
Human Mutation | 2011

LOVD v.2.0: the next generation in gene variant databases

Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema; Peter E.M. Taschner; Gerard C. P. Schaafsma; Jacopo Celli; Jeroen F. J. Laros; Johan T. den Dunnen

Locus‐Specific DataBases (LSDBs) store information on gene sequence variation associated with human phenotypes and are frequently used as a reference by researchers and clinicians. We developed the Leiden Open‐source Variation Database (LOVD) as a platform‐independent Web‐based LSDB‐in‐a‐Box package. LOVD was designed to be easy to set up and maintain and follows the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) recommendations. Here we describe LOVD v.2.0, which adds enhanced flexibility and functionality and has the capacity to store sequence variants in multiple genes per patient. To reduce redundancy, patient and sequence variant data are stored in separate tables. Tables are linked to generate connections between sequence variant data for each gene and every patient. The dynamic structure allows database managers to add custom columns. The database structure supports fast queries and allows storage of sequence variants from high‐throughput sequence analysis, as demonstrated by the X‐chromosomal Mental Retardation LOVD installation. LOVD contains measures to ensure database security from unauthorized access. Currently, the LOVD Website ( lists 71 public LOVD installations hosting 3,294 gene variant databases with 199,000 variants in 84,000 patients. To promote LSDB standardization and thereby database interoperability, we offer free server space and help to establish an LSDB on our Leiden server.

Human Mutation | 2016

HGVS Recommendations for the Description of Sequence Variants: 2016 Update

Johan T. den Dunnen; Raymond Dalgleish; Donna Maglott; Reece K. Hart; Marc S. Greenblatt; Jean McGowan-Jordan; Anne-Françoise Roux; Timothy D. Smith; Peter E.M. Taschner

The consistent and unambiguous description of sequence variants is essential to report and exchange information on the analysis of a genome. In particular, DNA diagnostics critically depends on accurate and standardized description and sharing of the variants detected. The sequence variant nomenclature system proposed in 2000 by the Human Genome Variation Society has been widely adopted and has developed into an internationally accepted standard. The recommendations are currently commissioned through a Sequence Variant Description Working Group (SVD‐WG) operating under the auspices of three international organizations: the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS), the Human Variome Project (HVP), and the Human Genome Organization (HUGO). Requests for modifications and extensions go through the SVD‐WG following a standard procedure including a community consultation step. Version numbers are assigned to the nomenclature system to allow users to specify the version used in their variant descriptions. Here, we present the current recommendations, HGVS version 15.11, and briefly summarize the changes that were made since the 2000 publication. Most focus has been on removing inconsistencies and tightening definitions allowing automatic data processing. An extensive version of the recommendations is available online, at

American Journal of Human Genetics | 1997

Spectrum of Mutations in the Batten Disease Gene, CLN3

Patricia B. Munroe; Hannah M. Mitchison; Angela M. O'Rawe; John W. Anderson; Rose-Mary Boustany; Terry J. Lerner; Peter E.M. Taschner; Nanneke de Vos; Martijn H. Breuning; R. Mark Gardiner; Sara E. Mole

Batten disease (juvenile-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis [JNCL]) is an autosomal recessive condition characterized by accumulation of lipopigments (lipofuscin and ceroid) in neurons and other cell types. The Batten disease gene, CLN3, was recently isolated, and four disease-causing mutations were identified, including a 1.02-kb deletion that is present in the majority of patients (The International Batten Disease Consortium 1995). One hundred eighty-eight unrelated patients with JNCL were screened in this study to determine how many disease chromosomes carried the 1.02-kb deletion and how many carried other mutations in CLN3. One hundred thirty-nine patients (74%) were found to have the 1.02-kb deletion on both chromosomes, whereas 49 patients (41 heterozygous for the 1.02-kb deletion) had mutations other than the 1.02-kb deletion. SSCP analysis and direct sequencing were used to screen for new mutations in these individuals. Nineteen novel mutations were found: six missense mutations, five nonsense mutations, three small deletions, three small insertions, one intronic mutation, and one splice-site mutation. This report brings the total number of disease-associated mutations in CLN3 to 23. All patients homozygous for mutations predicted to give rise to truncated proteins were found to have classical JNCL. However, a proportion of the patients (n = 4) who were compound heterozygotes for a missense mutation and the 1.02-kb deletion were found to display an atypical phenotype that was dominated by visual failure rather than by severe neurodegeneration. All missense mutations were found to affect residues conserved between the human protein and homologues in diverse species.

BMC Medical Genetics | 2005

The SDH mutation database: an online resource for succinate dehydrogenase sequence variants involved in pheochromocytoma, paraganglioma and mitochondrial complex II deficiency.

Jean-Pierre Bayley; Peter Devilee; Peter E.M. Taschner

BackgroundThe SDHA, SDHB, SDHC and SDHD genes encode the subunits of succinate dehydrogenase (succinate: ubiquinone oxidoreductase), a component of both the Krebs cycle and the mitochondrial respiratory chain. SDHA, a flavoprotein and SDHB, an iron-sulfur protein together constitute the catalytic domain, while SDHC and SDHD encode membrane anchors that allow the complex to participate in the respiratory chain as complex II. Germline mutations of SDHD and SDHB are a major cause of the hereditary forms of the tumors paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma. The largest subunit, SDHA, is mutated in patients with Leigh syndrome and late-onset optic atrophy, but has not as yet been identified as a factor in hereditary cancer.DescriptionThe SDH mutation database is based on the recently described Leiden Open (source) Variation Database (LOVD) system. The variants currently described in the database were extracted from the published literature and in some cases annotated to conform to current mutation nomenclature. Researchers can also directly submit new sequence variants online. Since the identification of SDHD, SDHC, and SDHB as classic tumor suppressor genes in 2000 and 2001, studies from research groups around the world have identified a total of 120 variants. Here we introduce all reported paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma related sequence variations in these genes, in addition to all reported mutations of SDHA. The database is now accessible online.ConclusionThe SDH mutation database offers a valuable tool and resource for clinicians involved in the treatment of patients with paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma, clinical geneticists needing an overview of current knowledge, and geneticists and other researchers needing a solid foundation for further exploration of both these tumor syndromes and SDHA-related phenotypes.

Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 2001

Nearly all hereditary paragangliomas in The Netherlands are caused by two founder mutations in the SDHD gene

Peter E.M. Taschner; Jeroen C. Jansen; Bora E. Baysal; Anne Bosch; Efraim H. Rosenberg; Annette H. J. T. Bröcker-Vriends; Andel G. L. van der Mey; Gert-Jan B. van Ommen; Cees J. Cornelisse; Peter Devilee

Hereditary paragangliomas or glomus tumors are usually benign slow‐growing tumors in the head and neck region. The inheritance pattern of hereditary paraganglioma is autosomal dominant with imprinting. Recently, we have identified the SDHD gene encoding subunit D of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II as one of the genes involved in hereditary paragangliomas. Here, we demonstrate that two founder mutations, Asp92Tyr and Leu139Pro, are responsible for paragangliomas in 24 and 6 of the 32 independently ascertained Dutch paraganglioma families, respectively. These two mutations were also detected among 20 of 55 isolated patients. Ten of the isolated patients had multiple paragangliomas, and in eight of these SDHD germline mutations were found, indicating that multicentricity is a strong predictive factor for the hereditary nature of the disorder in isolated patients. In addition, we demonstrate that the maternally derived wild‐type SDHD allele is lost in tumors from mutation‐carrying patients, indicating that SDHD functions as a tumor suppressor gene.

Anesthesiology | 2005

Polymorphism of μ-Opioid Receptor Gene (OPRM1:c.118A>G ) Does Not Protect Against Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression despite Reduced Analgesic Response

Raymonda Romberg; Erik Olofsen; Hans Bijl; Peter E.M. Taschner; Luc J. Teppema; Elise Sarton; Jack W. van Kleef; Albert Dahan

Background:The effect of a single nucleotide polymorphism of the &mgr;-opioid receptor at nucleotide position 118 (OPRM1:c.118A>G) was investigated on morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G)–induced analgesia and respiratory depression in a group of healthy volunteers. Methods:Sixteen subjects of either sex received 0.4 mg/kg (n = 8) or 0.6 mg/kg M6G (n = 8). At regular time intervals, the isocapnic acute hypoxic ventilatory response, pain tolerance (derived from a transcutaneous electrical acute pain model), and arterial blood samples were obtained. Data acquisition continued for 14 h after drug infusion. Population pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic sigmoid Emax models were applied to the respiratory and pain data. All collected data were analyzed using the statistical program NONMEM (San Francisco, CA). Results:Four of the subjects were OPRM1:c.118GA heterozygotes, and the remainder of the subjects were OPRM1:c.118AA homozygotes. M6G analgesia: In contrast to analgesic responses in OPRM1:c.118AA homozygotes, responses were small and inconsistent in OPRM1:c.118GA heterozygotes and best described by the function Effect(t) = baseline (P < 0.01 vs. OPRM1:c.118AA homozygotes). Emax and C50 values in heterozygotes equaled 0.55 ± 0.18 (or a 55% increase in current above baseline) and 161 ± 42 ng/ml, respectively. M6G-induced respiratory depression: For the acute hypoxic response, neither Emax nor C50 (value = 282 ± 72 ng/ml) differed between genotypes. Conclusions:The data indicate that the OPRM1:c.118A>G polymorphism affects opioid analgesic and respiratory effects differentially. Despite reduced analgesic responses to M6G the OPRM1:c.118A>G single-nucleotide polymorphism does not protect against the toxic effects of the tested opioid. However, some caution in the interpretation of the data is needed because of the small sample size. Further studies are needed to explore the link between this polymorphism and respiratory/analgesic responses beyond the small human sample. In OPRM1:c.118AA homozygotes, the potency parameters differed by a factor of 2 for analgesic versus respiratory effect. In this respect, M6G differs favorably from morphine.

Anesthesiology | 2004

Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of morphine-6-glucuronide-induced analgesia in healthy volunteers: Absence of sex differences

Raymonda Romberg; Erik Olofsen; Elise Sarton; Jan den Hartigh; Peter E.M. Taschner; Albert Dahan

BackgroundMorphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) is a metabolite of morphine and a &mgr;-opioid agonist. To quantify the potency and speed of onset-offset of M6G and explore putative sex dependency, the authors studied the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of M6G in volunteers using a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study design. MethodsTen men and 10 women received 0.3 mg/kg intravenous M6G and placebo (two thirds of the dose as bolus, one third as a continuous infusion over 1 h) on separate occasions. For 7 h, pain tolerance was measured using gradually increasing transcutaneous electrical stimulation, and blood samples were obtained. A population pharmacokinetic (inhibitory sigmoid Emax)–pharmacodynamic analysis was used to analyze M6G-induced changes in tolerated stimulus intensity. The improvement in model fits by inclusion of covariate sex was tested for significance. P values less than 0.01 were considered significant. Taking into account previous morphine data, a predictive pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model was constructed to determine the contribution of M6G to morphine analgesia. ResultsM6G concentrations did not differ between men and women. M6G caused analgesia significantly greater than that observed with placebo (P < 0.01). The M6G analgesia data were well described by the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model. The M6G effect site concentration causing a 25% increase in current (C25) was 275 ± 135 nm (population estimate ± SE), the blood effect site equilibration half-life was 6.2 ± 3.3 h, and the steepness parameter was 0.71 ± 0.18. Intersubject variability was 167% for C25 and 218% for the effect half-life. None of the model parameters showed sex dependency. ConclusionsA cumulative dose of 0.3 mg/kg M6G, given over 1 h, produces long-term analgesia greater than that observed with placebo, with equal dynamics (potency and speed of onset–offset) in men and women. Possible causes for the great intersubject response variability, such as genetic polymorphism of the &mgr;-opioid receptor and placebo-related phenomena, are discussed. The predictive pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic model was applied successfully and was used to estimate M6G analgesia after morphine in patients with normal and impaired renal function.

Human Mutation | 2015

The Matchmaker Exchange: a platform for rare disease gene discovery.

Anthony A. Philippakis; Danielle R. Azzariti; Sergi Beltran; Anthony J. Brookes; Catherine A. Brownstein; Michael Brudno; Han G. Brunner; Orion J. Buske; Knox Carey; Cassie Doll; Sergiu Dumitriu; Stephanie O.M. Dyke; Johan T. den Dunnen; Helen V. Firth; Richard A. Gibbs; Marta Girdea; Michael Gonzalez; Melissa Haendel; Ada Hamosh; Ingrid A. Holm; Lijia Huang; Ben Hutton; Joel B. Krier; Andriy Misyura; Christopher J. Mungall; Justin Paschall; Benedict Paten; Peter N. Robinson; François Schiettecatte; Nara Sobreira

There are few better examples of the need for data sharing than in the rare disease community, where patients, physicians, and researchers must search for “the needle in a haystack” to uncover rare, novel causes of disease within the genome. Impeding the pace of discovery has been the existence of many small siloed datasets within individual research or clinical laboratory databases and/or disease‐specific organizations, hoping for serendipitous occasions when two distant investigators happen to learn they have a rare phenotype in common and can “match” these cases to build evidence for causality. However, serendipity has never proven to be a reliable or scalable approach in science. As such, the Matchmaker Exchange (MME) was launched to provide a robust and systematic approach to rare disease gene discovery through the creation of a federated network connecting databases of genotypes and rare phenotypes using a common application programming interface (API). The core building blocks of the MME have been defined and assembled. Three MME services have now been connected through the API and are available for community use. Additional databases that support internal matching are anticipated to join the MME network as it continues to grow.

Oncogene | 2004

Somatic loss of maternal chromosome 11 causes parent-of-origin-dependent inheritance in SDHD-linked paraganglioma and phaeochromocytoma families

Erik F. Hensen; Ekaterina S. Jordanova; Ivonne van Minderhout; Pancras C.W. Hogendoorn; Peter E.M. Taschner; Andel G. L. van der Mey; Peter Devilee; Cees J. Cornelisse

Germline mutations in succinate dehydrogenase subunits B, C and D (SDHB, SDHC and SDHD), genes encoding subunits of mitochondrial complex II, cause hereditary paragangliomas and phaeochromocytomas. In SDHB (1p36)- and SDHC (1q21)-linked families, disease inheritance is autosomal dominant. In SDHD (11q23)-linked families, the disease phenotype is expressed only upon paternal transmission of the mutation, consistent with maternal imprinting. However, SDHD shows biallelic expression in brain, kidney and lymphoid tissues (Baysal et al., 2000). Moreover, consistent loss of the wild-type (wt) maternal allele in SDHD-linked tumours suggests expression of the maternal SDHD allele in normal paraganglia. Here we demonstrate exclusive loss of the entire maternal chromosome 11 in SDHD-linked paragangliomas and phaeochromocytomas, suggesting that combined loss of the wt SDHD allele and maternal 11p region is essential for tumorigenesis. We hypothesize that this is driven by selective loss of one or more imprinted genes in the 11p15 region. In paternally, but not in maternally derived SDHD mutation carriers, this can be achieved by a single event, that is, non-disjunctional loss of the maternal chromosome 11. Thus, the exclusive paternal transmission of the disease can be explained by a somatic genetic mechanism targeting both the SDHD gene on 11q23 and a paternally imprinted gene on 11p15.5, rather than imprinting of SDHD.

BMC Medical Genetics | 2006

Mutation analysis of SDHB and SDHC: novel germline mutations in sporadic head and neck paraganglioma and familial paraganglioma and/or pheochromocytoma

Jean-Pierre Bayley; Ivonne van Minderhout; Marjan M. Weiss; Jeroen C. Jansen; Peter Hn Oomen; Fred H. Menko; Barbara Pasini; Barbara Ferrando; Nora Wong; Lesley Alpert; Rosie Williams; Edward Blair; Peter Devilee; Peter E.M. Taschner

BackgroundGermline mutations of the SDHD, SDHB and SDHC genes, encoding three of the four subunits of succinate dehydrogenase, are a major cause of hereditary paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma, and demonstrate that these genes are classic tumor suppressors. Succinate dehydrogenase is a heterotetrameric protein complex and a component of both the Krebs cycle and the mitochondrial respiratory chain (succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase or complex II).MethodsUsing conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis (CSGE) and direct DNA sequencing to analyse genomic DNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes, here we describe the mutation analysis of the SDHB and SDHC genes in 37 patients with sporadic (i.e. no known family history) head and neck paraganglioma and five pheochromocytoma and/or paraganglioma families.ResultsTwo sporadic patients were found to have a SDHB splice site mutation in intron 4, c.423+1G>A, which produces a mis-spliced transcript with a 54 nucleotide deletion, resulting in an 18 amino acid in-frame deletion. A third patient was found to carry the c.214C>T (p.Arg72Cys) missense mutation in exon 4 of SDHC, which is situated in a highly conserved protein motif that constitutes the quinone-binding site of the succinate: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) complex in E. coli. Together with our previous results, we found 27 germline mutations of SDH genes in 95 cases (28%) of sporadic head and neck paraganglioma. In addition all index patients of five families showing hereditary pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma were found to carry germline mutations of SDHB: four of which were novel, c.343C>T (p.Arg115X), c.141G>A (p.Trp47X), c.281G>A (p.Arg94Lys), and c.653G>C (p.Trp218Ser), and one reported previously, c.136C>T, p.Arg46X.ConclusionIn conclusion, these data indicate that germline mutations of SDHB and SDHC play a minor role in sporadic head and neck paraganglioma and further underline the importance of germline SDHB mutations in cases of familial pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma.

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