Peter B. Reich
University of Minnesota
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Featured researches published by Peter B. Reich.
Nature | 2004
Ian J. Wright; Peter B. Reich; Mark Westoby; David D. Ackerly; Zdravko Baruch; Frans Bongers; Jeannine Cavender-Bares; Terry Chapin; Johannes H. C. Cornelissen; Matthias Diemer; Jaume Flexas; Eric Garnier; Philip K. Groom; J. Gulías; Kouki Hikosaka; Byron B. Lamont; Tali D. Lee; William G. Lee; Christopher H. Lusk; Jeremy J. Midgley; Marie-Laure Navas; Ülo Niinemets; Jacek Oleksyn; Noriyuki Osada; Hendrik Poorter; Pieter Poot; Lynda D. Prior; Vladimir I. Pyankov; Catherine Roumet; Sean C. Thomas
Bringing together leaf trait data spanning 2,548 species and 175 sites we describe, for the first time at global scale, a universal spectrum of leaf economics consisting of key chemical, structural and physiological properties. The spectrum runs from quick to slow return on investments of nutrients and dry mass in leaves, and operates largely independently of growth form, plant functional type or biome. Categories along the spectrum would, in general, describe leaf economic variation at the global scale better than plant functional types, because functional types overlap substantially in their leaf traits. Overall, modulation of leaf traits and trait relationships by climate is surprisingly modest, although some striking and significant patterns can be seen. Reliable quantification of the leaf economics spectrum and its interaction with climate will prove valuable for modelling nutrient fluxes and vegetation boundaries under changing land-use and climate.
Ecological Monographs | 1992
Peter B. Reich; M. B. Walters; D. S. Ellsworth
Variation in leaf life—span has long been considered of ecological significance.Despite this, quantitative evaluation of the relationships between leaf life—span and other plant and ecosystem characteristics has been rare. In this paper we ask whether leaf life—span is related to other leaf, plant, and stand traits of species from diverse ecosystems and biomes. We also examine the interaction between leaf, plant, and stand traits and their relation to productivity and ecological patterns. Among all species, both mass— (Amass) and area—based (Aarea) maximum net photosynthesis decreased with increasing leaf life—span, but the relationship was stronger on a mass (P .25, r2 = 0.01). Specific leaf area (SLA, leaf area/leaf dry mass) and leaf diffusive conductance also decreased with increasing leaf life—span. Decreasing Amass with increasing leaf life—span results from the impact of decreasing Nmass and SLA on Amass. Variation in leaf traits as a function of leaf life—span was similar for broad—leaved and needle—leaved subsets of the data. These leaf—scale data from several biomes were compared to a data set from a single biome, Amazonia. For several leaf traits (e.g., SLA, Nmass, and Amass) the quantitative relationship with leaf life—span was similar in the two independent data sets, suggesting that these are fundamental relations applicable to all species. Amass was a linear function of Nmass (P .001, r2 = 0.74) with a regression similar to previous analyses, while Aarea was not significantly related to Narea. These results suggest that the photosynthesis—leaf N relationship among species should be considered universal when expressed on a mass, but not on a leaf area, basis. Relative growth rates (RGR) and leaf area ratio (LAR, the whole—plant ratio of leaf area to total dry mass) of seedlings decreased with increasing leaf life—span (P < .001, r2 = 0.61 and 0.89, respectively). LAR was positively related to both RGR and Amass (r2 = 0.68 and 0.84, respectively), and Amass and RGR were also positively related (r2 = 0.55). Absolute height growth rates of young trees decreased with increasing leaf life—span (P < .001, r2 = 0.72) and increased with Amass (P < .001, r2 = 0.78). It appears that a suite of traits including short leaf life—span and high leaf Nmass, SLA, LAR, and Amass interactively contribute to high growth rates in open—grown individuals. These traits interact similarly at the stand level, but stands differ from individuals in one key trait. In closed—canopy forests, species with longer lived foliage (and low LAR as seedlings) have greater foliage mass per unit ground area (P < .001, r2 = 0.74) and a greater proportion of total mass in foliage. The aboveground production efficiency (ANPP/foliar biomass) of forest stands decreased markedly with increasing leaf life—span or total foliage mass (P < .001, r2 = 0.78 and 0.72, respectively), probably as a result of decreasing Amass, Nmass, and SLA, all of which were positively related with production efficiency and negatively related to total foliage mass. However, high foliage mass of species with extended leaf life—spans appears to compensate for low production per unit foliage, since aboveground net primary production (ANPP, in megagrams per hectare per year) of forest stands was not related to leaf life—span. Extended leaf life—span also appears to compensate for lower potential production per unit leaf N per unit time, with the result that stand—level N use efficiency is weakly positively related to leaf life—span. We hypothesize that co—variation among species in leaf life—span, SLA, leaf Nmass, Amass, and growth rate reflects a set of mutually supporting traits that interact to determine plant behavior and production, and provide a useful conceptual link between processes at short—term leaf scales and longer term whole plant and stand—level scales. Although this paper has focused on leaf life—span, this trait is so closely interrelated with several others that this cohort of leaf traits should be viewed as casually interrelated. Generality in the relationships between leaf life—span and other plant traits across diverse communities and ecosystems suggests that they are universal in nature and thus can provide a quantitative link and/or common currency for ecological comparisons among diverse systems.
Nature | 2006
David Tilman; Peter B. Reich; Johannes M. H. Knops
Human-driven ecosystem simplification has highlighted questions about how the number of species in an ecosystem influences its functioning. Although biodiversity is now known to affect ecosystem productivity, its effects on stability are debated. Here we present a long-term experimental field test of the diversity–stability hypothesis. During a decade of data collection in an experiment that directly controlled the number of perennial prairie species, growing-season climate varied considerably, causing year-to-year variation in abundances of plant species and in ecosystem productivity. We found that greater numbers of plant species led to greater temporal stability of ecosystem annual aboveground plant production. In particular, the decadal temporal stability of the ecosystem, whether measured with intervals of two, five or ten years, was significantly greater at higher plant diversity and tended to increase as plots matured. Ecosystem stability was also positively dependent on root mass, which is a measure of perenniating biomass. Temporal stability of the ecosystem increased with diversity, despite a lower temporal stability of individual species, because of both portfolio (statistical averaging) and overyielding effects. However, we found no evidence of a covariance effect. Our results indicate that the reliable, efficient and sustainable supply of some foods (for example, livestock fodder), biofuels and ecosystem services can be enhanced by the use of biodiversity.
Ecology | 1999
Peter B. Reich; David S. Ellsworth; Michael B. Walters; James M. Vose; Charles A. Gresham; John C. Volin; William D. Bowman
Convergence in interspecific leaf trait relationships across diverse taxonomic groups and biomes would have important evolutionary and ecological implications. Such convergence has been hypothesized to result from trade-offs that limit the combination of plant traits for any species. Here we address this issue by testing for biome differences in the slope and intercept of interspecific relationships among leaf traits: longevity, net pho- tosynthetic capacity (Amax), leaf diffusive conductance (Gs), specific leaf area (SLA), and nitrogen (N) status, for more than 100 species in six distinct biomes of the Americas. The six biomes were: alpine tundra-subalpine forest ecotone, cold temperate forest-prairie ecotone, montane cool temperate forest, desert shrubland, subtropical forest, and tropical rain forest. Despite large differences in climate and evolutionary history, in all biomes mass-based leaf N (Nmass), SLA, Gs, and Amax were positively related to one another and decreased with increasing leaf life span. The relationships between pairs of leaf traits exhibited similar slopes among biomes, suggesting a predictable set of scaling relationships among key leaf morphological, chemical, and metabolic traits that are replicated globally among terrestrial ecosystems regardless of biome or vegetation type. However, the intercept (i.e., the overall elevation of regression lines) of relationships between pairs of leaf traits usually differed among biomes. With increasing aridity across sites, species had greater Amax for a given level of Gs and lower SLA for any given leaf life span. Using principal components analysis, most variation among species was explained by an axis related to mass-based leaf traits (Amax, N, and SLA) while a second axis reflected climate, Gs, and other area-based leaf traits.
New Phytologist | 2012
Hendrik Poorter; Karl J. Niklas; Peter B. Reich; Jacek Oleksyn; Pieter Poot; Liesje Mommer
We quantified the biomass allocation patterns to leaves, stems and roots in vegetative plants, and how this is influenced by the growth environment, plant size, evolutionary history and competition. Dose-response curves of allocation were constructed by means of a meta-analysis from a wide array of experimental data. They show that the fraction of whole-plant mass represented by leaves (LMF) increases most strongly with nutrients and decreases most strongly with light. Correction for size-induced allocation patterns diminishes the LMF-response to light, but makes the effect of temperature on LMF more apparent. There is a clear phylogenetic effect on allocation, as eudicots invest relatively more than monocots in leaves, as do gymnosperms compared with woody angiosperms. Plants grown at high densities show a clear increase in the stem fraction. However, in most comparisons across species groups or environmental factors, the variation in LMF is smaller than the variation in one of the other components of the growth analysis equation: the leaf area : leaf mass ratio (SLA). In competitive situations, the stem mass fraction increases to a smaller extent than the specific stem length (stem length : stem mass). Thus, we conclude that plants generally are less able to adjust allocation than to alter organ morphology.
Australian Journal of Botany | 2013
Natalia Pérez-Harguindeguy; Sandra Díaz; Eric Garnier; Sandra Lavorel; Hendrik Poorter; Pedro Jaureguiberry; M.S. Bret-Harte; William K. Cornwell; Joseph M. Craine; Diego E. Gurvich; Carlos Urcelay; Erik J. Veneklaas; Peter B. Reich; Lourens Poorter; Ian J. Wright; P.M. Ray; Lucas Enrico; Juli G. Pausas; A.C. De Vos; N. Buchmann; Guillermo Funes; F.F. Quétier; J. G. Hodgson; Ken Thompson; H.D. Morgan; H. ter Steege; M.G.A. Van Der Heijden; Lawren Sack; Benjamin Blonder; Peter Poschlod
Plant functional traits are the features (morphological, physiological, phenological) that represent ecological strategies and determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels and influence ecosystem properties. Variation in plant functional traits, and trait syndromes, has proven useful for tackling many important ecological questions at a range of scales, giving rise to a demand for standardised ways to measure ecologically meaningful plant traits. This line of research has been among the most fruitful avenues for understanding ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes. It also has the potential both to build a predictive set of local, regional and global relationships between plants and environment and to quantify a wide range of natural and human-driven processes, including changes in biodiversity, the impacts of species invasions, alterations in biogeochemical processes and vegetation–atmosphere interactions. The importance of these topics dictates the urgent need for more and better data, and increases the value of standardised protocols for quantifying trait variation of different species, in particular for traits with power to predict plant- and ecosystem-level processes, and for traits that can be measured relatively easily. Updated and expanded from the widely used previous version, this handbook retains the focus on clearly presented, widely applicable, step-by-step recipes, with a minimum of text on theory, and not only includes updated methods for the traits previously covered, but also introduces many new protocols for further traits. This new handbook has a better balance between whole-plant traits, leaf traits, root and stem traits and regenerative traits, and puts particular emphasis on traits important for predicting species’ effects on key ecosystem properties. We hope this new handbook becomes a standard companion in local and global efforts to learn about the responses and impacts of different plant species with respect to environmental changes in the present, past and future.
Nature | 2002
Theodore A. Kennedy; Shahid Naeem; Katherine M. Howe; Johannes M. H. Knops; David Tilman; Peter B. Reich
Biological invasions are a pervasive and costly environmental problem that has been the focus of intense management and research activities over the past half century. Yet accurate predictions of community susceptibility to invasion remain elusive. The diversity resistance hypothesis, which argues that diverse communities are highly competitive and readily resist invasion, is supported by both theory and experimental studies conducted at small spatial scales. However, there is also convincing evidence that the relationship between the diversity of native and invading species is positive when measured at regional scales. Although this latter relationship may arise from extrinsic factors, such as resource heterogeneity, that covary with diversity of native and invading species at large scales, the mechanisms conferring greater invasion resistance to diverse communities at local scales remain unknown. Using neighbourhood analyses, a technique from plant competition studies, we show here that species diversity in small experimental grassland plots enhances invasion resistance by increasing crowding and species richness in localized plant neighbourhoods. Both the establishment (number of invaders) and success (proportion of invaders that are large) of invading plants are reduced. These results suggest that local biodiversity represents an important line of defence against the spread of invaders.
International Journal of Plant Sciences | 2003
Peter B. Reich; Ian J. Wright; Jeannine Cavender-Bares; J. M. Craine; Jacek Oleksyn; Mark Westoby; Michael B. Walters
Variation in plant functional traits results from evolutionary and environmental drivers that operate at a variety of different scales, which makes it a challenge to differentiate among them. In this article we describe patterns of functional trait variation and trait correlations within and among habitats in relation to several environmental and trade‐off axes. We then ask whether such patterns reflect natural selection and can be considered plant strategies. In so doing we highlight evidence that demonstrates that (1) patterns of trait variation across resource and environmental gradients (light, water, nutrients, and temperature) probably reflect adaptation, (2) plant trait variation typically involves multiple‐correlated traits that arise because of inevitable trade‐offs among traits and across levels of whole‐plant integration and that must be understood from a whole‐plant perspective, and (3) such adaptation may be globally generalizable for like conditions; i.e., the set of traits (collections of traits in syndromes) of taxa can be considered as “plant strategies.”
Nature | 2011
Forest Isbell; Vincent Calcagno; Andy Hector; John Connolly; W. Stanley Harpole; Peter B. Reich; Michael Scherer-Lorenzen; Bernhard Schmid; David Tilman; Jasper van Ruijven; Alexandra Weigelt; Brian J. Wilsey; Erika S. Zavaleta; Michel Loreau
Biodiversity is rapidly declining worldwide, and there is consensus that this can decrease ecosystem functioning and services. It remains unclear, though, whether few or many of the species in an ecosystem are needed to sustain the provisioning of ecosystem services. It has been hypothesized that most species would promote ecosystem services if many times, places, functions and environmental changes were considered; however, no previous study has considered all of these factors together. Here we show that 84% of the 147 grassland plant species studied in 17 biodiversity experiments promoted ecosystem functioning at least once. Different species promoted ecosystem functioning during different years, at different places, for different functions and under different environmental change scenarios. Furthermore, the species needed to provide one function during multiple years were not the same as those needed to provide multiple functions within one year. Our results indicate that even more species will be needed to maintain ecosystem functioning and services than previously suggested by studies that have either (1) considered only the number of species needed to promote one function under one set of environmental conditions, or (2) separately considered the importance of biodiversity for providing ecosystem functioning across multiple years, places, functions or environmental change scenarios. Therefore, although species may appear functionally redundant when one function is considered under one set of environmental conditions, many species are needed to maintain multiple functions at multiple times and places in a changing world.
Nature | 2006
Peter B. Reich; Sarah E. Hobbie; Tali D. Lee; David S. Ellsworth; Jason B. West; David Tilman; Johannes M. H. Knops; Shahid Naeem; Jared Trost
Enhanced plant biomass accumulation in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration could dampen the future rate of increase in CO2 levels and associated climate warming. However, it is unknown whether CO2-induced stimulation of plant growth and biomass accumulation will be sustained or whether limited nitrogen (N) availability constrains greater plant growth in a CO2-enriched world. Here we show, after a six-year field study of perennial grassland species grown under ambient and elevated levels of CO2 and N, that low availability of N progressively suppresses the positive response of plant biomass to elevated CO2. Initially, the stimulation of total plant biomass by elevated CO2 was no greater at enriched than at ambient N supply. After four to six years, however, elevated CO2 stimulated plant biomass much less under ambient than enriched N supply. This response was consistent with the temporally divergent effects of elevated CO2 on soil and plant N dynamics at differing levels of N supply. Our results indicate that variability in availability of soil N and deposition of atmospheric N are both likely to influence the response of plant biomass accumulation to elevated atmospheric CO2. Given that limitations to productivity resulting from the insufficient availability of N are widespread in both unmanaged and managed vegetation, soil N supply is probably an important constraint on global terrestrial responses to elevated CO2.