Peter I. Kuzmin
Russian Academy of Sciences
Featured researches published by Peter I. Kuzmin.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2001
Peter I. Kuzmin; Joshua Zimmerberg; Yuri A. Chizmadzhev; Fredric S. Cohen
The energetics of a fusion pathway is considered, starting from the contact site where two apposed membranes each locally protrude (as “nipples”) toward each other. The equilibrium distance between the tips of the two nipples is determined by a balance of physical forces: repulsion caused by hydration and attraction generated by fusion proteins. The energy to create the initial stalk, caused by bending of cis monolayer leaflets, is much less when the stalk forms between nipples rather than parallel flat membranes. The stalk cannot, however, expand by bending deformations alone, because this would necessitate the creation of a hydrophobic void of prohibitively high energy. But small movements of the lipids out of the plane of their monolayers allow transformation of the stalk into a modified stalk. This intermediate, not previously considered, is a low-energy structure that can reconfigure into a fusion pore via an additional intermediate, the prepore. The lipids of this latter structure are oriented as in a fusion pore, but the bilayer is locally compressed. All membrane rearrangements occur in a discrete local region without creation of an extended hemifusion diaphragm. Importantly, all steps of the proposed pathway are energetically feasible.
Biophysical Journal | 1998
Yuri A. Chizmadzhev; Andrey V. Indenbom; Peter I. Kuzmin; Sergey V. Galichenko; James C. Weaver; Russell O. Potts
The electrical properties of human skin in the range of the applied voltages between 0.2 and 60 V are modeled theoretically and measured experimentally. Two parallel electric current pathways are considered: one crossing lipid-corneocyte matrix and the other going through skin appendages. The appendageal ducts are modeled as long tubes with distributed electrical parameters. For both transport systems, equations taking into account the electroporation of lipid lamella in the case the lipid-corneocyte matrix or the walls of the appendageal ducts in the case of the skin appendages are derived. Numerical solutions of these nonlinear equations are compared with published data and the results of our own experiments. The current-time response of the skin during the application of rectangular pulses of different voltage amplitudes show a profound similarity with the same characteristics in model and plasma membrane electroporation. A comparison of the theory and the experiment shows that a significant (up to three orders of magnitude) drop of skin resistance due to electrotreatment can be explained by electroporation of different substructures of stratum corneum. At relatively low voltages (U < 30 V) this drop of skin resistance can be attributed to electroporation of the appendageal ducts. At higher voltages (U > 30 V), electroporation of the lipid-corneocyte matrix leads to an additional drop of skin resistance. These theoretical findings are in a good agreement with the experimental results and literature data.
Biophysical Journal | 2000
Yuri A. Chizmadzhev; Peter I. Kuzmin; Dimetry A. Kumenko; Joshua Zimmerberg; Fredric S. Cohen
The energetics underlying the expansion of fusion pores connecting biological or lipid bilayer membranes is elucidated. The energetics necessary to deform membranes as the pore enlarges, in some combination with the action of the fusion proteins, must determine pore growth. The dynamics of pore growth is considered for the case of two homogeneous fusing membranes under different tensions. It is rigorously shown that pore growth can be quantitatively described by treating the pore as a quasiparticle that moves in a medium with a viscosity determined by that of the membranes. Motion is subject to tension, bending, and viscous forces. Pore dynamics and lipid flow through the pore were calculated using Lagranges equations, with dissipation caused by intra- and intermonolayer friction. These calculations show that the energy barrier that restrains pore enlargement depends only on the sum of the tensions; a difference in tension between the fusing membranes is irrelevant. In contrast, lipid flux through the fusion pore depends on the tension difference but is independent of the sum. Thus pore growth is not affected by tension-driven lipid flux from one membrane to the other. The calculations of the present study explain how increases in tension through osmotic swelling of vesicles cause enlargement of pores between the vesicles and planar bilayer membranes. In a similar fashion, swelling of secretory granules after fusion in biological systems could promote pore enlargement during exocytosis. The calculations also show that pore expansion can be caused by pore lengthening; lengthening may be facilitated by fusion proteins.
Biophysical Journal | 1999
Yuri A. Chizmadzhev; Dimetry A. Kumenko; Peter I. Kuzmin; Leonid V. Chernomordik; Joshua Zimmerberg; Fredric S. Cohen
When two membranes fuse, their components mix; this is usually described as a purely diffusional process. However, if the membranes are under different tensions, the material will spread predominantly by convection. We use standard fluid mechanics to rigorously calculate the steady-state convective flux of lipids. A fusion pore is modeled as a toroid shape, connecting two planar membranes. Each of the membrane monolayers is considered separately as incompressible viscous media with the same shear viscosity, etas. The two monolayers interact by sliding past each other, described by an intermonolayer viscosity, etar. Combining a continuity equation with an equation that balances the work provided by the tension difference, Deltasigma, against the energy dissipated by flow in the viscous membrane, yields expressions for lipid velocity, upsilon, and area of lipid flux, Phi. These expressions for upsilon and Phi depend on Deltasigma, etas, etar, and geometrical aspects of a toroidal pore, but the general features of the theory hold for any fusion pore that has a roughly hourglass shape. These expressions are readily applicable to data from any experiments that monitor movement of lipid dye between fused membranes under different tensions. Lipid velocity increases nonlinearly from a small value for small pore radii, rp, to a saturating value at large rp. As a result of velocity saturation, the flux increases linearly with pore radius for large pores. The calculated lipid flux is in agreement with available experimental data for both large and transient fusion pores.
Scientific Reports | 2017
Sergey A. Akimov; Pavel E. Volynsky; Timur R. Galimzyanov; Peter I. Kuzmin; Konstantin V. Pavlov; Oleg V. Batishchev
Lipid membranes serve as effective barriers allowing cells to maintain internal composition differing from that of extracellular medium. Membrane permeation, both natural and artificial, can take place via appearance of transversal pores. The rearrangements of lipids leading to pore formation in the intact membrane are not yet understood in details. We applied continuum elasticity theory to obtain continuous trajectory of pore formation and closure, and analyzed molecular dynamics trajectories of pre-formed pore reseal. We hypothesized that a transversal pore is preceded by a hydrophobic defect: intermediate structure spanning through the membrane, the side walls of which are partially aligned by lipid tails. This prediction was confirmed by our molecular dynamics simulations. Conversion of the hydrophobic defect into the hydrophilic pore required surmounting some energy barrier. A metastable state was found for the hydrophilic pore at the radius of a few nanometers. The dependence of the energy on radius was approximately quadratic for hydrophobic defect and small hydrophilic pore, while for large radii it depended on the radius linearly. The pore energy related to its perimeter, line tension, thus depends of the pore radius. Calculated values of the line tension for large pores were in quantitative agreement with available experimental data.
Scientific Reports | 2017
Sergey A. Akimov; Pavel E. Volynsky; Timur R. Galimzyanov; Peter I. Kuzmin; Konstantin V. Pavlov; Oleg V. Batishchev
Lipid membranes are extremely stable envelopes allowing cells to survive in various environments and to maintain desired internal composition. Membrane permeation through formation of transversal pores requires substantial external stress. Practically, pores are usually formed by application of lateral tension or transmembrane voltage. Using the same approach as was used for obtaining continuous trajectory of pore formation in the stress-less membrane in the previous article, we now consider the process of pore formation under the external stress. The waiting time to pore formation proved a non-monotonous function of the lateral tension, dropping from infinity at zero tension to a minimum at the tension of several millinewtons per meter. Transmembrane voltage, on the contrary, caused the waiting time to decrease monotonously. Analysis of pore formation trajectories for several lipid species with different spontaneous curvatures and elastic moduli under various external conditions provided instrumental insights into the mechanisms underlying some experimentally observed phenomena.
Biophysical Journal | 2017
Timur R. Galimzyanov; Peter I. Kuzmin; Peter Pohl; Sergey A. Akimov
Phase separation in biological membranes plays an important role in protein targeting and transmembrane signaling. Its occurrence in both membrane leaflets commonly gives rise to matching liquid or liquid-ordered domains in the opposing monolayers. The underlying mechanism of such co-localization is not fully understood. The decrease of the line tension around the thicker ordered domain constitutes an important driving force. Yet, robust domain coupling requires an additional energy source, which we have now identified as thermal undulations. Our theoretical analysis of elastic deformations in a lipid bilayer shows that stiffer lipid domains tend to distribute into areas with lower fluctuations of monolayer curvature. These areas naturally align in the opposing monolayers. Thus, coupling requires both membrane leafs to display a heterogeneity in splay rigidities. The heterogeneity may either originate from intrinsic lipid properties or be acquired by adsorption of peripheral molecules. Undulations and line tension act synergistically: the gain in energy due a minimized line tension is proportional to domain radius and thus primarily fuels the registration of smaller domains; whereas the energetic contribution of undulations increases with membrane area and thus primarily acts to coalesce larger domains.
Biophysical Journal | 2005
Peter I. Kuzmin; Sergey A. Akimov; Yuri A. Chizmadzhev; Joshua Zimmerberg; Fredric S. Cohen
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry | 2004
Sergey A. Akimov; Peter I. Kuzmin; Joshua Zimmerberg; Fredric S. Cohen; Yuri A. Chizmadzhev
Physical Review E | 2007
Sergey A. Akimov; Peter I. Kuzmin; Joshua Zimmerberg; Fredric S. Cohen