterostilbene is 5 to 10 times more fungitoxic than resveratrol in vitro and recent studies have shown that pterostilbene exhibits anticancer, hypolipidemic, and antidiabetic properties. A candidate gene approach was used to identify a grapevine resveratrol O-methyltransferase (ROMT) cDNA and the activity of the corresponding protein was characterized after expression in Escherichia coli. Transient coexpression of ROMT and grapevine stilbene synthase in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) using the agroinfiltration technique resulted in the accumulation of pterostilbene in tobacco tissues. Taken together, these results showed that ROMT was able to catalyze the biosynthesis of pterostilbene from resveratrol both in vitro and in planta. ROMT gene expression in grapevine leaves was induced by different stresses, including downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) infection, ultraviolet light, and AlCl3 treatment.
Plant Cell Reports | 2008
M. Santos-Rosa; Anne Poutaraud; Didier Merdinoglu; Pere Mestre
Transient expression of genes using Agrobacterium is a powerful tool for the analysis of gene function in plants. We have developed this method for the analysis of genes involved in disease resistance in grapevine leaves. Our research showed that the quality of the plant material, the plant genotype used for agro-infiltration and the presence of additional virulence factors (carried on plasmid pCH32) in the Agrobacterium strain are all important factors for success of the procedure. After optimising these factors, we consistently achieve sufficient acceptable levels of expression of the markers β-glucuronidase (GUS) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) using vacuum infiltration of grapevine leaves from plants grown in vitro. We used this procedure to investigate the proposed role of stilbenes in defense against grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) by transiently overexpressing stilbene synthase in grapevine leaves, before infection with P. viticola. We found that agro-infiltration itself induces the synthesis of stilbenes in grapevine leaves, thus preventing us to test the effect of the overexpression of stilbene synthase in defense. However, our results revealed that agro-infiltration before P. viticola inoculation had an effect on the development of the infection. Further research is required to show whether stilbenes or some other factor are the causal agent restricting pathogen development. The method described here provides and excellent tool to exploit at the many grapevine genomic resources now available, and will contribute to a better understanding of many areas of grapevine biology.
BMC Plant Biology | 2009
Gaëlle Le Henanff; Thierry Heitz; Pere Mestre; Jérôme Mutterer; B. Walter; Julie Chong
BackgroundGrapevine protection against diseases needs alternative strategies to the use of phytochemicals, implying a thorough knowledge of innate defense mechanisms. However, signalling pathways and regulatory elements leading to induction of defense responses have yet to be characterized in this species. In order to study defense response signalling to pathogens in Vitis vinifera, we took advantage of its recently completed genome sequence to characterize two putative orthologs of NPR1, a key player in salicylic acid (SA)-mediated resistance to biotrophic pathogens in Arabidopsis thaliana.ResultsTwo cDNAs named VvNPR1.1 and VvNPR1.2 were isolated from Vitis vinifera cv Chardonnay, encoding proteins showing 55% and 40% identity to Arabidopsis NPR1 respectively. Constitutive expression of VvNPR1.1 and VvNPR1.2 monitored in leaves of V. vinifera cv Chardonnay was found to be enhanced by treatment with benzothiadiazole, a SA analog. In contrast, VvNPR1.1 and VvNPR1.2 transcript levels were not affected during infection of resistant Vitis riparia or susceptible V. vinifera with Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of downy mildew, suggesting regulation of VvNPR1 activity at the protein level. VvNPR1.1-GFP and VvNPR1.2-GFP fusion proteins were transiently expressed by agroinfiltration in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves, where they localized predominantly to the nucleus. In this system, VvNPR1.1 and VvNPR1.2 expression was sufficient to trigger the accumulation of acidic SA-dependent Pathogenesis-Related proteins PR1 and PR2, but not of basic chitinases (PR3) in the absence of pathogen infection. Interestingly, when VvNPR1.1 or AtNPR1 were transiently overexpressed in Vitis vinifera leaves, the induction of grapevine PR1 was significantly enhanced in response to P. viticola.ConclusionIn conclusion, our data identified grapevine homologs of NPR1, and their functional analysis showed that VvNPR1.1 and VvNPR1.2 likely control the expression of SA-dependent defense genes. Overexpression of VvNPR1 has thus the potential to enhance grapevine defensive capabilities upon fungal infection. As a consequence, manipulating VvNPR1 and other signalling elements could open ways to strengthen disease resistance mechanisms in this crop species.
BMC Plant Biology | 2010
Elisa Peressotti; Sabine Wiedemann-Merdinoglu; François Delmotte; Diana Bellin; Gabriele Di Gaspero; Raffaele Testolin; Didier Merdinoglu; Pere Mestre
BackgroundNatural disease resistance is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way of controlling plant disease. Breeding programmes need to make sure that the resistance deployed is effective and durable. Grapevine downy mildew, caused by the Oomycete Plasmopara viticola, affects viticulture and it is controlled with pesticides. Downy mildew resistant grapevine varieties are a promising strategy to control the disease, but their use is currently restricted to very limited acreages. The arising of resistance-breaking isolates under such restricted deployment of resistant varieties would provide valuable information to design breeding strategies for the deployment of resistance genes over large acreages whilst reducing the risks of the resistance being defeated. The observation of heavy downy mildew symptoms on a plant of the resistant variety Bianca, whose resistance is conferred by a major gene, provided us with a putative example of emergence of a resistance-breaking isolate in the interaction between grapevine and P. viticola.ResultsIn this paper we describe the emergence of a P. viticola isolate (isolate SL) that specifically overcomes Rpv3, the major resistance gene carried by Bianca at chromosome 18. We show that isolate SL has the same behaviour as two P. viticola isolates avirulent on Bianca (isolates SC and SU) when inoculated on susceptible plants or on resistant plants carrying resistances derived from other sources, suggesting there is no fitness cost associated to the virulence. Molecular analysis shows that all three isolates are genetically closely related.ConclusionsOur results are the first description of a resistance-breaking isolate in the grapevine/P. viticola interaction, and show that, despite the reduced genetic variability of P. viticola in Europe compared to its basin of origin and the restricted use of natural resistance in European viticulture, resistance-breaking isolates overcoming monogenic resistances may arise even in cases where deployment of the resistant varieties is limited to small acreages. Our findings represent a warning call for the use of resistant varieties and an incentive to design breeding programmes aiming to optimize durability of the resistances.
Journal of Experimental Botany | 2014
Julie Chong; Marie-Christine Piron; Sophie Meyer; Didier Merdinoglu; Christophe Bertsch; Pere Mestre
During plant development, sugar export is determinant in multiple processes such as nectar production, pollen development and long-distance sucrose transport. The plant SWEET family of sugar transporters is a recently identified protein family of sugar uniporters. In rice, SWEET transporters are the target of extracellular bacteria, which have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to modify their expression and acquire sugars to sustain their growth. Here we report the characterization of the SWEET family of sugar transporters in Vitis vinifera. We identified 17 SWEET genes in the V. vinifera 40024 genome and show that they are differentially expressed in vegetative and reproductive organs. Inoculation with the biotrophic pathogens Erysiphe necator and Plasmopara viticola did not result in significant induction of VvSWEET gene expression. However, infection with the necrotroph Botrytis cinerea triggered a strong up-regulation of VvSWEET4 expression. Further characterization of VvSWEET4 revealed that it is a glucose transporter localized in the plasma membrane that is up-regulated by inducers of reactive oxygen species and virulence factors from necrotizing pathogens. Finally, Arabidopsis knockout mutants in the orthologous AtSWEET4 were found to be less susceptible to B. cinerea. We propose that stimulation of expression of a developmentally regulated glucose uniporter by reactive oxygen species production and extensive cell death after necrotrophic fungal infection could facilitate sugar acquisition from plant cells by the pathogen.
Plant Journal | 2013
Angela Feechan; Claire L. Anderson; Laurent Torregrosa; Angelica Jermakow; Pere Mestre; Sabine Wiedemann-Merdinoglu; Didier Merdinoglu; Amanda R. Walker; Lance Cadle-Davidson; Bruce I. Reisch; Sébastien Aubourg; Nadia Bentahar; Bipna Shrestha; Alain Bouquet; Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon; Mark R. Thomas; Ian B. Dry
The most economically important diseases of grapevine cultivation worldwide are caused by the fungal pathogen powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator syn. Uncinula necator) and the oomycete pathogen downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). Currently, grapegrowers rely heavily on the use of agrochemicals to minimize the potentially devastating impact of these pathogens on grape yield and quality. The wild North American grapevine species Muscadinia rotundifolia was recognized as early as 1889 to be resistant to both powdery and downy mildew. We have now mapped resistance to these two mildew pathogens in M. rotundifolia to a single locus on chromosome 12 that contains a family of seven TIR-NB-LRR genes. We further demonstrate that two highly homologous (86% amino acid identity) members of this gene family confer strong resistance to these unrelated pathogens following genetic transformation into susceptible Vitis vinifera winegrape cultivars. These two genes, designated resistance to Uncinula necator (MrRUN1) and resistance to Plasmopara viticola (MrRPV1) are the first resistance genes to be cloned from a grapevine species. Both MrRUN1 and MrRPV1 were found to confer resistance to multiple powdery and downy mildew isolates from France, North America and Australia; however, a single powdery mildew isolate collected from the south-eastern region of North America, to which M. rotundifolia is native, was capable of breaking MrRUN1-mediated resistance. Comparisons of gene organization and coding sequences between M. rotundifolia and the cultivated grapevine V. vinifera at the MrRUN1/MrRPV1 locus revealed a high level of synteny, suggesting that the TIR-NB-LRR genes at this locus share a common ancestor.
New Phytologist | 2013
Mélanie Rouxel; Pere Mestre; Gwénaelle Comont; Brian L. Lehman; Annemiek C. Schilder; François Delmotte
Assortative mating resulting from host plant specialization has been proposed to facilitate rapid ecological divergence in biotrophic plant pathogens. Downy mildews, a major group of biotrophic oomycetes, are prime candidates for testing speciation by host plant specialization. Here, we combined a phylogenetic and morphological approach with cross-pathogenicity tests to investigate host plant specialization and host range expansion in grapevine downy mildew. This destructive disease is caused by Plasmopara viticola, an oomycete endemic to North America on wild species and cultivated grapevines. Multiple genealogies and sporangia morphology provide evidence that P. viticola is a complex of four cryptic species, each associated with different host plants. Cross-inoculation experiments showed complete host plant specialization on Parthenocissus quinquefolia and on Vitis riparia, whereas cryptic species found on V. aestivalis, V. labrusca and V. vinifera were revealed to be less specific. We reconstructed the recent host range expansion of P. viticola from wild to cultivated grapevines, and showed that it was accompanied by an increase in aggressiveness of the pathogen. This case study on grapevine downy mildew illustrates how biotrophic plant pathogens can diversify by host plant specialization and emerge in agrosystems by shifting to cultivated hosts. These results might have important implications for viticulture, including breeding for resistance and disease management.
Planta | 2011
Gaëlle Le Henanff; Sibylle Farine; Flore Kieffer-Mazet; Anne-Sophie Miclot; Thierry Heitz; Pere Mestre; Christophe Bertsch; Julie Chong
Studying grapevine (Vitis vinifera) innate defense mechanisms is a prerequisite to the development of new protection strategies, based on the stimulation of plant signaling pathways to trigger pathogen resistance. Two transcriptional coactivators (VvNPR1.1 and VvNPR1.2) with similarity to Arabidopsis thaliana NPR1 (Non-Expressor of PR genes 1), a well-characterized and key signaling element of the salicylic acid (SA) pathway, were recently isolated in Vitis vinifera. In this study, functional characterization of VvNPR1.1 and VvNPR1.2, including complementation of the Arabidopsis npr1 mutant, revealed that VvNPR1.1 is a functional ortholog of AtNPR1, whereas VvNPR1.2 likely has a different function. Ectopic overexpression of VvNPR1.1 in the Arabidopsis npr1-2 mutant restored plant growth at a high SA concentration, Pathogenesis Related 1 (PR1) gene expression after treatment with SA or bacterial inoculation, and resistance to virulent Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola bacteria. Moreover, stable overexpression of VvNPR1.1-GFP in V. vinifera resulted in constitutive nuclear localization of the fusion protein and enhanced PR gene expression in uninfected plants. Furthermore, grapevine plants overexpressing VvNPR1.1-GFP exhibited an enhanced resistance to powdery mildew infection. This work highlights the importance of the conserved SA/NPR1 signaling pathway for resistance to biotrophic pathogens in V. vinifera.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution | 2014
François Delmotte; Pere Mestre; Christophe Schneider; Hanns-Heinz Kassemeyer; Pál Kozma; Sylvie Richart-Cervera; Mélanie Rouxel; Laurent Delière
Crop pathogens evolve rapidly to adapt to their hosts. The use of crops with quantitative disease resistance is expected to alter selection of pathogen life-history traits. This may result in differential adaptation of the pathogen to host cultivars and, sometimes, to the erosion of quantitative resistance. Here, we assessed the level of host adaptation in an oomycete plant pathogenic species. We analysed the phenotypic and genetic variability of 17 Plasmopara viticola isolates collected on Vitis vinifera and 35 isolates from partially resistant varieties (Regent and genotypes carrying the Rpv1 gene). Cross-inoculation experiments assessed two components of aggressiveness and a life-history trait of the pathogen: disease severity, sporangial production and sporangia size. The results contribute evidence to the emergence of P. viticola aggressive isolates presenting a high level of sporulation on the partially resistant Regent. By contrast, no adaptation to the Rpv1 gene was found in this study. The erosion of Regent resistance may have occurred in less than 5years and at least three times independently in three distant wine-producing areas. Populations from resistant varieties showed a significant increase in sporangia production capacity, indicating an absence of fitness costs for this adaptation. The increase in the number of sporangia was correlated with a reduction in sporangia size, a result which illustrates how partial plant disease resistance can impact selection of the pathogens life-history traits. This case study on grapevine downy mildew shows how new plant pathogen populations emerge in agro-ecosystems by adapting to partial host resistance. This adaptive pattern highlights the need for wise management of plant partial disease resistance to ensure its sustainability over time.
Journal of Microbiological Methods | 2011
Elisa Peressotti; Eric Duchêne; Didier Merdinoglu; Pere Mestre
The availability of fast, reliable and non-destructive methods for the analysis of pathogen development contributes to a better understanding of plant-pathogen interactions. This is particularly true for the genetic analysis of quantitative resistance to plant pathogens, where the availability of a method allowing a precise quantification of pathogen development allows the reliable detection of different genomic regions involved in the resistance. Grapevine downy mildew, caused by the biotrophic Oomycete Plasmopara viticola, is one of the most important diseases affecting viticulture. Here we report the development of a simple image analysis-based semi-automatic method for the quantification of grapevine downy mildew sporulation, requiring just a compact digital camera and the open source software ImageJ. We confirm the suitability of the method for the analysis of the interaction between grapevine and downy mildew by performing QTL analysis of resistance to downy mildew as well as analysis of the kinetics of downy mildew infection. The non-destructive nature of the method will enable comparison between the phenotypic and molecular data obtained from the very same sample, resulting in a more accurate description of the interaction, while its simplicity makes it easily adaptable to other plant-pathogen interactions, in particular those involving downy mildews.